First aid for suffocation
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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How to remove an attack of suffocation?
To help the patient take off the attack of asthma, follow these steps:
- It is necessary to make a few shallow breaths and exhalations, then hold your breath. Such manipulation saturates the blood with carbon dioxide, and its elevated concentration relaxes the bronchi and restores breathing;
- Try to breathe out all the air from the lungs, then draw the air with small, short breaths. Breathing gradually normalizes.
- With the palms of your hands, push the patient heavily on the chest during exhalation. Periodicity - 10 times. This method dramatically reduces the attack of suffocation.
- Use a metered-dose inhaler with a vasodilating drug. Salbutamol, berotek, briikanil and others will work well. If the condition has not improved, repeat the inhalation after 20 minutes. Do not allow an overdose, as there may be side effects: rapid heartbeat, weakness, headache.
- Take a pill of euphilin, ephedrine or any antihistamine drug (suprastin, claretin, tavegil, etc.). A good effect has hormonal drugs (prednisolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone).
The state will improve significantly if there is an influx of fresh air. In any case, a person begins to get nervous, his anxiety goes into a panic. Help him relax and calm down.
First aid for an attack of asthma
During an attack of suffocation, the nurse must act according to the following plan:
Actions |
Justification |
1. Make an emergency call or emergency call |
For qualified treatment |
2. To create comfortable conditions: the influx of fresh air, the comfortable position of the patient. Get rid of excess clothing in the throat and chest. |
Decreased hypoxia. Positive emotional state. |
3. Measure the pulse, BHP, blood pressure |
Control of the general condition of the patient |
4. The supply of moistened oxygen is 30-40%. |
Reduction of oxygen starvation (hypoxia) |
5. Use inhaled aerosol to inhale salbutamol, birotics, etc. Not more than 1-2 breaths to prevent overdose |
Removal of the spasmodic condition of the bronchi |
6. Do not use other inhalers and preparations |
Preventing the development of bronchodilator refusal and the avoidance of asthmatic status |
7. Put your feet and hands in hot water. Give an abundant warm drink. |
Reduction of reflex bronchospasm |
8. If the above measures did not have the effect of injecting a solution of euphyllin 2,4% 10 ml and prednisolone 60-90 mg. |
Localization of an attack of suffocation of an average and severe stage. |
8. Prepare a bag ambu (a manual device for ventilation of the lungs), an artificial lung ventilation device. |
Carrying out of resuscitation activities, in case of acute necessity. |
Upon the arrival of the ambulance the patient is hospitalized in the intensive care unit.
First aid in case of asthma attack
If you become an involuntary witness of an attack of suffocation (asphyxia), you need to give the patient first aid, which is as follows:
- immediately call an ambulance, calmly and clearly explaining to the dispatcher information about the patient's condition and the main symptoms of the attack;
- if the patient is conscious, calm him, explain what steps you have taken to help him;
- create conditions for the circulation of fresh air, remove excess clothing around the throat and chest;
- the cause of suffocation may be a foreign body located in the larynx. Try to squeeze the chest strongly, mechanically pushing it into the airways. Then it is necessary to allow the person to clear his throat;
- if there was a sudden attack of suffocation and the person lost consciousness, moreover, there is no breath, pulse, try to do buried heart massage and artificial respiration;
- the consequence of an attack of suffocation can be a tongue sinking. The patient must be put on his back, his head turned to one side. Tongue to pull out and attach (you can even pin it with a pin) to the lower jaw;
- the cause of suffocation can be chronic diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis, heart failure, etc. The patient may have tablets or an inhaler with a medicine. Help me take medication before the ambulance arrives;
- if asphyxia occurred against an allergic reaction, it is necessary to determine the allergen if possible, and immediately take an antihistamine drug (dimedrol, tavegil, loratadine, etc.). The patient needs to drink a lot of liquid, which will bring the allergen out of the body.
The life of a person depends on how competently and skillfully the first aid was rendered.
Light Cases
It is necessary to provide access to fresh air, to inhale the medicinal preparation with the help of an individual inhaler (through a dispenser or without it), to give the patient to drink hot water or tea.
Cessation of severe attacks of suffocation
- Nebulizer introduction of BTE2-adrenomimetics (pre-clarify the therapy already done to avoid overdose) or another bronchodilator drug for nebulizer therapy;
- Intravenous injection of aminophylline (euphyllin) 2.4% solution in an amount of 10 ml (possibly with a cardiac glycoside 0.5-1.0 ml);
- Intravenous injection of glucocorticoids (dexamethasone 8-12-16 mg);
- Oxygenotarpia.
Asthmatic status
With the development of asthmatic status, the affect from injected glucocorticoids, aminophylline, (euphylline), sympathomimetics (including subcutaneous injection of 0.5 ml of a 0.1% solution of epinephrine (adrenaline), which is especially indicated with a drop in blood pressure) may not be sufficient. Then auxiliary ventilation of the lungs is needed or a transfer to artificial ventilation of the lungs. To resolve the issue of inhaling oxygen, as well as for the subsequent control of oxygenation of the blood and ventilation of the lungs, the gas composition and pH of the blood are determined.
First aid for suffocation in the background of left ventricular failure
- Give the patient a sitting position (with hypotension, a semi-moderate).
- Give nitroglycerin 2 3 tablets, or 5-10 drops under the tongue, or 5 mg per minute intravenously under the control of blood pressure.
- * Carry out oxygen therapy with a defoamer (96% ethyl alcohol or antifensilane) through a mask or nasal catheter.
- • For the deposition of blood on the periphery, apply venous strands or elastic bandages to the three limbs, the surviving vein (the pulse on the artery should not be retained). Every 15 minutes one of the bundles is transferred to a free limb.
Emergency help in case of foreign body
Stomach position of the abdomen (standing on the back side of the victim, grab him and with a sharp, jerky movement push inward and upwards under the ribs). The foreign body is pushed out mechanically by the residual volume of air due to the pressure difference. After removing the foreign body, the patient should be cleared by tilting his torso forward.
If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract of a child at the age of 1-3 years, put the child on his lap face down, several times apply sharp short strokes with the palm of the hand between the child's shoulder blades. If the foreign body does not exit, using the method of Geimlich: lay the victim on his side, put the palm of his left hand on the epigastric region, with the right hand fist, apply 5-7 short strokes on the left arm at an angle toward the diaphragm.
In the absence of the effect, the patient is laid on the table, the head is bent back, the oral cavity is examined, the larynx region (better - straight laryngoscopy) and fingers, tweezers or other instrument are removed foreign body. If, after removal of the foreign body, breathing has not recovered, then artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing is performed.
When necessary, tracheotomy, conicotomy or intubation of the trachea.
First aid in case of suffocation of a hysteroid nature
With hysteroid asthma, psychotropic drugs will be affective, in severe cases - anesthesia. In the variant of hysteroid choking with spasm of the vocal cords, additionally requires the inhalation of hot water vapors.
Suspicion of true croup requires all anti-epidemic measures, consultation of ENT doctor and infectious disease doctor.