

Treatment of menopause

Hormonal drug "Angelica" with menopause: how to take

At the onset of the perimenopausal period (menopause), many women have lower levels of sex hormones, which leads to a number of negative changes on the part of various systems and organs.

Femoston with menopause: how to take and what to replace

The climacteric period in women is caused by a decrease in the production of sex hormones by the ovaries.

Tinctures of herbs in menopause

Such herbal remedies, like herbal tinctures with menopause, can help reduce the intensity of its unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment of menopause with alternative means

Many women with any ailment first try to find a prescription for getting rid of it in alternative medicine, and if they fail, they turn to doctors. Treatment of menopause with alternative means will give a good result in an integrated approach to the problem, when traditional methods are combined with folk methods.

Hormonal therapy with menopause: contraindications and side effects

At a certain period in the life of women, the reproductive system disappears when the ovaries stop producing hormones.

Calcium preparations for menopause

It's no secret that older people have more fragile bones than younger ones. And this is not an accident. The fact is that to keep the necessary amount of calcium in the body every year becomes more difficult, and its costs are increasing.

Medicines for weight loss in menopause

Climax is a special period in a woman's life when her body starts to work in a new way. This is a period of farewell to biological youth, which sooner or later affects every member of the fair sex.

Treatment of menopause in women: basic drugs, herbs

Often a woman is unable to cope with such problems on her own and this is not necessary, because modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of funds for the treatment of menopause in women.

The best homeopathic remedies for menopause from hot flushes and not only

A small proportion of women suffer hormonal changes in the body associated with the end of the reproductive period, quite painless. But the majority experiences at this time a certain, often significant, discomfort.

Energy tablets with menopause

Energy from menopause helps to normalize the state of the body, as well as restore the process of hormone production in menopause. It helps to improve women's health.


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