When the period of gradual extinction of the reproductive function of the female body begins, in addition to stopping menstruation, the hormonal background changes dramatically, resulting in many unpleasant symptoms.
Remens is a homeopathic remedy that eliminates the symptoms of menopause, manifested due to a malfunction of the hormonal balance due to a lack of estrogens.
Climax is an uncomfortable and rather long period in a woman's life, associated with the natural extinction of the reproductive capacity of the organism.
Osteoporosis - a disease of the bones, in which, due to the formation of voids, they lose strength, fragility and fragility appear, and bone mass decreases. Women are susceptible to this disease twice as often as men.
Feminal is a biologically active supplement, prescribed for menopause to relieve a woman's special condition. Consider the features of dietary supplements and the mechanism of its action.
Entering the pharmacological group of hormonal drug-progestins, the drug Dufaston with menopause (menopause) is prescribed both separately and as part of complex hormone replacement therapy
In cases where the tides can not be eliminated, eliminating the factors that provoke them, one must resort to drugs and alternative methods. There are various means of hot flushes for menopause, which makes it possible to select the appropriate and most effective treatment for each woman.