Why do the hair grow on the skin of the face, legs, groin and what should I do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A common cosmetic problem that occurs in both men and women is ingrown hair. Consider its causes, types, complications and methods of treatment.
Pseudofolliculitis is a small-sized formation. The tubercle is reddish with serous or purulent contents inside, in which ingrown vegetation can be seen.
- A pathological condition occurs on any skin (regardless of the phototype), which is subjected to regular shaving.
- Defect is accompanied by inflammation and irritation.
- Growth occurs because after the shave the growth of the strands goes deep into the epidermis.
- Dead skin litter the hair follicle, and provokes the appearance of a defect.
From a medical point of view, ingrown hair is not dangerous to human life. But in cosmetology this is one of the most common problems. Without proper treatment, it can cause a number of serious consequences. Reddish formation can go into a bump, which will swell, and become inflamed or abscessed. After such a complication, scars often remain on the skin.
Most often, with this pathology, people with an African type of appearance, as well as with hard or curly / wavy curls and dark skin, face. The softer and lighter the human hair, the less it is prone to ingrowth. In women, pseudofolliculitis occurs in the bikini area (pubis) and in the axillary region, in men more often on the face. The appearance of the disorder indicates that the hair removal has been done incorrectly and it is necessary to contact a dermatologist or a professional cosmetologist.
According to medical statistics, every 3 people encounter pseudofolliculitis, regularly removing vegetation from the body. The epidemiology of ingrown hair indicates that this problem is most often faced by representatives of the African-American race. Defect occurs with regular shaving. At the same time, men and women are equally prone to pathology.
A defect can occur on any part of the body that is exposed to the removal of unwanted vegetation. As a rule, places of ingrowth appear where the strands are the most rigid and have a curly structure: legs, axillae, and a zone of beard growth in men.
Causes of the ingrown hair
After shaving or hair removal, many people face the problem of ingrown hair. To this pathology, owners of hard and curly curls are more likely. Pseudofolliculitis can occur with an imbalance of sex hormones, that is, with excess vegetation on the body and a number of other factors.
There are several reasons why hair grows:
- A dense layer of the epidermis - because of dense skin, the new growing curl is difficult to break out, so it grows bent along the path of least resistance.
- The peculiarity of the structure and structure - the owners of dark, curly, curly and hard strands are more prone to ingrowth. As a rule, these are Africans and African Americans.
- Hormonal background - increased production of estrogen, adolescence, pregnancy, endocrine diseases or hirsutism.
- Preparing the skin for epilation - to prevent ingrownness, before the removal procedure, you need to do a peeling. With its help, the dead layer of the dermis will be removed, which will improve dermal breathing and normalize the growth of the hair shaft.
- Tools - if the hair is removed with a razor, then it is necessary to follow that its blades are sharp. The old razor can injure the skin, leaving scratches or cuts. In addition, the blunted machine does not remove vegetation from the first time, due to which it is necessary to conduct several times on the skin, causing its irritation. When using an electric shaver creates a strong friction of the epidermis, which often provokes pseudofolliculitis.
- Cosmetic means - regular application of creams for depilation leads to irritation of the root (bulb) of the hair. Its structure becomes weaker, normal growth is disrupted.
- Skin care - after shaving or other methods of removing vegetation, it is necessary to apply a disinfectant and moisturizer to the skin. Immediately after the procedure, the epidermis is vulnerable to bacteria. Because of this, inflammatory processes or hairs with irregular growth may occur. For care use lotions, creams and gels, designed to treat the skin after shaving.
- Tightly fitting clothing - narrow or tight clothing provokes mechanical skin friction. Because of this, its upper layers are densified, the pores of the hair follicles are clogged, and a defect appears.
By minimizing the above-described reasons, it is possible to prevent abnormal hair growth and complications associated with it.
Risk factors
Inflammatory processes on the skin after shaving arise for a variety of reasons. Risk factors are associated with improper removal of vegetation. Because of the trauma of the hair bulb, improper growth of the curls starts, which leads to their ingrowth.
Consider the main risk factors for pseudofolliculitis:
- Dry skin.
- Acute angle of inclination of the follicle with respect to the skin.
- Hard and curly strands.
- Frequent shaving using blunt machines.
- Improper preparation for epilation and lack of skin care after the procedure.
- Wax epilation, shugaring.
- Occlusion of hair follicles.
In men, lesions are localized in the region of the beard and neck. In women, most often in the armpits and in the bikini area. The prerequisites for the appearance of inflammatory pathology are many. To eliminate risk factors, it is necessary to properly care for the epidermis or to entrust this to the beautician.
The mechanism of pseudofolliculitis is based on its cause. Pathogenesis is most often associated with shaving. Because of this removal of vegetation, the curls growing spirally become sharp, allowing them to penetrate the skin. The free end of the hair grows into the skin, forming an arch over its surface. If the ingrowth occurs immediately after the exit of the string from the bulb, then it passes the skin in the stratum corneum, forming a black band.
Growth in the dermis causes an inflammatory reaction. The pathological process can be accompanied by the appearance of microabscesses and inflammatory infiltration, as a reaction to a foreign body. On the body, this manifests itself in small knots that hurt and itch.
In some cases, the disorder becomes fibrous dermis. There are follicular papules and pustules, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in the lesion. In the future, papules can degenerate into cysts. Very often, after the removal of neglected ingrowth, scars remain.
Symptoms of the ingrown hair
Violation of normal hair growth is possible on any part of the body, which is often subjected to shaving, hair removal and other procedures for the removal of vegetation. Symptoms of ingrown hair are divided into early and late. Their manifestations largely depend on the location of the defect. At the beginning pseudofolliculitis is characterized by such signs:
- Irritation and redness of the epidermis.
- Local inflammation and swelling.
- At the site of ingrowth, there is a rash: papules (inflamed nodules) and pustules (abscesses).
- Small, but firm cones are formed of rounded shape, painful to the touch.
- Hyperpigmentation.
- Scarring of inflamed tissues.
At the initial stage, the pathological condition is manifested by local hyperemia and swelling of the skin, on which depilation was performed. A couple of days on the site of the lesion is observed inflammation, dense itchy and painful nodules. Through the epidermis you can see the dark tip of the hair. After the inflammation subsides, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scars remain. In rare cases, the ingrown hairs come out on their own.
First signs
Pseudofolliculitis, like any other dermatological disease, has a number of characteristic symptoms. The first signs of the disorder:
- Local hyperemia and swelling.
- After 2-3 days there are painful sensations and itching. The place of ingrowth is compacted, papules are formed.
- If there was infection, then the tubercle is suppressed, the pus often appears through the skin.
- Through the upper layers of the dermis, a hair can be seen: a loop or its tip.
- The appearance of the mills is whitish nodules, dense to the touch. Formed a couple of weeks after shaving or hair removal.
- If the defect is complicated, then abscesses and abscesses are formed due to the infectious process (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
Further symptomatology depends on the nature of the pathological process. Hair can break out on its own. If this occurs, the inflammation gradually subsides. When trying to open the nail and pull hair yourself, infectious complications are possible. At the site of ingrowth, a purulent pustule forms, which leaves a scar behind it. If the treatment takes place in a medical institution or a cosmetologist, then on the site of the ingrown lock there is a small wound and hyperpigmentation.
Ingrown hair in the bikini zone
Very many girls who do depilation and regularly caring for the skin, face such a problem as ingrown hair in the bikini zone. This defect causes irritation, pain and inflammation. Sometimes the place of ingrowth begins to swell, turning into a lump or boil. In this case, the assistance of a dermatologist or cosmetologist is needed, which will remove the defect and its consequences. To prevent pseudofolliculitis, regular peeling of the epilated areas of the body should be performed and special cosmetic means should be used.
Ingrown pubic hair
With a problem like ingrown pubic hair, anyone who removes unwanted vegetation in an intimate zone faces. And women suffer much more from this than men. The reason for ingrowth is associated with a pathological change in the direction of growth of the curl. In the process of removal, the bulb is injured, because of which the strand does not break out, but grows under the skin. In most cases, everything is treated with redness and slight inflammation, but there are cases of infection and more serious complications.
There are a number of symptoms characteristic of pseudofolliculitis in the pubic region:
- Local inflammation and swelling.
- Itching.
- Painful sensations.
- Pus.
If the above symptoms are ignored, then there is discomfort and further progression of the pathology. As a rule, an acute onset of the disorder occurs within a few days. In some cases, the symptoms can be confused with pimples, STDs, genital herpes and other diseases. A dermatological problem requires treatment. For this it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, a surgeon or a cosmetologist. If the inflammatory reaction occurs without significant complications, then you can try to eliminate the defect yourself.
Methods for removing ingrown pubic hair:
- Scrub the place of injury and apply a warm compress. This will help soften the skin, which will greatly facilitate the procedure. Treat alcohol with tweezers and take a sterile needle from the syringe. Using a needle, pull the hair out of the follicle and remove it with tweezers. This method can be used if the ingrowth is visible under the skin. In other cases, it is better to consult a surgeon, since the lock can be deep in the skin, and trying to get it yourself will lead to trauma to the epidermis and infection.
- Another option to combat cosmetic defects after shaving is chemical depilation. On the pubic area, a special cream is applied, which weakens the hair, making it easier to remove. Tretinoin can be used for the procedure. It acts on the follicle, due to which the hair loosely sits inside and its removal is painless.
- If the defect is accompanied by a secondary infection, it is necessary to see a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics, both internally and externally. Without proper treatment, the formation of abscesses and purulent papules is possible. After the risk of infection is minimized, the doctor will remove the tumor.
Do not forget about the methods of preventing pseudofolliculitis. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the way you remove vegetation. If this shave, the skin is better to handle a special gel or cream, and not soap. This will allow the machine to glide over the skin and leave no irritation. After the procedure, the dressed area should be disinfected and moistened. When waxing, you need to peel and soften the skin. This will completely remove the hairs, without traumatizing the bulbs and not breaking their growth.
Ingrown hair after hair removal
In the fight against excess vegetation on the body, many women resort to such a procedure as epilation. It is a method of removing the hair along with the root. After such procedure there is a smooth and velvety skin, which pleases for several weeks. But in some cases, complications may occur - it is ingrown hair after hair removal. This happens when there is no preparation for epilating or because of improper care of the body immediately after the procedure. To treat pseudofolliculitis, you need to contact a beautician who will choose the best method of hair removal without disrupting their growth.
Ingrown hairs on the legs
The side effect of many methods of depilation are ingrown hair. On legs they appear more often, than on other sites of a body. This is due to the fact that it is the feet that are subjected to frequent shaving, especially in the summer. A defect is accompanied by an inflammatory process, irritation, itching, burning, and hyperemia develop. In especially severe cases, it is possible to develop folliculitis or to attach a secondary infection.
In addition to painful sensations, the defect also provides cosmetic problems. The ingrown locks look like black dots, they can turn into compacted nodules and cones with pus, which require medical treatment.
The main cause of the development of the disorder is that during the removal of vegetation from the feet, only the percutaneous part of the hair is touched, and not its bulb. After the procedure, the hairs begin to grow and try to break through the coarsened skin. If she does not succeed, she bends in the direction of the bulb, that is, inside the root.
For the treatment and prevention of pseudofolliculitis on the legs, the following methods are recommended:
- Regularly spend scrubbing and peeling. This will help remove the dead skin particles.
- Use moisturizing lotions and creams. During shaving, it is better to use special gels, not soap. This will allow the razor to slide easily over the skin without hurting it.
- Shave your hair according to their height, not against it. This minimizes the risk of damage to the follicle.
If ingrown hairs all the same appeared, then it must be removed. To do this, remove the skin or apply a warm compress to the affected area, which softens the epidermis. Prepare a sterile needle, disinfectant and tweezers. Use a needle to gently pry the curl and remove it with tweezers. In order to avoid wounding on the site of ingrowth, the skin needs to be wiped with alcohol or chlorhexidine solution. But this method is suitable only in cases where the strand is under the surface of the skin and can be seen.
Hairs that have grown deep enough, turned into a bump or are inflamed, should be treated by a surgeon or dermatologist. The doctor will open the tumor, clear it of pus, remove the root, warning further complications.
Ingrown hair after slouching
Hair removal with the help of a thick sugar syrup is a shugaring. Sugar epilation has several advantages over other methods of removing vegetation from the body:
- Economy and prostate use - the paste to remove the curls consists of water and sugar. It is very easy to use, it is enough to roll into a ball and hold it over the skin with unwanted vegetation.
- Hypoallergenicity and painlessness - paste for shugaring does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, the product less sticks to the skin, which does not cause such discomfort as when using wax.
- Long-lasting effect and minimum complications - sugar caramel envelops both the hair and its bulb, which allows it to be completely removed. During the procedure, the hairs do not break, and their growth does not deteriorate. The effect can last up to 20 days.
Ingrown hair after shugaring occurs much less often than after waxing or shaving. The development of pseudofolliculitis is possible in the event that the removal procedure was carried out with a violation of the technology. Therefore, it is better to carry out shugaring with a professional cosmetologist.
Treatment of pseudofolliculitis after shugaring is the same as after other methods of depilation. If the curl is not deep, then the skin should be steamed and using a sterile needle to pull it out. If there is inflammation with signs of nagging, it is better to contact a dermatologist or surgeon who will clean the wound and remove its contents.
Ingrown hair on the face
Many men are aware of such a problem as ingrown hairs on their face. Most often, his appearance is associated with such causes:
- Lack of preparation for shaving - despite the fact that many razors have a soap strip, it can not replace a normal shaving aid. Before the procedure, the depilation zone must be treated with a special foam or gel and steam the skin for 3-5 minutes.
- Wrong hair removal - very often the vegetation on the face goes in different directions, so before shaving it is necessary to determine the direction of growth of the bristles. Shave is necessary in a direction, and not against it.
- A bad instrument - if there is a tendency to pseudofolliculitis, then it is worth abandoning machine tools with several blades. This is due to the fact that the first blade clings an onion and lifts it above the skin, the second removes the hair, and the third traumatizes the root. Because of this, irritation occurs, pustules appear on the skin and other cosmetic troubles.
- Wrong skin care after the procedure - to prevent pseudofolliculitis, moisturize and disinfect the skin. For this, there are many lotions, balms and creams after shaving.
If ingrown hairs on the face appeared, then it should be removed. For this, you need to steam the skin. You can prepare a herbal decoction with an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, from chamomile or parsley. After this, pry the hair with a sterile needle and remove it with tweezers. The damaged area should be wiped with a disinfectant.
If the curl is deep in the skin, do not try to squeeze it or pick open the skin and pull it out. In most cases, such actions lead to infection of the wound. Address to the cosmetician or the surgeon, the doctor will remove a defect and will tell about methods of preventive maintenance. Also do not forget that compliance with shaving rules and proper facial care, minimize the problem of ingrown hair.
Ingrown hair is inflamed
Very often shaving unwanted vegetation is complicated by the fact that ingrown hair becomes inflamed. On the skin appears a small tubercle, inside which you can see the hair. Any touch of compaction causes pain. If you leave this defect without attention, then this can lead to serious complications. Since in some cases, ingrown locks reach subcutaneous fat and provide more problems than any abscess.
From the localization of the focus of inflammation depends the risk of complications. The most dangerous is the defeat near the lymphatic system, for example, in the armpits. Therefore, as soon as you notice inflammation after shaving, you should consult a doctor. A dermatologist or surgeon will open the seal, purify it of pus, prescribe a course of antibiotics. Attempts to cope independently with pseudofolliculitis in the acute stage are contraindicated.
Ingrown hair on the labia
With such a problem as ingrown hairs on the labia, almost all women who remove vegetation in this zone are facing. Growth, perhaps after any method of removal: shugaring, waxing, shaving. The pathological condition is characterized by an inflammatory process. On the skin there are purulent tubercles-pimples in which the hairs can be viewed.
If you leave this problem without attention, then the inflammation will go to the chronic stage. This can lead to the appearance of a furuncle or abscess. Attempts to remove the defect on its own in such an intimate area are unacceptable. Because there is a risk of infection and trauma to the skin. It is enough to consult a gynecologist or a cosmetologist who will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and painlessly remove the tumor.
Arched underarm hair
The most unpleasant and painful complication after depilation is the ingrown hair under the armpits. In the armpits, the skin is very thin, so it is easily irritated. The presence of sweat glands and regular use of deodorants exacerbate pseudofolliculitis, causing discomfort, pain, infection.
It is rather difficult to eliminate the ingrowth in this area on its own. But if the ingrown bristle is under the surface of the skin, you can try to remove it.
- The affected area must be treated with acne, which includes salicylic acid.
- After a couple of minutes, carefully wash the ointment and steam the skin.
- Use a sterile needle to pry the hair and tweeze it with tweezers.
- Treat the skin with an antiseptic.
But even after a properly performed procedure, there is a risk of complications. This is due to the fact that the damaged follicle can remain in the skin, which will burst. Therefore, at the first signs of dermatological inflammation, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.
Hair Growth During Pregnancy
The problem of ingrown hair causes a lot of inconvenience, especially if the hair has grown during pregnancy. It is better to treat this defect with a doctor. Since complications from pseudofolliculitis are dangerous.
In order to prevent the development of dermatological disorder, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:
- Use a good shaving aid and for skin care after depilation, which does not clog pores.
- Use only a high-quality razor, preferably disposable or change the blade more often.
- Perform regular skin peeling, use scrubs and special lotions with salicylic acid.
- Remove hair in the direction of their growth. If possible, perform the procedure as rarely as possible.
Compliance with such simple rules will avoid unpleasant complications during pregnancy.
Pseudofolliculitis develops gradually. The stages of pathology are characterized by increasing symptoms. At first, there is slight hyperemia and swelling, which are followed by a pronounced inflammatory process and nagnaivaniem. Further development depends on such factors:
- Damage to the shape of the hair follicle - due to improper removal, the hair begins to grow under the surface of the skin, they can spiral or sprout an arch over the epidermis. Rarely cause severe inflammation and are easily removed at home.
- Overgrowth of the mouth of the hair root with cornified epidermis - a weakened curl does not germinate on the surface, so it starts to go inside the dermis. This process is exacerbated by severe inflammation, the appearance of an abscess or boil.
Depending on the stage of ingrown hair and its location, different methods of treatment are used. This can be a scrubbing and regular peeling, local antiseptic and skin softening agents or a surgical operation for opening a neoplasm.
Ingrown hair, like many dermatological pathologies, has several species, each with characteristic features of it. There are such types of pseudofolliculitis:
- Superficial - ingrown bristles are located under the surface of the skin and do not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. There is a slight suppuration, which descends in 2-3 days. In the abscess you can see the hair. As soon as the abscess withers, the hair will remain on the surface, which will allow it to be easily removed. After removing the ingrowth and healing of the wound, the skin may remain pigmented spots.
- Deep - occurs if the hair penetrated into the deep layers of the dermis. On the affected area a dense, painful red knot is formed. The size of the seal does not exceed 2 cm. After 5-7 days, the pustule gradually shrinks, a crust remains on the skin, but the curl does not come out. After removal of ingrowth, scars remain on the skin.
Regardless of the type and stage, pseudofolliculitis causes a lot of inconvenience. To prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary to properly remove unwanted vegetation, having prepared skin for this purpose.
Complications and consequences
Ingrown hair on any part of the body can cause serious consequences and complications. The most common problems include:
- Bacterial infection
- Hyperpigmentation
- Inflammation of the hair follicle
- Scars and keloids
- Furuncle
- Abscess
If the pathological process is accompanied by the attachment of a secondary infection, it is even possible to infect the blood.
What is dangerous about ingrown hair?
At first glance, the problem of ingrown hair is not dangerous. But in some cases, a neglected pathological process leads to serious consequences. Let's consider more in detail, than the ingrown hair is dangerous:
- Hairs should grow outward, if they remain under the skin, then inflammation begins. The body fights against the foreign body, because of which pus accumulates in the lesion area. After opening a purulent neoplasm, scars can remain on the skin.
- Prolonged inflammation of ingrown hair leads to the formation of seals. Small, but painful bumps on the skin - this is a common cosmetology problem, the main cause of which is improper depilation.
- Attempts to remove the defect on your own can lead to serious injuries to the skin and infection. Against this background, several complications are observed: abscess, furuncle, scars, hyperpigmentation, blood infection.
At the first painful symptoms of a pseudofolliculitis, it is necessary to address to the cosmetician or the surgeon.
Suppuration of ingrown hair
One of the most common complications of improper depilation / epilation is the suppuration of ingrown hair. The pathological process is characterized by purulent inflammation of the upper parts of the hair follicle.
At the mouth of the follicle, an inflamed papule is formed, surrounded by reddened skin. On the body appears abscess, inside which there is a bristle. After 3-5 days, the pustule resolves and after it remains a crust or a small erosion with ingrown hairs. In most cases, after the solution of the purulent-inflammatory process, the curl come out independently.
Wounds from ingrown hairs
The wrong procedure for removing unwanted vegetation leads to serious consequences. Wounds from ingrown hairs most often occur due to attempts to get the hair on its own, which is deep in the skin. Wound damage to the epidermis is possible due to complications of pseudofolliculitis, that is abscesses, abscesses or boils.
If there is serous-fibrous or purulent exudate in the open wound, the patient is cleansed of the wound site and prescribed a number of topical agents that accelerate the healing. In particularly severe cases, use sterile dressings and regular treatment with antiseptics.
To accelerate the healing of these drugs are prescribed:
- Salicylic ointment is an antibacterial agent that disinfects the skin and speeds up regeneration processes. Before applying the ointment, the skin needs to be treated with an antiseptic, then apply a thin layer of medicine and cover it with a sterile dressing. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the wound is better.
- Balm Rescuer - after application on the skin forms a thin film. Before applying the remedy, the wound should be rinsed with hydrogen peroxide.
- Cream Eplan - antibacterial agent with disinfectant properties. Reduces the risk of infection of open wounds, accelerates healing.
Treatment of wounds in pseudofolliculitis should be occupied by a doctor. Attempts to deal with the damage yourself can lead to negative consequences.
Sealing from ingrown hair
Very often, trauma to the hair follicles during shaving or epilation leads to various complications. Seals from ingrown hair, one of them. The appearance of a cone or a large but painful pimple indicates that an inflammatory process is under the skin. In this case, regular peelings are recommended to correct the defect. Gradual softening of the seal will safely remove the hair.
If the tumor is large and painful, then it is worthwhile to consult a surgeon. The doctor will open the growth, remove the ingrowth and if there is pus, then he will clean the wound. In some cases, the seal indicates a ripening boil. For its treatment, special ointments and medical compresses are prescribed.
Scars after ingrown hairs
With a problem like scars after ingrown hairs, a third of people suffering from pseudofolliculitis face. The nature of the scar depends on whether the infection was and how much the surrounding tissues were damaged.
As a rule, after the defect is removed, keloid scars remain on the skin. They are stellate or fan-shaped, painful, rough to the touch. Because they are small in size, no specific treatment is required. Gradually they become lighter and less noticeable. But if the scar is on the face or brings discomfort, then to remove it using such methods:
- Mesotherapy - special injections with active components are introduced into the affected tissues, which accelerate the process of skin regeneration and regeneration.
- Cryodestruction is the essence of this method in the use of liquid nitrogen. A special nozzle is fixed to the scar, which is gradually cooled. The procedure is painless, dead tissue is torn off for a month. Approximately in half a year new healthy skin is formed.
- Laser grinding - on the scar affect the laser beam, which evaporates the connective tissue. The procedure does not take much time and is absolutely painless.
- Vacuum massage - with the help of dermotonia it is possible to restore the lymph drainage and tissue circulation. This will help reduce the size of the scar and its alignment.
In addition to the above methods, for treatment you can use hardware and chemical peelings or drug therapy. If the scars are fresh, then the methods of alternative medicine can help: beeswax, tincture from the root of the althaea, the juice of the Kalanchoe and the flowers of the calendula, spurge and others.
Permanently grow hair
If you encounter such a problem that after the shave the hair grows constantly, then it is worthwhile to carry out a number of preventive measures that will restore the normal condition of the skin.
For the control of pseudofolliculitis it is necessary:
- Regularly conduct peelings of the skin, especially in those places that will bepropylated. This will minimize the risk of ingrown hairs.
- Use special tools before and after shaving. They slow hair growth, moisturize the skin and disinfect it.
- Additionally, use antiseptics before and after depilation / hair removal, especially in the intimate area.
- Carry out epilation before bedtime and refuse contact with water immediately after the procedure.
- Do not wear tight and synthetic underwear.
- Minimize the depilation procedure.
It is also necessary to choose the ideal way to remove unwanted vegetation. The best method is laser hair removal and photoepilation. The problem of ingrown hair can be minimized with the help of shugaring, that is, removing the vegetation with sugar paste.
Traces after ingrown hair
Very often, after depilation, the ingrowing curls remain. Traces after ingrown hairs are due to trauma to the epidermis in the process of removing the defect or its complications. To combat hyperpigmentation, these methods are used:
- Peeling - exfoliation removes the upper layer of cells with altered pigmentation and promotes the renewal of the epidermis. Scrubbing can be used as a preventative against pseudofolliculitis.
- Vitamin therapy - to quickly restore the healthy color of the skin and discoloration of traces from ingrown, you can use an oil solution of vitamin E. The product must be applied to damage immediately after the shower and peeling, preferably at night.
- Castor oil - it has bleaching properties, like vitamin E. It must be used in the same way.
- Baked onions - take the baked onion, cut and place the cut with the skin. Using a sterile dressing, plaster or bandage, fix it and after 4 hours change to a new one. The procedure must be carried out until there are no traces of ingrowth.
- Aloe - mix in the same proportion of aloe juice, olive and almond oil, a decoction of flax seeds. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and apply it under the bandage to the pigmented area. Treatment is performed until the desired results are achieved.
- Bodyweed - this tool is used not only to remove hyperpigmentation, but also to eliminate ingrown hairs. Mix in equal proportions with fresh water and hydrogen peroxide. Apply to the lesion for 10-15 minutes. As soon as you feel a burning sensation, immediately wash off. The procedure should be carried out for 5-7 days.
If you do not take any medical measures, then the traces of the hair will pass by themselves, but it will take a long time.
Red spots from ingrown hairs
Many women face such a problem as red spots from ingrown hairs. As a rule, their appearance indicates inflammation of the hair channel. But the main danger is that the purulent-inflammatory process can recur, which will significantly worsen the condition of the epidermis. In order to get rid of stains and accelerate the process of skin regeneration, use such means: peeling, laser treatment, photorejuvenation or topical preparations.
The most accessible and easiest way to eliminate pigmentation spots is the use of therapeutic masks:
- Aspirin - helps in the treatment of hyperpigmentation in the bikini area. Take three aspirin tablets, a spoonful of honey and water. Melt the honey to a liquid state, grind the tablets, and mix all the ingredients. The resulting gruel is applied to the spot of redness immediately after the shower. The duration of treatment depends on the speed of recovery of the skin.
- Mask with hydrogen peroxide - prepare a bottle with peroxide and two bags of fresh water (available at the pharmacy). Mix the ingredients until a uniform gruel is formed. The mask is applied to the body for no more than 30 minutes, rinsed with warm water. The product has a drying effect, so after using it, the skin should be moistened. Apply this mask can not be more than 2 times a week, the course of treatment a month.
Use the means to restore the normal pigmentation of the epidermis can only after the relief of inflammatory and purulent processes. The body should not be wounded or otherwise damaged.
An abscess from ingrown hair
Purulent inflammation of the tissues with the formation of a purulent cavity is an abscess. From ingrown hair, it can develop due to the neglect of the pathological process and the attachment of a secondary infection. The disease occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the skin and the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body. This is possible when trying to get their own ingrown hair by picking the skin with an unsterile needle, or by not following the rules of disinfection.
Because of the rapid multiplication of pyogenic bacteria, a purulent capsule forms and melts the skin. In pseudofolliculitis, the causative agent of infection is staphylococcus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Abscess has a number of characteristic clinical signs:
- Redness of the skin.
- Local painful sensations.
- Local temperature increase.
- Puffiness.
- General malaise.
If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should contact your surgeon. Without medical assistance, the abscess can break through both the skin and the outside. To prevent self-liquidation of abscess, the doctor opens the purulent cavity and conducts its drainage. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, immunostimulants and local drugs. After complete emptying of the cavity of the abscess, a scar is formed.
Without timely medical assistance or when trying to cure an abscess on your own, complications are possible: getting bacteria into the blood, arrosive bleeding, spread of infection. Prevention of complications is based on the observance of aseptic and antiseptic rules and the implementation of all medical recommendations.
Furunculum from ingrown hair
One of the complications of pseudofolliculitis is a furuncle. From ingrown hair it develops in the event that the curl grows into the deep layers of the dermis. Without timely treatment, the pathological process can take a chronic form. In most cases, the furuncle develops with staphylococcal infection, that is, because of secondary infection of the wound. It is characterized by purulent-inflammatory processes in the hair follicle and surrounding tissues.
A furuncle from an ingrown hair can appear on any part of the body. Most often it occurs in the armpits or places of friction (face, neck, groin, thighs). In its development, it goes through three stages:
- Infiltration - a bright red infiltration appears around the mouth of the hair follicle, which rapidly grows in size and compacts. The surrounding tissues are edematous and painful.
- Suppuration and necrosis - this stage occurs 3-4 days after the first. In the focus of inflammation, a purulent-necrotic core forms, which emerges on the surface of the skin as a pustule. The patient rises in fever, a pronounced soreness is observed in the area of the boil. After 3-5 days, the abscess is opened and a pus and necrotic stem emerges through the hole in the skin.
- Healing - a granulation tissue is formed in the crater of the furuncle. After 3-4 days a scar of red-blue color forms, which eventually fades.
The duration of all stages is 10-14 days. For treatment of a pathological condition use UHF-therapy and various local means. The patient is assigned ichthyol dressings to the lesion site, turundas with Levomekol ointment, and rinsing with antiseptic solutions. At the healing stage, antibiotic therapy is performed.
Despite the simplicity of this purulent-inflammatory complication of ingrown hair, a furuncle can also cause a number of complications. Its consequences depend on the location of the site, it can be abscesses, phlegmon, phlebitis, furunculosis and even septicemia.
Cones after ingrown hair
Pseudofolliculitis is very often accompanied by various complications. The cone after ingrown hair indicates a chronic inflammatory process. The seal can be reddish, itchy and itchy. The size of the cone depends on the defect's defect.
Regardless of the location of the neoplasm, it must be treated. The best solution in this case will be an appeal to a dermatologist. Using a scalpel or a sterile needle, the doctor will hide the lump, clear it of pus and wash it. A sterile dressing will be applied to the wound and regular rinses with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine solution will be prescribed.
There are a number of methods that can prevent the appearance of seals after hair removal:
- If the inflammation already exists, then for 2-3 days on the skin it is necessary to apply anti-inflammatory ointment (Dalacin, Baziron, Proderm), which will remove redness and swelling.
- As soon as the inflammation comes down, the lump needs to be treated with a scrub. This will remove the dead skin particles.
- There are special creams and napkins with impregnation, which prevent the ingrowth of hair. Their use on a regular basis is the best prevention of seals after ingrown hair.
It is very difficult to remove the cone yourself at home. The main difficulties are associated with the risk of infection, especially if the defect is on the face. The seal has many blood vessels and if there is an incorrect removal there is a risk of infection of the blood.
Diagnostics of the ingrown hair
On the basis of a pronounced clinical picture, the ingrown hair is diagnosed. The doctor collects an anamnesis, which results in a treatment plan for pseudofolliculitis or prescribes additional diagnostic procedures.
In the focus of inflammation dense close, hyperpigmented or erythematous papules that occur immediately after hair removal are formed. The severity of the disorder depends on the number of pustules and papules. In especially severe cases, up to hundreds of foci of inflammation can occur.
If the seals have purulent contents, then an analysis is made for the infectious flora. As a rule, in the place of ingrown hair, a secondary staphylococcal infection or other pathogenic microorganisms is found.
Differential diagnosis
In terms of its symptoms, pseudofolliculitis is similar to many other dermatological diseases. Differential diagnosis is carried out with such pathologies:
- Pyoderma.
- Folliculitis (bacterial, fungal).
- Acne.
- Acne vulgaris.
- Follicular hyperkeratosis.
- Ostiophalliculitis.
- Impetigo.
The diagnostic methods depend on the localization of the inflammatory process. In the presence of purulent papules, sowing and scraping on infectious flora is done. In especially severe cases, a biopsy is performed. Since the pathological condition is associated with shaving and other methods of hair removal, differential diagnosis is not difficult.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the ingrown hair
Regardless of the location of the localization, treatment of ingrown hair is best performed at a dermatologist or cosmetologist. For this, preparations can be prescribed: retinoids, corticosteroids, antibiotics. In advanced cases, an operation is performed, that is, an opening of an abscess, a furuncle or cones with a defect. Attempts to cure pseudo-folliculitis alone, as well as lack of timely medical care, can lead to serious complications, one of which is blood poisoning.
To prevent ingrown hairs, there are many methods of prevention. Let's consider the basic preventive recommendations:
- Regular peelings of the skin to remove the upper keratinous layer of the skin. Scrubbing should be done on the eve of depilation.
- If a razor is used to remove hair, then the machine should be with a sharp and clean blade. With a tendency to ingrowth, shaving should be done no more often 2-3 times a week.
- Before and after hair removal, the skin should be disinfected. That as with infection begins an acute inflammatory process with nagnaivaniem.
- Wax depilation and shugaring should be carried out only by a specialist. Very often, attempts to independently conduct such a procedure lead to pseudofolliculitis.
- Wear linens and clothes made from natural fabrics. Clothes should not rub your skin or tightly fit.
With a tendency to frequent ingrown hairs and their complications, hair removal and depilation should be done as rarely as possible. This will allow the hairs to grow a little and get stronger. If possible, shaving and other ways to remove unwanted vegetation should be replaced with laser hair removal.
Ingrown hair, regardless of location, has a favorable prognosis. With severe damage to the skin can remain scarring, cones and foci of pigmentation. If pseudofolliculitis is accompanied by various complications, the prognosis worsens, since without timely medical care negatively affects the work of the whole organism.