Rectal pain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The pain in the rectum is quite diverse, in some cases it is blurred and indistinctly expressed. Discomfort in the anal canal is often accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, abdominal distention, foreign body sensation in the anus, bloody, purulent or mucous discharge, itching in the perineum, general weakness, symptoms of intoxication, anemia, false urges to defecation.
During inflammation and malignant tumors, metabolic processes and genital organs are disturbed. To differentiate the symptoms, clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and feces, X-rays, anoscopy, rectoromanoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, and palpation of the back of the intestinal canal are performed.
Causes of rectal pain
- Crack in the anus - one of the most common causes of pain in the rectum. In this pathology, there are intense pains, cramps, and the presence of bloody discharge in the feces. In some cases, constipation appears, rarely - diarrhea. To establish the diagnosis, an anal canal is examined. Damage may be localized on the posterior or anterior wall of the anal canal. As therapy in the acute phase of the disease, therapeutic baths are prescribed three times a day. In case of chronic cracks, an operation can be performed.
- Paraproctitis. This disease is characterized by the inflammatory process of the anal glands in the rectal sinuses. The main symptom is a painful pulsation in the back of the intestinal canal, often accompanied by fever. In the perineum or rectal canal to the touch felt dense or fluctuating education. Treatment is carried out by surgery.
- Damage to hemorrhoids. Painful sensations occur when an internal hemorrhoidal site falls out and is pinched or a thrombosis of the external hemorrhoid is formed. In the latter case, the pain syndrome is much stronger. In the area of the anal canal, painful induration is felt, diarrhea or constipation occurs. When the internal node falls out, its reversal is shown using local anesthesia. The doctor manually sets the node, and then assigns additional therapeutic procedures.
- Proctalgia This type of pain can occur from time to time without organic damage to the back of the intestinal canal. The alleged cause of this disorder is spasm of the anal muscles. The pathogenesis of the disease is practically not studied, which significantly complicates its treatment. The clinical picture of the disease includes such symptoms as severe pains of a whining character or sudden pain in the rectum, accompanied by contractions. If the patient is standing, the pain is usually less pronounced. Preceding such a pathology is trauma or surgery on the pelvic organs. Treatment of the disease in each case individually and requires the consultation of specialists such as a psychotherapist, therapist, surgeon.
- Coccygodynia. Contribute to the development of this disease can cause injury to the coccyx. The pain at the same time is felt, as a rule, when the patient sits, or in the course of emptying of intestines. Treatment for such conditions is carried out by conservative methods for six months.
- Perianal hematoma. In this disease, a neoplasm appears in the anus, arising from damage to the anal vein and accompanied by painful sensations of varying intensity. As a rule, the disease passes on its own within a few days.
- Ulcerative formation in the anal canal. In addition to pain, this pathology is characterized by a sensation of volumetric formation in the back of the intestinal canal, problems with bowel emptying, and blood and mucous secretions from the rectum. The disease affects predominantly young people. For treatment, mainly prescribed nutrition correction.
- Prostatitis in men. In this disease, the pain can be given to the rectum, accompanied by painful sensations when urinating, frequent urge to empty the bladder, and fever. The treatment is prescribed by a urologist in accordance with the overall picture of the disease.
- Ovarian cyst, inflammation of the pelvic organs in women. In females, diseases such as ovarian cyst or inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis can cause irradiation of pain in the rectum. Elimination of discomfort and pain is carried out after a preliminary examination by the attending gynecologist.
Symptoms of rectal pain
Pain in the rectum and its associated symptoms are quite diverse and may indicate a variety of diseases. With pain in the rectum, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, sensation of a foreign body and discharge from the anus of a bloody or mucous consistency, etc.
The nature of the pain is quite diverse - from aching and pressing to sharp and intense. If the pain in the rectum is accompanied by depletion of the body, metabolic disorders, the functioning of the genital organs, this can be a symptom of the development of the tumor. If the pain in the rectum is combined with painful cramping in the abdomen, this may indicate Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. If the pain in the abdomen is permanent, we can talk about the development of diverticulosis or diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis. Often, pain in the rectum is combined with pain in the anus or perineum. Such pains can significantly increase after a bowel movement and be a sign of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, acute paraproctitis or fissures in the anal canal. A symptom such as discharge of mucus or purulent masses from the anus during a bowel movement can occur with proctitis, fistulas of the back of the intestinal canal, and tumor formations. Mucus in feces is present in irritable bowel syndrome. The bleeding in the feces is marked with hemorrhoids and rectal fissure, Crohn's disease, colitis, and diverticulosis. Symptoms such as regular false urge to empty the bowels, accompanied by the release of mucous or bloody impurities, can lead to the formation of cracks or erosion and are the result of inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane.
When does pain give to the rectum?
In cases where the pain gives into the rectum, it can be a sign of a variety of pathologies. For example, in cystitis, the pain caused by inflammation of the bladder, often gives into the anal canal, while its exact localization is not always clearly defined. Such a disease as inflammation of the sigmoid colon can also provoke cases when the pain gives to the rectum. The sigmoid colon is actively involved in the process of digesting food, with its inflammation there are intense cramping pains in the ileal region, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, rumbling, nausea, and pain may radiate to the rectum. It can also give pain to the rectum when the appendix is inflamed, which is why a rectal examination is performed when appendicitis is suspected. In women, pain gives to the rectum during an ovarian cyst or pelvic inflammatory disease. In men, an irradiation of pain in the anal canal can occur with prostatitis.
Pain at night in the rectum
Pain at night in the rectum often occurs with proctalgia - a disorder that manifests itself against the background of unfavorable emotional states and caused by spasms in the rectum, the disease most often affects middle-aged men. When proctalgia pain can occur at night and last from several minutes to half an hour, disturbing the patient's sleep and rest, repeated attacks can occur repeatedly during the night, provoking pain syndrome of varying degrees of intensity. As a treatment, psychocorrection of the patient’s condition is carried out, it is also possible to administer the drug salbutamol strictly according to indications and the doctor’s recommendation. Pain at night in the rectum can occur when the anal canal is lowered and is quite intense. Concomitant symptoms are bloating, chills, diarrhea or constipation, increased sweating after an attack.
Sharp rectal pain
A sharp pain in the rectum often occurs when a crack is formed in it. Such painful sensations can appear both in the morning and at night, in the acute stage increases with bowel movements, with the development of the chronic form increases after defecation. The pain in case of fissure of the anal canal causes very sharp and prolonged pain, may be accompanied by pain in the sacrum and perineum, failure of the monthly cycle, heart pain, difficulties in emptying the bladder. The prognosis of the outcome of the disease is usually favorable, the symptoms of the disease disappear, but full recovery does not happen often. Attacks of severe pain in the rectum can also occur with proctalgia. Usually, pain syndrome occurs spontaneously and is accompanied by a feeling of spasm. The pain in proctalgia is not related to the process of defecation, it gives to the tailbone, the anus, the perineum, etc. It is believed that a strong emotional load and stress can provoke an attack of exacerbation of the disease. Sometimes sharp painful sensations occur with hemorrhoids, when the disease worsens. During this period, there is an increase in hemorrhoids, their swelling and redness. Sharp pain in the rectum is also characteristic of such diseases as proctitis, paraproctitis, with the loss of the anal canal leads to shock. A sharp pain in the rectum occurs with so many of its pathologies, depending on the severity of the disease. So, a sharp pain in the rectum can be disturbed by an anal fissure, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, the development of an abscess, the descent or prolapse of the anal canal, etc.
If you have a sharp pain in the rectum, this is a good reason to consult a doctor. Only a qualified proctologist with the help of a digital examination and auxiliary diagnostic methods will be able to determine the causes of the disease and prescribe the necessary therapeutic procedures.
Throbbing pain in rectum
Throbbing pain in the rectum is characteristic of paraproctitis, which may be acute or chronic. In the acute phase of the disease, inflammation occurs near the rectal fiber, accompanied by the formation of pus. The patient's body temperature rises, there is swelling and redness in the anus. Constipation, diarrhea, physical exertion, unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, hypothermia can provoke infection penetration into the fiber. In the locations of the anal crypts, a small hole is formed through which the infection penetrates, and, as a result, the inflammatory process develops. Throbbing pain is also noted with okolorectal abscess. In this disease, it is difficult for the patient to sit in a sitting position due to the formation of a hard distention. The inflammatory process leading to the development of an abscess, usually due to damage to the mucous membrane of the anal canal, which is subsequently infected. For the treatment of paraorectal abscess, it is opened and drained using anesthetic and antibacterial agents.
Dull pain in the rectum
Dull pain in the rectum is caused by the development of an abscess - edematous formation of red color near the anus. Pain increases when the patient is sitting, sneezing or coughing. Dull pain in the rectum may be accompanied by the release of purulent masses, constipation or diarrhea. A rectal tumor can also cause dull soreness to the lumbar region. At the same time, blood and mucus are secreted from the anus, there is a feeling of bloating, overcrowding and squeezing in the anus, stool retention or diarrhea is noted.
Severe rectal pain
Severe pain in the rectum can appear in any of its pathologies, in particular, such as an anal fissure, paraproctitis, node thrombosis, proctitis, prolapse or omission of the anal canal. In such a pathological process as an anal fissure, intense painful sensations are combined with spasms of the sphincter of the anus, bloody secretions in the feces, constipation, perianal eczema, itching. Severe and excruciating pain occurs when the anal canal falls out. The reasons for the development of such pathology include frequent straining, delayed stool, trauma to the anal muscles, as well as their changes associated with age-related factors, surgical intervention in the pelvic area. With the development of the disease occurs spontaneous discharge of gases, liquid fecal masses, mucous and bloody discharge, itching in the anal region. The development of proctitis, affecting the intestinal mucosa and causing severe pain, may be associated with alcohol abuse, constipation, blood stagnation in the pelvis, helminthic invasion, hypothermia, diseases of the pelvic organs of an inflammatory nature, hemorrhoids.
Arching pain in rectum
An arching pain in the rectum occurs during thrombosis of hemorrhoids, while in the anus there is a sensation of a foreign body. Painful sensations are accompanied by a pulsation, increase with sudden movements, in the process of coughing, emptying the bowels, and also during palpation of the nodes. Stomach pain in the rectum can occur with the development of malignant tumors. Blood appears in the feces, the process of feces also becomes painful, and an alien body is felt in the anal canal. Accompanying symptoms for malignant neoplasms also include the development of anemia, a sharp loss of body weight, bloating and constipation. The pain gives to the thighs, lower abdomen, genitals. The disease often develops in the elderly. The painful feeling of the arching and aching nature in the rectum in women can be a symptom of an ovarian cyst. The discomfort is combined with a violation of the monthly cycle, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which become stronger during intercourse, uterine bleeding, nausea and vomiting.
Pulling pain in rectum
Pulling pains in the rectum are most characteristic of inflammation of the peri-rectal tissue. With this pathology, there are false urges to defecate, general malaise, pain in the perineum and pelvic region. Depending on the number of associated symptoms, painful sensations can be of varying degrees of intensity, from moderate to strong. In women, pulling and arching pains in the rectum can occur during the formation of an ovarian cyst, various pelvic inflammatory diseases. In men, nagging pain in the rectum can occur with prostatitis. A disorder such as proctalgia, associated with muscle spasm of the anus, can also provoke a nagging pain in the rectum. The etiology of this disease remains unexplained. The attack of pain lasts from several minutes to half an hour, while the pain radiates to the tailbone, perineum, and hip area. Painkillers for this disease are usually ineffective. Nerve overvoltages, stresses, and physical overloads can provoke the development of proctalgia.
Pain in cancer of the rectum
Pain in cancer of the rectum is accompanied by blood and purulent discharge in the feces, pain in the anus during emptying of the intestine, itching, false urge to defecate, can cause a variety of intensity and nature of sensation. With the progression of the disease pain syndrome covers the lower abdomen, iliac area. The intensity of pain in cancer of the rectum does not depend on the stage of the disease and can be very strong in the presence of a small neoplasm or, conversely, moderate with marked disorders. Pain in colorectal cancer usually occurs when a tumor grows locally, especially when it moves to nearby tissues and organs. However, if the tumor is localized in the anorectal region, painful sensations arise already at an early stage of the disease. Pain in rectal cancer is combined with a state of impotence, rapid fatigue, anemia, loss of body weight, pale skin color.
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Treatment of rectal pain
To eliminate such a symptom as pain in the rectum, treatment is prescribed, primarily based on the causes and type of the disease. Thus, in the treatment of the internal form of hemorrhoids, the method of ligation with latex rings is used, by means of which blood flow to the hemorrhoids is blocked, as a result of which they dry out and are neutralized. In the treatment of external forms of hemorrhoids use the drug "Surgitron". The walls of the hemorrhoid are affected by the flow of thermal energy, which leads to sclerosis of the node.
For rectal fissure, ointments and suppositories are used at the initial stage of the disease. Anuzol suppositories are administered rectally one by one two or three times a day. The drug relieves itching, spasm and inflammation, has a drying and antiseptic effect. When cracks and hemorrhoids are used suppository hemorrhoids, preferably after emptying the intestines. The drug is recommended to be administered one suppository at night, for severe forms of the disease - two or three suppositories during the day. The course of treatment is not more than seven days. The rootless ointment for anal fissures and internal hemorrhoidal nodes is introduced into the anus with a special tip twice a day, and also after each bowel movement. The duration of treatment is two weeks. Anesthesol suppositories are administered rectally after cleansing the intestines in a natural way or with an enema. The drug is used once or twice a day for one candle.
In the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane, a therapeutic diet, antibacterial therapy, enemas with collar and chamomile are indicated. With the improvement of the condition they make oil enemas, prescribe sedentary baths with potassium permanganate.
In the treatment of proctalgia, the patient’s psycho-emotional state is corrected, sedation is prescribed, during the exacerbation novocaine blockades are prescribed, oil microclysters are made with anesthetics, UHF therapy is performed, diathermy, and when spasm of the anal canal is prescribed massage procedures.
In case of paraproctitis, surgical intervention is performed, during which an abscess is opened and the internal opening of the fistula is neutralized.
In the treatment of ulcers of the anal canal prescribe a therapeutic diet, laxatives. In case of failure of conservative treatment, surgery is prescribed.
Treatment of coccygodynia is carried out using physiotherapy methods, paraffin baths are prescribed, the use of therapeutic mud, etc. With a pronounced pain syndrome, novocainic or lidocaine blockades are shown, massage of the rectal muscles.