Pain in the lumbar spine
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the lumbar spine at least once in a lifetime there is almost every person. It is this department that receives the maximum load and changes in it are quite common. According to statistics, more than half of the population periodically experience pain in the back and about eighty percent of them fall on the lumbar spine.
Pain in the lumbar spine can suddenly sweep with its intensity, which can dramatically lead to temporary immobility.
Such a situation is not only physical discomfort, but also a whole system of diseases, which can result from the absolute lack of motor performance of a person.
Why there is pain in the lower back? How to prevent it? How to diagnose? How to treat? We will try to answer all these questions, as broadly as possible revealing the essence of this problem.
But, nevertheless, it should be understood that this information is provided only for informational purposes. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are extremely dangerous things.
Pain in the lumbar spine may appear at almost any age, but most often occurs in the period after thirty to sixty years. The nature of the algebra can range from mild to severe and intense with irradiation to the buttocks and lower limbs. For the prevention of these painful sensations it is recommended to exercise regularly, exercise a healthy lifestyle, evenly distribute the load, avoid overcooling and stress.
Causes of pain in the lumbar spine
So, the main task that is necessary in order to eliminate pain in the lumbar spine is the identification of the cause of its occurrence.
Muscular-fascial pain in the lumbar spine is myalgia in diseases of the spine.
The main factors that cause pain include excessive strain on the spine, especially, this applies to loaders and other occupations, where physical activity is constant.
Consider the diseases on the basis of which there is pain in the lumbar spine:
- osteochondrosis, scoliosis, the appearance of hernias in intervertebral discs;
- short-leg syndrome;
- reduction in the size of the pelvis;
- The second bone of the metatarsus is longer in length;
- short shoulders;
- kyphosis;
- the result of a long uncomfortable situation;
- blocking one of the joints;
- prolonged squeezing of the muscle;
- gynecological pathology;
- diseases of the digestive tract (ulcer of the stomach and duodenum).
Why does pain occur in the lumbar spine?
Pain in the lumbar spine may be caused by a variety of causes, among which are the following:
Lumbar radiculitis
One of the causes that cause pain in the lumbar spine is lumbar radiculitis (lumbago, lumbago). Most often, this disease affects people of middle and old age, is characterized by an acute onset and is associated, as a rule, with excessive physical or emotional stress. The cause of the development of this pathology is an inflammatory process that affects the spine cord roots. The pain is localized in the lumbar spine and is piercing, accompanied by lumbago and pulsation. The patient takes a forced posture with a torso bending forward and is unable to straighten his back. This is due to the fact that in the muscles of the lumbar spasm occurs, which can be held for several minutes to several days. In a state of rest and in a horizontal position, the pain syndrome, as a rule, decreases. When trying to tense or turn, and also when coughing or sneezing, the pain becomes stronger. If untimely treatment, the disease can take a chronic form with repeated episodes of exacerbation. Pain with radiculitis is concentrated in the lumbar region, but can radiate to the legs, fingers and buttocks, making it difficult and limiting the motor activity of the patient. Complication in this condition can be a curvature of the spine, limiting its mobility.
Such a violation as a sprain of the lumbar spine often becomes one of the causes of pain in the lumbar spine. Neurological disorders are usually absent, spasm of deep dorsal muscles and stiffness of mobility in the lumbar region are noted. Tension of the ligaments arises from the violation of the integrity of the fibers as a result of their intense eccentric contraction and tension. Typically, this condition occurs as a result of injury or careless sudden movement during exercise or sports.
Pain in the lower back with such a disease can be combined with a sensation of tension in the popliteal tendon, numbness and weakness in the lower extremities as a result of pressure on the nerve. Spondylolisthesis arises from the displacement of the vertebrae forward (anterolisthesis) or back (retrolistesis) relative to the remaining vertebrae. In severe disease and the development of complications, there may be irregularities in the functioning of the intestine or bladder, as well as deformation of the spine. The mobility of the lower part of the spine with spondylolisthesis is usually limited, after physical activity the pain syndrome increases.
Pain in the lumbar spine in such a pathology is associated with non-articulation of the vertebral artery in the region between the joints or in the region of the arch leg, resulting from insufficient development of the posterior spine. The main signs of this disease are periodic pain sensations of a moderate nature in the lumbar spine, appearing with a long stay in an uncomfortable position, with prolonged walking or careless movement.
Stenosis of lumbar spine
Such a disease, as a rule, develops gradually over a rather long period. The mechanism of the development of stenosis consists in stimulation and compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord as a result of narrowing of the spinal canal. In addition to pain, the patient may experience seizures, numbness in the buttocks and lower extremities. With a change in the posture and a reduction in compression on the nerve roots, the pain in the lumbar spine usually subsides. One of the most common causes of development of spinal stenosis are disorders in the spine, associated with age factors and degeneration of the joints and intervertebral discs. Provoke the development of stenosis can and such pathology as spondylolisthesis, as well as spine trauma, connective tissue fibrosis, hereditary factors.
Lumbar osteochondrosis
Factors affecting the development of the disease are metabolic disorders, spinal trauma, excess weight, excessive physical activity, sedentary lifestyle. When osteochondrosis, the nerve roots are jammed as a result of the bulging of the intervertebral disc and narrowing of the intervertebral space, which causes pain syndrome. Depending on the type and concentration of pain, they are divided into sciatica and lumbago. Symptoms of the disease differentiate depending on which roots are under pressure. When the roots L 1 and L 2 are squeezed, sensitivity in the groin and inner side of the thighs is impaired. Pain can give in both lower limbs, if osteochondrosis provoked the formation of a hernia. With lesions of L 5 roots, the patient experiences pain in the lumbar spine of the shooting character, while the sensitivity of the big toe decreases, and its mobility is limited. The damage in the segment S1 is accompanied by a shooting pain, a decrease in the sensitivity of the legs and the external side of the thigh, there are pains in the toes. Often when this root is affected, the tendon and plantar reactions decrease. When the lower additional radicular-medullary artery, supplying the blood cone and epiconus of the spinal cord, can occur, immobility of the legs and buttocks may occur. If, simultaneously with the lesion of this artery, the roots of L 5, S are damaged, this is fraught with the development of sciatica with damage to the functions of motion.
During pregnancy, there are changes in the sacro-femoral joints associated with the preparation of the future mother for the birth process and ensuring the normal passage of the fetus during childbirth. In this case, the growing abdomen has an effect on the spine, the muscles of the waist strain and painful sensations arise. In late pregnancy, pain in the lumbar spine is often associated with an increased strain on the spinal cord and a weakened abdominal muscles. The pain can radiate into the leg, increase after a load, a long stay in one position or after a long walk.
Pain in the lumbar spine may occur in women before and during menstruation. Such painful sensations are most often combined with pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by irritability, headache, nausea, general deterioration of well-being.
Why does acute pain appear in the lumbar spine?
Acute pain is the most dangerous pain, as it is the result of injuries. What are the back injuries and their symptoms?
- damage to the muscles of the back, stretching,
- bruise of the back musculature,
- acute stretching in addition to pain, restricts movement. Pain in this course of events gives into the inguinal zone,
- the most dangerous is vertebral fractures. Here, pain can lead to loss of consciousness.
In addition to injuries, acute pain can awaken and other causes:
- lumbago, causes pain in that the intervertebral discs fall out. Of course, this disease has a sharp intensity,
- Radiculitis forms pain in the lumbar spine, in the sacrum. Pain can be of two types: blunt and acute. It covers the thigh, buttock, shin. At the moment of walking, coughing, the pain becomes stronger. It is not excluded the sensation of itching, burning, "running goosebumps,
- pain in the lumbar spine, resulting from an epidural abscess, is acute,
- any kind of pathology regarding the hip joint is accompanied by acute pain in the lower back, which gives even to the knee joint.
Chronic pain is possible with such problems:
- with degenerative changes in the lumbar vertebrae, which are called deforming spondylosis, pain has neurologic symptoms during walking, namely: sensitivity disorders; weakness affecting both lower limbs. Immediately there is lameness;
- chronic pain in the lumbar spine, which passes into the hip, is characteristic of patients with ankylosing spondylarthrosis. The initial stages of development are limited mobility and morning stiffness. And as the level of movement of the chest in the process of breathing decreases, which leads to the curvature and bending of the thoracic spine;
- cancerous neoplasms, the presence of metastases;
- osteomyelitis;
- Intradural tumors produce neurological symptoms.
How does pain develop in the lumbar spine?
In order to carefully characterize the pain in the lumbar spine, you need to carefully consider all sorts of symptoms relative to each disease separately.
- Osteochondrosis. With osteochondrosis, pain in the lumbar spine is, far, not the only symptom. The condition of the spinal cord and spinal column as a whole, first of all, depends on the finest nerve fibers with all the accompanying "details" that affect the activity of the kidneys, heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and general health. Here, too, the depressive state is explained by the fact that the nervous processes involved in the work of the brain are affected.
- Scoliosis. Most often, it is for this reason that pain occurs in the lumbar spine. It can be determined not with an armed eye, as its main feature is the curvature of the spine, which most often occurs in childhood.
Severe forms of the disease can lead to serious consequences, including disability.
Symptoms of a mild form of scoliosis include visible factors such as stoop; not a symmetrical arrangement of the shoulders, that is, one above the other; discomfort in the back, with a long standing position, as well as in the process of a long walk.
Naturally, the degree of symptom severity increases if scoliosis has a more severe form of flow. In this case, the pain in the lumbar spine is either permanent, or occurs every time when walking or standing (and walking or standing position does not take a long time). External indicators include more complex changes: uneven placement of blades; changes in the design of the chest. Other symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain.
- Herniated discs can cause incredibly unbearable pain in the lumbar spine, even at the earliest stage of their development. The remaining symptoms are characterized by the size, duration of the disease and the location of the hernia. Usually the symptoms are as follows:
- pain throughout the back. It can be blunt in degree if, if the stage of development is initial, and the size of the hernia is small. If the pain signs become more intense and persistent, especially when exercising physically and even when coughing, this indicates that the disease becomes more complex,
- when the hernia "breaks through", of course, the pain becomes even stronger and gives already to the legs, hips. A person can experience a strong "shooting", as with radiculitis. By the way, the neglected form of a hernia can cause radiculitis. And here the patient even feels the numbness of the skin areas of the legs;
- impaired motor function in the lumbar zone. Completely straighten the back becomes impossible, as the pain in the lumbar spine strains the back muscles musculature. The consequences are kyphosis or scoliosis;
- a feeling of tingling, weakness, numbness in one or both of the legs. Such symptoms signal that the hernia "got" to the roots of the spinal cord;
- problems with stool, urination, with potency.
- The short leg syndrome is a consequence of the myosfascial syndrome, which can also cause scoliosis. If the length of one leg differs from the length of the other by 5 to 6 mm, then this is not the reason to attribute such a diagnosis if you think only theoretically. But the practice suggests that even 3 to 4 mm of the difference causes the skew distortion and distortion of the pelvis, forms the development of scoliosis, provokes active blockages of the motor segments of the spine. Under this blockade, we mean the blocking of the motor system of the spine segment during disruption of the location of intraarticular components.
With age, the difference associated with the length of the legs increases, which leads to a deterioration in the biomechanics of the spine. Naturally, this process increases pain in the lumbar spine.
- Pain in the lumbar spine may result from a decrease in the size of the pelvis. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:
- the patient in the sitting position has an involuntary tilt in the reduced side of his pelvis,
- musculature on the same side is constantly tense, as it experiences regular loads,
- the option of shortening one of his limbs is not excluded.
- If a person is diagnosed with an elongated second bone of the metatarsus, he should know that the symptoms of this disease are very painful, since the affected foot loses its functions as a shock absorber. Of course, the patient experiences pain in the lumbar spine, hip, lower leg, and feet. In the process of its development the syndrome covers not only the foot, but also other parts of the body: the lower leg, the thigh, the lumbar spine.
- Short shoulders can also cause pain in the lumbar spine. This diagnosis is very rare. His symptoms, other than pain: a mismatch between the length of the shoulder and the length of the trunk. Because of this, the muscles in the shoulder zone experience a constant tension.
- Kifoz in the people called stoop. In this case, the pain covers the neck, shoulders, back. Most often, kyphosis is a hereditary result. Symptoms of this disease are characterized not only by painful indicators, but also by visible changes. The back has the form of an "arc" (the direction of the back), whose angle is equal to 45 ° or more. Up to 45 ° from a medical point of view - normal, that is, not yet the fact of the presence of kyphosis.
Pain in the lumbar spine in this situation has the form of muscle spasms. Sometimes other consequences are possible, such as numbness of limbs, weakness, changes in heart function, digestion, respiration.
Types of pain in the lumbar spine
- Sharp. Pain in the lumbar spine of an acute character is one of the most common, as a rule, its duration does not exceed three months.
- Recurrent. This type of pain is characterized by repeated episodes of exacerbation of the disease.
- Chronic. With a chronic course of the disease, the pain syndrome persists for more than three months.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of pain in the lumbar spine
Pain in the lumbar spine may be completely different, because, diseases that can cause pain, a lot, and therefore the methods of diagnosis are also different.
Before talking about the methods of examination, doctors should be named according to the type of their specialization, which should be addressed:
- traumatologist,
- gynecologist,
- urologist,
- neurologist,
- physiotherapist,
- gastroenterologist,
- osteopath,
- chiropractor,
- masseur.
Now we will consider in detail the ways of diagnosing diseases that, one way or another, provoke pain in the lumbar spine.
- as a result of vertebral trauma, the doctor needs to know the exact time to more accurately determine the degree of mechanical damage. The first stages of the examination are to check the state of the person in such ways: checking the pulse, breathing, consciousness, sensitivity, motor functions. It is also very important to know whether at that moment the victim was in a state of intoxication.
The next stage of diagnostics:
- evaluation of the general condition,
- assessment of the state of consciousness,
- the identification of bodily injuries, if any, which include: swelling, bruising, abrasions,
- assessment of the patient's behavior, that is, it is necessary to determine his reaction: activity, immobility and so on,
- palpation and percussion of the spine is performed to identify pain and deformation in the affected area.
The final stage of diagnosis is radiography. Usually an X-ray is the best way to identify this problem;
- osteochondrosis is diagnosed first from a questionnaire regarding anamnesis. The establishment of symptoms is crucial to determining the diagnosis itself. A number of existing symptoms are typical for this disease, and some - atypical, that is, require enhanced diagnosis, which include:
- X-ray - one of the most effective ways of examining osteochondrosis, which is divided into several versions of radiography:
- an overview X-ray of the spine, which is the simplest version of osteochondrosis,
- Myelography is a more dangerous way of detecting osteochondrosis, as in this case the process requires the introduction of contrast fluid into the spinal canal,
- CT scan,
- magneto-nuclear resonance,
- neurological diagnostics is carried out for the complex determination of the patient's well-being;
- X-ray - one of the most effective ways of examining osteochondrosis, which is divided into several versions of radiography:
- Scoliosis is investigated by the same methods as osteochondrosis: X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging;
- Diagnosis of herniated discs at the first visit to the doctor is carried out with a patient's survey in order to find out how intense the pain in the lumbar spine, thereby automatically finding out the approximate state of the patient. To accurately diagnose a doctor, as a rule, uses new techniques of examination: computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Of course, there are variants of "cheaper", such as X-rays, but modern methods of diagnostics are called "yesterday's", especially since the hernia itself is not visible in the picture taken by the radiograph.
Diagnosis and treatment of the intervertebral hernia are practiced by several doctors: orthopedist, surgeon, vertebrologist;
- kyphosis is usually diagnosed with x-ray;
- lumbago, like most diseases related to the spine, is initially determined symptomatically. In order to exclude other diseases associated with impaired activity of the spine, x-ray examination is prescribed;
- The examination and treatment of radiculitis is performed by physicians: a therapist, a neuropathologist. Methods for diagnosis of radiculitis include:
- X-ray,
- CT - computed tomography,
- MRI - magnetic resonance imaging,
- scintigraphy or other name - scanning,
- densitometry,
- Ultrasound,
- laboratory collection of blood and urine tests.
- epidural abscess requires a more complex examination process, where pus is taken (puncture). Here they also resort to the research: CT, MRI;
- Osteomyelitis is investigated in such ways:
- blood test: general; to determine diabetes mellitus; on C-reactive protein,
- urine: general analysis,
- when there is purulent content, take a sowing,
- X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound,
- radionuclide research is the best way to determine osteomyelitis.
Thus, in order to establish the causes of pain in the lumbar spine, in addition to a full-time examination of the doctor and checking the reflexes and strength of muscles, the following diagnostic methods can be used:
- X-ray examination
- CT scan
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Myelogram
- Electromyogram
Treatment of pain in the lumbar spine
Often we hear "we treat one, we mutilate another." In this phrase, there is nothing surprising, as many, having read the medical encyclopedia, attribute to themselves diseases that have nothing to do with a true diagnosis, except for symptoms, they do not. If a person has pain in the lumbar spine, this does not mean that everything - sciatica grabbed. Maybe the mattress on which a person sleeps, brings physical discomfort, which hurts your back.
The main treatment for pain in the lumbar spine is to eliminate the pain syndrome and the fastest recovery of lumbar functions. Timely treatment also prevents the development of complications and the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
From medicament preparations for the treatment of pain in the lumbar spine are used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, creams, ointments, gels, among them diclofenac, ketaprofen, indomethacin, ibuprofen, etc. The duration of use of such drugs and the way they are used depend on how much pain syndrome is expressed. If the pain in the lumbar spine is not too strong and the motor activity of the patient is not violated, applications can be applied to the affected area with diclofenac for seven to ten days. Diclofenac sodium is part of the ointment voltaren emulgel. Ointment has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties, promotes tissue regeneration in case of traumatism of the waist, acceleration of the process of repair of damaged tendons and muscles. Ointment is applied to clean and dry skin three to four times a day.
The course of treatment should not exceed two to three weeks. With severe pain in the lumbar spine, which affects the mobility of the patient, diclofenac is injected in the form of injections for three to seven days, then switch to tablets. The average duration of treatment is three weeks to a month.
With unbearable pain, depending on the indications, a physician can be prescribed powerful analgesics. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used in conjunction with muscle relaxants. This group of drugs includes, for example, sirdalud, which reduces convulsions and spasms, and also increases the arbitrary contraction of skeletal muscles. Sirdalud is used two to four milligrams three times a day. With severe pain, an additional night reception of two or four milligrams is possible. For acute pain, the drug is taken within five to seven days. With chronic pain, the duration of treatment is significantly increased.
Important for the treatment of pain in the lumbar spine is therapeutic exercise. The complex of exercises is selected individually by the attending physician depending on the general symptoms of the disease and the severity of the pain.
With pain in the lumbar spine caused by hypothermia, it is advisable to use ointments that have warming properties, for example, viprosal or apizartron, containing snake or bee venom. After applying the ointment, the lumbar region should be wrapped with a woolen shawl. If the cause of pain is osteochondrosis, the methods of physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, therapeutic gymnastics, traction of the spine can be used for treatment. To relieve the condition with pain in the lumbar spine during pregnancy can be with the help of dietary nutrition, saturated with calcium. With regular pain, it is possible to use carbonate or calcium lactate. The load on the lower back should be minimal.
Treatment of pain in the lumbar spine depending on the cause
If the diagnosis is clear, then there will be no problems with treatment.
So, the types of treatment - by type of disease:
- osteochondrosis. In a nutshell, you will not be able to state the principles of treatment because this is a rather difficult task, and unfortunately, it is impossible to stop the process of defeat, but it's still realistic to slow down.
In this situation, the patient should be "obedient", that is, if it is said - bed rest, then: bed rest. And then we are accustomed to complain about not effective methods of treatment, while not listening to the main thing. The patient's bed should be rigid: forgotten about feather beds and air mattresses. In addition, it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then the treatment itself will lose its useful meaning.
Osteochondrosis requires a complex therapy consisting of:
- symptomatic treatment, whose goal is to eliminate pain in the lumbar spine and in other parts of the body that affected the pain syndrome. To do this, anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs are used as preparations, which are used in neurology, namely "Piroxicam", "Ibuprofen", "Diclofenac". These medicines are a reliable way to eliminate pain and inflammation, but there are some disadvantages - side effects: nausea, vomiting, bleeding, exacerbation of the ulcer. Less dangerous drugs for the action: "Lornoxicam", "Xefokam", "Meloksikam", "Nimesil".
Treatment with these medications supplements muscle relaxants with drugs: "Tetrazepam", "Diazepam", "Midokalm". Together, the first and second variant of symptomatic treatment relieves muscular tension and eliminates pain. Plus, it reduces nervousness,
- to improve blood circulation (which is very necessary for osteochondrosis) is possible with such drugs: "Pentoxifylin" is a vasodilating drug, "Berlition" has a restoring effect on the energy work of cells, "Actovegin" contains all the necessary components for the treatment of osteochondrosis: nucleosides, oligosaccharides, amino acids And so on,
- regeneration of cartilaginous tissue is carried out with the use of chondroprotective therapy, which possess restorative and anti-inflammatory properties, for example, Teraflex, Structum,
- vitamin-mineral therapy is explained by the need for vitamin D and calcium. In this case, drugs are effective: Calcium-D3, Alfacalcidol, Nycomed,
- antidepressants (selected each patient individually, they have serious side effects). Usually used for osteochondrosis are drugs such as Duloxetine, Sertraline, Amitriptyline.
The secrets of our grandmothers contain great wisdom. Here are some ways to treat osteochondrosis that have come down to us:
- win the osteochondrosis with celery: the celery root 3 - 4 grams is crushed and poured with warm water (1 liter.). Within 8 hours to insist and strain. Dose: 1 teaspoon before meals 3 times a day,
- The root of sunflower is very effective in osteochondrosis. Preparing this tool is a complicated process, therefore, it is necessary to act carefully. The first stage of preparation: thick root parts are selected, which are stored in a dry, clean, dark place (in a pantry). Grind the root already before the preparation itself. To cut roots (1 glass) it is necessary to small sizes (like beans) and boil (3 liters of water) in non-metallic dishes for 3 minutes. Thus, we have got tea, which drink 2 - 3 days. That is, the amount of the broth obtained must be divided so that there are equal portions for the entire course of treatment,
- valerian ointment. To prepare it you need: crushed valerian roots, crushed roots of marsh ale, peppermint leaves, rowan berries, string, plantain, burdock root, sandless immortelle, ground corn and oats - each ingredient of 60 g, celandine - 30 g, birch mushroom - 120 g. All this is pulverized. Then the collection of herbs is divided into 8 parts, and is scattered into 8 vessels of 0.5 liters. Each vessel is supplemented with water so that 1/3 remains filled. After that, vegetable oil is added (preferably bazaar), while 2/3 of the vessel must be empty. Tare with the contents should be tightly closed, or, as it is fashionable now to say: create a sealed packaging. And put in a dark place. Within 2 months, the contents are shaken so that no residue remains. After 2 months, the mass of all the vessels is poured into one non-metallic saucepan and heated to 60 °. Then again it is poured over the vessels and the month is insisted. In doing so, do not forget to shake.
Now the ointment for external use is ready.
The last option for treating osteochondrosis is surgery. It is prescribed in the event that spinal hernias have already formed, including compression of the spinal roots; obvious distortions of the spinal column; subluxation of the vertebrae. The operation is intended solely for reconstruction, but the pathological process remains unaffected.
- Scoliosis is treated in several ways, the choice of which depends on the extent of the course of the disease. The focus of therapy includes, first of all, the elimination of symptoms, not excluding pain in the lumbar spine. Do not forget about the cause of scoliosis, which also needs to be eliminated. Then special gymnastics, physiotherapy and massage are prescribed.
Idiopathic scoliosis at the first stage is subject to therapy aimed at strengthening the muscles of the entire body. In this situation, excellent means are: physical exercises, massage, physiotherapy, swimming.
In the process of treatment, a regular visit to the orthopedist is mandatory as he controls the treatment, and should see positive changes, if any.
The second stage already requires some additions to the above procedures: a corrective corset, which is manufactured according to individual requirements.
The third degree requires a longer treatment than the second stage. But the manipulations remain the same.
Surgical intervention is used already at the last stages of scoliosis development, when the angle of bend is more than 40 °. This method of treatment is extremely dangerous. And they resort to it, if already other options do not make sense.
- the main methods of treatment of herniated discs are as follows:
- avoiding uncomfortable poses and sharp turns;
- stretching the spine,
- massage,
- health-improving physical training,
- physical and thermal procedures,
- use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Orthophen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen,
- reception of painkillers, for example, "Diazepam", "Tizanidin". These medicines affect the muscles with a relaxing effect,
- Novocain blockades,
- wearing a soft corset, made to individual requirements.
The surgical method of treatment is used to remove the hernia. The operation can be urgent or with a delay, depending on the patient's condition. Sometimes surgical intervention is the only way out of the situation. Typically, the category of such cases include patients who have a large hernia and pressure on the blood vessels and spinal cord.
In alternative medicine, there are several methods that have a therapeutic effect on the spine in the presence of a hernia. But again, the result of treatment by alternative methods is visible in complex therapy, which includes the traditional principles of treatment:
- 1 teaspoon chamomile flowers in equal proportion with linden flowers and rose hips on 1 cup boiling water. It is insisted for about 20 minutes and filtered. Drink on the third part 3 times a day before meals,
- crushed raisins - 1 glass, as many nuts and dried apricots. Add 1 tablespoon of honey with juice of half a lemon. All the contents are mixed and taken on a tablespoon three times a day,
- bran rye or wheat - 1 tablespoon, poured water - 2 cups, and boiled for about half an hour. Then add honey - 1 tablespoon. Take 3 times a day for 50 g.
- kyphosis is treated with the aim of eliminating not only the defects that have arisen on the soil of the disease, but also the phenomena that cause pain in the lumbar spine.
Therapy is immediate, that is, the treatment passes immediately after the diagnosis is determined. The best period for treatment is the age of up to 24 years. Although, practice has shown that the necessary result can be achieved and at a later age.
Complex treatment consists of:
- reflexotherapy is better known as acupuncture. Its curative scheme is based on reflex connections, manifested as a result of onto- and phylogenesis, carried out through the central nervous system by excitation of the receptor functions of the skin and its mucous membranes.
This technique is also called acupuncture, the purpose of which is based on the elimination of degenerative-dystrophic problems, such as intervertebral hernia, kyphosis, osteochondrosis and the like.
The action itself passes through the placement of thin needles (of stainless steel) into the patient's skin at certain "points", which must be "activated" during acupuncture;
- Electrostimulation is performed with the use of an electric current in order to strengthen the activity of certain systems and organs. Typically, the goal of such therapy is to stimulate the motor muscles and nerves. Rarely used in relation to internal organs.
Electrostimulation is not prescribed at will. It is attributed to the doctor, based on testimony and contraindications, which are:
- indications: motor dysfunction (paralysis), acquired as a result of diseases and injuries; disorders of the closing and motor activity of the stomach and other organs of the digestive and genitourinary system;
- contraindications: absolute transverse cardiac blockade, atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension, polytropic extrasystole, active rheumatism, vascular crises, trophic ulcers, tendency to bleeding, fever, acute inflammatory currents, rehabilitation period after stitching of tendons, muscles and nerves, limitations to physiotherapeutic procedures .
With kyphosis and other diseases of the spine, the impact zones are:
- lumbar part,
- neck,
- hypogastric area,
- epigastric zone,
- posterior and anterior humeral muscles,
- outer and inner planes of the forearm,
- triceps,
- biceps,
- muscles of the thighs and buttocks,
- calf muscle,
- extensors of foot and fingers.
- Vacuum therapy is one of the most painless techniques that helps to eliminate pain in the lumbar spine. In addition, it separates from other methods of treatment of kyphosis with special efficiency:
- Rapid and safe relief of pain syndromes that have arisen in the course of, radiculitis, kyphosis, osteochondrosis,
- Rehabilitation of the body as a result of the restoration of its own resources,
- Warns a number of diseases,
- Activation of microcirculation of all liquid components in the body, thereby, renewing and rejuvenating tissues,
Quick and high-quality cleansing of the body from the existing slags.
Consider the indications for vacuum back therapy (other parts of the body can be used depending on the type of disease): osteochondrosis, myalgia, spinal musculature tension, sciatica, shoulder scapular periarthritis, lumbago, chronic fatigue, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, stomach ulcer , neurocirculatory dystonia, hypertension, myogeosis, postoperative recovery process, the formation of posture in children.
- manual therapy, which is presented as a complex treatment in relation to the spine, joints, ligaments, muscles and as a result of neurological diseases. The technique of treatment has much in common with massage, but there are also differences: limited localization of sites of introduction and intensity of force influence. Professional manual therapy can quickly eliminate pain in the lumbar spine, as its main force is aimed at restoring the functionality of the intervertebral joints, which, accordingly, increases the elasticity of the musculoskeletal system.
- health-improving physical culture,
- healthy lifestyle.
Alternative medicine usually uses the means for treatment the same as in the treatment of scoliosis.
- treatment of lumbago requires an individual approach. The most important thing in this business is to strictly observe a diet that excludes sharp, smoked and salty foods; useful: potatoes, cereals, vegetable soups. The treatment package includes:
- reflexology,
- manual therapy,
- physiotherapy,
- water procedures,
- vacuum therapy,
- mud therapy,
- sanatorium-and-spa therapy.
If we talk about drug treatment, then precise settings can not be presented, because, as mentioned above, it is an individual approach, that is, based on the results of the survey.
Alternative medicine advises to use as an additional treatment, which, combined with traditional medicine, quickly removes pain in the lumbar spine, such methods:
- the constant wearing of a belt bound of dog hair,
- The waist is lubricated with turpentine - 5 g. Immediately after this, the lumbar zone is warmed, where the rye dough is applied to the same part of the body, cotton is applied from above, and then the entire "system" is closed with an oilcloth. Wear about an hour. Then the oilcloth is removed along with the cotton wool and dough. Turpentine is removed with a napkin. This manipulation is done for 3 days.
If the patient at this time feels a burning sensation, then you should not suffer, it is necessary to remove the compress from yourself and carefully wash the lumbar region.
- treatment of radiculitis is a gentle home treatment, so as not to provoke or intensify pain in the lumbar spine. But, behold, the relative bed rest, its duration should not exceed 5 days.
The early stages of radiculitis are treated with a local application of dry cold or heat for 20 minutes to 6 times a day. For anesthesia, also using a tight bandage (bandage), surrounding the pain zone.
- painkillers: "Ketorolac", "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin" and so on.
Other methods of treatment include procedures similar to the therapeutic solution of osteochondrosis, kyphosis, scoliosis, lumbago.
In alternative medicine one of the most effective ways of treatment is known: a bandage of dog hair.
In fact, there are many ways to eliminate pain. The main thing is to know your diagnosis. And when the problem is studied, then its solution will come by itself.
Prevention of pain in the lumbar spine
Is it possible to prevent pain in the lumbar spine? Yes, but it should be borne in mind that there are some things that do not depend on us, for example, congenital disease, genetic predisposition, trauma. And, nevertheless, many diseases are an acquisition over the years, in the appearance of which we are to blame ourselves. There is a small set of rules that will help to protect yourself from this kind of pain.
- Correct posture. In this situation, the spine and its segments are in the right position for health. It is formed when we walk, when we sit, and especially when we sleep. That is, what do we need to fulfill the standard requirements concerning posture?
- comfortable furniture: chairs, armchairs, sofas, beds and so on. The back of the chair or chair should not be too short. A man sitting leaning on the back of a chair should position his body so that his back (from the hip to the neck) is parallel to the back of the chair, without taking an arcuate shape. As for the sofas, it is conveniently located in the position of reclining to watch TV, sleep or just sit. But, working at the computer, bent in 3 deaths, is very harmful for the spine. The choice of beds for today is simply huge: both round, and two-tier, and wooden, and so on. But we manage to choose the one that is least suitable for the formation of a correct posture. Now it's about inflatable beds; water mattresses; beds with artificial fillers, which in the process of exploitation take the form of lumps. For the back, a rigid surface is needed, which orthopedic mattresses (better springless ones) can create;
- the proper carrying of bags, backpacks, bags and so on. Too heavy bag with prolonged wearing on one shoulder or in one hand can provoke asymmetry with respect to the shoulders, which automatically causes pain in the lumbar spine. Accordingly, at the time of bulk purchases, the purchased goods should be distributed among the packages in such a way that each arm has approximately the same load. If this action is not possible, then periodically it is necessary to "change the hand", that is, we carry the purchase with the right hand, and then with the left hand, and vice versa,
- "Sedentary work. Of course, speaking to drivers or accountants of "more motions" does not make sense as, still, most of the time they spend in the same position. But still, you can also sit differently or at least change your posture. Here you should find at least 10 minutes every hour to get up and "warm up". But, at home it will not be superfluous to do simple physical exercises, kneading the muscles of the back. Massage will also be very beneficial,
- Work that requires intensive workloads is most often the reason for the formation of problems with the back. When applying for such work, it is necessary to carefully read the employment contract and similar documents, which specify the requirements for the maximum amount of physical exertion. It's clear that nowadays many things are done "on an honest word" without documents, and families need to be fed, in general, there is no time to find something normal. But you need to understand that you can not buy health,
- Shoes are a problem for many generations, especially for women. First of all, shoes should be comfortable. Shoes with too high heels, and even a smaller size on a stony road - the right way to the diseases of the legs and back. A high heel is not designed for long and constant wearing. And in this situation it is necessary to take into account other factors: age, weight (no offense), pregnancy, flat feet, scoliosis and so on. Tight shoes can squeeze the nerve processes, veins, muscles, which also leads to a number of significant problems,
- Sport and water procedures (swimming) have always been the best means that can prevent pain in the lumbar spine. But here too one should not overdo it as excessive efforts can only exacerbate the situation, for example, stretching muscles or ligaments.