Treatment of red spots on the body
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The treatment plan is developed by a dermatologist on the basis of the results of the tests. It is etiological, that is, it is aimed at eliminating the main causes that caused pathology. For example, if this is a viral disease, antiviral therapy is prescribed, if the cause is a bacterial microflora, antibiotics are prescribed. With spots of an allergic nature, antihistamines are prescribed.
In most cases, it is sufficient to eliminate the cause of the disease, to cure the underlying disease so that the stains stop disturbing. Usually the treatment is complex, includes means for oral administration, as well as preparations for external use. Also in the course of treatment include drugs aimed at normalizing the immune system, stabilizing the nervous and endocrine states. A course of vitamin therapy, physiotherapy can be applied. Well proven not only pharmaceuticals, but also folk, homeopathic medicines, medicinal herbs. After the normalization of the condition, cosmetics are used.
Medicinal treatment
Medication should be taken with caution, as they can provoke a number of side effects. In some cases, it is possible to spread the pathological process to other parts of the body, joining the infection. There may also appear a rash of another type, in which there are spots, pimples, cupids, cutaneous neoplasms. It is necessary to observe precautions - take medication only after the final determination of the cause of the disease, strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen. It is also important to undergo a full course of treatment, even if the symptoms do not bother. This will avoid the recurrence of the disease, as well as reduce the degree of habitability of the body to medicines.
When there are red spots of bacterial etiology, antibiotics are prescribed. It is recommended to take ciprofloxacin on a tablet (500 mg) once a day. The course of treatment ranges from 3 to 7 days.
With spots of viral etiology, anaferon will help. He successfully fights against a viral infection. Take the pill three times a day. The course is from 5 to 10 days.
Spots of allergic origin will help eliminate loratadine. Take the pill once a day. The drug is prolonged action, so take it no more than once every 24 hours. The course is from 3 to 7 days.
When red patches appear, levomycetin ointment is quite effective, especially if the cause of their appearance is a bacterial infection. It is applied a thin layer on the affected areas, do not rinse. The ointment must be absorbed completely. Take 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days.
Salicylic ointment is also well established . It is accepted 2 times a day. It is applied topically to affected areas, distributed in a thin layer. Not washed off. Apply to clean skin.
Suprastin from red spots on the body
The drug is an antihistamine that effectively removes allergy symptoms. Removes an allergic reaction, swelling, flushing of tissues. Redness is significantly reduced, or completely disappear. Take the pill 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Ointments from red spots on the body
From red spots on the body prescribe non-hormonal ointments. There are a lot of them, they all operate in approximately the same way, but they are characterized by different efficacy, duration of treatment. Many doctors recommend using acustal, acryderma, kartalin, salicylic, zinc ointment, diveonex, losterin. The expediency of choosing a particular method is determined by the stage and degree of severity of the pathology, individual characteristics, tolerability of the individual components of the drug.
Ointments are quite effective, they allow you to get rid of skin problems in a relatively short time. Also their significant advantage is that they practically do not have side effects, they act gently, sparing. They have a fairly wide spectrum of action: they reduce the inflammatory, infectious process, stop the manifestation of allergy, eliminate dryness, peeling. In addition, these ointments fulfill the barrier function, preventing the penetration of the infection deep into them. By action they are close to hormonal means, but do not have so many side effects.
The principle of action is that the active substance penetrates deep into the skin, is built into the metabolic chain, begins to regulate the functions of the body. But do not abuse these ointments, because they contain a large number of toxic and potent substances. Care should be taken with ointments during the period of carrying the fetus and breast-feeding. Side effects include intoxication, allergies, deterioration of well-being. It is recommended to use as part of combination therapy.
It is recommended to take vitamins, because the skin is a reflection of the general condition of the body. For a normal skin condition, a normal metabolism is required, including the intake of the necessary amount of vitamin, microelements, and enough of them in the body. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily dosages:
- Vitamin A - 2.4 mcg
- Vitimine E - 45 mg
- Vitamin D - 45 mcg
- Vitamin K - 360 mcg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
With skin diseases, such procedures as laser treatment, infrared rays, light waves of various lengths have proved to be well established. Also used ultraviolet. Well-proven massage with ultraviolet. It helps to eliminate various spots, eliminates the inflammatory process, destroys the pathogenic microflora. Also, the risk of allergic reactions is significantly reduced, seals are absorbed.
Often used electrophoresis. With the help of this method, drugs can be introduced into the body. In this case they have an exact action, penetrating directly into those tissues in which the inflammatory process occurs. This allows to significantly reduce the dosage, respectively, reducing the risk of complications and side effects. Penetration of drugs is carried out under the action of microcurrents. The drug is applied to mucous membranes or skin.
Often used cryomassage, in which the skin is exposed to cooled liquid nitrogen. Helps reduce inflammation, intensive renewal and skin rejuvenation. It is carried out within 10-15 minutes.
After the main disease is cured, the laboratory and instrumental indicators are normalized, you can go to cosmetic procedures. Well-proven procedures such as skin bioharm, microdermabrasion, diamond, face cleaning, pilling. They provide an opportunity to restore the skin, improve its structure, remove dead layers of the epidermis.
Alternative treatment
To eliminate red spots use alternative means that are quite effective. They are recommended for taking as part of complex therapy.
To eliminate red spots, a quince lotion is recommended, which is used to purify the skin. To make a lotion, quince finely chop, pour vodka, insist for a week. Wipe your face twice: first wipe immediately after washing. Allow to dry, then rewind again after 10 minutes. You can also apply a mask of lotion. To do this, moisten the cotton wool, or cotton pad tool. Apply to the face, except for areas around the eyes and lips. Hold for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
To remove red spots and whiten the skin, it is recommended to use a lemon mask. For its preparation, it is necessary to finely chop the lemon, together with the skin. Pour the lemon 250 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist for 5 days. After that, put on the skin, moistening the cotton wool. Apply to the entire face, except for the zone around the eyes and lips. Hold for 10-15 minutes. Wash the skin, do not wash the skin with water. Apply 2-3 times a week.
Apply compresses to the skin of the face. For cooking, take 15 grams of birch buds and hop cones, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Filter, then moisten cotton wool or gauze in this broth. Squeeze, apply to the skin, avoiding the zone around the eyes and lips. Withstand 10-15 minutes. With flabby, saggy, or fading skin, a cold compress should be applied. For dry and sensitive skin, it is better to use a warm compress. You can also use contrasting compresses. At the same time, you should start with a warm compress, end with a cold one.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs have proven themselves in the treatment of red spots. Apply both inside and outside.
To normalize the metabolic processes, to eliminate the internal causes of the appearance of a rash of red, it is recommended to ingest the broth of a lamb. To prepare the decoction it takes 30 grams of a medicinal herb. Grass pour 400 ml of boiling water, give the opportunity to brew. It is better to insist in a thermos. Drink three times a day for a third of a glass. The course of treatment is 7-14 days.
To eliminate stains, normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to take juice of the underworld. Drink recommended for 3-4 glasses a day.
When chronic appearance of red spots, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of oats. It promotes normalization of metabolic processes, purification of the body and skin. It removes toxins, toxins, promotes the recovery of the organism at the cellular and tissue level. Drink a glass three times a day. Also, this decoction can wipe your face like a lotion. You can apply compresses.
Burdock is used for making compresses. To prepare the broth is recommended to take 5-10 dry leaves of burdock, pour a glass of boiling water. Wet gauze in a decoction, apply to the surface of the skin for 15-20 minutes. After that, do not rinse. After 10-15 minutes, you can apply a therapeutic ointment, nourishing or protective cream.
Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves in the treatment of red spots. Precautions should be taken because side effects are possible. First, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescribed treatment regimen. Secondly, it is possible to prescribe a treatment only after a diagnosis has been made and the cause of the pathology has been found. Homeopathy should be included in complex therapy, the only way it will be as effective as possible. Also, you should consult a doctor beforehand and do not resort to self-medication. It should be remembered that many drugs have a cumulative effect, so effectiveness can manifest itself after the completion of the full course of treatment.
To eliminate red spots, the mashed potatoes of their raw potatoes are well established . 2 medium sized potatoes are required for cooking. Do not remove the peel, grate. Then apply on the skin in the affected area for 20 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water, apply an anti-inflammatory ointment or a protective cream on top.
Restorative juice is used to normalize metabolic processes and restore the skin. For cooking, about 100 grams of vine, sea-buckthorn and cloudberries are required. Juices are mixed together. You can add honey to taste. Take one third of the glass three times a day.
To eliminate red spots apply egg mask. For cooking, you need to take 100 grams of oats, grind on a coffee grinder. Drive the egg along with the protein. Stir well, apply on the skin for 30 minutes. At this time you need to relax, lie down. Legs should be lifted upwards, which will allow normalizing blood circulation.
Mask of pumpkin and aloe removes stains, smooths the tone of the face. For cooking, take about 50 grams of pumpkin and 3-4 large sheets of aloe. Pass all this through a meat grinder, mix thoroughly. Add a tablespoon of honey, stir until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Apply twice a day for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.
To treat red spots surgical methods are not applied. Quite enough conservative medicine. Apply medication, physiotherapy, cosmetic procedures.