Pain in the eyeball
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of pain in the eyeballs
The eyeball in Latin sounds like bulbus oculi. This is a pair formation, which has the form of a sphere, but is irregular. Eyeballs are located in the eye cavities, or the orbits of the human eye. They, respectively, are in the skull. The causes of pain in the eyeballs can be very different: the usual chronic fatigue, eye diseases, inflammation of the nerves of the eye, inflammation of the carotid artery or its branches, getting a foreign body into the eye and so on.
Overstrain of the muscles of the eye
This is a very common complaint, because of which people turn to ophthalmologists. The muscles of the eyes are overworked due to the wrong mode of working at the computer, non-observance of the rules when reading books and papers, reading and working in front of the monitor in poor lighting.
When the eyes are looking at one point for a long time, for example, on a computer monitor or a TV screen, the visual muscles are overstrained, pain impulses are transmitted to the eyeballs and pain arises from this. Pain in the eyeballs can be blunt, prolonged, or perhaps acute, in which you want to immediately call a doctor.
How to reduce the burden on the eyes?
To do this, you need to properly locate the computer. Lighting should be sufficient and fall from the left side. For lefties - with the right. The optimal solution - fluorescent lights, better than anyone else has not thought of. If a person uses daylight, then this is also a good option. Because such a light spares the eyes. It is indirect, diffuse and no glare appears on the monitor, it does not interfere with the eyes.
From the purity of the monitor, too much depends, and who would have thought! If there are spots, stains, elementary dust - this is an additional burden on the eyes. Therefore, you do not need to save on your own health and stock up on alcohol screen napkins, as well as a good monitor with a protective screen.
The distance from the monitor to the eyes should be at least half a meter, and preferably 60-70 cm. If a person has nearsightedness, you just need to zoom in - your eyes will tire much less. More ophthalmologists advise making the screen - light, and the font - black, and not vice versa. If the text should be typed on the keyboard from paper sources, you need to put the paper above the keyboard closer to the monitor, and not from the side, so you do not have to constantly look down. Then the eyes get tired much less.
Infections in the nasal sinuses
Infections in the body are very closely related to possible pain in the eyeballs. And infections of the nasal sinuses faster than others can penetrate into the eyeballs. These pains can be pulsating, jerking, even shooting. Most of all, the posterior part of the eyeball suffers, on which the most nerve endings are located. Pain can arise even from the fact that a person simply looked to the left or to the right.
Headaches or facial pains
They can also cause pain in the eyeballs. Such pain can occur due to overstrain of the facial muscles, migraine, tension headache, when a person is very much engaged in mental work. Pain receptors transmit pain throughout the head region, including eyeballs, intraocular pressure increases, pain can be quite strong. Their character can be jerking, blunt, pulling and even shooting.
Eye pain as a result of pain in the eyeballs
Pain in the eyeballs can arise as a result of eye diseases. For example, a glumcoma, in which an aura around a lamp or other light source may appear, as well as something like a wreath. When glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure and a person over time can simply lose sight. Pain in the eyeballs with glaucoma can be pressing, breaking, inside the eye there may be a sensation as if there is a foreign body.
Pain in the eyeballs can also cause uevit - eye disease, which inflames the vascular membrane on the surface of the eyeball.
Colds and flu
Colds are caused by viruses and bacteria that penetrate the body. It is logical that they penetrate into the eyeballs, which, therefore, begin to inflame and ache. At the person thus also temperature, and a fever, and the raised pressure inside of eyes is felt. Any diseases that are accompanied by infections can inevitably lead to pain in the eyeballs, especially when pressure jumps and increased body temperature.
Herpes eye
Yes, there is also such herpes. In other words - shingles, which is very painful. It is also called herpes zoster. Lishay can appear under the skin in the form of vesicles, which are very painful. If the herpes zoster hooks and the eyes, then there is pain in the eyeballs. This pain is very strong and sharp, it does not last long, the person is terribly suffering. To treat this disease it is possible only in a hospital and as soon as possible, otherwise a person can simply go blind.
Injuries of eyeballs
These injuries can also cause pain in the eyeballs. If you simultaneously damage the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane covering the protein of the eye - the sclera, as well as the surface of the eyelids from the inside), then the eyeball on the surface can become covered with blood.
When an eyeball is injured, an alien body can enter it, which aggravates the situation and adds pain. When a foreign body enters the eyeball on its surface, irregularities can develop - scratches, cracks, and jaggies. It causes pain.
If the eyeball is cut or pierced - these wounds can be very dangerous for eyesight. All the shells that are in the eyes, can be hurt by injury, and in all can be lesions: and sclera, and the cornea, and the retina.
Injuries to all the shells of the eye: cornea, sclera, retina. Retin-A, in addition. Very sensitive to light changes. It is covered with a layer of cells, which gives this increased photosensitivity. Therefore, in poor lighting or, conversely, too bright, or its differences, a person begins to lose sight. It happens that the retina separates from the eye wall, and then blindness comes. This can be accompanied by hemorrhages in the eyeballs and the penetration of infections in them.
Infection from the body
Infection in the eyeball can get not only as a result of catarrhal diseases and viruses from the external environment, but also as a result of the penetration of viruses from the body. For example, with urogenital infection, after chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, herpes at the stage of relapse, and also banal, seemingly harmless caries. After suffering an infectious disease, the branches of the trigeminal nerve can become inflamed, especially if the person has been in the cold for a long time and has become supercooled. And then the pain in the eyeballs can be very strong.
Diseases of the vessels of the eyeball
Vessels that nourish the eyeball can also become inflamed and therefore eyeballs can get sick. This pain can also occur as a result of increased eye pressure or, conversely, lack of blood supply to the vessels. If a person lacks blood supply to blood vessels and tissues that surround them, a person can diagnose ischemia. But this disease is difficult to diagnose - the patient needs a study by scanning with an ultrasound triplex. For an accurate diagnosis, not only an ophthalmologist, but also a cardiologist is needed.
Dry eye syndrome
With this disease, the surface of the eyeballs remains dry, causing a sharp pain in the eyes. This pain can occur with overworking at the computer, in case of incorrect lighting, with a long unblinking look at one point in a monotonous work. With dry eye syndrome, which can cause pain in the eyeballs, you can cope if you lead a correct lifestyle and protect your eyesight.
The mechanism of pain in the eyeballs
Because of the large number of nerve endings, eyeballs can experience pain at the slightest external influences. But these nerve endings protect the eyes, have a protective function. If the eyes get sick, they immediately want to close. And rightly, because it protects them from harmful external influences: too bright light, too dry or wet climate, from the temperature drop.
Aggressive environment is also of great importance for the health of eyeballs. The pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms, microparticles of dust, fluff and pollen of plants constantly enter the mucous membrane of the eye. And all these foreign agents can cause pain in the eyeballs, tearfulness, pain in the eyes. This is because the eyes are trying to get rid of the alien organism and react to it with tears. Nerve endings are irritated, and pain impulses are transmitted to the brain. So we feel pain in the eyeballs, on which there is a huge number of nerve endings.
Often a person can not cope with the problem, he needs to consult an ophthalmologist. For proper treatment, you need to determine the exact diagnosis.
What are the pains in the eyeballs?
These pains are divided into several subgroups: internal, external, acute and chronic. External pains are understandable, they mean that eyeballs hurt in the outer part. Internal pain in the eyeballs means that the pains are troubled from the inside. Chronic pains mean that the painful process lasts for several days, and even months, their symptoms grow not immediately, but increase gradually. In chronic pain most often suffer from both eyes. Acute pains are the most painful sensations, they arise suddenly, abruptly and develop very quickly. In acute pain, only one eye is most often affected.
Symptoms of eyeball damage
Severe or moderate pain in the eyeballs (inside or around the protein, as if outside)
- Tear of the eyes
- Itching in the eyes
- Dry eyes, in particular, a sensation, as if in the eyes poured sand
- Swelling under the eyes