Treatment of vertebrogenic lumbargia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It should be said that the treatment regimens for pain syndrome with various types of dorsalgia are practically the same, but there are differences in the management of patients with acute and chronic course of the disease. Let's talk in more detail about what clinical recommendations are available for the treatment of acute vertebrogenic lumbargia.
Lumbulgia, flowing in an acute form, is characterized by the same acute pain of high or moderate intensity, which is also amplified by movement. To reduce the severity of this pain, first of all, rest is required, so the patient is recommended bed rest until the pain subsides. With severe pain, rest should be observed from 1 to 5 days, but if the pain is moderate enough, physical activity limits.
To unload and fix the spine, with the pathologies of which the pain syndrome is associated, doctors advise using orthoses. Especially relevant is the recommendation for spinal instability. And to reduce the pain before the start of treatment measures dry heat will help, which in combination with complete rest is an effective analgesic procedure.
But to cope with a strong or moderate pain syndrome without the use of pharmacological drugs is unlikely to work. In addition, you need to treat not only the pain itself, but also other symptoms of pathologies that cause the development of vertebrogenic lumbargia. These include edema, inflammation, trophic disorders, tissue ischemia, and neurologic symptoms.
To combat pain and inflammation, patients are prescribed drugs from the category of analgesics and NSAIDs. With a strong swelling of the tissues diuretics and corticosteroids will be more effective. The latter, in contrast to non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, is recommended to be prescribed by a minimally effective course due to the many early and distant side effects caused by them.
However, in acute severe pain, the most effective procedures are blockades with anesthetics and corticosteroids (for example, lidocaine with dexamethasone), which are conducted at intervals of 2 days. The course of treatment in this case consists of 4-5 procedures. With the development of radicular syndrome, epidural blockade is effective with hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, which quickly remove edema of the tissues and reduce the compression of nerve endings, which significantly reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome. In this case, the drug is injected not into soft tissues at the site of pain localization, but into the space between the hard shell of the spinal cord and the periosteum of the vertebrae.
NSAIDs in vertebrogenic lumbulgia, depending on the severity and duration of the pain syndrome, are used in various forms: tablets, injections, rectal suppositories, external agents in the form of creams and ointments. NSAIDs are referred to as "Diclofenac", "Amelotex", "Ketorolac", "Meloxicam" and its analogue "Movalis", although in the absence of the above-described drugs, you can use the drugs "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen", "Nimid", " "Naise" and other NSAIDs.
In the first days of the acute phase of the disease, preference is given to injecting treatment, later, when the pain intensity decreases, you can switch to tablets, ointments, gels, solutions. The "Diclofenac" ointment, creams and gels "Ketonal", "Nimesulid", "Nyz", as well as local remedies with warming up and blood circulation improving action "Capsicum" and "Finalgon" have proved to be well. It is also good to make compresses with medicinal solutions (for example, compress in Dimexidum, rub your lower back and apply compresses with Bischofite (there is also a form of the drug in the form of a gel).
If in the place where there is pain, there is a softening of soft tissues, the use of muscle relaxants ("Midokalm", "Sirdalud", etc.), which are both muscle spasmolytics, will be effective. In the presence of ischemic processes caused by the compression of nerve roots and blood vessels, anti-ischemic agents are prescribed:
- antioxidants, in the discharge of which vitamins A, C, E and microelement of selenium, popular preparations "Solcoseril", "Actovegin", etc. Enter.
- antihypoxic agents,
- venotonics and angioprotectors,
- drugs that improve the blood supply of nerve tissue and metabolism in them (vasoactive drugs): drugs of nicotinic acid, Pentoxifylline, etc.
- preparations of vitamins of group B, actively used in neurology (Neurovital, Neurobeks, multivitamin complexes, etc.).
If we are talking about degenerative processes occurring in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs with which the chronic course of vertebrogenic lumbalgia is related, the treatment of pathology can not do without chondroprotectors of different groups: Chondroxide, Rumalon, Dona, Teraflex, Arteparon , which need to be taken for a long time (from 2 to 6 months). Particular attention should be paid to complex drugs that have antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory effects ("Artrodar", "Diamax", "Orzerin").
These drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs in case of exacerbation, are prescribed in injectable form, and then it is possible to switch to oral, taking them for about 1 month.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapy has long been known for its effectiveness in the treatment of pain syndromes. Do not dispense with her methods and treatment regimen vertebrogenic lumbalia. Current methods for fighting spinal pain are: exposure to diadynamic currents, drug electrophoresis, UHF and UFO-therapy (quartz). Improve microcirculation in the tissues and help to remove the pain syndrome, also shock wave and balneotherapy.
For the prevention of exacerbations, the use of a magnetic field, laser therapy, vibro-massage is practiced (in the acute phase of pathology it is not applied, since it can only intensify the pain). These methods help prevent the onset of pain syndrome, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, reduce the severity of degenerative changes.
Actively practiced in the pain syndrome that occurs against the backdrop of diseases of the spine, such methods of treatment as manual therapy and massage, which are considered to be sufficiently safe procedures if conducted by a specialist. Massage involves a course treatment with a number of sessions of at least seven. Massage techniques can be different: stroking, tapping, rubbing, kneading and they are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the joints, improving the blood supply of tissues in the affected area, reducing pain.
The massage procedure is not carried out with severe acute pains, since at first the manipulations of the masseuse can only intensify the pain syndrome. But when the pains abate, you can start the procedures, which in the first days of treatment can be somewhat painful, but will subsequently bring appreciable relief.
Manual therapy with pathologies of the spine is practicing its stretching. There is no danger in this, but such manipulations help to reduce the compression of nerve roots and vessels, improve tissue trophism, restore the normal position of vertebral discs, etc., which positively affects the condition of patients with diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system.
To date, professional manual therapists have mastered many practices that allow them to treat a wide variety of diseases. In their sessions, they perfectly combine the spinal cord stretching with a therapeutic massage, so they are able to treat both bones, cartilage, and muscles with their tension and the appearance of seals.
For the removal of the pain syndrome, you can refer to the help of acupuncture and acupuncture, which relieve pain by affecting certain points on the body.
A major role in vertebrogenic lumbargia is also given to physiotherapy. Immobilization of the spine and rest in the acute period of the disease is recommended only for a short period, until the pains subside. Further hypodynamia will only exacerbate the situation, while dosed physical activity will contribute to recovery (in chronic pathology with pain lasting more than 1 month, regular sessions will help to increase the period of remission).
Patients should regularly take walks in the open air, perform feasible homework, they are allowed and even beneficial to go swimming, running, cycling and skiing. The main thing to avoid sudden movements, overwork and lifting weights. In addition to the standard daily movement activity, which should be gradually increased after an acute period of the disease, special exercises for the exercise program for spine pathologies are also recommended.
Gymnastics for vertebrogenic lumbargia is shown immediately as soon as severe pain leaves. It includes the tilts and turns of the trunk, lunges, the "Bridge", popular since childhood, rotational movements of the legs in the supine position, and the girth of the legs. Exercises in the supine or sitting position are no less relevant than those performed in the standing position on the legs or knees. The main thing is to choose those that stimulate blood circulation in the tissues of the waist and thus prevent stagnant processes and complications of diseases of the spine. Exercises for stretching and relaxation of the lumbar region - an actual tool to combat chronic pain, if performed regularly.
All exercises of therapeutic gymnastics in diseases of the spine are performed at a slow pace and with great care not more than 5-7 times. In this case, you should not allow strong muscle tension and the appearance of pain. Classes should bring relief, rather than increase pain and discomfort in the affected organ.
The program of classes and the exercises recommended in different periods of the illness are better to be discussed with the LFK trainer. Ideally, it is better to perform the exercises under the supervision of a specialist, especially during the period of exacerbation of the existing disease and intensification of the pain caused by it.
Effective drugs
For the treatment of acute and chronic vertebrogenic lumbargia, doctors use drugs of various groups. In this case, the treatment of the syndrome depends on the form of its course and the nature of the pathology that causes pain in the lumbar spine. Thus, the list of prescription drugs will be individual.
For today, there are a lot of drugs from the group of NSAIDs, corticosteroids, antioxidants, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants and other drugs used in the pathologies of the spine. We will consider only some drugs that a doctor can include in the treatment of pain in the lumbar region caused by these diseases.
"Ameloteks" is one of the non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs based on meloxicam substance, among the effects of which we find the removal of pain, heat and inflammation in diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. The drug is given in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and a solution for intramuscular injection.
In the first 5 days of treatment of acute vertebrogenic lumbargia, preference should be given to the drug in ampoules, which is administered intramuscularly. The daily dose for severe pain syndrome is 1.5 ml (15 mg). Injections are usually done 1 time per day.
Rectal suppositories have the same indications for use. They are used once a day in a standard dosage (1 suppository 15 mg or 2 suppositories 7.5 mg) after complete emptying of the intestine.
Tablets are also taken daily 1 time per day. It is recommended to do this during meals. Depending on the underlying disease, the effective daily dose is between 7.5 and 15 mg. With a reduction in pain, the maximum dose should be reduced to the minimum effective.
Patients with severe impaired renal function are recommended to reduce the recommended dose by half.
Despite the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of pain in vertebrogenic lumbargia, it should be taken with extreme caution, given the contraindications to use. Among such contraindications are listed: severe cardiac pathology, recovery period after coronary bypass grafting, "aspirin" triad, intolerance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
The drug has an irritant effect on the gastric mucosa and intestines, so it is not recommended for erosive and ulcerative gastrointestinal diseases, including inflammatory bowel pathology. Because of the ability to influence blood coagulability, it is not prescribed for bleeding of any location and genesis.
Meloksikam is quite toxic, therefore it is not recommended for severe liver and kidney pathologies, during pregnancy and lactation. In pediatrics, it is applied at 15 years.
Caution in the use of the drug should be observed in patients with CHF and brain pathologies, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular pathologies, somatic diseases, smoking and alcoholism, in old age. Doses with concomitant therapy with antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, oral hormonal agents and certain antidepressants should be discussed with the attending physician.
To frequent side effects of the drug include dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, stools, headaches and dizziness, swelling of the legs, skin itching and rashes on the body. There are fewer failures in the liver, changes in the composition of blood and urine, lethargy, the appearance of noise in the ears, increased heart rate and an increase in blood pressure, a sense of hot flashes. The use of rectal suppositories can be accompanied by frequent urges for defecation, itching in the distal rectal hotel and anal area. When parenteral use, tissue irritation at the injection site is possible.
"Complym B" is a multivitamin complex (vitamins B1, B6, B12, necessary for the health of the nervous system) with the inclusion of an anesthetic component (lidocaine). The drug is produced as an injection solution for deep intramuscular injection.
It is prescribed for the treatment of vertebrogenic lumbulgia, which proceeds with both muscular-tonic and radicular syndrome. It has a stimulating effect on the process of hematopoiesis, improves blood circulation and blood supply of neuromuscular tissues, replenishes the deficiency of B vitamins, and anaesthetizes the area of the lesion.
Like the previous drug, with a severe pain syndrome, "Compligam V" is used during the first 5 days of treatment with the possibility of increasing the course to 10 days. Enter the drug 1 time per day. Good results show the simultaneous introduction of two drugs: "Complicam V" and "Ameloteks." Usually a 5-day course of treatment is sufficient to relieve the pain syndrome.
Then the patient is transferred to the tablet form of the drugs or reduces the multiplicity of injections of "Kompligam V" to 2-3 per week. Such treatment can be carried out for another 2 or 3 weeks.
The drug is not prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as in acute or severe chronic myocardial insufficiency of the heart. In pediatrics, the medicine is not used, and during pregnancy it is prescribed only according to strict indications.
Side effects of the drug a little. They include: attacks of tachycardia, problems with breathing, increased sweating (hyperhidrosis), the appearance of acne on the body. In certain categories of patients, hypersensitivity reactions can occur: itching and rash on the skin, Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock, which is more likely due to the presence of lidocaine.
"Finalgon" is a complex preparation with a warming effect for topical application, which is prescribed for muscle and joint pain. This drug is not classified as NSAIDs or analgesics. Its effect is different - a vasodilator, contributing to the restoration of normal blood circulation in the affected area. This is facilitated by both active substances of the drug: nonivamide and nicotinic acid ester (vitamin PP). But nicotinic acid is more conducive to warming up tissues (heat indirectly reduces pain syndrome), while noniamidic acid additionally has a direct analgesic effect.
The drug is produced in the form of an ointment, which is sometimes called a gel. The product is squeezed onto the skin in the area of pain localization with a strip no more than half a centimeter and gently with light movements using the attached applicator is spread over the skin within a radius of no more than 5-6 cm. The sensation of heat appears almost immediately and reaches a peak within half an hour.
For subsequent applications, in case of no side effects, the dosage is allowed to be increased, and the frequency of application should be increased to 3 times a day, but not more.
The drug can not be used if the patient has an individual sensitivity to at least one of the components of the ointment. It is not used on very sensitive skin, in the field of open wounds or local inflammation, with dermatitis. In pediatrics, ointment is not used because of lack of information about its safety. It is not recommended for pregnant women.
Before applying the drug, it is not recommended to conduct heating procedures, for example, to take a bath with hot water. After the procedure also some time will have to refrain from such manipulations, so as not to provoke overheating of the tissues.
The drug can cause allergic reactions and the development of contact dermatitis, which is caused by the content of sorbic acid. There is also a burning sensation in the area of application, cough, local and systemic allergic reactions, anaphylaxis. Other side effects, such as skin rashes and itching at the site of application of the ointment, a feeling of heat, a violation of the sensitivity of tissues in the area of application of the medication, are infrequent.
The popular drug "Hindroitin" (analogue "Teraflex"), which has pronounced chondroprotective properties, due to which it is actively prescribed for pathologies of the spine and joints, is used to treat chronic vertebrogenic lumbargia caused by these diseases. The drug does not have an analgesic effect, but it helps to reduce the severity of degenerative changes in bone and cartilaginous tissue, which is the prevention of pain in the future. If such drugs are used for a long time, you can significantly increase the duration of the period of remission of lumbulgia.
Produced "Chondroitin" in the form of capsules and ointments. Capsules should be taken half an hour before meals. Within 21 days, patients should take 1 capsule twice a day, and then continue treatment, adhering to the dosage - 1 capsule per day. The minimum course of treatment with the drug is 2 months, but to get stable results, treatment should be continued for six months or more.
The use of the peroral form provides for a reduction in the amount of sugar consumed per day and the rejection of alcoholic beverages.
"Chondroitin" in the form of ointment is applied to the area of the waist and thoracic spine 2 or 3 times a day. It is supposed to apply a thin layer of ointment, it is not necessary to actively rub it. The average course of treatment with an external remedy is usually limited to two to three weeks.
The peroral form of the drug has the following limitations on the use: capsules are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, severe kidney pathologies, phenylketonuria, with a tendency to bleeding. It is not prescribed for pregnant women and nursing mothers. In pediatrics, a medicine is allowed at 15 years of age.
Ointment is not used for thrombophlebitis, acute inflammation in the area of application, with a tendency to bleeding and intolerance of the components of the dosage form. During pregnancy, it is used only on strict indications, in pediatrics is not used at all.
Side effects with the use of the chondroprotector are very rare. These can be local allergic reactions, taking place in mild forms, dizziness and headaches, discomfort in the epigastia zone (nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, abdominal pain). The use of ointment can be accompanied by a burning sensation, reddening of the skin, the appearance of rashes, itching. Such reactions require withdrawal of the drug.
"Sirdalud" is a drug from a group of muscle relaxants that provide muscle muscle relaxation by acting on sensitive receptors of the spinal cord and suppressing the polysynaptic signaling responsible for excessive muscle tone increase, which is observed in the form of their strong tension and pain. The drug can be prescribed both in case of acute pain in muscle spasms, and in chronic spasticity associated with damage to spinal nerves. After taking the muscle relaxant, the pains go away and the motor activity of the muscles of the spine improves due to the normalization of contraction of the muscle fibers.
The dosage of the drug is always highly individual. But taking into account the risk of developing unwanted effects, treatment is always started with a minimum dose of 2 mg. In muscular-tonic syndrome and painful spasms, the drug is administered in a single dosage of not more than 4 mg three times a day. If back pain interferes with a full night's rest, you can take another dose of medication immediately before going to bed.
With neurological disorders associated with spine pathologies, the dosage of the drug is identical. Begin treatment with a minimal dose three times a day and gradually every 3-7 days increase it to a daily dose of 12-24 mg, but not more than 36 mg. Multiplicity of admission can be 3 or 4 times a day.
The drug is not recommended to appoint patients who previously had a hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug (tizanidine) or ancillary components, as well as those diagnosed with severe liver and kidney disease with a violation of their functionality. In pediatrics, the muscle relaxant is not usually prescribed, but during pregnancy it is only shown in situations that are dangerous for a woman's life. Do not resort to the help of this medication and during breastfeeding, as some of the active substance is able to enter the milk, and with it into the baby's body.
Caution should be observed when concurrent administration of the drug "Cerdalud" and the means of inhibitors or inducers of the protein CYP1A2. The former are able to increase the concentration of tizanidine in the blood, provoking an overdose and intoxication of the body, the latter act in reverse, and thereby reduce the therapeutic effect of muscle relaxant. In case of an overdose, the use of large amounts of water and diuretics, as well as repeated intake of activated carbon preparations, will be relevant.
The side effects of the drug depend on the doses taken. At low doses, there may be drowsiness, rapid fatigue, dizziness and fainting, lowering blood pressure. Some patients note such symptoms as dry mouth, nausea, disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Laboratory tests can show a slight disruption of the liver. All these symptoms quickly pass and do not have serious consequences.
The intake of high doses may be accompanied by muscle weakness, oppression of the heart (falling blood pressure, tachycardia), sleep disorders, the appearance of hallucinations, impaired liver function with the development of non-infectious hepatitis, and sometimes even stroke. All the above-described symptoms are more pronounced in withdrawal symptoms, which are diagnosed after long-term treatment or when high doses of muscle relaxant are stopped.
Most of the drugs (NSAIDs, analgesics, chondroprotekors, antioxidants) used in the treatment of hyperbrogenic lumbagia can be safely purchased at any pharmacy. For this, even a doctor's prescription is not needed. But this does not mean that with the appearance of pain in the lumbar region of the spine you need to engage in self-medication. The drugs have certain contraindications that need to be taken into account, besides, the list of drugs depending on the cause that caused the pain syndrome, can vary significantly. And to find out the reason of a pathology is already a matter of the doctor. It is he who, based on previous knowledge and experience, should make a diagnosis and choose an effective treatment regimen.
The pains associated with vertebrogenic lumbargia may be caused by various diseases, the medication treatment of which may be more or less successful. In some cases, several different treatment regimens have to be tested to achieve a positive result.
If for a long time it is not possible to achieve a stable result of reducing pain by either medication, physiotherapy, manual techniques and non-traditional treatment, doctors prepare the patient for surgery.
In most patients, vertebrogenic lumbalgia occurs with a muscular-tonic syndrome. But there is some of the patients who have a radicular syndrome, the treatment of which is often performed surgically. The fact is that with this type of pathology, the spinal nerves are infringed, which manifests itself in the form of pains of greater intensity than in the musculo-tonic syndrome, which also has the tendency to spread to the leg region.
Radicular syndrome is more characteristic of unilateral lumbargia, when pain appears to the right or left, depending on the location of the damaged nerve root.
It is not always possible to effectively combat nerve pain, so you have to resort to surgery. Depending on the main pathology and type of pain syndrome, the actual operation is selected: removal of the hernia of the spine, laminectomy (used for stenosis and compression in the spine and involves the removal of part of the vertebra), removal of tumors, destruction of the intervertebral disc to release the nerve, i.e. Excision of tissues causing compression of the nerve root.
Indications for such operations on the spine are a strong persistent pain syndrome, provided that previously conducted treatment was unsuccessful, and impaired functionality of the pelvic organs, provoked by radicular syndrome in the lumbar region.
Alternative treatment
Pain syndrome of varying intensity and localization is a condition that people have faced since ancient times. It is no wonder, that for many millennia accumulated many recipes to combat pain. Spinal pains, as we have already mentioned, are one of the popular reasons for going to the doctor, but as many people suffer pain, do not go to the hospital and try to fight the problem in their own ways.
Among the recipes of alternative medicine, applicable for vertebrogenic lumbargia, pain in which spine pathologies are provoked, the following will be relevant:
- The treatment with resin of coniferous trees, called gum, is a very popular method of combating pain syndrome. Gum can be purchased in phyto-pharmacies or collect the resin itself, but only from coniferous trees. Hard resin before the preparation of the medicinal composition is melted in a water bath. Now 1 tsp. The resin is added to 200 ml of a good vegetable oil, mixed well and used as an adjuvant for massage and for gins.
With pure gum, you can also do the application on a sore spot. The resin is applied to a tissue napkin and applied to the skin, firmly fastening, because with it you have to walk all day, after a day, replacing the new one. The average course of treatment is one and a half weeks, but if the pain is not gone, you can continue.
- By the same principle, mountain wax is used for appliqués on the aching lower back. On sale, it comes with the name "Ozokerite".
- The simplest version for rubbing the back with muscle and nerve pain is the grits with melted pork fat. In itself, fat does not have an anesthetic effect, but it warms the body well, and the pains recede. However, to enhance the effect after grinding, it is advisable to warm the waist warmly.
The melted pork fat can be mixed with vegetable oil, then the grinding will be more plastic when hardened and it will be easier to apply. Such a composition can also be used for wrapping.
- For grits of the body in the area of pain, indoor plants can also be used. It is about aloe, but the plant should be at least 3 years old, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be much lower. The leaf of the plant is placed in the refrigerator for several hours, then it is cleaned and squeezed out of the pulp viscous juice. With this juice, you need to rub your lower back 3 times a day.
- Pain along the spine can also be treated with tincture of fruits and walnut membranes on alcohol. For half a liter of alcohol or vodka take 4 tablespoons. Crushed raw materials and insist for 14 days in a dark place. Used tincture for daily grinds.
- In inflammatory pathologies of the spinal column for topical application, an alcoholic infusion of nettle is prepared. For its preparation, take the juice of a fresh plant and mix it in equal proportions with medical alcohol.
- But if we are talking about the deposition of calcium salts in the joints and spine, a celerial diet will come to the rescue. Celery, especially leafy, helps to remove calcium from the body. But with a deficiency of this mineral, such treatment can only bring harm.
Do not stand apart from the problem of lumbar pain and herbal treatment. Many plants have anti-inflammatory effects and help relieve pains of a different nature. With pathologies of the spine and the musculoskeletal system, such plants as sabelnik and comfrey have become very popular.
The herb of the sabelnik with its ability to stop inflammatory processes is used for acute pain in the lower back in the form of poultices. To do this, the crushed vegetable raw materials in the amount of three spoons are poured into half a glass of boiling water and insisted for about 10 minutes. Then drain the water and squeeze the remaining cake lightly. He, wrapped in gauze, and put to the sore spot still hot.
No less popular with spinal pain and comfrey root. The cleared and crushed root of the plant is poured with boiling water in equal proportions, left for half an hour to soften. Then grind the spine with water in a gruel and mix with butter 1: 1. Ready ointment is used for fifteen minutes rubbing twice a day. After each procedure, the waist needs to be wrapped.
Based on several herbs with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effect, it is possible to prepare an effective ointment that will be useful for any kind of vertebrogenic lumbulgia. Collection of herbs consists of equal parts of the roots of althea and dandelion, yarrow, lavender and horsetail. By means of a grinder all the plants are ground to a powder state. 3 spoons of this powder brew ½ cup of boiling water, and put on a small fire for another 5 minutes. The composition is slightly cooled and mixed with melted pig fat (150 g) until a homogeneous mass is obtained. An ointment is used similar to the recipe based on the root of the comfrey.
In acute lumbulgia, which is popularly called a lumbago, it is useful to take an infusion of hops inside. It is prepared on the basis of 1 cup of boiling water and 2 tablespoons. Crushed vegetable raw materials. Take 1 spoonful three times a day in conjunction with external means, until the pain disappears.
Applying recipes for alternative medicine to combat the pain syndrome, one must understand that most of them imply local application and are able to fight only with the symptom of the disease, while the underlying internal cause of the pathology may remain untouched. Such treatment will give results, but they will be only temporary. To combat the underlying disease requires a long and complex therapy, which includes medical treatment, and physiotherapy, and massage, and non-traditional methods of treatment, which includes alternative medicine.
This section of medical science also applies to non-traditional treatment, although recently it is gaining increasing popularity due to the relative safety and naturalness of homeopathic medicines. These drugs do not treat the disease itself, but help to uncover the natural strength of the body so that it can cope with the disease and its symptoms. Homeopathy is based on the fact that the human body has a great potential, which we do not even suspect, and it can cure itself from virtually any illness, we need only to push it.
Homeopathic medicines that can help a person with vertebrogenic lumbargia are many. But their appointment should be handled by a specialist who, on the basis of the symptoms and characteristics of the patient's body, can choose exactly that medicine that will help a person get healed. In this healing will occur not at the level of simple removal of symptoms, but in terms of the struggle of the organism with the underlying disease that caused back pain.
What drugs can help patients with spinal pain:
- Eskulius hippocastunum or horse chestnut extract. The drug is prescribed for stupid, aching pains in the lower back, which can irradiate in the thigh. A characteristic feature of pain is their strengthening during inclines and walking.
- Aconite napellus or extract of grass wrestler blue. It is prescribed in the acute form of vertebrogenic lumbago called lumbago. The patient may complain of the piercing pain in the chariot, the itching and numbness of the legs that cause fear and anxiety.
- Bryonia alba or white patch. The drug is indicated for acute pain with the back caused by hypothermia. Pain increases with pressure and calm down at rest. Assign it to patients who react poorly to thermal procedures.
- Zincum Metallicum. It is prescribed for acute pain at the junction of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
- Phosphorus. The drug is indicated for severe painful pain in the lower back with paresthesias and weakness of the legs.
- Calcium fluoride. This homeopathic remedy helps patients with spinal instability caused by the weakness of connective tissue. The pains are burning, intensifying with any strain of the back and at first walking. Then a little subsidence. The drug is suitable for the treatment of lumbago.
- Dioscorea or Dioscorea extract of the Caucasus. The drug can be prescribed for vertebrogenic lumbago with pain on the right. The battles are aggravated by the movement and subsided in peace.
- Eupraitorium perfoliatum or extract of the pinnate leaf. Identical to the previous drug for the effect, but it is prescribed for pain on the left side of the back.
- Hydrastis or yellowgrass extract. The drug is prescribed with a moderate pain syndrome with dull, aching pains, muscle tension of the waist and stiffness of movements. If a person sits for a long time, it is difficult for him to climb without help.
- Cali Carbonicum. The drug is indicated for acute pain in the lower back, a feeling of numbness in the tissues, weakness of the lumbar spine. The drug is useful for spinal pains during pregnancy, on the eve or after menstruation. The pain is localized in the lower back, but can give to the buttocks and thigh.
- Nux vomica or extract of an emetic. The drug is prescribed for pain in the lower back and back, which are characterized as tearing or convulsive. The pains do not allow the patient to sleep properly, as the turns in the bed are too painful and cause the patient to rise or get up. The pain syndrome is amplified in the middle of the night, during movement, turns of the trunk and inclinations, during sitting. From heat comes the improvement.
This drug is more suitable for emotionally unstable people with high susceptibility to pain, susceptibility to acute pain in the back at the slightest hypothermia.
- Ruta. A medication prescribed for morning pain in the lower back, arising before lifting from the bed.
- Berberis. The drug is recommended for persistent chronic back pain, which is aggravated by fatigue and is accompanied by unusual weakness in the lower back and legs.
- Acetum Acidum. Can be prescribed to patients who complain that it becomes easier for them only in the supine position.
Preparations that homoeopathic doctors can recommend for the removal of the pain syndrome in acute or chronic form of vertebrogenic lumbargia, quite a lot. But to wait for their application of the desired result, a specialist should prescribe the medicine, which will determine in what form and dosage the drug will bring the maximum benefit without harm to human health.
The healing power of minerals
I would like to mention one more preparation of natural origin, which is actively used to alleviate the symptoms of diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system. The drug is called "Bishofit" and is a kind of brine with a high content of magnesium and a rich mineral composition, which is effective for neuromuscular disorders that cause pain in the back and waist.
Bischofite has a restorative, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, analgesic, vasodilating (warming and improving the blood supply of tissues) and many other actions. In diseases of the spine that cause pain in the lumbar region, the mineral solution is used as baths, rubbish, massage, compresses. Procedures are performed daily or every other day by a course of 10-12 procedures or more.
The drug can be used for physical therapy: magneto-, phono- and elekttophoresis, which are relevant for vertebrogenic lumbargia. Contraindications to its use are only hypersensitivity to minerals that are part of the brine, and the acute stage of the disease (for active procedures). Skin irritation, it can cause only if it has wounds and scratches.
The drug is produced in the form of a solution with an attractive low price and a gel containing salts of the order of 20 microelements and vitamin PP. Gel is used 2 or 3 times a day, while warming the waist after the procedure of rubbing the medicine is not required. The course of treatment with gel form "Bishofit" is 1.5-2 weeks. If necessary, treatment can be repeated in a month.
There are other external means based on bischofite: creams, balsams, pastes, which can have different names and contain additional components. Most of these drugs can safely be used to treat vertebrogenic lumbargia. They will not only take off the pain, but also act directly on its cause, simultaneously saturating the body with minerals necessary for normal functioning.