Pain when and after excitation: the main causes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain when excited by a woman
Since ladies are usually passed forward, we first consider the characteristic signs of pain in women during excitement. At once it is necessary to make a reservation, that means not only excitation during the sexual certificate or act - pains can arise and during masturbation, and it is simple at sexual exaltation. So, a few diseases in which a woman suffers from pain, as soon as excited.
Ovarian cyst
Cysts on the ovaries are formations that appear in the form of sacs filled with fluid and can burst. He is referred to as a tumor. The ovarian cyst can dissolve by itself in 2-3 months, and may require prompt or medication.
The nature of pain
When a sexual intercourse passes, a woman can feel a sharp pain in the pelvis - left or right. The same pain a woman can feel during menstruation, which, as you know, give women increased excitability.
What to do?
It is obligatory to undergo ultrasound of genital organs, paying special attention to the ovaries. To make sure whether you have an ovarian cyst, you need to consult a gynecologist and undergo a course of treatment.
As a rule, from pains when excited a woman with an ovarian cyst saves ibuprofen (up to 400 milligrams) about 1-1.5 hours before sexual contact. In addition, during sex it is desirable to control the penetration of the penis into the vagina, because deep penetration can cause more pain than usual.
Thrush, she's candidiasis
This disease at least once, but suffered almost every first woman. That is - all the women at least once passed through these pains: pain in the vagina, white rashes on its walls, and even itch pierces, even shout. This fungal disease, which is not necessarily transmitted sexually - its causes can be different. During thrush in the vagina of the woman and on its walls grow fungus Candida, so the disease is called candidiasis.
With candidiasis, pain during intercourse becomes stronger in every fourth woman.
The nature of pain
When excited during sex, pain in the vagina may increase, and itching, by the way, too. Each touch to the walls of the vagina causes severe pain, discomfort, irritability. If a woman still withstands sexual intercourse, her vagina becomes inflamed even more, the pain in the vagina can become simply intolerable and give to the area of the ovaries - then the lower abdomen hurts. As a rule, the pains have a burning character.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and undergo therapy against thrush. It is necessary to abandon gaskets with strong smells (flavored), tight underwear, synthetic panties, uncontrolled medicines - all these funds can cause thrush besides infection during sex. Before or after sex, you can use an ointment with hormone cortisol in the composition - this will reduce the inflammation of the vaginal walls and will make the pain quieter.
Myoma or fibroids of the uterus
This formation in the uterus in the form of a tumor, which doctors consider benign. In this formation involved uterine myoma and its fibroids - that is, muscle and connective tissue. This disease takes in its paws more than a third of women after 35 years. Fibroma can be sized from a pea (small) to a fruit like an orange.
The nature of pain
With myoma or fibroids of the uterus, the vagina hurts at the very entrance to it, as soon as the partner touches it. There can be felt quite dense patches in the form of humpbacks under the skin. Pain can also occur in the vagina itself, in the genitals. During sex, pain can acquire a rather strong character.
They are pulsating, prolonged, may not pass after sex for several hours. A woman is so worried about these pains, especially if the cause is not clear! She can even get depressed if she does not go to the doctor for diagnosis in time.
What to do?
To address to the gynecologist for specification of the diagnosis, and also treatment. For a more accurate picture of the disease will need ultrasound. As a rule, the diagnosis of this disease reveals abnormalities immediately. As a treatment complex therapy is used, operation is possible.
It is an inflammation of the nerves, their roots, which are located in the vulva. Causes are infections that affect the mucous membranes of the vagina, as well as frequent diseases of the female genital organs. Especially fungal, for example, candidiasis.
The nature of pain
With vulvodynia, a woman may experience pain in the lower abdomen during sex or arousal. The pain intensifies, even if the woman is simply in a single position for a long time or sits on a hard surface. Pain also increases during the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
These symptoms can also accompany frequent urge to urinate, pain can be given back, and in the period of menstruation, women may have more abundant discharges than before.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and undergo a thorough diagnosis. A special feature of vulvodynia is that it is very difficult to distinguish it from other similar diseases. For example, fungal or venereal. Therefore, it is much more difficult to treat vulvodynia than other diseases of female genital organs, which are easily diagnosed.
Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin glands - organs that resemble pea in both size and shape. They are on the lips of the vagina - one pea on each sexual sponge. The cause of the disease - in addition to inflammation of the glands, also their blockage due to oversaturation of toxins and poor blood flow. This is a presumable reason, because the medical scientists did not find the true causes of bartholinitis. It can be, according to their assumptions, pathogenic infections such as staphylococci, streptococci and other nasty microbes.
The nature of pain
When bartolinite the labia of a woman grows, swells, inflames and, of course, a woman experiences pain during sexual intercourse and up to 5-6 hours after it. It is difficult to sustain, therefore women use painkillers or call an ambulance. The pain is of a pulsating nature. In addition, when a partner or a woman touches the vaginal vault, they can feel tight areas of the body under their fingers.
What to do?
Call the gynecologist for examination and treatment. If the stage of the disease is already started, most likely, the patient will be offered surgery, you will have to remove one of the glands - the culprit of pain. Or both.
This is the germination of the tissue of the uterine membrane (endometrium) in those areas of the body where it should not be. From the proliferation of the endometrium, the bladder, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the uterine wall, the rectum can suffer. Yes, you never know which organs can germinate the endometrium!
The result is one - pain when excited, low-quality sexual life of a woman. Her menstruation can come and go when they want, with whatever frequency. That is, this disease can be exacerbated by bleeding from the uterus. To think - endometriosis is diagnosed in more than a third of women all over the world! This disease is one of the serious causes of infertility.
The nature of pain
Pain during excitement can disturb any woman if she has endometriosis. The pains are sharp, cutting, sharp character - such that it is time to call up an ambulance. Naturally, this does not enable a woman to get a full orgasm, she suffers from the inability to have sex with pleasure.
What to do?
Call the gynecologist for examination and if necessary, if the usual complex therapy does not help, to undergo surgery.
Urinary tract infections
... Or the genitourinary tract - abbreviated BMI. Infections of the urogenital organs often affect women because the urethra and vagina are anatomically located very close to each other, therefore infections very quickly pass from the vagina to the urethra, and from it into the bladder. From this, the sexual organs of a woman can become inflamed and, as a consequence, pain during excitement or sexual intercourse.
The nature of pain
A woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, but can not accurately determine. Where exactly. Pain in infections can be wandering, obscure, uncertain. During sex, this pain can become worse, become stiff, dull. In this case, a woman can constantly arise a desire to visit the toilet.
What to do?
Do not confuse the infection of the urinary tract with colds and inflammations and not engage in self-medication. If you have pain in the lower abdomen with sex, you must visit a doctor and undergo thorough diagnosis. In particular, urinalysis will be indicative, it is easy to calculate that a woman was visited by pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
It should not be treated alone. With this type of disease, you must necessarily take a course of treatment and sexual partner, her husband.
Dryness of the vagina
This disease, in which the vagina is too little lubrication. It remains dry, so during the sexual act the male member irritates him. There are pain during sex.
From the dryness of the vagina at any period of life, every woman can suffer. This symptom was touched by more than a quarter of women all over the world. The reason may be an excessive hobby for hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives. Among the causes of vaginal dryness and pain during excitation may be a period of pregnancy, lactation, the period of menopause.
The nature of pain
Unpleasant, harsh, annoying. When a partner's partner or his fingers enter the vagina during intercourse, it can react with a sharp pain. After the sexual act has occurred, this pain can not leave the woman even 2-3 hours. Of course, the dryness of the vagina makes the sexual act painful, so you can not patiently and silently endure this problem.
What to do?
Call the gynecologist so that he or she prescribes the best treatment. If the vaginal dryness is caused by hormonal abnormalities, it will be necessary, first of all, to adjust the hormonal background. If the fault - taking oral contraceptives, you need to revise their dosage and purpose. If a woman by itself is not quickly excited during sex, you need to use lubricants - special lubricants for sexual intercourse.
Pain when excited in men
Men have their own peculiarities of pain during sexual arousal. And they are dictated by the peculiarities of male anatomy. When a man is excited, in 20-40 seconds the blood actively arrives to the pelvic organs, the veins become narrower and there is no reverse outflow of blood. From this, the penis begins to grow, grow stronger, increase in length and width.
Features of the erection of men is that the phallus in them increases threefold. It also grows 8 cm longer than in a quiet state. In translation from the Latin "erection" means "raise". In this condition, the phallus needs to be discharged, it can not remain in that position for long. When the phallus rubs against the walls of the vagina, the excitement grows, all organs activate their work. If during sexual arousal a man has something wrong with the genitals, he may experience severe pain from overexertion.
What diseases can cause pain in men during excitement?
First of all, these are diseases of a viral nature. Viruses and bacteria can cause inflammation of the genitals, from this they become weaker, vulnerable, the tissues overextend and hurt.
This is an inflammatory process in the testicles of a man. It can occur after a man has suffered mumps, in the common people - mumps. The most characteristic symptoms of this disease are high body temperature, the testicle becomes swollen, painful.
The nature of pain
Pain in the testicle can be strong and slow or pulling, dull, which does not go away for several hours or even days - the pain can last up to a week. During sexual intercourse, pain can not at all allow it to take place, because the pain can become unbearable.
After a week of suffering, pain may recede, but then return again. At this time the testicle decreases considerably in size, in this state it remains, and can even be atrophied. Up to two months after the disease passes, the pain can still come back and not allow a man to live normally sexually. Sperm significantly decreases in quantities - the one produced by the diseased testicle.
What to do?
First of all, be examined by a urologist. He will prescribe a course of treatment and the man needs to stay under medical supervision for at least two months after the pain during excitation and sexual intercourse will stop him bothering.
This is a painful disease, during which the appendages of male testicles become inflamed. The scrotum increases in size, the man has a fever of up to 38 degrees, and frequent urge to urinate. The cause of the pathology is usually a viral infection or a fungal disease. The cause of this condition can be a fungal disease or a common cold of a viral nature.
The nature of pain
When excited, the pain in the testicles and scrotum is particularly strong. The scrotum becomes much larger, the testicles also increase, and the blood, which in excess arrives at the genitals during excitement, makes the sexual act simply unbearable. The nature of the pain is sharp and sharp.
What to do?
It is necessary to immediately contact a doctor-urologist and undergo a course of treatment with antifungal, antiviral drugs. Complex therapy may also include anti-inflammatory drugs. If you do not wake up and do not treat the disease in its initial stage, it can lead to infertility and lack of sexuality in general.
It is the scourge of many men whom they fear like fire. The terrible word prostatitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland. The causes may be viruses that have infected the male's genitals, colds, abnormal sexual life (including its complete absence), inactivity, violation of the process of urination (for example, a situation where a man has to endure for a long time).
Prostatitis causes pain during intercourse, and this requires serious treatment. By the way: the cause of prostatitis can be even elementary hypothermia, so you should avoid these situations.
The nature of pain
A man hurts the crotch and scrotum area, the pain can be sharp and very strong. By the type of knife. They can be accompanied by chills, fever, increased testes and scrotum. A man can not normally urinate because of pain, especially when they are aggravated by sexual arousal.
What to do?
To address to the urologist and to eliminate or cause the reasons of a prostatitis if it in forces of the doctor. That is, get rid of viruses and bacteria that provoke the disease, and also beware of hypothermia, intense schedule of physical activity.
Deformations and pathologies of testicles, scrotum, penile frenulum
Diseases that cause deformities and pathologies of the testicles can provoke a man very severe pain when excited, not to mention the most sexual act. In order not to suffer from an inferior sexual life. You need to know the nature of your disease and its symptoms. This will help make the right decision about treatment.
Testicular torsion
This is a serious pathology, with it deforms the spermatic cord through which the blood passes with its beneficial substances and which is called to carry the sperm. When the testicle is twisted, the spermatic cord is squeezed, twisted, the sperm through it can no longer flow, and the man suffers pain.
The nature of pain
Sharp, unbearable, with excitation greatly increases.
What to do?
Need urgent surgery, otherwise you can lose the testicle as a result of dropsy testicles and its complete atrophy.
There is varicose on the legs - it's complicated and painful, and there is a more serious disease - varicocele. In this disease, men grow in the vein of the spermatic cord, attached to the testicle and supplying sperm from it.
The nature of pain
The pain can be very strong, with excitation increases. Still, almost the main artery of the male organism, which supplies the main male pride from the testicle, is blocked - sperm! Varikotsele is dangerous because it can deprive a man of the ability to produce sperm in general as a result of testicular atrophy.
What to do?
Refer to a urologist after the appearance of the first signs of pain during excitation, during and after sexual intercourse. Procrastination may threaten a more serious development of varicocele, then the situation can be corrected only by surgery.
Inguinal hernia
In this disease, the man's peritoneum is bulging. She is not in the place where she needs to be anatomically, but in the inguinal canal. Therefore, the spermatic cord, coming from the testicle, is pinched, and severe pains appear in the testicles.
The nature of pain
It happens that the disease runs without symptoms, pain can increase with sexual arousal, when the testicles are strained. But more often inguinal hernia is accompanied by pains in the groin and testicles, painful sensations weaken, then become stronger. Sexual intercourse with such a deviation in health can take place completely differently than a man would like.
What to do?
To address to the urologist and the surgeon for inspection. If a man has an infringement of inguinal hernia, very often only surgery saves the situation. Also can return the man a normal sexual life.
One of the most common answers to the question, why testicles hurt, is unsatisfied sexual arousal. This symptom is familiar to most young men. When the erection of the penis in the testicles also accumulates blood, which leads to their swelling. If the ejaculation does not occur for a long time, there is a drawing pain in the testicles. Such feelings give a tangible discomfort, but do not pose a significant threat to a man's health.
Tear of the phallus frenum
This anatomical imperfection can be a great way to interfere with a man's sexual life. The tearing of the frenum, which is located on the head of the penis, can provoke severe pain. There is it for different reasons - trauma, too dry and small vagina of the woman, an inept partner who can injure a member of a man.
The nature of pain
Sharp, burning, sometimes difficult to bear. Occurs during sexual tension, sexual intercourse, masturbation.
What to do?
Go to the surgeon or urologist. This pathology can be corrected by anti-inflammatory therapy, as well as using wound-healing remedies, without forgetting about bactericidal preparations.
Both men and women should not suffer pain during sexual arousal, even if they are not very strong at first. This is not the case when "patience and work will peretrut". Patience as a result can lead to very long treatment, deterioration of active sex life and operation.
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