Iron burn
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A burn from an iron is one of the most common household injuries that occur today.
Most often, these injuries are given to children or women. Since the damage is limited to the area of the skin, such a burn is classified as 1 or 2 degrees and is treated primarily at home. In rare cases, the trauma may be more profound. Then you need the help of a qualified combobustologist.
Causes of the burn from iron
Inaccurate use of household appliances, including t iron, is considered the main reason for getting burns at a household level. As a rule, such a trauma happens in the morning, when a person, hurrying to work, forgets about caution.
Very often, a burn from the iron happens in children who, ignorantly, touch the hot object. Care must be taken not to leave unattended the iron on or in the room with small children.
Symptoms of the burn from iron
The burn from the iron is considered a common thermal domestic trauma, which is characterized by quite strong pain in the place of injury. The period of healing is long enough. At what, throughout this time the patient feels pain and unpleasant tingling in the wound.
In addition, the surface of the damaged skin swells, reddens, blood can bleed from the wound. Symptoms of such trauma depend on the degree of burn.
To know what kind of degree of burns from the iron is necessary in order that you can immediately determine which first aid to be provided to the victim. There are three degrees:
- Damage has minor signs. The skin turns red, a burning sensation appears, the skin can be slightly flaky.
- Blisters appear on the skin.
- In the wound you can find dying pieces of skin.
The third degree with a burn by an iron is a rarity. As a rule, patients receive only the first two.
Burn from the iron in the child
Burns from iron in children happen very often, especially if left unattended by adults. What to do in case your child got such a trauma? First of all, do not panic. As soon as possible, you need to calm the baby and take him to the bathroom to hold a damaged place under cold water. It will help at the time to relieve severe pain and will not allow heat energy to spread into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Remember that ice for first aid is not suitable, as it can lead to frostbite and aggravate an already difficult situation.
In no case can not apply various oils for the treatment of burns (although today on the Internet you can find many recommendations for their use). They can heat up and cause unpleasant and very strong pain. The best methods for treating burns from iron in children are specially developed medications (Panthenol, Betadin, Furacilin Ointment 0.2%, Synthomycin Ointment 10%, Boro-Plus Cream, Rescuer " and others).
After the procedure with water and use of the means against the burn, the wound should be well bandaged. Change the bandage will need to be twice a day, until the wound completely heals. As a rule, small burns occur after two to three days. If the child does not tolerate the pain, you can consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate medication for anesthesia.
Complications and consequences
The burn from the iron makes itself felt immediately after the skin touches the hot steam or the surface of this household item. At first the patient feels very strong and sharp pain, redness appears. With a deep burn, the skin can become blistered and blistered. If the burn has a third degree, then the wound resembles a burnt fat: the skin becomes completely white and very dense to the touch. After such injuries, scars or scars often remain, which are difficult to get rid of (see how to get rid of scars).
Treatment of the burn from iron
Before treating the burn from the iron, you need to get a basic knowledge of how the tissue heals after such a trauma. This process can be divided into three separate phases:
- First, complex biological processes occur in the skin, which are aimed at cleaning the wound from all those tissues that have already died.
- Then comes the so-called renewal period, when the wound is tightened with a new granulation tissue.
- In the third phase, the wound is completely covered with skin, a scar appears.
The effectiveness of treatment depends entirely on the phase. During the first phase, you need to carefully and carefully cool the skin affected by the burn, prevent infections, anesthetize and help the body remove toxins from the wound. During the second and third phases, it is necessary to use such drugs that will help protect the skin from secondary infection, improve blood supply in damaged tissues and stimulate metabolism. So healing will be faster.
What means and methods of treatment for a burn from an iron are used most often? First, external treatment of the burn site is necessary. A wound around the wound is best wiped with a tampon, which is pre-wetted in a solution of soapy water or boric acid. After this, the treatment can be repeated with alcohol. When a first degree burn is done, medical institutions are usually not treated, stopping at home treatment. It is important only to constantly change dressings with healing preparations.
If you get a more serious burn, you need to see a doctor who will remove pieces of dead epidermis or scum from the wound that could get there from the steam exit openings. In the presence of bubbles, they are opened, releasing the liquid, and gently apply the skin back onto the wound. Thus, only very large blisters are treated. After this, the skin is wiped with a 3% peroxide solution and bandaged. It is also recommended to use special ointments or sprays to treat burns.
First aid for burns from iron
If there are no bubbles at the injury site, the burn must be substituted for a stream of cool enough water (for five to ten minutes). It will help to slightly reduce the intensity of pain. Carefully use a cotton swab to wipe the edges of the wound with any disinfectant (you can alcohol). If the blisters still appeared, try not to damage them.
After such manipulations it is necessary to treat the burn with any drug that helps in such situations (cream "Rescuer", "Panthenol", etc.). Do not forget to drink a lot of liquids, as with burns dehydration can occur. If the pain is very severe, you can take any analgesic ("Analgin", "Aspirin").
Cover the burn with a dry and sterile dressing, using a bandage or gauze, but in no case cotton wool or other material with a pile. If the burn has a third degree, any manipulation before the doctor's visit is prohibited (except for the imposition of a sterile bandage). Greasy creams, vegetable oils or other similar products are not recommended for burns from iron, as they reduce the heat output.
Remedies for burns with iron
Panthenol. The most popular tool that helps to heal wounds after burns (including domestic ones). Produced in the form of a spray, ointment, milk or cream. Active active ingredient is d-panthenol, which renders wound healing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory action. Additional substances in the preparation are: aloe vera, shea butter, seabuckthorn extract, bisabolol, biolin and vitamins (A, F, E).
When using an ointment or cream, you need to apply a small amount of funds to the affected area of the skin. It is used twice or thrice a day. Side effects from the application of the drug was not observed. The drug is contraindicated for intolerance of its components.
Betadine. Antiseptic, which is available as a solution. Active component of the drug is povidone-iodine. It differs in disinfectant and antiseptic effect. For burns, the iron is used for compresses. With other antiseptic drugs is not compatible.
The main side effects from the use of the drug are: itching, rash, redness of the skin, other allergic reactions. It is not recommended to use the remedy for hyperthyroidism, thyroid adenoma, intolerance of the components, during pregnancy and at an early age.
Cream "Boro-plus. " Antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial drug, which is used primarily for burns of the first degree. Active components of the remedy are: tulasi, sandal, niim, kapar kachari, turmeric, estimadhu, vetiver, aloe vera, talc.
In case of a burn, apply a small amount on the wound surface and on the skin around it. It is used as a first aid medication. There were no contraindications and side effects.
Fusimet. The active components of this antibacterial ointment are: sodium salt of fusidic acid and dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. Due to this composition, the preparation has regenerative properties.
Apply two to three times a week on a wound under the bandage. The duration of therapy depends on the degree of burn. Side effects are rare. Among them can be identified: allergies and itching. The drug is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, children under 18 years old, with leukemia and intolerance of its components.
Ointment from burns with iron
Fusiderm. An effective antibiotic in the form of a cream that has bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects. The active ingredient is fusidic acid.
Apply in small amounts two to three times a day. As a rule, therapy lasts a week. Among the side effects, only possible allergic reactions are isolated. The drug is contraindicated with intolerance of its components.
Rescuer. Active active ingredients of the drug are: sea buckthorn oil, milk lipids, beeswax, turpentine. Due to this composition it has regenerative, soothing, antibacterial, moisturizing, healing, analgesic, protective action.
Before the "Rescuer" is applied to the burn, the wound must be rinsed and treated with an antiseptic. Use a small amount of balm, preferably under a bandage. Sometimes this remedy manifests such adverse reactions as an allergy, an exacerbation of inflammation. Balm is contraindicated in cases of intolerance to its components.
Furacilin ointment. The active substance of this drug is nitrofural. This is an effective antimicrobial agent, which is often used for burns from iron 2 and 3 degrees.
Apply externally in small amounts only on the wound twice or thrice a day. Among the possible side effects are: allergic reactions, itching, dermatitis. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, with intolerance to nitrofural and with dermatitis.
Alternative treatment
- To prevent blisters from appearing on the burn site, it is necessary to attach grated beets or potatoes to the wound.
- It relieves pain and prevents blisters from the usual toothpaste, which must be applied to the burn. It is better if it is with propolis.
- Aloe vera is considered one of the best alternative means for treating burns from irons of the second and third degree. Remove the skin from the plant leaf, grate the pulp (before the formation of cereal) and attach it to the wound. On top you can fix the bandage.
Herbal Treatment
- Excellent cope with the blisters from the burn decoction of lime flowers. Preliminary it must be prepared in a ratio of 1: 1.
- If the burn is fresh, then it is recommended to attach a leaf of cabbage. Once it heats up, you need to replace it with a new one.
- Oak bark is one of the most effective alternative means for treating burns from iron. From it, you need to make a decoction (the ratio of water and bark is 2: 1). The broth is used to create compresses.
More information of the treatment
So that you do not have such a trouble as a thermal burn from the iron, you must always follow all the rules of caution when using it. Try to protect this household item from children, do not allow the iron included or heated to stay with the kids in one room unattended.