Wen on the neck
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The fatty gland on the neck (lipoma) is a tumor of a lipid tissue of a benign nature.
This education does not represent any special danger, it grows gradually, without disturbing the structure of tissues and without affecting the functions of nearby organs. It consists of a clump of lipocytes, enclosed in a connective tissue membrane.
Causes of Wen in the Neck
Unambiguous reasons for the emergence of the adipose science have not yet been established. There are many assumptions about the factors of their development, among which the following can be most emphasized:
- disorders of lipid and protein metabolism in the body;
- dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
- hormonal imbalance, especially in women;
- hereditary factor by autosomal dominant type;
- disturbance of metabolic processes and elimination of toxic substances from the body, accumulation of slags and salts due to unsustainable nutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, various environmental factors;
- traumatic tissue damage, due to which the process of local tissue metabolism is disrupted and the activity of lipocytes is activated;
- various pituitary disorders, especially in men;
- violations of lipid metabolism, as a consequence of craniocerebral injuries, infectious lesions of the central nervous system;
- Wen often occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus.
Any of the above reasons can provoke the development of adipose, or lime, on the neck and other parts of the body.
Symptoms of the adipes on the neck
Wen - round, spherical, slightly mobile formation in size from a small pea to a dozen centimeters in diameter. It grows gradually, with time beginning to cause serious inconvenience, not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue.
Wen has a soft consistency, it is not soldered to surrounding tissues, it does not cause pain when feeling. Usually begins its growth in the areas of lack of a lipid layer, on the occipital part of the head and neck. In itself, this education is not dangerous, it rarely degenerates into a malignant one, but it constantly increases and can squeeze the nerve endings with time or spread the neighboring tissues.
Wen can be multiple, spread throughout the body, sometimes merging into one large-sized lipoma. Skin over the surface of the tumor does not change in color or structure.
Due to micro-injuries, bruises, friction and squeezing of clothes, the grease begins to accelerate its growth and condense.
Wen on the back of the neck
The posterior surface of the neck is probably the most common localization of the lipoid tumor.
The location of the wen in the back of the neck often does not allow to detect formation at the initial stages of its development. Often it is taken for a sore enlarged lymph node, however the symptomatology of these pathological conditions is different:
- inflammation of the lymph nodes is accompanied by a persistent increase in body temperature, the resulting tubercle aches with pressure, symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed;
- Wenards do not have severe symptoms, do not cause manifestations of the inflammatory process in the body.
What if you found signs of a wen on the back of your neck?
First of all, there is no need to panic, wen- ders in principle do not pose a great danger. If the education is single, has a limited size and does not give you any discomfort, you can not take any emergency measures. Large, noticeable tumors, as well as their fusion, are recommended to be removed by visiting a surgeon and an oncologist.
Pain in the fagot on the neck
How to be, if zhirovik on the neck suddenly began to show aching pain, especially with pressure and palpation? The reasons can be, at least, three:
- development of an inflammatory process in the lipoid tumor, which, in addition to pain, may be accompanied by reddening of the skin over the wen and a small itch;
- compression of the growing tumor of nerve endings, while the skin over the formation does not change;
- degeneration of the adipose in liposarcoma (extremely rare), is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the area of neoplasm, growth acceleration, the fusion of surrounding tissues with a connective tissue capsule.
It should be noted that the pain in the tumor of subcutaneous fat is an alarming sign of any disorders, complications or the development of an additional pathological process.
The soreness of the lipoma is a direct indication for its rapid removal, and it is not recommended to delay this decision. A qualified consultation of a surgeon and oncologist in such a situation is mandatory.
Wrist band around the child's neck
Fatty tumors are found not only in adults, but also in childhood. Extremely attentive is necessary to treat a wen with rather large sizes: lipoid formations can squeeze nearby tissues, compress blood vessels and nerve endings, which leads to violations of the circulatory system, trophic tissue, local metabolism.
Emergency specialist consultation is necessary for the development of the inflammatory process in the area of the wen, and especially with the appearance of purulent discharge and symptoms of intoxication in the child. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment, or consider it necessary surgical intervention.
Surgeons do not always welcome the prompt removal of fatty subcutaneous formations in children, especially in preschool children. However, each situation is unique and individual consideration of the problem is always required.
After the removal of the tumor, it is recommended to examine the child from a therapist-endocrinologist to find out the reasons for the appearance of the wen and the possible elimination of a provoking disease for the prevention of relapses.
Diagnosis of Wen on the neck
Diagnosis of the wen on the neck usually does not create problems: it is conducted by the doctor at a local visual examination.
An x-ray examination method may be prescribed. It will show the presence of limited uniform illumination, with possible small calcified areas.
In more severe situations, puncture taking of material for cytological examination is used to differentiate a benign tumor. This procedure is not very painful and is sufficiently informative to exclude or confirm malignant degeneration of the tumor.
An important diagnostic procedure is the ultrasound examination method, which can easily detect a limited accumulation of fat cells in the connective tissue capsule. Sometimes a wen may not have a capsular membrane, then it is called diffuse. There are also cases of the formation of a capsule not only from connective tissue, but also with the inclusion of smooth muscle (myolipoma) elements or vascular tissue (angiolipoma). The nature and structure of the lipoid formation is examined by biopsy (tissue analysis).
The most informative method of layer-by-layer investigation of the adipose is magnetic resonance imaging, which makes it possible to clearly identify adipose tissue.
Who to contact?
Treatment of a wen in the neck
The rather slow growth of the adipose is not an excuse for ignoring the treatment of the pathological process. Although in some cases, when this education is small, does not bother or interfere with treatment, it can be delayed.
With active growth of the tumor, adjacent tissues, vessels, nerve endings, organs. Large lipomas can cause deformation of sweat glands and blood vessels, disrupting their normal functioning. Long-established adipose, especially in the advanced stage, can cause a local blood supply disorder, which is manifested by stagnation of blood or the development of a necrotic process in the tissues.
Therefore, you can not run a fatty wart, you have to start fighting with it as early as possible, especially if the tumor is removed at an early stage, the scar from the procedure is less visible, and the healing process is much easier and faster.
As you have already understood, there is no conservative method for treating the adipo, it is removed by surgery in a hospital under local or general anesthesia.
How to get rid of a zhirovik around your neck?
We do not recommend you to try to get rid of the zhirovik yourself, the treatment should be under the control of a specialist who knows all the subtleties of the process and can protect against possible complications.
However, solely for general development, we will consider several alternative ways to get rid of the wen on the neck.
- Chicken eggs. The essence of the alternative method is to remove the film from chicken eggs (preferably home), and superimpose them as a compress on the site of the tumor several times a day.
- Use of herbal compresses. Wet gauze with alcoholic tincture of ivy and applying to wen 3 times a day.
- Use of masks. Grinded to a mushy state, the fresh leaves of the Golden Ups, Aloe, Mother-and-Stepmother, and Ledum are superimposed in the form of a mask on the affected area.
- Red clay. A cake of red clay mixed with salt and yogurt is applied to the wen.
- Lamb fat. The tumor is rubbed with melted mutton fat for 15 minutes three times a day.
- Use of garlic. Crushed fresh garlic and sunflower oil in equal proportions are rubbed into the wen.
All these methods are not scientifically based, so remember that if the condition worsens, lipoma increases, or painfulness develops, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.
Removal of adipes on the neck
Absolute disposal of zhirovikov provides only a surgical method of treatment.
After carrying out the necessary examinations of the patient, when confirming the diagnosis of the lipoma, the doctor is assigned a certain type of intervention:
- operative method - the lipoid tumor is carefully removed through a scalpel incision followed by a histological examination. The procedure is carried out in a hospital. In the future, tissue scarring is possible;
- method of cryodestruction - the removal of the wenrock by the local action of liquid nitrogen. The advantage of this method is the absence of scars on the site of surgery;
- laser exposure - the use of a directional source of laser radiation, which, while acting on the tissue of the neoplasm, simultaneously does not damage nearby tissues. Hospitalization with this procedure is not required, scarring on the skin does not remain;
- method of using radio waves - removal of a wen with a radio wave scalpel. The most sparing and comfortable way for a patient to get rid of a tumor;
- The puncture-aspiration method is the removal of the formation by aspiration of the contents through a thin needle.
Modern technologies for the removal of weners provide minimal destruction of tissues, shorten the period of rehabilitation and do not disturb the aesthetic appearance of the skin.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of a wen on the neck
After the removal of the dummy, preventive measures should be taken to prevent the recurrence of the disease.
In cases where there is a hereditary genetic predisposition to violations of fat metabolism and the appearance of lipoid formations, there are no specific methods of prevention.
General prophylaxis of the formation of adipose tissue is to improve the body, stabilize metabolic processes, strengthen protective immune forces.
Important is the elimination of factors contributing to the change in lipid tissue - it is an excessive intake of alcoholic beverages, smoking, inefficient nutrition with an abundance of fats, acute spices, carcinogens, preservatives, chemicals. A healthy and mobile way of life, a balanced diet with an abundance of vegetables, fruits and greens, active sports, staying outdoors is encouraged.
It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, which favors the normal functioning of the sweat glands.
Prognosis of a wen in the neck
Zhirovik for a long time may not show any signs of growth, or increase, but extremely slowly. The growth of lipoma can be triggered by constant friction about clothing, microtrauma, in fact, there can be no obvious reason. It is especially rare, although it is possible that the weneworm degenerates into a malignant neoplasm (liposarcoma) with proliferation into surrounding tissues. If this lipid education dramatically accelerates its growth, sometimes it becomes painful, or just causes you any suspicion, it is better to turn to an oncologist.
To avoid possible negative consequences, experts recommend removing the wen immediately after detection, without delaying this process. In this case, the forecast is usually favorable. The exception is the presence of genetic congenital predisposition to the appearance of lime, such a hereditary factor can promote the occurrence of recurrences of the wen, both on the neck and in any other place.
Finding a wen on the neck, under any circumstances, it will not be superfluous to go to an appointment with an oncologist and carry out the necessary diagnostics to confirm the benign nature of the tumor.