What is the risk of influenza in pregnancy?
Last reviewed: 07.02.2024
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Influenza during pregnancy is dangerous because it can adversely affect not only the health of the mother, but also the future child's body. But the flu can be saved, if you observe basic precautions. More details about the features of the course of influenza during pregnancy and its consequences for the body - right now.
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How does influenza affect the internal organs of a pregnant woman?
In addition to all these troubles, the influenza virus also affects the condition of the internal organs of a woman, destroying, above all, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, making breathing difficult. The immune system of the expectant mother also turns out to be under a great blow, as a result of which the accompanying diseases - bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, pneumonia - can develop.
If a pregnant woman does not comply with bed rest and is not treated during influenza, her heart and blood vessels also carry an increased load. As a result of the flu, heart failure can develop, which negatively affects the health of both mother and fetus.
Kidneys and the liver, as organs of processing, also receive a blow after the attack of influenza viruses. Bacteria and viruses affect the membranes of internal organs, which begin to cope with their duties much worse. Influenza can be joined by other infections - hemophilia, pneumococcal, staphylococcal, causing the body, and so weakened by the flu, is weakened even more. Therefore, chronic diseases that a woman suffered before or during pregnancy, may worsen. First of all, these are such diseases as bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis, pyelonephritis and others.
Why is the flu in pregnancy so dangerous?
Influenza is not a cold, and it does not come because the woman has overcooled. It is an infectious disease that spreads from an infected person to a healthy one, and that also gets sick. When the influenza virus enters the body of a pregnant woman, it penetrates into the cells of its body and changes its structure so that the infected cell produces all new influenza viruses, and itself dies.
As a result of the fact that the body cells die, and this material accumulates in the blood and organs, the body is exposed to intoxication. Then, in addition to the usual toxicosis of a pregnant woman, she is also attacked by toxicosis due to dead cell proteins, and the condition of a woman becomes menacingly severe.
Threat of a miscarriage because of a flu
An organism that is weakened by alien viruses and bacteria is not able to fight for another, a small life that is inside. The instinct of survival forces the mother's body to throw out an alien body. That is, during influenza, especially in severe form, the risk of miscarriage increases. Therefore, with the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor to:
- Diagnose the disease
- Assign correct treatment
- Take all precautions to preserve the life and health of mother and child
The risk of influenza during pregnancy is high, so the doctor basically prescribes home treatment. In difficult cases, the doctor prescribes treatment in a hospital, so that the pregnant woman can be constantly monitored and taken on time.