Treatment of stomatitis in the home
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Uncomplicated stomatitis without an increase in body temperature, the formation of extensive ulcers, worsening of the general condition can be treated at home, of course, under the supervision of a doctor and only with the help of a prescribed course.
What is the treatment of stomatitis in the home?
The main task of the patient is regular sanitation of the oral cavity in order to quickly eliminate inflammation foci. The next very important task is to strengthen the immune system, including through a special diet.
- Antiseptic rinses, which need to be done regularly 5-6 times a day. For rinses it is recommended to make a decoction of chamomile: 1 tablespoon is poured into 500 ml of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, filtered. The cooled down product can be used within a day, as necessary, prepare a fresh decoction. A mixture of oak bark and sage is also effective as an antiseptic. It is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of each ingredient, mix, pour 500 ml of cold water and cook in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain agent, dilute with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio. Rinse should be done for at least a week, even if the first signs of stomatitis are eliminated. The optimal choice is a doctor's prescription drug, for example, Rotokan, but for each individual case the drug should be matched according to the symptoms and type of stomatitis.
- Treatment of stomatitis in the home is a certain diet. For two weeks, and possibly longer, you should exclude almost all sweets, sweet foods from the menu. It is also necessary to refrain from sharp, spicy and sour dishes, the food should be moderately warm, but not hot, in order to ensure the most neutral effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
- Anesthetized ulcers can be a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. In half a glass of boiled water pour a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (for children from 3 to 12 years - half a teaspoon of peroxide). The resulting remedy can rinse your mouth twice a day, but not more often, so as not to overdry the mucous membrane. Also effective are tablets Rince Lorcept, Falimint, who not only anesthetize the manifestations of stomatitis, but also have a local antibacterial effect. Children are well helped by those drugs that anesthetize teething - kamistad, kalgel.
- To restore and regenerate the mucous membrane, home-made juices can be used. Freshly squeezed carrots or cabbage juices heal the wounds well, the mouth cavity should be rinsed with juices for 5 minutes, then the juice should be spit out. In addition, juice is necessary and drink, taking 125 ml in a fresh remedy for 10 days helps to strengthen immunity.
Rinse with stomatitis
Stomatitis is well amenable to complex treatment, but rinsing with stomatitis is considered one of the most important procedures. Arguments in favor of the significance and effectiveness of the therapeutic rinse are as follows:
- If you "seize" the onset of inflammation, when aphthae have not yet formed, and the bacterial infection has not spread widely, frequent antiseptic rinsing of the mouth can stop the process.
- Special rinse solutions greatly alleviate pain in the oral cavity.
- Rinse helps prepare the mucous membrane of the mouth for further treatment procedures - local applications, applying a gel or ointment.
- Treatment of the mouth with rinsing helps to systematically remove the waste products of microbes.
- Rinse normalizes the microflora of the mouth.
- The use of solutions, rinse broths helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the mouth, so characteristic of stomatitis.
All solutions for oral cavity can be divided into the following categories:
- Antiseptic.
- Anesthetics.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Deodorizing.
The main rule for treating the mucous membrane by rinsing is regularity and repetition. It is believed that the procedure will be effective if the patient rinses the mouth at least 3 times a day, but the optimal regime in the first days of the disease - every 2 hours. To treat the inflamed cavity of mouth, they can use both ready-made pharmaceutical preparations and broths of plants, herbs prepared independently. Typically, such appointments and recommendations are performed by a dentist, he determines the type of stomatitis and chooses the remedy that will really help reduce inflammation and neutralize the bacterial background. Depending on the type and stage of development of stomatitis, rinsing can be carried out with such preparations:
- Givalex.
- Chlorhexidine.
- Asepta.
- Furacil.
- Miramistin.
- The Korsodil.
- Elyudril.
- Parodontocid.
- Etoniy.
- Hexoral.
- Rotokan.
- Tantum Verde.
- Stomatophyte.
- A solution of hydrogen peroxide.
- Malawi.
The rule for the rinse is simple - regular, systematic, in addition, the liquid should be spilled each time so that it, together with the microbes, does not enter the gastrointestinal tract.
With regular rinsing of the inflamed mucosa, a normal alkaline environment is created in the mouth, inflammation foci are gradually destroyed and damaged areas are regenerated. In addition to ready-made pharmacy preparations, rinsing with stomatitis can be performed with the help of so-called "home" remedies, for example:
- A solution of baking soda - a teaspoon is bred in a glass of boiled chilled water.
- Burnt alum - a small slice of alum (½ teaspoon) is dissolved in 300ml of boiled water.
- Infusion of nettle dioecious - 2 tablespoons of raw material are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, insist 40 minutes.
- Decoction of chamomile - half a glass of dried flowers pour 500ml of boiling water, insist for about an hour.
- Decoction of calendula flowers - a tablespoon of flowers is poured with 250 ml of cold water, boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
- Decoction of plantain - a tablespoon of dry herbs poured 500 ml of boiling water, it is insisted 15 minutes in a thermos.
- Infusion of lime color - 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials steamed 500 ml of boiling water, insist an hour.
- Tea mushroom - rinse should be done at least 4 times a day.
You should pay attention to those who have an interest in using alternative means for rinsing, on careful handling of phytotherapy in principle. So, the decoctions of the oak bark or green walnut recommended in some sources can only exacerbate dryness and irritation of the oral cavity in stomatitis, and excessive diligence and frequency of procedures can provoke the opposite effect - a burn of the mucous membrane. It is better if rinse with stomatitis will be prescribed by the attending physician, or use methods that, if not cured, at least do not harm.
Soda for stomatitis
Soda is a simple substance, familiar to everyone as an indispensable attribute in the kitchen in any home. In fact, this is a chemical crystalline compound - sodium carbonate, capable of absorbing moisture, that is, hygroscopic and melting at high temperatures. Soda can be in various forms - calcined or in the form of sodium bicarbonate - ten-water NaHCO3, familiar to us as baking soda. Soda was used as a medicine by the ancient doctors, the record of the Roman Dioscorides Pedania about miraculous healings of wounded soldiers with the help of soda baths was preserved.
Sodium bicarbonate can neutralize an increased level of acidity, it is the activation of an alkaline medium in the body that helps restore metabolic processes, improve the nutrition of tissues, and saturate them with oxygen.
Soda for stomatitis is used in the form of a solution that alkalizes the acidic environment in the inflamed cavity of the mouth. Normalization of acid-base balance helps to destroy bacteria, increases the level of local immune defense, eliminates the possibility of infection.
Recipe for soda solution for stomatitis:
- Half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolves in a glass of boiled water.
- Rinse is done 4-5 times a day after each meal.
- Soda rinse involves delaying the solution in the mouth for 2-3 minutes.
There is another way when soda neutralizes the bacterial environment in the oral cavity:
- 1.5 teaspoons of soda is bred in a glass of boiled water.
- Sterile gauze swab dipped in solution.
- A moistened swab wipes the oral cavity from the inside, trying to process the farthest zones.
- The procedure is carried out in the morning after breakfast, at lunch time and after dinner before going to bed.
The only possible disadvantage of soda rinses can be increased concentration of the agent and, as a result, drying out the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. However, such phenomena quickly pass, it is enough to rinse the mouth with simple boiled water, the residues of crystalline sodium hydrogencarbonate will dissolve quickly and will be released, this is due to hygroscopicity of soda.
In short, soda is a universal remedy that fits literally all age groups of patients with stomatitis.
Miramistin with stomatitis
Today, many modern medicines enjoy wide popularity, but Miramistin is one of the main places on the list of leaders.
Miramistin is an antiseptic that is universal in the fight against various infections. Its feature is an advantage, because Miramistin is able to neutralize viruses, bacteria and fungal microorganisms. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the agent can be used as a prophylaxis, regardless of the localization of the process or the type of its pathogen.
The drug was created in the 70s of the last century, in a laboratory designed to service the space industry. Many years have passed since then, and today this "space" means is accessible literally to each of us, and doctors successfully apply Miramistin for the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, the drug is used in the therapy of burn wounds, in traumatology, in ENT practice.
Miramistin is prescribed for stomatitis as an antiseptic rinse, treatment of the oral cavity. The pronounced bactericidal action of the preparation allows to destroy such types of microorganisms that spread not only from the oral cavity, but also in other zones covered by the mucous membrane:
- Staphylococcus spp.
- Streptococcus spp.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae.
- Chlamydia spp.
- Treponema spp.
- Trichomonas vaginalis.
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
- Aspergillus.
- Penicillium.
- Rhodotorula rubra.
- Torulopsis gabrata.
- Candida albicans.
- Candida tropicalis.
- Candida krusei.
- Trichophyton rubrum.
- Trichophyton mentagrophytes.
- Trichophyton verrucosum.
- Trichophyton schoenleini.
- Trichophyton violacent.
- Epidermophyton Kaufman-Wolf.
- Epidermophyton floccosum.
- Microsporum gypseum.
- Microsporum canis.
- Pityrosporum orbiculare.
How does Miramistin work?
- Activates local immunity.
- Acts as an anti-inflammatory.
- Prevents the spread of infection.
- Absorbs purulent exudate.
- Promotes regeneration.
- Washes out the decomposition products of the bacterial flora.
Miramistin with stomatitis is very simple - you need to rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day for 7-14 days to reduce the severity of symptoms or complete recovery.
Peroxide in stomatitis
It seems there is no drug more popular than hydrogen peroxide, except that the palm of superiority in peroxide can be taken away by the popular and all-beloved validol. Hydrogen peroxide is used universally in the literal sense of the word - from medicine to life and even cosmetology. The drug consists of two elements - hydrogen and oxygen, was discovered two or more centuries ago by the French scientist Trenar, whose name is rarely mentioned in connection with his brainchild. Hydrogen peroxide is used in various forms, but the most common use of the drug in the idea of a solution.
A liquid that has neither color nor a specific odor, nevertheless has many positive properties, among which the following can be noted: •
- Disinfection.
- Deodorization.
- Mechanical cleaning of wound surfaces due to the reaction of hydrogen and proteins.
- Antiseptic property.
- Hemostatic effect (thrombosis).
Hydrogen peroxide in stomatitis is a treatment for the oral cavity, mainly before the application of gels, ointments, medical applications that require a clean disinfected and dried surface of the mucous membrane.
How is hydrogen peroxide used for stomatitis?
- Rinsing. The solution may be of different concentrations, but most often 1% solution is prescribed.
- Cleaning of the mouth with a cotton or gauze pad - 0, 25% solution.
Rinsing is carried out from 4 to 6 times a day for 3-5 days, the course of treatment depends on the type and stage of stomatitis, which are determined by the dentist.
It is convenient to clean the oral cavity with a swab that is held by tweezers, it is advisable not to carry out the procedure by hand - no matter how they are treated, there is a risk of introducing additional infection into the oral cavity.
Hydrogen peroxide has virtually no contraindications, the only peculiarity of using the drug may be a feeling of slight tingling or burning.
Symptoms of stomatitis
Methylenum coeruleum or blue is an active antiseptic that binds mucopolysaccharides and protein elements of bacterial cells, as a result of which the pathogenic microorganism perishes. Sinka was actually used as a simple bactericide for treating wounds, scratches, pustules, burns. Local application of methylene blue is safe, the drug can not overcome the barrier of skin and is not absorbed into the blood. At present, Methylenum coeruleum is rarely prescribed, not because blue-tooth has ceased to be effective, rather because new, more convenient drugs have appeared. In addition, dentists try to cure inflammation of the oral cavity as quickly as possible, therefore prescribe such means that have a wide range of action, that is, complex.
How is blue eye used for stomatitis? The drug is very effective in treating thrush of the mouth, that is, it has a pronounced antifungal effect. Therefore, methylene blue is most often indicated in the candidiasis of stomatitis.
Before lubricating aft, you should clean the mouth thoroughly - rinse it with herbal decoction or a special solution.
Cotton swab or stick is wetted in a ready-made pharmacy solution of blueberry and applied to ulcers, aphthae in the form of point applications. Sinkoy treated only erosive areas, trying not to touch undamaged tissue. The treatment regimen and duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician. There are very few contraindications to the use of blue eyes. Methylene blue can provoke an allergic reaction, but such cases are extremely rare, and they also do not treat blue-eyed babies under the age of one year and pregnant women. Sink should not be treated with large, large inflamed areas. In other respects, blue is effective and has practically no side effects, except that it stains the mucous membrane of the mouth and skin in a characteristic color.
Chlorhexidine with stomatitis
Chlorhexidine or chlorhexidine bigluconate is an antiseptic drug that is effective as a means of local antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral treatment. Chlorhexidine is available in the form of a solution, gel, cream, patches and is used to treat such diseases:
- Stomatitis.
- Gingivitis.
- Disinfection and antiseptic treatment of prostheses.
- Periodontitis.
- Postoperative conditions with surgical intervention in the oral cavity.
Chlorhexidine for stomatitis is used as a bactericidal and bacteriostatic agent. The activity of the drug depends on its form and concentration. Bacteriostatics is manifested when using aqueous or alcoholic solutions in the minimum concentration (0.01%), bactericidal properties of chlorhexidine are manifested at higher concentrations, higher solution temperature (22 degrees) and time not less than one minute. The antifungal effect is manifested when chlorhexidine is used at a concentration of 0.05% at a warm temperature of the solution and at least 10 minutes. The antiviral effect is achieved with a high concentration drug - up to 1%. Thus, chlorhexidine with stomatitis can be almost universal medicine, affecting all types of the disease, you should only choose the exact form and level of saturation of the drug.
There is one more unique property of chlogoxidine - the presence and retention of activity in a purulent or bleeding wound, that is, even when rinsing and spitting out the composition, the drug remains partially in the oral cavity and continues its work.
Methods of application of Chloksidin in the treatment of stomatitis:
- Rinse the mouth with a solution - at least twice a day for 1 to 2 minutes.
- Application gel form - 3-4 times a day for aphthae, ulcers.
The drug does not cause allergies, it is extremely rare that there are feelings of burning or discoloration of the tongue. It should also be noted that the drug is incompatible with iodine, iodine-containing agents and alkali. In the rest, chlorhexidine is considered one of the most versatile and effective preparations for antiseptic treatment of the inflamed oral cavity.
Iodinol for stomatitis
Amyloyodine or iodinol is produced from conventional iodine by incorporating it into a high-quality polymer - Potassium iodine (potassium iodide). Thus, iodine loses its irritating and toxic characteristics, preserving its activity as an antiseptic and an important trace element. Iodinol in everyday life is called blue iodine and is used as a preventative against iodine deficiency to neutralize chronic fatigue, loss of strength, drowsiness. In addition, iodinol helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, activates the immune and hormonal system. Iodinol is considered one of the most bioavailable drugs, that is, one that is fully absorbed in the body. Its unique formula - valence form 1+ is the key to high bactericidal and regenerative parameters, in addition, the drug is effective as a fungicidal agent. The surplus of amyloidin is rapidly and without consequences excreted through the urinary system, which allows the treatment of any area, regardless of their size. In such a valent state, iodinol in stomatitis is an almost universal antimicrobial drug that can be used in the treatment of adults and children.
Molecular iodine perfectly fights gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, particularly with coccal microorganisms, as well as with pathogenic fungi, which are often the cause of infectious aphthous stomatitis.
External application of iodinol is indicated in such diseases:
- Purulent inflammation of the oral cavity.
- Aphthous stomatitis.
- Stomatitis caused by a mechanical factor.
- Pre and postoperative treatment of the oral cavity.
Iodinol for stomatitis can be used as a rinse or in the form of application lotions. Rinsing is carried out with a 1% solution of molecular iodine 3-4 times a day. Applikatsionnye lotions do this way: in a solution moistened with a sterile gauze swab, promakivayut them aphthae, ulcers, slightly delaying the agent on them (1-2 minutes). Multiplicity and the course of the procedure are determined by the attending physician, but, as a rule, 2-3 days are enough for the inflamed parts of the mucous membrane to dry up and regenerate.
Recipe for home-made blue iodine:
- 50 ml of boiled water.
- 1a little spoon of starch.
- 1 teaspoon of sugar.
- Citric acid 1 gram.
- Mix everything.
- Separately boil 150 ml of water, add the mixture, thoroughly mixing.
- Obtained medicinal "kissel" should be cooled to room temperature.
- In Kissel add 1 teaspoon of tincture of iodine.
When using iodine, follow these rules:
- You can not mix molecular iodine with hydrogen peroxide.
- Iodinol is not compatible with other antiseptics, alkalis.
- Iodinol may cause a local allergic reaction with prolonged use.
- A solution of iodinol as well as "home" blue iodine should be stored away from sunlight. Shelf life of the drug is limited (indicator - discoloration).
Alum during stomatitis
Alum is a group of double salts of sulfuric acids, then the remedy that is used for home treatment has another name - gallon or alumokalic gauze. Alums have found application in many spheres of life, in industry as tanning, coloring matter, in photo art as an ingredient in the manufacture of emulsions, in medicine as an antiseptic and as a cautery.
Alums with stomatitis are used rarely, today there are many simpler and more convenient preparations for the treatment of erosive surfaces. Nevertheless, like all preparations familiar to us from ancient times, alums deserve a certain amount of attention and a short description.
The effect of alumina on the wound zones is due to their chemical composition. The trivalent salt is capable of denaturing the protein compounds in such a way that the tissue cells begin to coagulate. Consequently, alum with stomatitis helps to prune ulcers, aphthae, as a result, the infection does not spread, and the wounds begin to heal.
The main positive characteristics of alum:
- Astringent property.
- Enveloping effect.
- Antiseptic property.
- Coagulant effect.
- Haemostatic property.
- An antipruritic effect.
- Moderate anesthesia.
If aphthae are ignited by alum, a colloidal film appears on the surface of the erosions, which provides temporary protection to the open wound. Thus, a barrier is created for the penetration of additional infection, the wound ceases to bleed, the tissue gradually epithelizes.
In addition, a solution of alum can rinse the mouth to neutralize the bacterial flora and prepare the oral cavity to apply therapeutic ointments or gels.
Recipes with alum:
- Rinse solution. As a rule, alum is 1% of the liquid, that is, 5 mg of alum is dissolved in 500 ml of boiled chilled water. Strong solutions are prepared only for point moxibustion.
- Applicable cauterization - a teaspoon of gallon dissolves in a glass of warm boiled water. A cotton or gauze swab is applied to aphthae, ulcers, it is necessary to try to apply alum only on the wound, without affecting the surrounding tissues, to avoid their overdrying.
If the treatment of stomatitis in the home is not beneficial, the symptoms increase, you need to contact your doctor again to adjust the therapeutic settings, it is also important to remember that independent experiments in the form of appliqués from raw potatoes or rinses with a green solution can not simply damage, provoke severe pain , but also lead to serious complications.
The dentist should be consulted in the following cases:
- Aphths, sores do not heal, do not heal within two to three weeks.
- Symptoms of stomatitis increase, every day the condition of the oral cavity deteriorates.
- The sores bleed, increase in size.
- Noticeably enlarged lymph nodes.