Unpleasant-smelling discharge from women: what does this mean, causes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vaginal discharge occurs as a result of the work of the glandular system located inside the vagina. Their nature may change periodically - for example, under the influence of changes in nutrition or climatic conditions, with the onset of sexual activity or with the development of diseases. At the same time, not only color, consistency and uniformity, but also smell can change. Why smell selection? What smell is considered normal and which pathology? How to find out the reason for the change of smell in the discharge, and what to do next?
Many girls and women begin to worry about this seemingly insignificant reason: for example, if there are no other symptoms, but there is only an unpleasant smell, is it worth going to a doctor? In fact, in certain cases, the problem may indeed be present, and quite serious. Let's try to understand some features of the female genital sphere, as well as in such a “sensitive” issue as vaginal discharge and their smell.
Causes of the bad smelling discharge
It is almost impossible to determine the presence or absence of pathology in the event of discharge. Even more: not every gynecologist will be able to make the correct diagnosis without certain laboratory and instrumental examinations.
However, every woman should know a number of symptoms that usually occur along with a pathological change in the smell of vaginal secretions. These symptoms should definitely pay attention to:
- discomfort, itching, unpleasant sensation of irritation inside the vaginal cavity;
- change of color of selections;
- changes in the volume and consistency of secretions, the appearance of additional lumps and inclusions;
- pain (during, after intercourse, or in a period of rest);
- blood in secretions.
If any of the listed symptoms were found, and the discharge smells sharply and unpleasantly, then it is necessary to consult a doctor without fail.
Unpleasant-smelling discharge: what are they and what is it connected with?
- Discharges smell like fish with gardnerella; this term refers to a violation of the bacterial balance in the vagina due to prolonged antibiotic therapy, or for other reasons. Gardnerella is an optional anaerobic that is normally present in the vaginal microflora, but under certain conditions the microorganism becomes pathogenic and causes the development of the disease. Allocations smell of herring also as a result of improper hygienic care, with non-compliance with basic rules of personal hygiene. If you use the medical term, then this pathology is called bacterial vaginosis - that is, an imbalance of microflora with a predominance of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacterial vaginosis does not always manifest itself with any other symptoms, which is why women often wonder why the discharge smells like rotten fish, if nothing hurts and doesn’t bother? In fact, the smell is caused by the bacterial production of specific enzymes that interact with glandular secretion and sperm fluid. As a result, persistent decomposition products of polyamine, emitting an extremely unpleasant "odor", are released. Despite the fact that such a secreted secret smells steadily and constantly, the pathology is treated quite easily.
- The discharge smells sour, most often with a fungal infection - for example, with thrush. This disease is familiar to every second woman - it is about such a frequency of incidence that world statistics tell us. Discharges smell of sour milk during exacerbation: additional symptoms may include itching, cheesy whitening, painful urination and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Thrush can manifest as candidal obesity, candidal vaginitis, or pyelocystitis, which determines the nature of the symptoms. To treat this disease is not only possible but necessary. Otherwise, permanent exacerbations will cause significant damage to the quality of life of the woman (and, in particular, the sexual life).
- White smelling discharge (meaning just an unpleasant smell) is almost always a sign of the presence of infection in the genitals. Inflammation can be triggered by different microorganisms — that is, the infection can be specific or nonspecific. For example, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, trichomonads, fungi and viruses, mycoplasma, or streptococcus, staphylococcus, rod-shaped flora, etc., can become pathogens. Group pathogen can not be accurately determined without proper diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following rule: first, diagnosis by a doctor, then - treatment.
- The discharge smells like onions if the fungal infection of the genitals is combined with an impaired hormonal background. For example, this happens if candidiasis becomes acute immediately before the start of a new monthly cycle, either during pregnancy or after severe stress. Many women note the increased "onion" smell after intercourse. It is possible to get rid of this trouble, but only after high-quality antifungal treatment with further restoration of the vaginal microflora.
- Yellow-smelling discharge occurs during purulent inflammatory processes, both external and internal genital organs. For example, they can be detected with purulent vaginitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis. In these diseases, as a rule, the problem is not limited only to the fact that the discharge smells and has a yellowish tint. Such symptoms are combined with itching, pain, impaired urination, general malaise, etc. In addition, the yellow secret often accompanies many sexually transmitted diseases. For example, if a woman complains of pain, intermenstrual bleeding, yellowing and a bad smell of vaginal fluid secreted, then a diagnosis should be made to rule out gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.
- If the discharge smells of urine, then the reason is far from always lies in the pathologies of the genital sphere. This smell is quite often observed in obesity, with fears and severe stress, as well as in the postpartum period, when a woman has certain transient disorders in the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis and inguinal zone. That is, in these cases, the smell of urine due to the direct ingress of urinary fluid in the vaginal secretions. If this problem really seriously bothers, then you need to consult a doctor - in particular, a urologist.
- Discharges smell like milk - women in the situation often notice this symptom. If the smell is milk (not sour milk) and not fetid, if there are no other unpleasant symptoms, then there is no need to worry - we can say that this is one of the normal variants. However, just in case, it is recommended to pass a smear on the study - for your own peace of mind and confidence that everything is fine.
- If menstrual flow smells like rotten or rotten egg, then the reason should be sought in non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. A hygienic tampon or pad is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms. Blood, heat and high humidity - for bacteria, this combination is favorable for development. Therefore, it is very important to change such hygiene products as often as possible. Scientists say that within a few hours, millions of pathogens can be detected on a pad or tampon, which emit a characteristic "rotten" smell. If during the period of monthly bleeding to neglect the rules of hygiene, then, in addition to the fact that the discharge smells like an egg, you can acquire a number of problems associated with diseases of the genital organs. For example, we can talk about candidosis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.
- If the discharge smell of ammonia, it is not always associated with the pathology of the reproductive system. The problem may be due to the appearance of kidney, pancreas, endocrine system diseases. Often discharge smell of ammonia with impaired metabolism. It is because of many possible reasons that the diagnosis for such a symptom should be expanded: along with taking a smear from the vagina, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ultrasound of the kidneys, urinalysis, complete blood count, determine the level of glucose in the blood. Only on the basis of the diagnostic information obtained is a diagnosis made and appropriate treatment prescribed.
- The discharge smells like sperm during frequent sexual intercourse, immediately after sexual intercourse - and this does not indicate the presence of a pathological process. But for some women, the problem is associated with changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora. So, sometimes patients complain that the discharge smells like mushrooms: after the diagnosis, it turns out that there is a beginning bacterial vaginosis. The exact answer to the question will be given by laboratory tests - for example, a smear on the qualitative composition of the vaginal microbiome.
- When the discharge smells of garlic, in most cases the “culprit” really becomes garlic - namely, its presence in food in large quantities. To get rid of such a problem, simple washing away is not enough. After all, this fragrance is extremely persistent. Allicin - garlic substance that gives a characteristic smell of garlic, can be stored in the glandular secretion of a person (sweat, vaginal, greasy) for up to 3-4 days. Therefore, the best way to get rid of trouble is to review your diet and reduce the amount of garlic in the food.
- If the discharge smell of vinegar, then first of all, should be excluded candidiasis - this is the most common fungal infection of the genital organs. In candidiasis, discharge from the vagina smells like kefir, sour milk, vinegar, etc.
- The discharge smells like iron - it means there is a certain amount of blood in them. For example, this is observed during menstrual bleeding, or when bleeding erosion or swelling on the cervix. The smell of iron is usually present within a few days after the end of menstruation. If such a symptom is not related to the monthly cycle, then it is better to visit a doctor: the presence of blood in the discharge is not such a harmless symptom that requires a detailed diagnosis.
- Discharges smell like yeast if there is an intense development of a fungal infection. Candida albicans is a yeast fungus that is normally present inside the female vagina (as well as in the intestines, both in women and men). Under certain favorable conditions, this fungus begins to multiply vigorously, causing the development of the disease - candidiasis. You can confirm the presence of the disease by passing a smear from the vaginal mucosa. With the defeat of yeast fungi it happens that the discharge smells like cottage cheese or sour milk - this can be observed in advanced cases, when a woman's vaginal secretion becomes cheesy, itching, irritation, pain when trying to urinate. The disease is relatively well treatable, but relapses are possible. It is possible to affect their frequency, observing a special diet, with restriction of sweets, yeast baking, alcohol and dairy products.
- It happens that the discharge smell bleach. The reason for this may be, no matter how trite, excessive hygiene of the vaginal cavity. Constant unjustified douching, too deep, frequent and intense washing with the use of antiseptics and other similar means - these factors negatively affect the composition of the microflora, practically washing it out from the mucous membrane. In addition, bad smell may be disturbed with regular use of condoms coated with a special antimicrobial lubricant.
- The discharge smells like cheese - and this trait is also characteristic of thrush. However, you should not make a diagnosis yourself only by the nature of the smell: you need to visit the doctor and make a diagnosis. This is the only way to gain confidence in the correctly prescribed treatment and its effectiveness.
- If the discharge smells like potatoes, then perhaps there is no disease. Spicy, straw, the smell of fresh milk or boiled potatoes - this is how many describe the aroma of ordinary female vaginal discharge. If there are no other painful symptoms, then you can not worry in vain. But for more confidence, it is better to do a diagnostic swab.
- If the discharge smells of medicines, then there may be several reasons. First, this happens with antibiotic therapy, with other powerful drugs (for example, in the background or after chemotherapy). The following often happens: a woman complains that the discharge smells of penicillin. It turns out that she recently had to undergo an intensive course of antibiotic treatment, and now she needs to re-restore the vaginal microbiome. Everyone knows that antibiotics destroy not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms. This should be considered when the behavior of a long course of taking such drugs - especially those who have an extensive spectrum of antibacterial action.
- If the discharge smells of iodine, it is imperative to conduct a smear analysis of genital infections. For example, a similar odor may be present with HPV and other viral lesions. The analysis is done fairly quickly, and within a day it will be possible to draw conclusions about the reason for the appearance of this unusual smell.
- When the discharge smells afterwards, the first thing to do is to analyze whether the hygienic norms are properly followed. Perhaps it was only the wrong synthetic underwear that was to blame, or the panty liners that you purchased for the first time became the cause. There may be many options, therefore, in the absence of other symptoms, a differential diagnosis can be made to rule out the possibility of pathology.
Odorous discharge after menstruation
After the end of menstruation, the degree of blood clotting increases, and its discharge along with vaginal mucus decreases. Due to the accelerated blood coagulation, the color of the mucus becomes dark brown first and then gradually fades. Normally, this secret does not smell, but there may be a slight smell of iron, which is associated with the presence of blood in its composition. If a woman feels any other odor, then it is better to consult a doctor and pass an analysis (smear) on the quality of the vaginal microflora. For example, often the discharge smell due to the active presence in the vagina of such microorganisms as chlamydia, gardnerella, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpevirus.
Smell discharge after ovulation
The reasons that smell after ovulation smell may be hormonal disorders, or diseases of the reproductive system. In addition to the appearance of smell, there may be other signs: a change in the color of whiter, the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.
The main hormones that regulate the female reproductive system are progesterone and estrogens. Violation of their production may be due to a number of reasons, but most often this is observed in inflammatory processes, cysts, tumors. Also, a temporary imbalance can be caused by taking oral contraceptives: such drugs contain components that inhibit follicle growth and suppress the ovulation process. At the same time, the amount of mucus increases, which becomes thicker, denser, and its smell more concentrated.
In addition, the discharge smell on the background of strong stressful situations, avitaminosis, endocrine diseases.
If the hormonal imbalance becomes pronounced, it can lead to the growth of the endometrium, adenomyosis: a change in the smell in such diseases is not considered a major symptom, but its appearance is not excluded.
Pregnancy excretions smell
A pregnant woman may also have a vaginal secretion, which normally should not differ in any stranger, and even more so, an unpleasant smell. However, if the discharge still smells, then you should pay attention to the following nuances:
- It is no secret that the woman’s body after conception undergoes colossal changes: this applies especially to the hormonal background. Smells become brighter and even harsh. If the change of smell is not accompanied by other signs - for example, the appearance of irritation, pain, etc., then in some cases this can be attributed to the normal variants.
- Often, pregnant women sharpen their sense of smell. Earlier, a barely perceptible scent at this stage may seem unnecessarily harsh and even smelly. One conclusion can be made: if, apart from this woman, no one smells a bad smell, and there are no other pathological symptoms, then you should not worry.
- In future mothers, in most cases there is a decrease in immunity - especially if the initial period of pregnancy falls during the winter-spring period. At this time, all sorts of pathogens can actively develop in the vagina, which increase their influence on the nature of the secretions.
- Due to the weakness of the immune defense, a pregnant woman may suffer from exacerbations of inflammatory diseases and other processes, which, in turn, cause the discharge of the smell. For example, a fungal infection is often exacerbated, and the discharge acquires a sour smell.
After birth smell selection
After childbirth, the secret from the vagina should not smell unpleasantly, accompanied by itching, irritation: it is usually abundant, but it stops already at 45-60 days after the birth of the baby.
After the termination of the expiration of discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a preventive gynecological examination. The doctor will evaluate the state of the reproductive organs after childbirth, check the completeness of their recovery.
If the discharge smells immediately after childbirth (or several days after birth), then you should contact the gynecologist immediately, without waiting for the end of the period of lochia. By the way, in normal lochia (postpartum discharge) may have the usual smell of menstrual secretions, or a slight refined scent. This condition is classified as normal.
Should alert: sour, putrid, fishy smell, which is found on the background of changing color lohii. It may also increase the temperature, pain in the lower abdomen. We can not exclude the possibility of infection in the birth wound, especially if the birth was taken outside the hospital (for example, at home, in transport, on the street). An infection can lead to the development of endometritis, parametritis, colpitis, peritonitis, colpitis.
In such a case, one cannot expect that everything will go away on its own. It is necessary and as soon as possible to consult a doctor.
Smell discharge after cesarean
Regardless of whether the woman had a natural childbirth, or if the child was born using a cesarean section, the reproductive system needs time to recover. As a rule, organs should recover in 7–9 weeks. During this period, the main type of vaginal secretion in young mothers becomes lochia, which contain blood cells, mucous secretions, plasma, epithelial particles. The nature of lohii is very important, as it always indicates whether a woman is in good health.
Typically, such secretions do not smell something special. However, the risk of infection after caesarean increases several times: the wound surface after surgery is always larger than after normal delivery. Therefore, hygiene and reception of medicines prescribed by a doctor in the postoperative period is very important.
For any suspicious change in the odor of discharge, a woman should consult a doctor, not waiting for the development of complications. Problem lochia, in fact, is a frequent problem in women, and an important symptom of many diseases.
Smell discharge in men
In men, as in women, there is a normal and pathological secretion, which is detected at the exit of the urethra. If such secretions smell, it should also be alerted, even if other unpleasant symptoms have not yet been detected. Perhaps an early visit to the doctor will prevent the development of a serious disease.
Most often, the discharge from men is slim, so many people simply do not notice it. They begin to sound the alarm only when there is pain when urinating, cutting, etc.
There are many known causes of discharge with odor, and urethritis is considered to be the most common inflammation of the urethra. Such an inflammatory process may have an infectious and non-infectious pathology. The most frequent causes are the defeat of chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, trichomonas, fungus. Less common causes can be considered mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the urethra, urethral tumors.
In none of these cases, you can not practice self-medication. One should consult a doctor, firstly, to clarify the reason for the bad-smelling secretion, and secondly, to receive high-quality medical care.
Itching and smelling discharge
If the discharge smells and itchy at the same time, then this should not frighten the woman, but should be a reason for visiting the doctor. Such symptoms often combine with each other and may indicate the development of such disease states:
- The condition of dysbiosis is an imbalance in the composition of the vaginal microflora, in which the normal ratio of the number of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms changes.
- Fungal infection (thrush) is a common female problem, which is characterized by the appearance of itching, light discharge with a sour smell. It is necessary to treat this disease.
- Bacterial vaginosis, gardnerellosis is a specific disease that can “sleep” for a long time, becoming more and more acute.
- Inflammatory processes of the external genital organs - can develop against the background of non-compliance with the hygiene rules of the intimate area, when using unsuitable hygiene products, with improper leaching, frequent unjustified douching, after unprotected sex.
The exact reason for the appearance of itching and smelling discharge will be called by the doctor during an individual consultation.
Discharge smell and pain in the right side: what disease can be assumed?
According to gynecologists, the most frequent complaints of patients are associated with pain in the right or left lower segment of the abdomen, or with the appearance of smelling vaginal discharge.
For example, if there is a smell of discharge, and at the same time pain appears on the right and below the navel, then we can assume the development of right-sided adnexitis. This disease is dangerous because it often develops a chronic form that occurs with frequent relapses. With right-sided adnexitis, the pain is localized in the right side, but may give to the right hypochondrium and external genitalia. With adnexitis, the discharge smells unpleasant, their consistency and profusion can change. A woman complains of feeling weak and unwell, and her body temperature may rise.
To clarify the diagnosis should conduct certain studies:
- smear from the vaginal mucosa;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
Laparoscopy is sometimes indicated.
Normally, discharge from the vagina is always present - to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the period of the woman’s life. Its purpose is to provide adequate reproductive function. In the vaginal vestibule and near the cervix, specific glands develop, producing mucous secretions to maintain a moist environment inside the vagina, as well as to ensure the formation of appropriate microflora in it. There is usually not a lot of healthy liquid, it is almost transparent and devoid of any obvious odor.
Speaking of "no smell", you should immediately make a reservation that there is no absolutely "odorless" secret - some shades are still present. Just in a healthy body, the discharge smells nice and barely perceptible. Such a fragrance is different for each woman, and she herself can not even catch it.
If the vaginal secretion smell is clearly unpleasant, foreign, bright, annoying, which was not previously observed, then it is really worth being alerted. For example, the discharge smells harsh and unpleasant, then you can suspect the development of a microbial infection. It is believed that the stronger the "flavor", the more powerful the infectious lesion.
Sweet-scent often indicates activation of the fungal pathogen. So, the fungus, representing the genus Candida, feeds on sugar and readily multiplies in an environment where there is a lot of it.
What does a normal discharge smell like?
With the onset of puberty (from about 12 years of age), the glandular apparatus of the cervical canal begins to function, highlighting the mucous secret: this discharge smells subtle, mixing with necrotic epithelial cells and vaginal flora. Shades of smell depend on what microorganisms are present more: lactobacilli, streptococci, fungi, Doderlein sticks, etc.
Mucus secretion is designed to moisturize mucous tissues, to prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, to ensure local immunity and self-cleaning of the vaginal cavity. Such secretions do not smell bright and pronounced: the aroma is slightly perceptible, unobtrusive. For example, if lactic acid bacteria dominate in the microflora, a weak sour smell will be felt. In anticipation of the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the discharge smells like iron, and slightly changes its color toward pinkish or brownish.
The basic characteristics of the vaginal secretion may change, especially under the influence of hormonal changes. However, the presence of any pathological process is not necessary. For example, the hormonal "shake-up" occurs at the time of the first sexual contact, as well as when the partner is changed. The vagina seems to be “getting used” to the new composition of microflora, and the secretions change their volumes, color and aromatic shades.
Many women, on the background of regular sex life, note that the discharge before and after intercourse also changes. This is due to blood flow to the vaginal vessels, with increased glandular function, with the activation of microflora in the vagina, with the entry of sperm into it. Accordingly, after sexual contact, the discharge smells somewhat differently.
In addition, the smell of secretions changes after taking hormonal drugs, including contraceptive action, as well as in the process of carrying a child, after his birth, at the breastfeeding stage.
There are many prerequisites for changing the odor of the discharge. The main thing is to distinguish the norm from the pathology in time.
The basic rule for preventing changes in the smell of discharge is the quality and regular adherence to basic hygiene standards. Doctors focus women's attention on the fact that any non-pathological discharge smells unpleasant, if elementary rules of hygiene are ignored:
- daily shower, washing twice a day;
- the use of soft, non-aggressive hygienic means (optimally - special tools for intimate use);
- daily change of underwear, wearing linen from natural fabrics.
Water during the shower should be warm (hot dries mucous tissues, and cold can weaken local immunity, which will lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases).
Synthetic linen can be worn, but not constantly, and not in the hot season.
If a woman complies with hygiene, but still the discharge smells, then you should think about the diet. Regular consumption of sweets and flour products enhances the growth and reproduction of fungal infections.
The third rule is the presence of a permanent sexual partner, systematic testing to exclude sexually transmitted diseases and infectious pathologies of the reproductive sphere. A woman should visit a gynecologist at least once a year: this will prevent many serious diseases, including those that cause the appearance of an unpleasant odor of discharge.
It is not recommended to self-medicate: illiterate use of medicines, frequent and inappropriate douching can only aggravate the course of the underlying disease and cause the development of complications.
Even clearly fulfilling all the doctor's instructions, not a single woman can be insured against the recurrence of an unpleasant odor from the vagina: this is a feature of the female body. Often, patients who have already been treated for this problem note that the discharge begins to smell bad after antibiotic treatment, after a long-term use of oral contraceptives, after eating a lot of sweets.
To avoid re-occurrence of the problem, many doctors recommend at the end of the main therapeutic course to pay attention to such preventive drugs as Bifidum, Acilact. Such medications help to restore the qualitative composition of the vaginal microflora and strengthen the local immunity of the vagina.
It should also be remembered that any use of antibiotics should be justified: such drugs are prescribed only if there are clear indications, and never for prevention. If, nevertheless, antibiotics have to be taken, then antifungal therapy should be carried out simultaneously, and after completing the course, undergo a restorative treatment to normalize the balance of the vaginal microflora.
In general, with the implementation of all medical recommendations, it is quite possible to prevent the emergence of such a piquant problem as an unpleasant smell. If the discharge smells, it is better to leave all thoughts of self-treatment and seek the help of a professional - an experienced gynecologist.