Discharge in men and other symptoms: itching, burning, pain
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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One of the main problems of modern medicine are allocation in men. The significance of this problem lies in the fact that when there are excretions, it is necessary to find out exactly the reason for which they originated, and also to choose the appropriate treatment. The danger is that they can be one of the symptoms of a serious illness, so modern diagnostics is the most important condition in which you can effectively get rid of complaints. It should also be taken into account that the allocation of a half of the male population is normal, and special treatment is not needed. But for this it is necessary to be completely sure that the excretions are not pathological, which confirms the importance and significance of the diagnosis, especially in the early stages.
Usually, both pathological and natural, physiological fluid is released. You can find pathology by lightly pressing movements by massaging the penis in the lower part. Movements should be directed to the head. It is also important to capture overlying areas.
Allocations can be of various types.
Spermatorrhea is a spontaneous secretion that occurs as a result of a decreased tone of the genitourinary system. Determine exactly why they arise is difficult enough.
Hematorea most often occur as a result of severe lesions of internal organs, the genitourinary system, and also as a result of injuries. Also, the foreign body can become the cause. It can be a consequence of surgical or any other instrumental intervention. Less often - high blood pressure, neoplasms.
There is a leukocyte erythrotorea, which is an exudate that is released as a result of inflammation. Provoke such emissions can viruses, sensitizers, injuries. Dramatically differ in duration, stage, composition. First, mucus is released, then it acquires a white, milky tone. Occurs in the background of infection, intracellular parasites. With the neglect of the pathological process, the formation of pus can begin.
Pus is formed from white blood cells, damaged epithelium, mucus. Is allocated first in small quantities, drip. Gradually the amount increases, the consistency changes. Purulent discharge can be recognized by a characteristic yellow or green hue, as well as by a specific unpleasant, sometimes even fetid odor. Usually, all pathological processes spread fairly quickly and are accompanied by concomitant symptoms, such as burning, painful sensations. Normally, normal discharge is not accompanied by uncomfortable sensations and does not have an odor, and is mostly white or transparent.
Excretion in men with excitation
After being awakened, the male organism begins to synthesize a fluid that is released from the urethra outward. She usually does not smell. Sometimes you can feel a slight smell of sperm. Performs a lubricating function: lubricates the channel, promoting an improved sperm current.
Urinary excretion during orgasm in men
In rare cases, an orgasm appears a certain amount of urine, which is due to lack of tone, reduced muscle activity, which is responsible for the regulation of excretory processes. Urine can be released in small amounts, and in large enough. All this can be accompanied by pain, or not accompanied by any sensations. Whatever the case, a diagnosis is required. Then the therapy is selected.
Stool excretion in men
This is a pathology, the cause of which is difficult to determine without examination. But in most cases, the cause is weakness of the anal sphincter, intestinal atony, dolichosigma, in which there is a decrease in intestinal tone, contractile activity, constipation and expansion of the rectum and sigmoid colon, and incontinence in the initial stage. Often this indicates a problem with the rectum, the small intestine.
Discharge during urination in men
There are also cases in which urination is accompanied by the release of mucus, which indicates inflammation in the initial stage. Often such a discharge can be seen only after a night's sleep, because at this time they are more intense. The day is less noticeable, because a small amount is mixed with urine. Predominantly white, or transparent. Less common are spotting, which indicates acute inflammation or damage, other, very diverse causes.
Itching and discharge in men
These sensations are usually associated with cell allergization, increased sensitization or intoxication of the body. Less often - with the development of superficial skin irritation.
Isolation of a man with pain when urinating
Nonspecific sign of any, both specific (infectious) and nonspecific disease. It is impossible to determine the cause unambiguously without diagnostics. There are many reasons for assuming, but without accurate analysis, they are all unreliable. Therefore, early diagnosis is very important, since it is possible to prevent the development of a serious, serious disease, including cancer.
Burning without segregation of men
An identification sign of nonspecific inflammation developing against a background of chronic or persistent infection. Also says that the body experiences mechanical damage, foreign body entry.
Burning and discharge in men
Develops against the background of infection or reduced immunity. Burning sensation indicates a progression, or a late stage, the development of intense irritation. Burning occurs when the tissue is deeply affected.
Yellow discharge in men
Indicates the development of a bacterial infection, which is activated against a background of reduced immunity, dysbiosis. This leads to the development of various nonspecific inflammations.
Purulent discharge in men
Isolated as a result of the formation of pus in the genito-urinary organs, accompanied by an intensive inflammatory process. Often an intense purulent process is characterized by the development of gonorrhea. Color varies from light to dark brown. The smell is often putrefactive.
To determine the exact cause of the pathology, it is necessary to take laboratory tests. When examining a smear, you can detect a large number of epithelial cells, leukocytes. Most often, the exact cause of the pathology can be determined only on the basis of bacteriological or virological research. This is due to the fact that many pathogens of venereal diseases cause approximately the same picture of pathology. A combination of several microorganisms, the so-called mixed infection, is often found. The main concomitant factors are painful sensations.
Odor secretion in men
They are always more noticeable, since they do not always appear, but only in exceptional cases. Normal - with overexcitation, prolonged abstinence, with some physiological characteristics.
Pathological distinguishes an unusual, fetid, putrid smell. Appears with intensive development of bacterial microflora. It comes directly from the perineal zone. This indicates inflammation, most often it is at a late stage. Some chronic diseases can smell unpleasant. In this case, there are always unpleasant accompanying factors, for example, burning, pain.
Cottage cheese in men
Indicates the thrush, in which the development of fungal microflora, in particular - fungi of the genus Candida. It arises as a result of dysbacteriosis, in which the number of microorganisms decreases sharply, and pathogenic species, including fungus, colonize their place. Often this condition occurs against a background of reduced immunity, dysbiosis, after a long illness, as a result of antibiotic treatment and the course of chemotherapy.
Diagnose by conducting a bacteriological study, in which a smear is planted. Further determine the representative, who became the causative agent, select therapy.
Bloody discharge in men
Bloodiness indicates an acute form of inflammation, intoxication, foreign body entry. Quite often, such phenomena are observed after the transferred operations, invasive manipulations.
Mucous discharge in men
Mucus can be excreted in both natural and physiological processes, for example, with overexcitation, and against a background of various inflammatory processes and infection. Mucus may indicate a mild inflammatory process, a dysbacteriosis or a conditionally pathogenic form of infection, as well as an initial stage of a serious illness, for example, a serious inflammatory process, and even an oncological disease. Therefore, it is important to promptly identify the cause of the appearance of mucus and take the necessary measures.
Excretion in men without odor and itching
This may be a sign of normal discharge, or it may indicate a pathology. Without diagnosing and consulting a doctor, it is impossible to establish the cause and prescribe the treatment. This can be absolutely any reason: from overexcitation to one of the symptoms of a dangerous venereal disease, or cancerous tumor.
Green discharge in men
Green is a sign of a bacterial infection. Usually this indicates a rather high degree of bacterial intoxication, in which intense exudate formation occurs, the development of the inflammatory process.
Brown discharge in men
Brown discharge is a sign of a very high degree of bacterial intoxication, at which the formation of pus occurs and the development of purulent-septic, inflammatory processes. It is necessary to carry out urgent treatment, as necrotic inflammations can begin, and the risk of spread of infection, development of bacteremia and sepsis increases.
Discharge under the foreskin in men
This is a sign of balanoposthitis - a disease in which the foreskin is inflamed and the inflammatory process develops. There are local seborations of purulent nature. Also, there are possible admixtures of blood, edema of the head, soreness.
Itching, redness and discharge in men
Often a sign of an inflammatory or infectious process. More rarely, similar phenomena are observed with an allergic reaction, increased sensitization and sensitivity of the skin. The reasons can be set, without diagnostics to define character of a pathology and to diagnose it is impossible.
Temperature and discharge in men
The temperature always indicates an acute inflammatory process and the development of infection. In this case, the cause of the pathology and the localization of the inflammatory process can be determined in more detail only on the basis of a comprehensive examination and laboratory studies.
Smelling allocation of men
Allocations with a smell always indicate their pathological character. Normal discharge is odorless. An exception may be spermathera, which are released during intense overexcitation. They have a slight smell of sperm. The sharper the odor, the heavier the pathology.
Mutual discharge from the urethra in men
Turbidity may be a sign of an intense inflammatory process, or the development of a bacterial infection. Rarely, it can indicate the absence or irregularity of sexual activity, stagnation
Fish scent of discharge in men
This gardnerellez is a bacterial disease. It is considered a venereal disease, but in most cases, the cause of its occurrence is a violation of normal microflora, dysbiosis, as a result of which pathogenic microorganisms predominate. For the treatment used mainly immunomodulators and immunocorrectors, as well as probiotics. Probiotics require lactic acid microorganisms. Specific antibacterial therapy is impractical.
Stretch marks in men
This may be a sign of chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, or ureaplasmosis. All diseases are infectious, mainly sexually transmitted. For correct diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis is required.
Vitreous discharge in men
They can occur against a background of diseases such as trichomoniasis, prostatitis. Can arise as a result of difficulties in sexual life, with irregular sexual intercourse.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the excretions in men
In order to diagnose the disease, it is necessary to undergo a urologist consultation. To begin with, he will receive general information about the patient, will collect an anamnesis of life and illness. It is important to know as much as possible about the details of how and when the disease first appeared, what complaints the patient is worried about, what measures have been taken, whether such cases have occurred before.
Then the doctor examines the perineum in order to identify areas of the inflammatory process, rashes. Also, the doctor pays attention to the allocation, if any, of their character. On the laundry may remain a trace of excreta, which also draws the attention of the doctor.
After this, the doctor palpates the lymph nodes in the inguinal area, evaluates their condition. Pay special attention to their size, density, whether they are painful, soft or tight. The temperature of the nodes and surrounding tissues is assessed. The mobility of the nodes or their adhesion to the skin, the appearance of any ulceration is assessed.
The doctor then examines the prostate using the finger method. This method can reveal neoplasms, differentiate prostate adenoma, malignant and benign neoplasms.
Then the doctor takes biological material for further laboratory tests. If necessary, instrumental studies and differential diagnostics are carried out.
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The material of the study is a smear from the urogenital tract. The smear is examined microscopically. To do this, make it a preliminary staining. You can see the epithelial components. Some pathogens of infectious diseases, in particular some bacteria, can also be detected.
Elevated levels of white blood cells can indicate the development of acute urethritis, as well as exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process. The increase in eosinophils indicates an allergy. The appearance of erythrocytes in smears indicates severe inflammation. The appearance of grain may indicate spermatorrhea.
With insufficient information or suspicion of a bacterial infection, bacteriological culture is carried out. For this, a smear is taken, then its primary seeding is performed on selective nutrient media. A few days are incubated under the conditions of a thermostat, after which they are made to transfer the largest colonies to selective nutrient media. A pure culture is obtained, then it is incubated. After the culture has grown, a number of biochemical and immunological tests are performed to identify it.
If necessary, the antibiotic sensitivity test is performed - select the optimal antibiotic, which has the maximum effect on the causative agent of the disease, determine its dosage.
If there is a suspicion of a disease of the viral etiology, they produce virological, less often - immunological studies.
Also, standard clinical tests are given - blood, urine, feces, biochemical analysis, blood for sugar. You may need a detailed urine test, an analysis for sterility.
Instrumental diagnostics
The main methods of instrumental research that are used to diagnose are ultrasound of the prostate, bladder and kidney, computed tomography, urography. If a malignant tumor is suspected, a biopsy is performed, taking a tissue sample for the study. Further histological examination of the obtained sample is then carried out.
Differential diagnosis
The basis for differential diagnosis is the need to differentiate several different diseases with the same signs. Most often, different types of infectious diseases have to be differentiated. For this, bacteriological and virological methods of investigation are used. It is also often necessary to differentiate the consequences of injuries from inflammatory processes, as well as various neoplasms. It is always important to differentiate a malignant tumor from benign. This requires a biopsy with further histological examination.
Complications and consequences
The consequences can be serious enough if you do not undergo timely treatment. Often, discharge serves as a sign of severe sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes, which, without treatment, only worsen and progress. The consequence may be chronic infection of the acute inflammatory process, as well as development of malignant neoplasms, necrotic processes, generalization of infection, development of bacteremia and sepsis. Often the result is infertility.
The main measure of prevention is abstinence from accidental sexual contacts. It is recommended to have regular sexual relations with one partner. Regularity and purity of sexual relations are one of the most important conditions for prevention.
Observance of the regime of the day and proper nutrition is an important condition for prevention. It should be possible to exclude from the diet fatty, spicy dishes, preservatives and dyes, pickles and marinades. This will support the urinary system in normal. You need to protect yourself from hypothermia, overwork, avoid stress. If necessary, include in the diet of vitamin and mineral complexes. It is important to maintain the necessary level of physical activity, enough time to spend in the fresh air. Food should be rich in seafood, as well as nuts and cereals.