Treatment of palpitations: first aid, what can and can not
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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In simple cases, treatment is carried out by a group of drugs that strengthen the heart and blood vessels, as well as soothe the nervous activity:
- Magnesium B 6, Novo-passion, Etzacin;
- Verapamil, Sotelex, Propranolol;
- Validol, Quinidine.
Among cardiac glycosides, the most famous are Digitoxin, Celanid. Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, since their irrational intake can lead to disastrous consequences, even to a cardiac arrest.
Antiarrhythmic effect is different medicines such as Cordarone, Nifedipine, Amiodarone, etc.
If the doctor diagnoses supraventricular (supraventricular) arrhythmia, then most often, drugs such as Verapamil and ATP, which are able to successfully normalize the rhythm, are included in the treatment regimen. When paroxysmal tachycardia shows the use of Novocainamide and Cordarone.
If the patient has a tendency to atrial fibrillation, then this serves as an indication for the use of β-blockers.
What to do with a heartbeat at home?
The first thing that needs to be done is to minimize or even get rid of provoking irritants. The main thing is to try to prevent the development of stressful situations that destroy nervous activity, increase the frequency of the heartbeat and even upset hemodynamics.
It is very undesirable for people suffering from bouts of heart palpitations, to drink alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Optimally replace them with fresh juices, herbal tea, clean non-carbonated water.
Do not overload the stomach: overeating with copious amounts of fatty and salty foods also adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular apparatus. It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed, and food to be taken in small portions, but more often than usual about every 2.5-3 hours.
Home treatment will be more effective if you properly allocate time for work and rest. Night sleep should last continuously for about seven hours, and during the day it is optimal to take a nap at least 40-50 minutes. Such a rest will “reset” the body, improve stress resistance and hemodynamic parameters.
If a person is actively involved in sports (for example, at a professional level), then you should “slow down a little” and make physical exercises more moderate.
If these recommendations did not lead to relief of well-being, you should immediately consult a doctor.
First aid
First aid is possible at the first, pre-medical stage. If the heartbeat is really strong, and the person clearly becomes ill, you should definitely call the ambulance carriage and try the following procedures:
- seat the patient, loosen the collar or tie, open the window to improve the ventilation of fresh air;
- if, along with tachycardia, chest pains are noted, then nitroglycerin can be offered to the patient;
- conduct vagal procedures: deliberate straining, provoking a gag reflex, applying to the face a cold compress or ice wrapped in a towel.
Vagal procedures (tests) allow you to activate the function of the vagus nerve: in response to irritation, the heart rhythm slows down. Procedures should be repeated until the patient feels normal.
Physicians to perform emergency care in difficult situations, conduct cardiac pacing with low digits of 50 or 75 J. Seduxen can be used as an anesthetic.
Normalization of the heartbeat is also performed depending on the type of rhythm disturbance. Perhaps the use of such medicines:
- Adenosine phosphate, Procainamide;
- Atenolol, Verapamil;
- Amiodarone.
What to take with heart palpitations, medications?
For heart palpitations, medications are prescribed only after a clearly established cause of the problem. In order to find out this cause, you must first carry out a thorough diagnosis.
Sample medical appointments are presented in the following table.
Beta blockers |
Metoprolol |
Antianginal, antiarrhythmic and antihypertensive agents, which take an average of 100-150 mg per day for several receptions. If necessary, the doctor may increase the dosage. The course of treatment is usually long. Possible side effects: fatigue, thirst, depressive states, sleep disturbances. |
Atenolol |
A drug that reduces myocardial contractility and its excitability, reducing the frequency of contractions. The tablets are taken before meals, the dosage is selected individually (on average, from 25 to 200 mg per day). Side effects are rarely disturbed, and disappear on their own several days after the start of treatment: it may be weakness, anxiety, fog before eyes, inattention. |
Propranolol |
An adrenergic blocker, which reduces the need of the heart muscle for oxygen and reduces its contractile property. Take the drug inside, starting with 0.02 g three times a day, under the supervision of a doctor. In the future, the dosage is increased and adjusted individually. Complete the treatment gradually, avoiding abrupt cancellation. The drug is not taken simultaneously with tranquilizers and neuroleptics. |
Calcium channel blockers |
Diltiazem |
Calcium ion antagonist, which is successfully used in hypertension and myocardial ischemia. Tablets are taken orally, at 0.03-0.3 g per day. Most patients tolerate drug treatment, only in some cases, there is an individual intolerance. |
The drug, a derivative of phenylalkylamine, successfully eliminates paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. The dosage is selected individually for each patient. Tablets are washed down with water immediately after a meal: it is forbidden to use grapefruit juice and hypericum infusion for drinking. |
Sodium channel blocker |
Novokainamid |
Drug that reduces myocardial excitability, inhibits ectopic excitation zones. It can be recommended for oral administration, as well as for intravenous or intramuscular injections, depending on the decision of the doctor. Side effects during treatment: hypotension, severe weakness, pain in the head, sleep disturbance. |
Dizopyramide |
An agent with action similar to quinidine. The drug is taken at 0.1 g three times a day, and at the first dose it is better to take an excessive dosage (for example, 0.3 g), then proceed to the usual amount of the drug. Intravenous administration of the drug is also allowed in difficult situations. Adverse symptoms are limited to allergies, thirst, and digestive disorders. |
Meksiletin |
Medication, structurally similar to lidocaine. To eliminate an acute attack of a strong heartbeat, the drug is injected into a vein, according to individual dosage. In other situations, oral administration is prescribed. Treatment may be accompanied by changes in taste, dyspeptic disorders, accommodation disturbance, trembling of fingers, numbness and sleep disturbance. |
Refractory Stabilizer Preparations |
Amiodarone |
A means to facilitate the work of the heart, reducing myocardial contractions, lowering blood pressure. Tablets taken, starting with 0.2 g three times a day with food. After 1-2 weeks, the same amount of the drug is taken up to 2 times a day. Every five days of admission, you must take a break - 2 days to prevent the accumulation of the active ingredient in the body. |
Brethal tosylate |
The drug is especially effective for ventricular arrhythmias. It is administered intramuscularly or into a vein, in a dose determined by the doctor. Against the background of intravenous administration, a sharp decrease in blood pressure may occur, therefore, after the injection, the patient should take a horizontal position for a while. You may also experience a sensation of heat, nasal congestion. |
Ibutilid |
A medicine that slows heart rate and AV conductivity. It is used in difficult cases, in the form of intravenous infusion - during an attack of heart palpitations associated with flutter or atrial fibrillation. The dosage is calculated as 1 mg per 60 kg of weight. The drug treatment is carried out in the hospital, under the supervision of a medical specialist. |
Tranquilizers |
A means of calming the central nervous system, relaxing muscles. Most often, Seduxen is taken orally, although intravenous and intramuscular administration is possible. Dosage for oral administration is 2.5-10 mg twice a day. |
Chlordiazepoxide drug. It can be used if heart palpitations are associated with neurosis, stress, neurotic reactions. As a standard, take 5-10 mg per day, but according to the indications, the dose may be increased. Cancellation of treatment is not carried out abruptly, gradually reducing the dosage to the minimum. Among the most frequent side effects are fatigue, constipation, decreased sexual desire. |
Active tranquilizer, muscle relaxant. Taken in tablets, 0.25-0.5 mg up to three times per day. During treatment, drowsiness, ataxia and dizziness may occur. |
Sedatives |
Corvalol |
Combined remedy with sedative and antispasmodic effect. With a strong heartbeat, take 30 drops up to three times a day. During the whole period of treatment, a feeling of drowsiness may disturb. |
Coronarodilating and sedative, able to eliminate a brief attack of tachycardia. The tablet is kept in the oral cavity until resorption. You can take a pill up to three times a day. Frequent and / or long-term drug treatment may cause slight dizziness, nausea. |
Novo-passit |
Combined herbal remedy with a calming and anti-anxiety effect. The therapeutic solution is taken on a teaspoon three times a day, with water or drinks. If the treatment is accompanied by digestive disorders, then the remedy is taken with food. |
Altaleks |
Universal remedy, which is used, as in digestive diseases, and with neuralgia, neurosis, heart palpitations. The drug is taken by 1 tsp. With water or tea at the first sign of palpitations. No data on adverse events. |
Potassium bromide |
A sedative that is taken at 0.1-1 g daily (can be combined with potassium iodide). Side effects: feeling tired and sleepy. |
As an additional treatment for heart palpitations, the doctor may prescribe the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes. The composition of many of them include the most necessary substances for the cardiovascular system, as well as plant components (extracts of wild rose, hawthorn, ginger, peppermint, etc.).
The most popular multivitamin preparations are:
- Ascorutin is a pill that contains ascorbic acid and rutin. Acceptance of Ascorutin improves the quality of capillaries, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents inflammation and edema.
- Asparkam is a combination drug that combines potassium and magnesium aspartate. Asparkam supports cardiac performance, eliminates arrhythmia, can be assigned even with myocardial infarction and angina pectoris.
- Vitrum cardio - a drug with a rich vitamin and mineral composition. In addition, the complex contains fish oil, plantain seed, oat bran. Vitrum cardio is able to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia. It is prescribed to accelerate the recovery of patients who have had a heart attack or stroke.
- Direct - is a comprehensive tool, represented by B-group vitamins, magnesium and potassium asparaginate, as well as extracts of rosehip berries, hawthorn color and ginkgo biloba. Specified in the composition of the substance strengthens blood vessels, stabilizes blood flow, improves the work of the heart muscle.
- Cardio Forte is a multicomponent drug, the effect of which is due to its constituent vitamins, minerals, vegetable extracts, polyunsaturated fatty acids, L-arginine and L-taurine. Cardio forte can prevent the development of neurocirculatory dystonia, hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies.
- Doppelherz Cardiovital - a tool based on extracts of hawthorn, which is successfully used to alleviate the patient's condition in angina pectoris.
- Cardiohels is a combined vitamin-mineral preparation, characterized by anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and hypotensive action.
There are many other multicomponent vitamin remedies that can help the heart and blood vessels. We have presented to your attention only some of them. Talk to your doctor: perhaps he will give you another, equally useful, complex remedy to eliminate a strong heartbeat.
Physiotherapy can be used as a remedy for functional problems of the cardiovascular system. Many of the procedures can improve coronary circulation and contractility of the heart muscle, its automatism and the quality of excitability.
Physiotherapy methods are appropriate during the recovery period of the patient after coronary heart disease, hypertension, neurocircular dystonia, cardiosclerosis, etc.
The choice of treatment method depends on the degree of functional disorder, on the state of regulatory systems, on the presence of comorbidities.
It is possible to influence the work of the autonomic nervous system and neurohumoral adjustment by means of electrosynx sessions. In addition, patients are offered galvanotherapy, medical electrophoresis. This treatment has a mild sedative and analgesic effect, stabilizes blood pressure indicators. When conducting electrophoresis, drugs are used with an analgesic and vasodilator effect.
Other treatments may also be recommended:
- ultrahigh-frequency therapy (frequency 2712 MHz);
- magnetic therapy (low-frequency magnetic field);
- low energy laser radiation;
- balneotherapy (carbonic, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, radon, oxygen baths);
- hydrotherapy (healing showers, wraps).
Practically any physiotherapeutic methods can be successfully combined with manual therapy, physical therapy.
Alternative treatment
For prophylactic purposes, the following guidelines can be used to prevent heart problems:
- periodically drink herbal infusions based on mint leaves, chamomile color, lemon balm and motherwort;
- conduct hawthorn decoction or infusion treatment (10 drops daily);
- add to herbal tea raw materials: lemon balm, yarrow, valerian root.
It is good for the heart to regularly drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, berry fruit drinks. The basis for drinks can be beets, tomatoes, pears, carrots, raspberries and cherries.
If heart palpitations are periodically disturbing, then to alleviate the condition, you can use this interesting recipe:
- clean a dozen garlic cloves;
- rubbed with juice squeezed from ten lemons;
- mixed with one liter of honey, incubated for several days in a closed glass container;
- take the tool daily for 4 tsp., for two months.
You can also prepare another medical mixture consisting of lemon juice (from four fruits), 250 ml of honey, 10 g of hawthorn tincture, 10 g of valerian tincture, five camphor seeds, eighteen almond nuts, sixteen ground geranium leaves. All ingredients are mixed, placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. Take in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The treatment is continued daily until the therapeutic mixture ends.
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Herbal medicine
The main tools that are prescribed for strong palpitations are drugs based on hawthorn, valerian root and motherwort. How to take such funds, tell you more.
- Hawthorn take a monthly course (you can more, but not less), three times a day. Prepare the medicine as follows: 1 tbsp. L chopped fruits steamed in 200 ml of boiling water, kept on low heat until evaporation ½ volume. The resulting tool is cooled and filtered, drink 40 drops three times a day before meals. Instead of fruit, you can use hawthorn color: 1 tsp. Flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist until cooling, filter. Take 100 ml 30 minutes before meals, three times a day.
- Valerian root can be used as follows: 1 tbsp. L crushed rhizomes insist for a couple of hours in a liter thermos. The infusion is drunk daily for a third glass three times a day. The last week of administration should differ with a gradual decrease in dosage. Valerian infusion perfectly copes with episodes of palpitations caused by strong emotions and stress.
- Motherwort grass is an ideal plant for normalizing the heart rate. The medicine is prepared as follows: pour 1 tsp. Herbs 200 ml of boiling water, kept under cover for 15 minutes. Infusion drink for two times - for example, in the morning and in the evening. With a strong heartbeat, you can drink the entire dose of the drug at once.
Herbal treatment can also be diversified with such medicinal plants as mint, lemon balm, hawthorn berries, cornflower flowers, spring adonis, rosehip berries, and also seedlings of oats. In case of severe painful attack, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Severe heart attacks can often be cured with homeopathic remedies. They are appointed, based not only on the complaints and feelings of the patient, but also on his constitutional features.
In case of cardiovascular disorders, the following homeopathy preparations are most common:
- Ignatia 6, 12, 30 - will help with neurological tachycardia, difficulty breathing, coronary pain. A special indication is considered stress overload.
- Platinum 6, 12, 30 - is prescribed for heart and hysterical neurosis.
- Spigelia 3, 3, 6 - used for a strong heartbeat of a psychogenic nature, with stitching or aching heart pain.
- Actea Rasemos x3, 3, 6 - helps if tachycardia is associated with hormonal alterations in the body.
- Cactus x3, 3 - appointed when restless, frequent heart palpitations, compressive pain behind the sternum.
- Arnica x3, 3, 6 - can be used for cardiac abnormalities associated with excessive physical activity.
- Pulsatilla x3, 3, 6 - especially recommended for women during periods of hormonal disruptions, violations of the monthly cycle, as well as with hypotension.
- Campus monobromate x3, 3 - appropriate for use in depressive disorders, hypotension.
- Veratrum Album x3, 3 - recommended for eliminating tachycardia at the initial stage of the development of a hypotonic attack, as well as during sticky cold perspiration.
If among the probable causes of a strong heartbeat are disorders of the autonomic nervous system, then Acidum phosphoricum, Magnesia phosphoricum or Kalium phosphoricum are added to the above preparations.
The surgeon's help to eliminate a strong heartbeat is required only in extreme cases, when the cause of the pathology is obvious, and it cannot be cured in a medical way.
The patient undergoes a complete list of necessary diagnostic studies, after which the doctor can choose the most appropriate method of surgical care:
- Mechanical, laser, cryogenic, chemical or electrical interruption of the conductive paths and zones associated with the violation of automatism. Cardiac access is carried out by means of a therapeutic or diagnostic catheter: first, a pathological area is detected, and then destruction is performed.
Today, the most convenient method of destruction is the method of radiofrequency ablation : this procedure allows you to work on several zones at once, which improves the prognosis for the patient.
- The setting of a pacemaker (cardioverter-defibrillator or pacemaker) is performed by open-heart surgery. Remove the problem areas of the conducting apparatus, and the likelihood of developing a heart attack is minimized.
The need for surgery can be discussed in such cases:
- if ventricular fibrillation was detected (even in the singular);
- if there are persistent attacks of tachycardia that are not amenable to medication therapy;
- if organic heart disorders were detected (valvular defects, abnormalities of the structure, etc.);
- if the patient has strict contraindications or immunity to drug therapy;
- if the attacks of a strong heartbeat in children interfere with the normal development of the body.