Vomiting after eating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vomiting is a protective physiological reaction of the body, it is not a disease in itself, but only points to the development of pathology. Vomiting can be caused by various disorders in the body, including diseases of the digestive system, and poisoning, and head injuries, and even oncology, but in any case, vomiting after eating indicates a malfunction in the body.
Vomiting after meals is often caused by intoxication (poisoning with various substances, drugs, ethyl alcohol, etc.), the ingestion of toxins into the blood in various diseases (chronic kidney or heart failure, violation of carbohydrate metabolism, acute infectious diseases).
Less often, vomiting appears after traumatic brain injury, stroke.
Causes of the vomiting after eating
The most common cause of vomiting that occurs after eating is digestive system diseases, in this case, in addition to vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weakness, etc. May be disturbed.
Vomiting after meals can occur with the development of peptic ulcer, cancer of the stomach or brain, violation of the gallbladder, pancreas, head injuries (concussion, severe bruises, etc.), infectious diseases of the central nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis), food or alcohol poisoning, stress, severe psychological stress. In each case, vomiting is not the only symptom and is only a consequence of the development of any pathology.
In addition, vomiting can occur in case of overeating, especially after the abuse of fatty foods.
Risk factors
Since vomiting after eating is a consequence of a violation in the work of the body, the risk factors include the causes that cause these or other diseases.
Improper nutrition, stress can provoke disruptions in the work of the digestive system, the abuse of alcohol causes alcohol poisoning and, as a result, vomiting.
The emetic act has three stages - nausea, vomiting and vomiting.
Nausea often occurs before vomiting (but not always), at this stage there are strong unpleasant sensations in the stomach or throat, the tone of the musculature of the stomach decreases, while the activity of the muscles of the small intestine increases.
With the urge to vomit, the muscles of the diaphragm, breathing (when inhaling), the anterior wall of the peritoneum (with exhalation) actively contract.
Vomiting is a complex process in which involuntary reflexes occur. When vomiting occurs, active contraction of the peritoneum muscles, diaphragm, a decrease in the tone of the musculature of the stomach bottom, opens the esophagus valve and contents from the stomach are pushed through the esophagus into the oral cavity.
During vomiting, the airways overlap to block the movement of vomit into the respiratory system.
There are two mechanisms of vomiting:
- Transmission of impulses directly to the vomiting center (from the vestibular apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, bile ducts, coronary arteries, pharynx, hypothalamus, etc.).
- Stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger region, which sends signals and activates the vomiting center (in this case, stimulation can be caused by drugs, low levels of oxygen in the body, uremia, radiation therapy, Gram-positive bacteria that produce toxins, etc.).
Symptoms of the vomiting after eating
Before vomiting, in most cases, there is nausea, severe salivation, rapid breathing, weakness.
In some diseases, pain (head, in the stomach), upset of the stool (most often diarrhea), dizziness may be troubling before vomiting and nausea.
Nausea and vomiting after eating
Nausea and vomiting after eating can occur for various reasons, quite often, this condition occurs after eating poor-quality foods, overdosing with medicines, high blood pressure, stress.
By the nature of emetic we can judge the cause of the vomiting, for example, yellow-green color, bile taste in the mouth can indicate food poisoning or intestinal infection (in addition to vomiting, there is temperature and diarrhea). The temperature and diarrhea during vomiting can also be associated with inflammation of appendicitis.
With the regular appearance of a feeling of nausea and vomiting after eating fatty, salty foods, smoked foods, you should consult a gastroenterologist and undergo the necessary examination, since in this case nausea can be a symptom of the development of a serious digestive system.
Vomiting one hour after eating
Vomiting after eating in an hour can occur with certain diseases.
Most often this condition is observed in diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, etc.), in addition to vomiting, there may be a violation of appetite, belching (sometimes with a specific smell), bloating.
Temperature and vomiting after eating
Often, with a decrease in immunity, there is a combination of symptoms of different diseases, for example, with iron deficiency anemia and high temperature there is an excessive increase in blood pressure, which causes vomiting.
But also vomiting after eating and temperature can be symptoms of food poisoning, intestinal flu.
Food poisoning is caused by food or drink, with expired shelf life or stored in improper conditions. Poisoning occurs several hours after eating, the first symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fever, fever. Another characteristic symptom of food poisoning is diarrhea.
Intestinal flu or rotavirus infection is characterized by rapid development, symptoms of the disease are high fever, vomiting, diarrhea.
Vomiting immediately after eating
Nausea and vomiting after eating can be associated with overeating, in this case it is recommended to take enzyme preparations (Mezim, Festal, etc.).
Another cause of vomiting immediately after ingestion may be gastrointestinal diseases (ulcer, gastritis, etc.).
If nausea and vomiting occurs after consuming fried, fatty, smoked food, perhaps the cause is in the improper operation of the liver or pancreas.
Hypertension can also provoke vomiting after eating, most often seizures are bitten in the morning.
Constant vomiting after eating
Feeling of nausea, constant vomiting after eating can be a symptom of the development of diseases of the digestive system, most often in the acute stage, most often it is associated with the development of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.
In the event that such symptoms are troubling after each meal, you should see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences.
Sometimes, nausea or vomiting is associated with taking medication and is an adverse reaction of the body against the background of treatment, in this case, you should also contact your doctor and inform about it, maybe he will decide to change the drug.
Diarrhea and vomiting after eating
Diarrhea and vomiting after eating can result from the ingestion of toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms, the development of a tumor or abnormalities of the vestibular apparatus, as well as overeating, allergic reactions to food or medicines.
Intestinal infections arise from eating poor-quality food (overdue foods manufactured with a violation of sanitary standards, etc.) or water from contaminated sources.
Diarrhea and vomiting, especially if these two symptoms occur simultaneously, can pose a great danger to human health, since in this case dehydration is possible.
An eructation with vomiting after eating
The main cause of eructation is involuntary entry into the stomach of the air, which often happens during a quick chewing and swallowing, talking during meals, drinking carbonated drinks, etc.
Problems with the stomach can also cause eructations. In a number of cases, in addition to eructation, there are a number of other unpleasant symptoms - pain, swelling, diarrhea, vomiting.
Eating and vomiting after eating often occur due to certain foods that do not perceive the body. With age, it is often difficult to digest dairy products, such as kefir, cottage cheese, milk, which is associated with a decrease in the level of enzymes required for the processing of these products.
Also cause a feeling of nausea, belching, vomiting can strong coffee on an empty stomach, alcohol abuse, acidic foods, conservation (especially with increased acidity), mushrooms. Most often unpleasant symptoms in this case are associated with individual food intolerance or enzyme deficiency.
Another cause of eructation and vomiting after eating may be diseases of the digestive system: damage to the lower parts of the esophagus, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, impaired motor function, pancreas, gallbladder disease, peptic ulcer.
Less often, the eructation with vomiting is observed in diseases that do not belong to the digestive organs. For example, dizziness, nausea, eructation, vomiting can disturb when the nervous system is affected. Most often, these symptoms are associated with the transmitted infections, brain traumas.
Heartburn and vomiting after eating
Heartburn is one of the most unpleasant sensations that can occur with various diseases. When complaining of heartburn and vomiting, doctors are primarily suspected of gastritis, but a comprehensive examination is required to identify the exact cause.
Heartburn and vomiting after eating most often occur with an ulcer of the esophagus, with this disease, the increase in unpleasant symptoms occurs in the "lying" or with inclines.
With heartburn, a bursting feeling, a feeling of pressure in the epigastrium, nausea, pain, a bitter taste in the oral cavity, and often increased gas formation.
Heartburn usually appears after excessive consumption of food or if immediately after eating take a "recumbent" position, most often this symptom appears in the fans snack "on the run", with a bad and quick chewing food, when consumed in large quantities of sweet, fatty, spices.
Obesity, nicotine or alcohol dependence, stress, some drugs, tight clothing - these and other factors can trigger heartburn and vomiting after eating. Often, this condition worries women who are in the position.
Heartburn, nausea in the morning, especially if the symptoms appear daily, can indicate inflammation of the gallbladder, gastritis, peptic ulcer, as well as problems with the vestibular apparatus.
The causes of heartburn and vomiting after eating, as you can see, are quite a lot, and only the specialist will be able to determine the exact reasons.
Vomiting of bile after eating
Greenish-yellow vomit indicates evidence of bile vomiting.
Bile is a special liquid necessary for the normal process of digestion of food and contributes to the absorption of fats. Normally, the contents of the stomach enter the small intestine, where it mixes with bile, the pyloric valve prevents the reverse movement of food, if for any reason the valve is opened, the contents of the small intestine enter the stomach and esophagus along with the bile.
There are many causes of valve disruption, among them intestinal obstruction, bile reflux, alcohol poisoning, gastroenteritis, food poisoning, stenosis of the doorkeeper, the effect of certain medications, diseases of the bile duct or pancreas, circulatory disorders, CNS diseases, severe emotional upheavals.
Sometimes vomiting after eating with bile may disturb pregnant women.
To understand that vomiting with bile is quite simple - vomiting acquires a characteristic bitter taste, in this case it is better to give up self-treatment and seek a specialist who will help establish the exact cause of vomiting and prescribe treatment.
Vomiting after eating without fever
The occurrence of vomiting after eating, without other symptoms (temperature, diarrhea, etc.) may indicate overeating. In such cases, experts recommend taking enzyme preparations, drinking soda water. Another cause of vomiting can be food - fatty, fried, smoked, especially in large quantities, in this case, there may be irregularities in the pancreas or liver.
Also, vomiting after eating can be associated with the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.
People who suffer from high blood pressure often experience vomiting after eating, usually an unpleasant condition worries in the morning. For treatment, specialists can prescribe drugs to normalize the pressure.
If vomiting does not go away for more than a day, you should seek medical help. For the period of treatment it is necessary to refuse smoking, coffee, strong tea, hot dishes, juices. It is recommended in this state to drink mineral water without gas.
When there is vomiting in the child, even if there are no other symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and find out what caused this condition.
It should be noted that even in this state it is necessary to eat, it is best to give preference to easy dishes that do not overload the digestive system - porridges on water, chicken, low-fat broth.
Vomiting with blood after eating
Vomiting with bright red impurities indicates bleeding in the esophagus, a dark color to the vomit masses imparts a blood change under the action of digestive juices and indicates prolonged bleeding.
The causes of vomiting with blood are many:
- damage to the gastric mucosa, esophagus
- varicosity of the walls of the stomach (bright red blood in the vomit indicates fresh bleeding, which often closes quickly, dark vomit signs of a slow and prolonged bleeding and possible severe consequences)
- peptic ulcer in the advanced stage
- cirrhosis of the liver
- acute gastritis
- internal bleeding (vomitic masses have impurities of black blood clots).
In children, vomiting with blood can also occur after nasal bleeding - children can swallow blood, which provokes vomiting. In pregnant women, this condition can be observed with late toxicosis, in addition to blood in vomit, a woman is worried about weakness, swelling, high blood pressure.
Vomiting after eating with blood in any case requires urgent medical advice, if found in vomit blood masses (dark, bright red, clots, etc.), you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent possible complications.
Vomiting of mucus after eating
Vomiting after eating with mucus is most often with poisoning. The reaction of the body to poor-quality products, pathogenic bacteria or poisonous substances develops rapidly. Mucus in the vomit appears because the contents of the duodenum due to the multiplication of harmful bacteria and secretion of toxins enter the stomach, the mucosa of which is unable to cope with caustic digestive juices, in some cases, in addition to mucus, foam or blood appears.
Vomiting with mucus occurs when there are alkalis, acids, viral infections, influenza, erosive processes in the stomach. Also, mucus may appear with gastritis, which took a severe or chronic form, in which case vomiting occurs when diet or stress conditions are violated. If a person is exposed to constant negative emotions, a gallbladder spasm is possible, as a result of which bile does not enter the duodenum and the process of digestion of food is disturbed - poorly digested food remains rotting in the intestine. After the spasm passes, the accumulated bile pours out into the intestine, the acids of which burn the valve between the stomach and intestines, and food remains in the stomach - in this case, vomit greenish color with mucus.
If vomiting with mucus is a concern only in the morning, this may indicate chronic bronchitis or alcohol intoxication. With bronchitis, mucus accumulates in the bronchi during the night, coughing attacks can provoke vomiting in the morning, as a result, mucus gets into the vomit.
When mucus occurs during vomiting, you should seek medical help to find out the exact causes of the pathology and begin treatment.
During vomiting categorically you can not hold back, after emptying the stomach you need to go to bed and drink more liquid - mineral water without gas, saline solutions, sweet black tea, to prevent dehydration. With frequent attacks of vomiting, you can take anti-emetic drugs (cerucal), but it is worth noting that with the help of vomiting the body gets rid of harmful toxins, so it's best to see a doctor right away.
Dizziness and vomiting after eating
Physicians identify about a hundred causes of dizziness, nausea and vomiting that appear after meals, most of which do not pose a threat to health, for example, seasickness (motion sickness in transport), physical exhaustion.
Dizziness may occur after severe injuries, during migraine attacks, epilepsy, blood circulation disorders, tumors, during Meniere's disease (internal ear damage), diseases of the vestibular apparatus. Vomiting after eating and dizziness is a symptom of various diseases or disorders, and therefore the diagnosis is difficult. When such symptoms appear, self-medication is unacceptable.
Consider some of the reasons that can cause vomiting and dizziness:
- Meniere's disease - the causes of pathology have not been studied enough, according to some versions, the disease causes injuries or infections. With the development of the disease, prolonged attacks of dizziness (up to several hours), nausea, vomiting, deterioration of hearing. After 10-14 days, the symptoms go away, but after a while they reappear.
- vestibular neuritis - causes dizziness (usually occurs spontaneously), vomiting, panic attacks, imbalance, bow tilt provokes an increase in symptoms, in some cases, there is stuffiness in the ears. The disease develops after respiratory diseases, but the exact causes have not been established to date.
- migraine - in addition to a severe headache, migraine attacks can provoke nausea and vomiting, imbalance, dizziness, fear of light. The disease is caused by a violation of the blood supply in the brain, especially the areas responsible for the vestibular apparatus.
- hormonal changes - most often observed in women, because they are susceptible to hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, and before every menses. Especially the level of hormones affects the condition with a deficiency of iron in the body - low hemoglobin causes oxygen starvation of the brain, which causes dizziness. During climax there are jumps in blood pressure, nervous excitability increases. In pregnancy, dizziness and vomiting (especially in the first months of pregnancy) is also caused by hormonal changes in the body, another cause of this condition may be low blood glucose and low blood pressure.
Cough and vomiting after eating
Cough and vomiting is rare, but such symptoms immediately cause great anxiety, both in the patient himself and in his relatives. Specialists note that some diseases of the upper respiratory tract can lead to this condition.
Most often coughing and vomiting after eating can be troubling for bronchitis, and also arise as a complication in pneumonia. It is worth noting that the child has such symptoms often and usually occurs with a cold, but in any case, when such a symptom appears, you should immediately seek medical help and establish the true cause of coughing and vomiting.
Strong coughing attacks before vomiting are associated with stimulation of receptors on the mucous throat, this condition can occur with tracheitis, laryngitis, pertussis, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, runny nose, prolonged smoking, foreign matter entering the respiratory tract.
Coughing with vomiting in the rhinitis is especially common in newborn babies, since children of this age are not yet able to blow their nose and the mucus that has accumulated in the nose flows down the nasopharynx, irritates the mucous membrane and causes a coughing attack, reaching vomiting.
Artificial vomiting after eating
Vomiting, as already mentioned, is a protective reaction of the body to bacteria, toxins, harmful substances that enter the digestive tract. But sometimes a person provokes vomiting, in this case they say that vomiting is artificial.
In some cases, artificial vomiting after eating will save lives for example, with food poisoning, the faster the poison is removed from the body, the less harm it will have to inflict.
But sometimes people specifically induce vomiting after eating, most often it is done in order not to get better. This "recipe" of slenderness is especially popular among the girls who want to keep the ideal figure and not torture themselves with rigid diets. It is worth noting that this method of weight loss is quite effective, since after eating the brain receives a signal of satiety, but after vomiting, not having time to digest food leaves the stomach, and with it, and leave calories.
But this method poses a serious danger to human health - with regular devastation of the stomach after eating, it becomes a habit in the body, and in the future even small portions of food provoke a vomiting reflex, resulting in the development of bulimia (a neuropsychic disorder expressing an ongoing hunger, weakness ).
Weight loss with vomiting after eating
Most girls believe that fast weight loss is an ideal option, so among the fair sex has become popular method such as weight loss with the help of vomiting after eating.
First of all, this method has earned its popularity due to its ease, i.e. Girls do not need to torture themselves with strict diets, exercise, etc., simply after eating cause vomiting and unnecessary calories themselves will leave the body, and as a result, a slim figure without difficulty.
But "emetic slimming" is extremely dangerous for health and causes not only physiological, but psychological disorders.
The desire to lose weight often leads the girls to the point that they do not understand where the harmony, and where there is already a painful exhaustion. The first dangerous sign is increased portions, uncontrolled consumption of sweet or fatty foods, a constant feeling of hunger - all this precedes the development of severe neuropsychic disorder.
With bulimia, there are bouts of severe hunger, in which a person does not control the amount eaten, but after eating food, a vomiting reflex develops. Such a vicious circle is associated with the fact that the muscles of the stomach can contract, and with regular vomiting after eating, the walls of the stomach become weak, stretch, resulting in a constant strong sense of hunger. As a result, the girl looks like a skeleton, covered with leather, with dull and brittle hair, flabby skin, crumbling teeth. Also the result of regular vomiting is gastritis, the digestion process is disrupted, an unpleasant odor from the mouth appears.
But often, even such a transformation does not stop the girls, as vomiting after eating becomes uncontrollable and provoke a vomitive reflex can even smell or kind of food, which is associated with weakness of the stomach muscles.
At this stage of the disease, loss of appetite may begin and anorexia develop, complete physical exhaustion, failure of internal organs, cessation of the menstrual cycle, depressive disorders, often without the help of relatives and doctors, the matter ends in a fatal outcome.
It is worth noting that even in such cases, girls refuse to help, and the recovery process takes months and even years, often because of their desire to be slender girls struggling with the consequences of the disease for the rest of their lives.
Vomiting after eating a child
Often young mothers face such a frightening symptom as vomiting after eating a baby. Especially worried about this condition, if there are no other symptoms - temperature, abdominal pain, weakness, etc.
The reasons for which a child is vomiting immediately or after a while after a meal is plentiful, and parents should know the basic ones in order to help their kid in time.
Natural vomiting can be associated with ordinary overeating, after violent feeding, eating very fatty foods. As a rule, in these cases, vomiting occurs once, after emptying the stomach the child looks healthy, the general condition does not deteriorate.
In newborns, vomiting after feeding is associated with ingestion of air into the stomach - regurgitation helps not only to remove air bubbles, but also to improve the digestive process, and also to reduce colic. Normally, regurgitation should be in small amounts, but if the amount of vomit is too large, the child tears a "fountain", then this may indicate problems with the stomach, in which case you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Also, the causes of vomiting can be various diseases:
- chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
- rotavirus, intestinal infection (in addition to vomiting, there is a deterioration in well-being and a high fever).
- diseases of the respiratory tract (cold, bronchitis, etc.).
- brain tumors (the child is also concerned with severe headaches).
- meningitis, encephalitis (after vomiting the child does not become easier).
- acute appendicitis.
- food poisoning (overdue, spoiled food, etc.).
- allergy.
When vomiting occurs, the child should immediately seek medical help, since it is almost impossible to find out the causes of such a condition - the same symptoms can be associated with a variety of diseases that can not be diagnosed without laboratory tests and examination by a specialist.
Complications and consequences
Vomiting is a protective process of the body, with the help of which harmful substances are released from the stomach. With frequent vomiting, the body rapidly loses moisture, which leads to dehydration, violation of the water-salt balance and other dangerous consequences.
Dehydration is extremely dangerous for the body, as the loss of water entails irreversible effects in all organs and systems, including the brain.
In the composition of gastric juice there are important for the body microelements and minerals, without which the work of all organs and systems is disrupted. Vomiting after eating has the most serious consequences for the body in food poisoning, toxic infections. But even from time to time, the resulting vomiting associated with chronic gastrointestinal diseases can lead to a violation of the bacterial composition in the intestine, a lack of vitamins and trace elements, a decrease in hemoglobin, a disruption in the process of blood coagulability, a weakening of the body's defenses - all these states are associated with a violation of synthesis biologically active substances in the stomach.
Diagnostics of the vomiting after eating
When finding out the reasons for vomiting, a specialist must find out the patient's anamnesis: whether a vomiting precedes the feeling of nausea, vomiting appears immediately after eating or after a while, what diseases were transferred, what medicines were taken recently, how often and in what quantities alcohol is consumed, in women it turns out the menstrual cycle (perhaps, the cause of vomiting is pregnancy).
On examination, the doctor will identify some of the signs that can help in diagnosing:
- general condition, fever, severe weight loss, jaundice of the skin;
- examination of the abdomen (revealing of painful areas, palpable formations in the abdominal cavity);
- listening to the abdomen (helps to identify abnormalities in the work of organs);
- determination of liver size with palpation;
- detection of diseases of the nervous system.
Vomiting after a meal can be associated with a variety of diseases, so it is important for a specialist to determine whether the patient should be urgently hospitalized for emergency care.
Depending on the clinical manifestations, blood tests (for blood glucose, CRP in blood serum), urine tests can be prescribed.
If vomiting continues for a long time, a general blood test is also administered, an assay for detecting the level of creatinine, sodium, potassium, digoxin and the like. In the blood serum.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnosis is assigned to confirm a preliminary diagnosis.
If an expert suspects intestinal obstruction, radiographs of the abdominal cavity are prescribed, with prolonged vomiting, fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy is required to identify the causes of the disorder (visual diagnosis of the esophagus mucosa, stomach, small intestine with an endoscope), ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, neurological examination, psychiatrist consultations (with suspicion of disorders , associated with food - bulimia, anorexia).
Differential diagnosis
When making a diagnosis, it is important to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation.
Regurgitation is the pushing of food from the stomach without the preceding feeling of nausea, and there is also no reduction in the flagellum obstruction.
Regurgitation occurs with stenosis or diverticulosis of the esophagus, heartburn, spasms and stenosis (constriction) of the stomach valve, atony of the stomach (weakening or absence of contractions).
In infants and children of primary school age, adults with intellectual disabilities, with bulimia nervosa, there is meticism - involuntary regurgitation and chewing food.
In differential diagnosis, the physician should find out when vomiting occurs:
- directly during a meal or immediately after it is characteristic of a peptic ulcer, also it can be associated with neuroses
- a few hours after eating and the presence of undigested food in vomit masses occurs with stenosis of the gastric valve, weakening of the stomach muscles, some diseases of the esophagus (diverticulosis, achalasia)
- vomiting after eating in women in the morning can be associated with pregnancy, also morning vomiting can be a symptom of kidney failure, alcoholic gastritis
- severe vomiting attacks without nausea may indicate neurological diseases.
- Among other things, it is important to identify other symptoms that accompany vomiting:
- noise in the ears, dizziness occurs with an increase in the level of endolymph in the inner ear (Meniere's disease)
- prolonged vomiting without weight loss can be associated with psychogenic factors
- reduction of soreness in the abdomen after emptying the stomach - a clear sign of an ulcer
When making a diagnosis, the consistency, odor, and vomiting composition are also taken into account:
- an increased level of gastric juice is characteristic of ulcerative stenoses, valve spasms, the absence of gastric juice indicates the growth of a cancerous tumor in the stomach
- the smell of rot or feces is associated with the growth of bacteria in the digestive tract, which occurs with intestinal obstruction, inflammatory processes in the peritoneum, complications of the ulcer
- bile in the vomit almost always appears with severe vomiting, usually this fact is not particularly important for diagnosis, but with excessive amounts of bile it is necessary to exclude intestinal obstruction
- blood in vomit masses appears with bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the vomiting after eating
Vomiting after eating is not normal, a feeling of nausea, discomfort, abdominal pain, fever - all this should be the reason for seeking medical help.
Consultation of a specialist is required even when, in addition to vomiting, there are no other symptoms, and especially if vomiting worries from time to time.
If the cause of vomiting is any disease (gastritis, ulcer), then vomiting is accompanied by abdominal pain (in the upper part), nausea - especially after consuming fatty, floury, roasted. With these diseases, first of all, you must adhere to a special diet, and with the timely detection of the disease, treatment usually has favorable predictions.
If the cause of vomiting is an attack of appendicitis, you should call an ambulance, and you should not take any painkillers, as this can make diagnosis difficult and affect the results of treatment - in most cases, the patient needs an urgent operation.
If vomiting is associated with poisoning with poor-quality products or any substances, it is necessary to clean the stomach well (this will help reduce the amount of toxins in the body and alleviate the condition), in which case you can even induce vomiting, then drink more water, take adsorptive preparations ( Activated Carbon, Enterosgel), if the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.
If the poisoning in the child should immediately seek medical attention, as the child's organism reacts differently to the action of toxins and possible severe consequences.
Elevated blood pressure, the main symptom of which is nausea and vomiting after eating, should be treated only under the supervision of a specialist.
When migraines get rid of the feeling of nausea and vomiting help Sumatriptan, Metaproclamid, should exclude from the diet chocolate, wine, fish, hard cheeses.
Medications (specify 4-5 medicines for their dosage, route of administration, precautions, side effects)
The effectiveness of anti-emetic drugs depends on the cause that provoked vomiting, as well as individual characteristics.
The funds from this group are prescribed in critical situations to stop emetic urges and alleviate the condition of the patient.
With diseases of the digestive tract, the heavy symptom will be helped by Itomed, which strengthens the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses the feeling of nausea and vomiting. The drug is prescribed with a feeling of discomfort in the epigastrium, stomach diseases, vegetative neuroses, anorexia, heartburn, etc. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are prescribed before meals 1 tablet 3 times a day, take no more than 150 mg per day, dosage adjustment. It is necessary to take Itomed at regular intervals of time, if you miss a pill, you can not take 2 tablets at once.
Against the background of treatment, it is possible to reduce concentration, tremor, irritation, dizziness, so for the duration of treatment should abandon the management of the car and other means that require increased attention.
Usually the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes constipation, diarrhea, headaches, increased salivation, allergic reactions, changes in blood composition, sleep disorders are possible.
With chemo or radiotherapy and after surgery to reduce the feeling of nausea and vomiting after a meal, Kitril may be prescribed.
Contraindicated in lactation, susceptibility to any component of the drug, with caution prescribed to pregnant and intestinal obstruction.
In most cases, the kitrile is well tolerated, in rare cases, there is increased sensitivity (anaphylactic shock), abdominal pain, increased gas production, diarrhea, heartburn, headaches, sleep disturbance, weakness, dizziness, increased anxiety, allergic reactions, arrhythmia.
Tablets Kitril taken 2 times a day for 1 mg, also the doctor can prescribe once a day for 2 mg, the course of treatment is 7 days, the first pill is taken 1 hour before the start of chemotherapy.
Syrup Motorcycle is prescribed for dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, bloating, eructation, flatulence, etc.). The drug effectively cope with the feeling of nausea and vomiting caused by infection, radiotherapy, the taking of certain medications, a violation of the diet.
Motinorm is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children under 1 year, with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
Against the background of the reception may increase the excitability, headaches, spasms of the digestive tract, dry mouth, allergic reactions.
Take the syrup for 15-20 minutes before meals, usually with nausea and vomiting prescribed 20 ml 3 times a day. Children weighing less than 35 kg need a dose adjustment - 5 ml of syrup per 10 kg of body weight.
The most common anti-emetic is Cerucal, which normalizes the digestive tract. The drug is available in the form of tablets and injections.
It is prescribed for nausea and vomiting, regardless of the cause, including reaction to medications, a decrease in the tone of the stomach or intestines, heartburn, oesophageal inflammation, motion sickness, during GI examination,
In tablets is prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day (adults and children over 14 years), treatment course 4-5 weeks. It is recommended to drink tablets with a small amount of water.
In the form of injections, children between the ages of 2 and between 0.1 and 0.5 mg per kg of body weight are prescribed. The drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, dilution with 5% glucose solution is allowed.
Contraindicated treatment Zerukalom children under 2 years, with bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, epilepsy, intestinal obstruction, as well as susceptibility to the components. On the background of treatment, irritability, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, a sense of fear may occur. In childhood, a possible dyskinetic syndrome, in the elderly - the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
After vomiting, the body rapidly loses vitamins and trace elements, so during the recovery period it is extremely important to provide additional intake of important substances that will help increase resistance and speed up the process of normalizing digestion.
Vomiting after eating usually leads to the loss of vitamins B, A and C, they can be filled with special preparations, as well as some food.
Vitamin A is found in vegetables and fruits of green, red and yellow color, vitamin B in the liver, nuts, eggs, milk, fish, vitamin C in citrus, dogrose, strawberry, Kalinin, green bell pepper.
Among the vitamin complexes can be identified Undevit, which includes the necessary vitamins to restore the body after vomiting.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapeutic treatment for vomiting is aimed at reducing unpleasant symptoms and restoring the body after a disease. Depending on the reason provoking vomiting, the physician can choose the appropriate method of physiotherapy - drug electrophoresis, inductothermy, electrosleep therapy, the course of treatment depends on the severity of the patient's condition (an average of 10-15 sessions).
Medicinal electrophoresis works in a complex way and allows you to simultaneously act on the body with a constant electric current and introduce with its help useful substances.
Inductothermy - the method is based on the use of high-frequency magnetic fields (up to 40 MHz).
The electrosleep is the action of a weak impulse current on the patient's brain, which causes a sleep (on average about 30-40 minutes).
This method of physiotherapy helps to reduce the feeling of nausea, vomiting, salivation (one of the symptoms of nausea and vomiting). Also, this treatment is sparing and has virtually no contraindications.
Alternative treatment
Alternative drugs in some cases quite effectively help to cope with the feeling of nausea and vomiting that occur after a ride. In this case, the recipe should be selected depending on the cause of such a condition.
If vomiting is caused by stressful conditions, motion sickness, mint or mint water (15 glasses of mint tincture) can help with motion sickness medication.
Pregnant women suffering from toxicosis can get rid of nausea and vomiting fresh potato juice (before eating 1 tsp), ginger root (a small amount of grated root on a shallow root to add to drinks or food), green tea.
Poisoning with poisonous vapors will help peppermint - 1.5 tablespoons. Dry grass, pour boiling water (200ml), insist 2-3 hours and take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day.
If digestion is disturbed dill seed will help - 2 tsp. Pour the seeds with boiling water (400 ml), protrude for a few minutes on a small fire and strain, drink 1 tsp. Several times a day.
Herbal Treatment
Among medicinal herbs, there are several that help to prevent vomiting after eating:
- melissa - 2 tbsp. L. Chopped herbs boil with boiling water (200ml) and let it brew for 2.5-3 hours, when you have a feeling of nausea drink 100 ml of infusion (a day you can drink about 500 ml of infusion)
- three-leaf watch - 3 items of l. Grass pour 1 liter of cooled boiled water, insist 24 hours and take 2-3 tablespoons. This plant has medicinal properties and helps to get rid of the constant feeling of nausea and vomiting.
- basil - 1 tbsp. L. Herbs brew with hot water (200ml), insist 15-20 minutes, drink like tea, but not more than 2 glasses per day, if desired, add honey. Basil helps to get rid of the feeling of nausea, swelling, normalize appetite with neuroses, nervous overstrain.
Vomiting after a meal and a feeling of nausea are often treated with the help of homeopathic remedies:
- Antimonium krudum (antimony trisulphide) is used for various disorders (flushing to the face, inflammation of the mucous membrane, including inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, migraines, gastritis, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating).
Contraindications to the use of this drug are pregnancy and lactation, thyroid disease, childhood, severe liver disorders, allergies to sulfur.
Antimonium krudum can provoke allergic reactions, febrile conditions, with prolonged admission accumulates in the thyroid gland and suppresses its work.
Dosage is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the condition and symptoms, usually applied from 3 to 12 divisions.
- Nuks vomica-Homakord - is a combined homeopathic remedy, which is prescribed for violations of the digestive system, inflammatory processes in the digestive system, gastritis, dysbiosis, cholecystitis, etc. Also, the drug has proven itself for the treatment of chronic intoxications with nicotine, alcohol or drugs.
- Assigned to adults at 30 drops per day, the dosage should be divided into 3 divided doses (10 drops per 100 ml of water or 1 tsp under the tongue). The drug can provoke allergic reactions.
- Tabakum or ordinary tobacco is most often prescribed to pregnant women during toxicosis, with motion sickness, severe headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the age, the patient's condition, the cause of the disease, the dilution varies quite widely - from 1/10 to 6/100.
- Creosotum is prescribed for vomiting caused by tumors. Do not take this drug for pregnant, nursing, children and people with an allergy to creosote. After taking the skin, sensitivity to light may increase (photosensitization), after contact with the skin, spots, warts, pigmentation may appear.
Assigned in diluted form, the dosage is individual, depending on the severity of the patient's condition.
Operative treatment
Vomiting after a meal is not a major disease, but only a symptom of any disorder in the body. Operative treatment is prescribed in case of diseases of the digestive organs, cancerous tumors.
In case of peptic ulcer, the doctor is required to perform the operation in 50% of cases, as a rule, this method is chosen in the event that the drug therapy does not have a positive effect.
The type of surgery is chosen by the doctor, it can be a resection (removal of the ulcer with part of the stomach), vagotomy (cutting the nerve endings that are responsible for the production of gastrin), endoscopy (surgery through punctures in the abdominal cavity with special equipment). The same types of surgical treatment can be chosen for other disorders in the work of the digestive system - pancreatitis, diseases of the biliary tract, etc.
When developing cancerous tumors, an operation is performed to remove the malignant formation followed by the appointment of chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
To vomit after eating did not appear, it is necessary not to abuse alcoholic, fatty dishes, not to overeat. When diseases of the digestive system is important to adhere to dietary nutrition, which will help alleviate the digestive process and reduce the unpleasant symptoms that arise after eating.
It is necessary to monitor the quality of foods, since vomiting is often a consequence of food poisoning.
For more serious diseases (infectious diseases of the central nervous system, cancer, neural disorders, etc.), you should contact a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Vomiting after eating, as already mentioned, is only a consequence of the disease, so the predictions depend on the cause that triggered the pathology.
When diseases of the digestive system can not start the disease - timely treatment will avoid surgery and serious complications.
When food poisoning is also important time - the earlier a person will be helped (gastric lavage, sorbents, plentiful drink, etc.), the lower the risk of complications - dehydration, water-electrolyte balance, strong intoxication of the body, etc.
If vomiting is associated with the development of the cancer process, the predictions in this case depend on the type of cancer and the stage at which it was detected. Removal of the tumor and chemotherapy at the initial stage reduce the risk of relapse, at later stages, as a rule, the predictions are less comforting.
Vomiting caused by medications occurs most often as a side effect, in this case, the medication is stopped, and the specialist selects another drug. If the treatment can not be stopped (for example, with chemotherapy), the doctor may prescribe antiemetic drugs or recommend alternative methods of treatment.