Urate in the urine of children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Urate is a precipitate in the urine of salts of uric acid. The appearance of a large number of urates in the urine is the first sign of a disturbance in metabolic processes in the child's body, and also indicates problems in the functioning of the excretory system.
If you ignore urates in the urine of a child, you can have serious consequences.
Causes of the urate in the urine of a child
Urate in the urine of a child may appear for the following reasons:
- Food.
The organs and systems of the child's body are at the stage of formation and can work imperfectly, and the urinary system, which can not cope with the large intake of salt, all contribute to the appearance of urates. Also, the formation of salt precipitation contributes to the use of red meat, tomatoes, strong tea, meat broth, offal, cheese, chocolate, canned fish, smoked products, spicy foods, alcohol, especially systematically and in large quantities.
Especially the precipitation of salts is typical for those children who eat unbalanced, consume a lot of chocolate, salty dishes. However, not only the abuse of certain products can affect the composition of urine, starvation also adversely affects the body's condition and can cause urates in the urine.
- Deterioration of blood supply to the kidney (heat, chronic arterial disease, arterial thrombosis, omission or stretching of the kidney).
- Dehydration (with high temperature, diarrhea, vomiting, physical exertion, overheating and other conditions, when the body loses a lot of fluid, but the child refuses to drink).
- Medicinal preparations (antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, some antibiotics).
- Infections of the urino-genital organs.
- Gout.
- Certain types of leukemia.
Urates in the urine of a child in the international classification of diseases do not have a separate code. The precipitation of salts in the urine as a result of metabolic disorders can be classified in the class E00-E90 (endocrine system diseases, eating disorders and metabolic disorders).
The children's organism produces enzymes involved in the process of excretion of uric acid salts in insufficient quantities, therefore, tests almost always show a slight excess of the norm, which is not a cause for concern. Also, a small deviation is possible against the background of illness or the use of certain products, which does not pose a danger to the health of the child.
But a significant deviation from the norm may indicate the development of urine acid diathesis (uraturia). The disease is associated with the imperfection of metabolic functions of the body, the violation of water-salt metabolism, all this is not the best way to affect the overall health of children.
The formation of urate in the urine occurs under two conditions: acidity of more than 5.0 and a high level of protein splitting products in the blood plasma.
In some cases, urates are formed with prolonged stagnation of urine - the walls of the bladder absorb water, while the concentration of salts increases, if the salt level reaches peak values, the formation of salt crystals begins.
The level of urate may increase for various reasons, since the salts of uric acid do not dissolve in water, then when the amount of the kidney is increased, it is excreted from the body in the form of crystals, which are called urates.
The mechanism of precipitation of such a sediment has not been studied thoroughly, since urine is a complex liquid that forms after the blood passes through the "natural filter" of the body - the kidneys.
Symptoms of the urate in the urine of a child
In children, symptoms of a malfunction of the excretory system are very rare and almost always such signs are associated with congenital anomalies (amorphous kidneys, renal dysplasia, gout, etc.).
Usually developmental pathologies are detected at early stages, in other cases it is possible to suspect impairment if the child has frequent vomiting or diarrhea regardless of the fluid, loss of appetite and headaches if the child eats a lot of salty, meat products, chocolate, cheese, drinks a lot strong tea, tomato juice.
To indicate urate in the urine of a child may be hyperactivity, as a rule, such children sleep poorly, whiny, and also with uraturia children are characterized by faster development, in comparison with their peers.
It is worth noting that while the level of urate is at an average level, there will be no symptoms, since the formation of urates does not cause any specific manifestation. Identify the sediment can be in a laboratory study (often urates are identified accidentally).
Urate salts in the urine of a child
Urine analysis is used to identify pathological processes in the body. The referral to the tests is given by the doctor if any violations are suspected. Usually in the urine, the following impurities are detected: phosphates, urates, carbonates, oxalates. But not always the presence of impurities in the urine is associated with the development of serious diseases.
With the normal functioning of all organs and systems, the child in the urine should not have any impurities. But sometimes metabolic processes can be disturbed, which immediately affects the composition of urine.
The formation of salts of uric acid (urate) occurs only under favorable conditions for this, but the reasons that led to this can be very different - from the violation of the digestive function to heredity.
Urate in the urine of a child is often detected. Usually, the precipitate in the form of salts indicates a change in the water-salt balance, less often the development of serious pathologies.
An insufficiently developed genitourinary system of a child can not cope with the amount of salt coming from food, as a result, a salt precipitate appears in the urine.
Also, the formation of urates can provoke antibiotics, a lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet.
If the sediment of salts is detected in a child who is fed by breast milk, the mother needs to reduce the consumption of meat and give preference to fruits and vegetables.
To reduce the level of urate, children from 2 years are recommended a special diet, where the main place is occupied by products rich in calcium, potassium. Red meat should be given in small quantities or completely replaced with poultry meat, vegetables with a high content of purine and oxalic acid, dairy products, and also mineral water are given to the child without restrictions.
A large number of urate in the urine of a child
Urat in urine should not be, as well as other salts. In medicine, it is considered that a single increase in urate up to 2 pluses is not a deviation. If the laboratory test showed 3 or more pluses, or the urate level does not decrease even after a change in diet, an additional examination should be performed and gout or leukemia excluded.
If the analysis revealed urate in the urine of a child in large numbers, then one should not immediately assume the worst variants. Often before giving the tests, parents forget that the day before the child ate a lot of chocolate, meat or fish, drank a lot of strong tea, could overheat, etc. Also, if the tests are given after the illness, the level of urates may be affected by taking medications.
After detecting a high level of urates, you need to correct the baby's menu, retake the analysis after a while, make an ultrasound of the kidneys. In addition to urates, attention should also be paid to other impurities, the excess of the level of leukocytes (more than 5), erythrocytes or other salts in the urine can indicate infection of the urinary system.
Sometimes a high level of urate can be associated with dysbiosis, worms.
Particular care should be exercised by parents who have had cases of gout, obesity, joints, spine, and blood vessels among relatives, in this case it is recommended to immediately consult a pediatric nephrologist or, at least, a pediatrician.
Urates and oxalates in the urine of a child
Oxalates also refer to salt compounds, but they tend to crystallize. When passing through the urethra, oxalates injure the mucous membrane, thus causing pain and inflammation.
Oxalates are formed for various reasons, mainly with the abuse of vitamin C, in particular products that contain a lot of this vitamin (rose hips, citrus fruits, radish, sorrel), also provoke an increase in the level of oxalate inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus.
Elevated levels of oxalate after a while can lead to the formation of stones in the bladder.
If the tests showed oxalates, urates in the baby's urine, in the first place, you need to adjust the nutrition: give more fluid, increase the amount of foods in the diet that contain B vitamins, magnesium.
First signs
Urate in the urine of the child is usually manifested in the form of hyperactivity, various disorders of sleep (as a rule, children do not sleep well, often wake up, capricious). At the same time, children develop faster than they are supposed to, they are prone to children's creativity, they like to read and learn new things.
Complications and consequences
In case the treatment fails, the increased level of urate can lead to the fact that uric acid crystals will be deposited under the skin and joints, there will be attacks of suffocation, vomiting, especially in the morning, constipation, red pruritic spots appear on the skin (in this case allergic tests will not reveal an allergy).
Uric acid is the main factor provoking gout, and because of the high level of urates, the kidneys suffer greatly, which can pose a serious threat to the emerging child organism.
Often, urates are associated with a violation of the outflow of urine, which causes the expansion of renal pelvis. Subsequently, due to the penetration of bacteria, inflammation can develop, especially in children up to a year. The disease can go to a chronic stage and affect the future health of the baby.
Urate in the urine of a child precedes the formation of kidney stones, which can block the channels and cause severe pain. At large sizes, there is a risk of injury to the mucosa, bleeding, inflammation, the development of renal failure, after a while without treatment, the organs can completely refuse.
Diagnostics of the urate in the urine of a child
Urates are detected mainly in laboratory urinalysis. If a high level of salts is detected, diet therapy is prescribed, the possible causes of urate levels rise, such as the temperature before the test, the transferred disease, the consumption of large amounts of meat or salt products, etc., are excluded.
Urine analysis is prescribed several times, if each time the results show an elevated urate level, the doctor sends an ultrasound or X-ray examination of the kidneys.
X-ray diffraction with contrast material is the most safe type of diagnostics, which allows to evaluate the structure and structure of the kidneys, to reveal pathological formations in them. The negative side of the method is the radiation load on the body, albeit insignificant. Before the study, special training is required to reduce the negative effects of radiation and increase the resistance of the body.
Ultrasound is a less aggressive method, but not infrequently data from ultrasound is not enough.
Urine analysis allows you to determine the level of salts, erythrocytes, white blood cells and other elements that can indicate a malfunction in the body, is conducted to assess the physicochemical parameters and study the sediment salts. Urates in the urine of a child or adult indicate the state of the urinary system and metabolic processes.
Instrumental diagnostics
Under instrumental diagnostics, various types of studies are meant, which are carried out with the help of devices - X-ray, ultrasound, ECG, MRI, etc.
This type of diagnosis is prescribed if urate in the urine of a child has been identified several times in a row.
To identify pathologies that could cause an increase in the level of uric acid salts, use ultrasound or X-ray, in some cases, two diagnostic methods are required to establish a diagnosis.
Roentgen of the kidney helps to establish the structure and structure of the organ, pathological formations, the use of contrast medium allows the specialist to evaluate the work of the kidneys and obtain the most accurate data on their structure.
Depending on the age of the patient, the presumptive illness, the doctor can prescribe simply a review of the kidneys or using a contrast medium.
It should be noted that the use of X-ray with contrast material requires preliminary preparation, the diagnosis is carried out according to strict indications and in specialized clinics, especially in children.
Contrast X-rays can be of several types: intravenous urography (introduction of an iodine-containing substance into the veins, which penetrates the kidneys and is excreted in the urine), direct pyelography (introduction of contrast through a catheter or injection into the kidney)
Also, to assess the condition of the kidneys, computer tomography can be assigned - a rather expensive method of research, which is done on a special apparatus, based on X-rays.
Kidney ultrasound is a safer, non-invasive diagnostic method. The special apparatus allows to evaluate the structure of the organ, vessels.
At the heart of ultrasound lies echolocation, i.e. Perception of reflected high-frequency signals, in this case ultrasonic waves.
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis is the most important part in setting the right diagnosis. This diagnosis allows the specialist to distinguish one disease from another with 100% accuracy.
In the urine of a child, urates can be formed for various reasons, so in this case it is extremely important to conduct a complete examination and to detect serious pathologies in time.
Urates can be associated with the development of such dangerous diseases as gout, genitourinary system infections, leukemia and the specialist should correctly assess the information about the disease and exclude diseases similar in symptoms.
The correctness of the diagnosis depends on many factors - the experience and knowledge of the doctor, his logical thinking. Differential diagnostics can be carried out only if there is complete information about the patient's condition and a correct evaluation of the available data.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the urate in the urine of a child
The main treatment for increasing urate levels in urine is diet.
Dietotherapy is prescribed regardless of the complexity of the situation, it is recommended to increase the intake of liquid, vegetables, fruits, especially with the content of B vitamins.
In the event that urate in the urine of a child was detected late and kidneys began to form urate stones, medication is prescribed - diuretic, anti-inflammatory drugs, trace elements of potassium and magnesium.
Diet is the main treatment for urate detection in urine. But in some cases, drugs can be prescribed. As a rule, drug treatment is effective if the kidneys have not yet begun the process of formation of stones.
Blemaren - the main effect of the drug is aimed at alkalinizing urine, so that uric acid dissolves more easily and leaves with urine. Also, Blamaren reduces the excretion of calcium and the formation of crystals, improves the solubility of oxalates in the urine.
A day is prescribed from 2 to 6 tablets (depending on the age). The drug is issued in the form of effervescent tablets, which must be dissolved in water before use.
Should be taken after meals, the daily dose should be evenly distributed throughout the day.
Contraindicated in infections of the urinary tract, high blood pressure, renal failure (in acute or chronic form), allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Allopurinol (analogue gipoksatin) - violates the synthesis of uric acid, reduces urate levels in urine, dissolves urate deposits and prevents the formation of kidney stones. Assigned individually, depending on the concentration of urate in the urine. Children are recommended from 100 to 400 mg per day.
On the background of the reception, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, increased pressure, headaches, dizziness, seldom occur puffiness, weakness, convulsions, visual impairment, febrile conditions, bleaching of hair, the appearance of blood in the urine.
Also, Urolesan or Kanefron may be prescribed, which improves the outflow of urine and removes salt.
Alternative treatment
In alternative medicine, in diseases of the kidneys, half-pala grass or wool is used, which is suitable both for self-treatment and as part of complex therapy.
Half-fallen native from the island of Ceyorn, local residents claim that this grass is simply necessary for those who live in areas of high radiation.
The maximum benefit is collected in spring leaves, which are dried in a dark ventilated place. Keep the leaves best in paper bags or linen bags.
This herb is known for its healing properties since ancient times, it normalizes metabolic processes and sugar level in the body, increases immune defense, reduces blood pressure. With regular use of infusion from the grass, half-pala improves overall health, complexion, skin rashes disappear, the digestive and nervous systems work normal, slags and toxins are eliminated.
Herbal Treatment
Urates in the urine of a child, in the first place, can indicate an abnormal diet, so the main treatment is diet food. Treatment with herbs in childhood should be done only after consulting a doctor, since most herbs are contraindicated for children.
So, the grass is half-fallen, which has salt-removing, antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties is not prescribed for children under 12 years old, since strong allergic reactions are possible.
After consulting with a doctor, you can use herbal preparations in addition to the diet, which will help to normalize metabolic processes in the body.
For example, a good tool is the collection of leaves of cranberries, black currant, birch leaf, root stalk, wheat grass (40g).
1 tbsp. Mix 250 ml of boiling water, simmer for 3 minutes, drain and cool. Drink 3 times a day after meals (or as recommended by a doctor). Every day it is recommended to prepare a new portion.
Homeopathic remedies have been very popular lately. Before prescribing the medicine, the doctor takes into account the patient's features, the nature of the course of the disease, therefore, individual treatment is appointed in each individual case.
The doctor must monitor the treatment, if necessary adjust the dosage or change the treatment schedule.
With urates in the child's urine, Lituium benzoicum, Barbaris, Goldenrod can be used.
Diet in Urates in the urine of a child
When urates are detected, dietary meals are prescribed, the total caloric intake should be 2800 calories per day.
Contraindicated fatty meat, offal, fish, conservation, beef broth, cocoa, chocolate, water with a high content of calcium salts.
Limit low-fat fish, spicy, spicy dishes, spinach, cabbage, beans, salt.
In any quantity, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, pasta, eggs, pumpkin, watermelons, porridges (buckwheat, wheat) are allowed.
If urate and oxalate are found in the urine of a child, then potatoes and citrus fruits should be consumed in a limited way.
The child should drink at least 2 liters of water a day, the amount of fluid should be increased.
If you leave urate in the urine of a child unattended, urate stones in the kidneys can subsequently form and cause a blockage of the ureter or a kidney abscess.
Prevention of this pathology is proper nutrition (eating more vegetables, fruits, cereals). Also, you need to drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration, especially during the hot season.
Particular attention should be paid to the health of the genitourinary system - to avoid hypothermia, infections.
If you leave urates in the baby's urine without attention, then it can provoke the deposition of uric acid crystals under the skin, in the joints. The development of the disease can cause asthmatic attacks, constipation, the appearance of red itchy spots on the skin (allergy symptoms).
Urate in the urine of a child is usually a sign of malnutrition. The pathological condition requires an obligatory correction in the form of a change in the diet, otherwise, urolithiasis or gout may develop.
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