Alternative treatment for stomatitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many herbal remedies, herbs can remove puffiness, reduce pain, counteract inflammation in the oral cavity. Of course, the alternative treatment of stomatitis, not only exists, but even recognized by many dentists as an additional therapeutic method. However, it should be remembered that stomatitis can occur in different forms, it can be triggered by various causes, therefore the recipes listed below, as well as the others, read in the Internet, must be checked and approved by the treating doctor.
- Pharmacy chamomile is a natural remedy, which is practically the leader among other herbal preparations. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens the mucous cavity of the mouth, promotes regeneration, epithelization of ulcerated areas. The way of preparation of broth - a teaspoon of flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water, it is insisted 30 minutes. Infusion should be filtered, add a teaspoon of thick honey, cool to room temperature. Rinse with chamomile is done three times a day 15 minutes after eating, the course of treatment is 3 weeks.
- Strong green tea has antiseptic and tannic properties. Rinsing the mouth with green tea can speed up the neutralization of the infection, and will help the fastest healing of aphthae. Recipe - 2 teaspoons of tea brew a glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes. Filtered infusion dilute 250 ml of boiled cooled water. Rinsing is carried out 4 times a day, the procedure should last at least 3 minutes, the course of treatment - 2 weeks.
- Decoction of yarrow helps to speed up the neutralization of microbial infection. A teaspoon of dry grass is poured 500ml of boiling water, it is infused for 5 minutes. The broth is filtered, rinsing is carried out by the cooled down agent 5 times a day for a week. After a break (7 days) the course can be repeated.
- Treatment with egg white is a long tradition in the treatment of stomatitis. In addition, that this recipe belongs to the category of "grandmother's", not so long ago its effectiveness was confirmed by scientists. It turned out that the raw protein contains a lot of lysozyme, a bactericidal substance that is very lacking in the patient's saliva, a patient with stomatitis. The way of treatment with protein is simple: wash the raw egg to break, separate the protein, stir it in 100ml of boiled slightly warm water. Rinse with protein means should be done often - every 2 hours for a week.
- Rinse with a decoction of flax helps to reduce the pain symptom and restore the level of moisture in the oral cavity. The decoction of flax has an enveloping property, and it also helps to heal wounds. The recipe - a tablespoon of flax seeds is steamed with a glass of boiling water, cooked over low heat for 10 minutes, cooled. The filtered product is diluted with water to a more liquid consistency and rinses the mouth 4-5 times a day after meals.
- Some sources claim that the alternative treatment of stomatitis with the help of a tea fungus is the most effective way. Indeed, a tea fungus or as it is also called a tea jellyfish (Medusomyces gisevi,) is a mix of a lot of acetic acid, yeast-like bacteria and alcohol. Strong tea infusion is an excellent antiseptic that can dry ulcers, aphthae so that they heal on the second day, and a week after rinsing completely disappear. It should be remembered that candidal stomatitis is not treated with yeast-like microorganisms, so the mushroom in candidiasis will not only not help, but it will also do much harm.
Homeopathy with stomatitis
Homeopathy very recently moved from the category of alternative medicine to the section of universally accepted disciplines. Obviously, it is the merit of many years of work and statistical data on thousands of cured patients. Of course, homeopathy for stomatitis is not a method that helps to quickly remove pain symptoms and to stop the inflammatory process, but it is an effective strategic direction in prevention and anti-relapse activities.
Homeopathic therapy is indicated for all types of stomatitis, but the experience of homeopathic drugs in the treatment of aphthous inflammation and thrush of the oral cavity has been studied. The action of homeopathy solves the problem of alleviating the symptoms and helping to activate the healing process of wounds. Here is a list of medicines that can be prescribed for various symptoms that show aphthous stomatitis:
- Poor general health, accompanied by a feverish condition - Ferrum phosphoricum, Belladonna.
- Healing of shallow, shallow aphthus, elimination of itching, burning, general anxiety, irritability - Borax.
- Large ulcerative aphthae, cracks in the corners of the lips, ache in the mouth - Acidum nitricum.
- Deep, clearly localized ulcers - Kalium bichromicum.
- Elimination of white plaque, burning sensations - Kalium muriaticum.
- Swelling of the gums, bleeding, hypersalivation, bad breath, deep ulcers - Mercurius solubilis.
- Aphids, localized inside the cheeks with dry mucous membrane - Acidum muriaticum.
- Inflammatory process affects the throat, there is swelling of the mouth, tongue, formed herpetic vesicles, the patient formed a constant thirst - Cantharis, Capsicum.
- Allergic stomatitis - Arsenicum album, Apis.
- Pain when eating, bleeding aft - Chamomilla.
- White coating on the tongue, the initial stage of stomatitis is Mercurius vivus.
- Increased salivation, pain when swallowing food - Sulfur.
Typically, homeopathy with stomatitis is taken a long course - from 1 month to 6 months, taking medications - 4-6 times a day, the amount of dragees or liquid medication may be different, the dose is determined by a specialist - homeopath. Homeopathic treatment should not be considered safe and one that can be prescribed independently, based on the information read. Homeopathic therapy is the same serious method as traditional medical treatment, the main thing that is required of the patient is patience and a responsible attitude to the doctor's recommendations.
Honey with stomatitis
Honey, sung by our ancestors not only as a sweet nectar, but as a curative, does possess bactericidal properties, determined by its biological nature. However, among other advantages of honey, there is one more that makes it unacceptable as a medicine in the treatment of stomatitis - a property of fermentation and heat conduction. In many sources, honey is described almost as a panacea, including honey in stomatitis. Dentists are convinced that honey not only belongs to the category of allergic-provoking products, but it is also capable of creating an ideal nutrient medium for the reproduction of bacteria in the inflamed cavity of the mouth. Therefore, honey with stomatitis should be excluded both as a medicine and as a food product, at least until the onset of stable remission and complete epithelialization of the tissues of the mucous membrane. As an example, we offer a critical look at some of the tips taken from the Internet.
- The author of the prescription is convinced that the inflamed mucous membrane is treated with a solution of honey. The recipe - a tablespoon of honey dissolves in a glass of warm water, the solution is typed into the mouth and holds there for at least 5 minutes. It is obvious that in a five-minute period the bacteria will not be able to spread totally, however, a three-fold procedure can create an entirely favorable environment for the reproduction of a fungal infection. In addition, reduced local immune defense, irritated with inflammation of the oral cavity - all this is a risk of developing an allergic reaction to honey. In short, the example cited refers to the category of unacceptable activities.
- Decoction of chamomile with honey for rinsing. A tablespoon of dried camomile flowers is poured 500ml of boiling water, it is insisted 30 minutes. In the infusion add a tablespoon of honey and rinse them in the mouth 4-5 times a day for a week. Critical note - the chamomile broth is good in itself, it is absolutely inappropriate to add honey to it, which creates a sweet nutrient medium for pathogenic bacteria. Conclusion - you can brew chamomile, do not add honey.
- Afta, ulcers smeared with fresh May honey in the form of local applications, honey is kept in the mouth until it dissolves completely. Criticism of this advice does not require a long description, honey in the mouth, mixed with the inevitably saliva, is a provocation and activation of the inflammatory process, especially with candidal stomatitis. Consequently, this recipe is not only ineffective, but also dangerous.
In conclusion, I want to note that before using the so-called alternative recipes, it will be safer to consult a doctor or to carefully study information about the causes and mechanism of the disease. This will help to make the right decision and choose a really effective way to treat stomatitis.
Propolis with stomatitis
Unlike honey, the use of which with stomatitis is unsafe, propolis is a really effective medicine that removes inflammation and accelerates the healing of wound surfaces. Despite the fact that propolis is considered a product of beekeeping and is close to honey, it is still a different product. In fact - it's glue, a resin that is used by striped beef-workers to clip the honeycomb. Propolis contains more than 50 biologically active components, which are divided into 3 categories:
- Resins, the amount of which reaches 60% in relation to other ingredients of propolis. Plant resins are formed from a variety of acids, including cinnamic, ferulic, coffee and other highly active organic acids. The resin also contains alcohol.
- About 30% of propolis is balms, which have tannic, astringent properties. Balsam contains essential oils, aldehydes and terpenoids.
- Wax components.
Also in propolis you can find phenols, flavonoids, quercetin, galangin, apigenin, ramocitrine, bisabolol, pinocerbyrin, kaempferol, alcohol elements and many other biologically active substances.
Propolis with stomatitis is indicated as an antimicrobial and wound healing remedy, but one should also remember about a possible allergic reaction to it.
Methods of using propolis in the treatment of stomatitis:
- Tincture of propolis (better chemist's) is applied to pre-dried hydrogen peroxide, aphthae, ulcers. The applied propolis forms a specific film, which closes the wound within 24 hours and makes it possible to begin the process of epithelialization. The procedure should be repeated within a week, possibly longer, until the wound surfaces are completely healed.
- Candidiasis stomatitis is well amenable to treatment of a mixture of tinctures of propolis and nystatin. A tablet of nystatin is dissolved in a vial of infusions, greased with a mixture of ulcers 4-5 times a day for 5 days.
- Rinsing propolis solution has antiseptic effect, and can also reduce pain symptoms. Finely ground propolis (tablespoon) is dissolved in 500 ml of boiled warm water. The resulting solution is irrigated or rinsed through the mouth every 2 hours for 3 days.
Propolis with stomatitis is not a mono-drug, it can be used either as supplements to the main therapy, or it can be used as prescribed by the doctor as a local antibacterial agent, most often in the form of applications.
Herbs from stomatitis
Phytotherapy is considered by right one of the most effective methods in the treatment of many diseases, and stomatitis was no exception. Herbs from stomatitis are used as broths for rinsing and irrigation of the inflamed oral cavity, are part of many pharmacy products and really help to alleviate the condition of the patient, provided the competent use of photographic means.
Herbs from stomatitis can have such properties:
- Antiseptic effect.
- Anti-inflammatory property.
- Moistening of the mouth.
- Wound healing action.
- Enveloping property.
- Anesthetic action.
- Cooling and reducing pain symptoms.
- Decongestant property.
- Antipyretic effect.
Herbs, plants, possessing anti-inflammatory effect, are divided into three categories depending on the composition and content of active components: 1.
Herbs containing salicylates:
- Peony.
- Willow.
- Branches and leaves of raspberry.
- Cinnamon.
- Sage.
- Peony.
Herbs with triterpenoids and phytosterols:
- Parsley.
- Mint.
- Chamomile.
- Anise.
- Rose flower.
- Sagebrush.
- Air.
- Lavender.
Herbs, which include gallic acid and tannins:
- Oak bark.
- St. John's Wort.
- Tansy.
- Birch.
- Eucalyptus.
- Leaves of quince.
In addition, dentistry has long and successfully used various forms of extracts from wound healing herbs - extracts, oil infusions, concentrated juices, sprays. Regenerating properties are possessed by such plants:
- Aloe tree.
- Birch (buds, leaves).
- Plantain.
- Kalanchoe.
- Calendula.
- Sophora is Japanese.
- Sea buckthorn.
Herbs are used in stomatitis in the form of decoctions, infusions. Typically, the doctor prescribes phytotherapy for oral treatment before applying ointments or gels, effective herbs and as a preventive method that helps reduce the risk of recurrences of inflammation of the oral cavity.
Chamomile with stomatitis
Chamomile has long been considered almost universal phyto-drug, which has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, sedative, antiseptic effect.
Chamomile with stomatitis is used quite often, this is due to its composition:
- Essential oil azulene (hamazulen).
- Gum.
- Bitterness.
- Terpenes and sesquiterpenes.
- Tricyclic alcohol (cadinene).
- Isovaleric acid.
- Caprylic acid.
- Quercetin.
- A nicotinic acid.
- Kholin.
- Mitricin.
- Salicylic acid.
- Phytosterol.
- Carotene.
- Vitamin C.
Why is the use of chamomile effective in the treatment of stomatitis?
It is obvious that the main effect on the inflammatory process is provided by chamazulene, which not only has an antimicrobial effect, but is also capable of activating the process of tissue regeneration, neutralizing allergic manifestations. It is this component that is included in many medications, such as Anginal, Rotocan, Camilozide, Dentinox, Kamadol, Alor, Kamistad.
Also, chamomile with stomatitis can be used at home. Prepare a decoction or infusion is not difficult, the main condition - it should be fresh and as the money ends, the camomile must be brewed again.
- A tablespoon of dry flowers of chemist's chamomile is brewed in a glass of steep boiling water, the product should stand in a closed container for no more than 15 minutes. The filtered infusion of light yellow color is cooled to room temperature and used as a daily rinse of the oral cavity. The rinsing procedure should be carried out at least 5 times a day, the course of treatment - 2 weeks.
- Chamomile often belongs to plant mixtures. You need to take one part of each plant - chamomile, oak bark, linden flowers. 3 tablespoons of the mixture pour 750 ml of cold water, put on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes. The broth is filtered, cooled and used as a rinse three times a day for a month.
- Infusion of chamomile on a tea mushroom. This remedy is very active, therefore before its manufacture and application it is necessary to consult with the attending physician. 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour a liter of boiling water in a thermos, insist 12 hours. The strained infusion is mixed with 2 liters of a tea mushroom and insisted again for 24 hours. The product can be rinsed daily with an oral cavity to stop inflammation, and infusion is used as a local application - gauze tampons are moistened in infusion and applied to ulcerated areas for 5-10 minutes.
It should be remembered that, despite its universality and the presence of many active ingredients, chamomile can not be the only way to treat stomatitis. If the initial stage of the disease can not be stopped by only rinsing and irrigation with the help of chamomile broths, therefore, more effective drug therapy, which can only be prescribed by a doctor, is required.
Sage for stomatitis
Sage did not accidentally get its name, derived from the word Salvia - sun, health. This plant was considered sacred in ancient times, great doctors such as Hippocrates and Dioscorides revered it, and all because sage has a powerful disinfecting effect that is used today.
Sage composition:
- Organic acids are ursulic, oleanolic, chlorogenic.
- Flavonoids.
- Alkaloids.
- Resins.
- Phenols.
- Tannins.
- Phytoncides.
- Camphor.
- Essential oils.
- Vitamins.
Sage in stomatitis is used as an antimicrobial and astringent to help neutralize the inflammatory process and drying drying up ulcers, aphthae.
How to use sage for inflammation of the mouth?
- Sage tea. 2 tablespoons of herbs are poured 500 ml of boiling water, the product is infused in a closed dish for 45 minutes, then it must be filtered and divided into 5 parts. Rinse mouth is done 5 times a day for a week
- Sage oil. You need to buy ready-made essential oil of sage, in boiled water (250 ml) add 4-5 drops of oil, mix. This water rinses the mouth for a week - 4-5 times a day
- In case of exacerbation of inflammation, the ulcerated areas are lubricated with strong sage infusion. 5 tablespoons of herbs pour 250 ml of water and boil over low heat for half an hour. The cooled off medium is enriched with essential oil of sage (3 drops). Cotton swab or wand is moistened in the product and treated with aphthae, ulcers.
Sage in stomatitis is also used in herbal mixtures, it is often combined with flowers of chamomile, linden, calendula. As a monotherapy, stopping stomatitis, sage is rarely used, it often helps to slow or prevent the inflammatory process, that is, it is an auxiliary tool in the general therapeutic complex.
Sea-buckthorn oil with stomatitis
Unique properties of sea buckthorn oil are due to its composition, which includes such substances:
- Carotenoids.
- Vitamins - C, group B, E, K.
- Magnesium.
- Calcium.
- Iron.
- Manganese.
- Silicon.
- Aminoksiloty.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Monoacids.
- Phytosterols.
- Phospholipids.
- Flavonoids.
- Rutin.
- Triterpenic acids.
- Wine acid.
- Apple acid.
- Succinic acid.
- Phytoncides.
- Pectin.
- Coumarins.
- Tannins.
Sea-buckthorn oil with stomatitis is effective due to the content of a high percentage of carotenoids. Among all herbal remedies with carotenoids, sea-buckthorn berries occupy a leadership position that neither carrots nor other representatives of the flora can shake. It is the precursor of vitamin A - carotene is considered the most effective wound-healing component, also carotenoids activate immunity, including local, help in the synthesis of collagen, keratin. It is these characteristics that make sea buckthorn oil an indispensable tool in the treatment of ulcerative processes that accompany stomatitis. The oil is applied in the form of local dot applications, the agent applied to the tampon should be left on the wound for at least 5 minutes, after removing the tampon, do not eat for an hour. With timely detected stomatitis, inflamed parts of the mouth, lubricated with sea buckthorn oil, heal within 3-5 days, complete restoration of the mucous membrane may require a longer treatment.
Among the recipes for alternative treatment of stomatitis, the most effective are those fees, decoctions and infusions, which were people with medical education or qualified naturopaths. Self-medication is dangerous in the sense of therapy of any disease, so before applying a prescription, you should consult your doctor.