

Types and symptoms of burns

Burn with sulfuric acid

A sulfuric acid burn is one of the most dangerous chemical damage to tissues. Consider its features, first aid, methods of treatment and prevention.

Burn with acetic acid

Such burns can have serious consequences, so if they are received, you should provide immediate medical attention.

Burning of the respiratory tract

The burn of the respiratory tract is a damage to the mucous tissues of the respiratory system that develops at the moment of inhalation of the damaging agent: steam, chemical fumes, hot smoke, etc. The clinical course and condition of the affected person depend on the area and depth of damage, as well as on the quality and timeliness of the emergency care provided .

Burning jellyfish

Tentacles extending from the hemispherical body of the jellyfish contain a paralyzing poison. To a greater or lesser degree, all jellyfish are poisonous; one of the most dangerous are the Portuguese ships.

Burn with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a substance known to many: a transparent liquid that does not have a color and is practically odorless, is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. As a rule, this is a 3% solution, which is used for external treatment of wounds and cuts.

Eye Burn

Eye burn is an emergency that requires immediate action. Eye burns, thermal or chemical, are among the most dangerous and can lead to loss of vision.

Burn the cornea of the eye

In almost half the cases, patients who completely or partially lost sight were diagnosed with a "corneal burn of the eye".

Acid burn

Acid burn refers to chemical damage to the skin. Such burns are more common in production than in everyday life. However, no one is immune from such damage.

Iron burn

Most often, these injuries are given to children or women. Since the damage is limited to the area of the skin, such a burn is classified as 1 or 2 degrees and is treated primarily at home.

Burn with vinegar

It is hard to imagine a modern kitchen in which there is no acetic acid or essences. Mistresses like to add it to a variety of dishes, especially in conservation, without thinking that this product is fraught with danger.


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