Causes of asthma attacks
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Physicians subdivide the causes of asthma attacks into three groups. This is the choking caused by:
- diseases of the throat, bronchi, lungs, heart, etc;
- allergies (anaphylactic shock, pulmonary edema, larynx, etc.);
- traumatic suffocation (the presence of a foreign body in the airways, asphyxia of newborns).
Sometimes shortness of breath is short-lived. Provoke such attacks can have a strong physical load, a strong stream of cold air, smoking, etc. Usually, such attacks go by themselves, without causing a relapse in the future. The most common diseases that cause asthma attacks:
- bronchial asthma, which has an infectious or allergic form;
- cardiac asthma;
- obstruction of the bronchi;
- pneumothorax;
- myocardial infarction;
- benign and malignant tumors of the respiratory tract;
- mental illness.
The cause of suffocation can be poisoning with pesticides, an overdose of drugs and inhaling chemical fumes harmful to the body.
Attacks of asthma in bronchial asthma
The attack of asthma in bronchial asthma causes obstruction (obstruction of the respiratory tract) of the respiratory system of the body. Violation can provoke:
- severe swelling or inflammation of the bronchial mucosa;
- sharp spasm of smooth throat muscles;
- thromboembolism of small bronchi viscous secret, which causes pulmonary insufficiency and oxygen starvation.
The appearance of undesirable, squeezing sensations, as well as sudden discharge from the nose are a signal of an approaching attack.
With bronchial asthma, the attack of suffocation arises suddenly and proceeds quite restlessly. Appears shortness of breath, wheezing, accompanied by a whistle, dry cough, the face is covered with a cold sweat, in some cases there is a fever. Breathing becomes severe, especially with exhalation.
Severe labored breathing comes in parallel with a painful sense of heaviness in the chest area, which during the seizure is in a state of inspiration (inspiration). The diaphragm of the thorax is located low, breathing takes place due to the intercostal muscles. Strongly strained muscles of the abdominal press, pectoral, sternoclavicular muscles. To push the air out of the chest, the patient often looks for a comfortable position, leans on the back of the chair, the wall, the table, etc., bends over, sits down. In this case, he instinctively employs extraneous muscles that help to facilitate breathing. The most convenient position is to sit on a chair facing the back, that is, "riding". To harden against the back of the chair, a pillow should be placed under the chest.
Crisis state of the patient with bronchial asthma with suffocation attacks, may be accompanied by severe complications of the bronchi, heart and even cause the development of coma. Therefore, during a severe attack, you should always call an ambulance. Probably, hospitalization is required.
Attacks of bronchitis choking
The cause of dyspnea is the narrowing of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, as a result of which the lumen of the respiratory tract decreases, and the accumulated sputum in the bronchi considerably hinders the respiratory process.
The attack of suffocation in bronchitis is closely related to shortness of breath, which is present in patients practically at all stages of the disease. Especially dangerous is shortness of breath with difficulty in inhaling and exhaling, there is an acute shortage of air, there is an attack of suffocation.
According to medical statistics, attacks of suffocation occur in the chronic form of bronchitis, in the period of exacerbation of the disease and remission, as well as in purulent bronchitis, when in the course of the disease the bronchi are blocked by purulent masses. Dyspnoea with attacks of suffocation can occur at any time of the day, but most often begins in the morning, and only after a prolonged cough and expectoration of the sputum, the attack decreases.
Chronic bronchitis with attacks of suffocation is a disease of all smokers, in which complications begin with a slight cough, followed by edema of the bronchi, constriction and spasm of the vessels.
In children, shortness of breath with asthma attacks is observed much more often than in adults. As a result of the accumulation of a small amount of sputum, a breathing disorder occurs almost immediately in the child. Such symptoms are observed with obstructive bronchitis, bronchospasm and bronchial obstruction. The smaller the age of the child, the more dangerous the dyspnea, which can cause an attack of suffocation.
Attacks of suffocation in heart failure
Heart attacks of suffocation cause a hypostasis (stagnation) of blood in the right ventricle and left atrium, as a result of which the circulation of blood flow in the body is disrupted. Moreover, stagnation of blood exerts pressure on the alveoli of the lungs, there is a heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, which causes an attack of suffocation. Such a condition in medicine is called "cardiac asthma" - the result of acute heart failure, although there is no independent diagnosis with this name.
The state of heart failure may arise due to circulatory disorders caused by increased physical exertion, an increase in the volume of circulating blood, during pregnancy.
The clinical picture during an attack of suffocation in heart failure is similar to an attack of bronchial asthma. Although the causes of the disease are different, but the characteristic difference can only be determined by isolated sputum. To put the correct diagnosis can only electrocardiogram, which will reflect the changes characteristic of heart failure.
The appearance of an attack of suffocation in case of heart failure may result from:
- diseases such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart defects, cardiosclerosis, etc .;
- high blood pressure;
- emotional overstrain;
- physical activity;
- excessive consumption of food and liquids.
Most often, attacks of suffocation occur at night. A person wakes up from a feeling of suffocation. He hysterically starts to "snap" the air with his mouth, his face acquires a bluish tinge and becomes covered with a cold sweat. Breathing becomes hard, bubbling. Listening to slight rales, crepitation of sounds (specific crispy sounds). The patient can not clear his throat. The attack of dry cough is accompanied by a foamy sputum of a pinkish hue. This may be a signal of edema in the lungs, which is a rather formidable symptom. The arterial pressure can vary in the big and the smaller side, which in turn complicates the course of the attack of suffocation.
The attack of suffocation in heart failure can last from several minutes to several hours, especially if it is caused by myocardial infarction.
The prognosis of the patient's condition depends on the severity of the attack and the underlying disease, as well as on the first aid provided. Often the state of suffocation leads to death.
Attacks of suffocation with laryngitis
Symptoms of laryngitis begin to show unobtrusive perspiration, a feeling of dryness, tingling in the throat, dry cough and sudden loss of voice, sometimes there are attacks of suffocation. There is swelling of the vocal cords and throat.
Laryngitis is an inflammatory process in the larynx, which is provoked by the tension of the vocal cords, chemical or physical irritants or infection. Laryngitis is acute and chronic. Acute laryngitis is a consequence of diseases such as scarlet fever, flu, whooping cough, ARVI, etc. With chronic laryngitis, there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, muscles of the larynx and submucosal tissue. Chronic laryngitis occurs as a result of frequent acute laryngitis.
Attacks of suffocation in the IRR
The attack of asthma in vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) is one of the symptoms of the disease, arising from violations of the cardiovascular system, emotional stress, panic attack, etc. Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VSD) is not a nosological form of the disease, but together with other factors it contributes to the development of pathological conditions. So, for example, with VSD in patients there are rapid breathing, shortness of breath, which end in a fit of suffocation.
This is due to irregularities in the respiratory system and heart. Attacks of suffocation in VSD occur during or after:
- stressful situations;
- emotional overload;
- heavy physical exertion.
The attack of asthma with VSD begins with sudden shortness of breath, sometimes there is a lump in the throat and a sharp spasm. There is a feeling of lack of air, after which it becomes difficult to breathe. To a certain extent, an attack of suffocation in the VSD is similar to that of a patient with bronchial asthma. Further, the patient's heart rate increases, dizziness, anxiety, panic, which can cause a faint. The patient strives to go out into the fresh air or open the window.
At inspection bronchi and lungs appear in norm.
Attacks of choking with lung cancer
Appear choking if lung cancer can occur at any stage of the disease. The main symptoms are:
- dry cough, sometimes accompanied by a whistle;
- sudden shortness of breath while walking, during a conversation;
- hemoptysis;
- severe chest pain.
At the development of the tumor there is atelectasis of the lung. The main cause of suffocation in lung cancer is insufficient air in the lungs due to damage to the lung tissue by cancer cells, resulting in infiltration of the lung with a tumor infiltrate (accumulation in the lung tissue of cellular detritus with an admixture of blood and lymph). The patient begins dyspnea, a progressive attack of suffocation. Such a condition for the patient is painful, it can not be alleviated. As a result, there may be a fatal outcome.
Attacks of suffocation in tracheitis
Tracheitis is characterized by bouts of a painful cough that is activated at night or in the morning. A typical feature of the disease is the withdrawal of sputum when coughing, during which there is severe pain in the chest. The cause of a sudden cough may be a deep breath of fresh air, laughter or crying, shortness of breath, etc. The disease occurs due to the infectious (bacterial or viral etiology) or allergic inflammation of the mucosa of the trachea. In most cases, the disease has a long treatment cycle with subsequent exacerbations, which turn into a chronic form of the disease.
[21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26]
Attack of suffocation after citrus
All kinds of citrus fruits are beneficial for the body. In some cases, these fragrant and fragrant fruits can cause negative consequences, such as the manifestation of food allergies.
Usually the symptoms of allergies to citrus fruits appear immediately after eating fruits in food. Sometimes citrus fruits cause asthma attacks, anaphylactic shock and angioedema (Quincke's edema). Allergic swelling of the mucous membrane can cause a sharp barking cough, severe shortness of breath, an attack of suffocation. In parallel, there may be vomiting and a sharp pain in the abdomen. In such cases, it is necessary to immediately deliver the patient to a medical facility for emergency assistance.
In some cases, chemical preservatives are the cause of the allergy, which treat fruits for better storage.
Attack of suffocation when crying
When a person cries, he inhales more air, which gets through the airways into the lungs. There is a spasm of muscle tissue surrounding the respiratory tract. Clearance in the bronchi becomes less, the person becomes hard to breathe, there is an attack of suffocation most often of an expiratory nature.