

Treatment of menopause in women: basic drugs, herbs

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The term "climax" in Greek means "step ladder". This is really a new stage in the life of a woman, when the childbearing function is gradually fading, the body is rebuilding, beginning with the brain regions - the pituitary and hypothalamus, responsible for the entry of sex hormones into the blood, the ovaries reduce the production of estrogens. It is the reduction of these hormones that leads to a deterioration of the woman's well-being: depression and irritability, frequent headaches, hot flushes and sweating, insomnia, cardiac arrhythmia. In this period, existing diseases can worsen. Often a woman is unable to cope with such problems on her own and this is not necessary, because modern medicine has a sufficient arsenal of funds for the treatment of menopause in women.

Methods of treatment for menopause

To facilitate the life of a woman in a complex menopause, make it fully, cheerful and joyful there are such methods of treatment for menopause, as hormone replacement therapy, homeopathic treatment, treatment with alternative means. Schemes of treatment are selected by the doctor individually taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of her physical condition, the phase of menopause.

Treatment of menopause with hormones

Treatment of menopause with hormones is the most effective method of eliminating climacteric manifestations. This treatment is called hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and consists in compensating the body for a lack of sex hormones such as estradiol and progesterone. In early, premature menopause HRT is the main treatment, in other cases it is prescribed to prevent the consequences of menopause, reduces hot flashes, dry skin and mucous membranes. In addition, HRT has proven itself in the prevention of such a formidable and dangerous ailment as osteoporosis, as it activates metabolic processes in bone tissues and increases their strength. Treatment with hormones reduces the risk of developing arteriosclerosis of the vessels, because helps to reduce cholesterol and normalize lipids in the blood. To side effects of the action of hormones can be attributed to stimulation of growth of cells of the body, including malignant.

Treatment of menopause without hormones

With all the unpleasant factors accompanying menopause, we should not forget that this is not a disease, but a special condition that can often be overcome without the use of drugs and hormones. For the treatment of menopause without hormones, there is a large arsenal of alternative prescriptions and homeopathic remedies, vitamins. To choose the necessary method the doctor will help, he will determine whether there is enough non-drug treatment or appoint in combination with pharmaceuticals.

Treatment of menopause with alternative means

In the treatment of menopause, phytotherapy, apyproducts (beekeeping products), leech therapy, juice therapy, etc. Are widely used by alternative means. In herbal medicine, herbs that are rich in estrogens are used to treat climax. In herbs, they are several times less than in hormonal preparations, therefore, the action is milder, gradual. The herbs containing phytoestrogen include:

  • soybean; is rich in isoflavones daidzein, genistein, glycitein. When ingested, they are split into sugar and a component that has an estrogenic effect;
  • red clover, alfalfa; contains isoflivones formononetin, biokhanin-A, and phytoestrogen couestrol, which both reduce climacteric manifestations, improve well-being;
  • linen; seeds contain lignans, their actions are similar to isoflavones;
  • licorice; in its root is isoflavone glabridin;
  • red grapes; in berries and wine they contain resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant;
  • hop; prenylnaringenin, which is a part of the plant, has a strong estrogenic effect on the woman's body, it must be applied very carefully.

To treat menopause, apply and other herbs. So, to reduce tides, normalize the sleep will help dill. To use it, you need to make dill water: put three tablespoons of seeds of dry dill in a thermos, pour two glasses of water, insist an hour. The resulting infusion is added to boiling water to a liter. Take half an hour after eating 100 ml 3-4 times a day, the course of treatment is not less than a month. A similar effect has a tincture of the pion. You can buy it at the pharmacy. For 20 minutes before meals, drink 20 drops of tincture 2-3 times a day for three weeks.

It is difficult to overestimate the effect of fresh vegetables on the body, and especially the juices from them. Juices contain micro- and macro elements, vitamins, biologically active substances. With their help, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, and the pressure is normalized. Cucumber juice restores the acid-base balance of the body, is a diuretic. Beetroot - good for the production of red blood cells in the body, increases iron. Carrot juice contains carotene, which gets into the human body turns into vitamin A, as well as iron, copper, iodine, cobalt, essential oils, etc. It is useful to all and, including, women during menopause, tk. Restores mineral metabolism in bone tissues.

The products of beekeeping have long occupied a worthy place in the treatment of many diseases, they are successfully used for the treatment of menopause. The bee gives us not only honey, but royal jelly, pollen, perga. These products of beekeeping can improve a woman's condition, normalize sleep, vegetative system, relieve fatigue. Royal jelly is obtained during the reproduction of bees. Buy it can be in beekeepers, in the form of capsules, take two capsules in the morning and in the evening for at least two months. The collection period of fresh royal jelly is short (May-July), so after its termination you can use pollen and pergue, 20g mixed with honey and take a long time before the onset of improvement. These substances increase the synthesis of collagen, which is so lacking in menopause.

Treatment of menopause with leeches

Treatment with leeches - hirudotherapy is used to treat menopause in combination with other measures designed to reduce its symptoms and consequences. The saliva of leeches contains enzymes that favorably affect the nervous system, restoring blood circulation and hormonal balance. In one session, up to 10 leeches are used, which are placed in the coccyx region. Such sessions are conducted at least 8, making five-day breaks between them. After a month, treatment sessions are repeated according to the same scheme. To achieve a tangible result, it is necessary to have 3 courses of treatment.

Treatment of climax with herbs

The treatment of climax with herbs is aimed at reducing tides and sweating, normalizing blood pressure, relieving nervous tension, and increasing the level of sex hormones. About phytoestrogens, whose task is to balance the hormonal background, said above. Lower tides, improve the sleep of such herbs: lemon balm, thyme, marsh swine, dill, valerian root, hawthorn, motherwort, medicinal hyssop, etc. Brewed teas, make decoctions, tinctures both from individual plants, and mixing them. Here are some recipes:

  • make a mixture of thyme, mint, blackberry leaves in the same doses, a tablespoon of the obtained collection pour two cups of boiling water, let stand for 30 minutes. Take half a glass 2 times a day for 20 days, after 10 days break you can repeat;
  • 1 teaspoon of hyssop medicinal pour a glass of boiling water and insist 30 minutes, take half a glass 3 times a day before meals;
  • a mixture of the same parts motherwort, hawthorn flowers, cucumbers, chamomile and pour boiling water (1 tablespoon per half liter), before taking the infusion 30 minutes, the daily dose - 1 glass.

Treatment of menopause with sage

In alternative medicine, sage pharmacy is often and quite deservedly used. In gynecology, it is widely used including for the treatment of menopause. The treatment of menopause with sage is possible due to its unique components:

  • flavonoids - increase the tone of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • thiamin - normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • tannin - hemostatic effect;
  • vitamin C - restorative;
  • vitamin PP - activates biological processes.

After a course of treatment lasting 10-15 days, women experience a decrease in hot flashes, sweating, nervousness. You can take sage as in the form of juice from fresh leaves, and tea, decoctions from several others:

  • in one reception to drink 2 tablespoons fresh juice 3 times a day;
  • brew tea (a glass of tea a half tablespoon of herbs), you can drink 3 times a day;
  • mix 3 parts of sage with 1 part of valerian, horsetail; 1 tablespoon of the received collection to pour a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour, take 100g 2 times a day.

Homeopathic treatment for menopause

In the treatment of menopause, they take homeopathic remedies. Many classify them as plant, but as part of homeopathic remedies, in addition to herbs, they also use a low content of chemical elements. With the climax, the goal of homeopathy is to compensate for the lack of sex hormones, which gradually decline with the extinction of the ovarian function, and this is an irreversible process. The basis of such drugs is synthetic analogues of female hormones. Commonly used and effective means of reducing symptoms of menopause include estrovel, feminale, remens, climaticplane, climazed clinics, monoclim, energy-climate, climadinon, femicaps, Tibetan and many others. So, the estrovel in its composition contains an extract of nettle, soy, cymicifugi racimosa and some other plants, as well as vitamins E and B. It is effective for the prevention of osteoporosis, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the blood formula. At the heart of the feminine is the extract of red clover - a powerful isoflavone. Inoklin is made using soy extract; Remens - sepia, tsimitsifugi racism, Canadian sanguine. To deal with a variety of homeopathic medicines will help a homeopathic doctor, who knows the symptoms of the patient, will appoint a separate drug or complex of several. Means of homeopathy will help a woman in a very difficult period for her to remain cheerful, enjoy life and not fall out of her habitual way of life.

Treatment of Artificial Menopause

Artificial menopause occurs as a result of violent interference with the functioning of the ovaries. This need arises with a number of gynecological diagnoses, when the ovaries or uterus are removed. With the removal of the ovaries, the production of hormones abruptly stops, when one uterus is removed, their function fades away gradually, at operation the uterine artery is bandaged, there is a shortage of blood supply to the ovaries, they suffer. Most women suffer artificial menopause much harder than natural menopause.

Treatment of artificial climax is aimed at eliminating the accompanying symptoms. Of these, you can identify early and late symptoms. To the early are:

  • psycho-vegetative: frequent hot flashes, excessive sweating, headaches, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, fears, etc .;
  • gynecological: sensation of dryness and itching in the vagina;
  • decrease in mental abilities: problems with memorization, extinction of curiosity to something new.

This period can last from one to five years. In later stages of artificial menopause, symptoms appear:

  • cardiovascular diseases: high blood pressure, spasms of blood vessels, tachycardia;
  • urological: frequent urge to urinate, cystitis, urinary incontinence;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis);
  • aging of the skin.

In the treatment of artificial climax, the main thing is the use of hormone replacement therapy. Even if at first the symptoms of menopause are not very obvious, it is not worth to refuse treatment of HRT. Later its manifestations will lead to much greater troubles and consequences.

Treatment of pathological menopause

Not always climax comes on time, it runs smoothly or with minor deviations. There are cases of menopause at 35-40 years. Late and protracted menopause also has many unpleasant moments in the life of a woman: in addition to the above violations, more severe manifestations occur, such as heavy bleeding, the appearance of tumors, changes in the mammary glands (mastopathy, etc.), etc. Such a climacterium is called pathological. Treatment of pathological menopause is a complex and individual approach to each patient. For this, medicamental non-hormonal therapy, hormonal and non-medicamentous, is used. To date, the most effective is hormone replacement therapy. Along with treatment, medications are prescribed for psychotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, vitamins, physical therapy, hydrotherapy, recommend an active lifestyle and exercise.

Treatment of hot flushes with menopause

Hormonal imbalance in menopause leads to abnormalities in the thermoregulation of the woman's body, which occurs in the hypothalamus - the brain. The lack of estrogens gives a false signal to the hypothalamus about thermal overheating, as a result of which the body reduces the temperature. Because of this, the heart begins to beat faster, the vessels expand, letting the increased blood volume, the woman feels the hot flushes. Moderate tides cause mild discomfort, and frequent and prolonged ones spoil life, it is necessary to fight with them. To treat tides with menopause, resorted if you can not weaken them by following the following recommendations:

  1. avoid being indoors or outdoors with high temperatures;
  2. Do not sit next to open sources of heat (sauna, fireplace, other heaters);
  3. not to eat spicy food;
  4. not drink strong alcoholic beverages, coffee;
  5. Do not smoke;
  6. Do not wear synthetic clothing;
  7. avoid stress and excessive physical exertion.

If compliance with these tips does not reduce the intensity of tides, you need to consult a doctor and start medication. Depending on the severity of the condition, the characteristics of the organism and the presence of associated diseases, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It can be hormone replacement therapy, with which the deficit of estrogen is replenished, and hence the tides are reduced. If the hot flashes occur against the background of high blood pressure, then it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs. With depressive states, antidepressants will help, and nervous overexcitation will reduce sedatives. If the hot wave is covered, you should try to pull yourself together, hold your breath, count to seven and slowly release the air, repeat it several times. It will help to calm down, relax. You can also resort to using a fan or fan for cold blowing, take a few sips of cold water.

Treatment of sweating with menopause

An unchanging companion of hot flushes is hyperhidrosis. And if the tides create a certain discomfort in a woman's life, sweating can completely take her out of balance. A woman has to change her clothes after speaking on a body of cold sweat, often to wash, because there is an unpleasant smell, because of this there are frequent nocturnal awakenings that end in insomnia. All this knocks out and leads to a doctor for help. Treatment of sweating in menopause is similar to the treatment of hot flashes: they use hormone replacement therapy, antidepressants, sedatives, alternative remedies with phytotherapy. Well calmed valerian, hawthorn, motherwort. Also for the preparation of broths and tinctures use tsimitsifugu, Abraham tree, sepia, pulsatil, etc.

Treatment of pruritus with menopause

One of the negative consequences of menopause is a decrease in the secretion of the genital organs, which leads to atrophic vaginitis (excessive dryness), causing itching of the perineum and the vagina. Itching can be a signal of more severe diagnoses accompanying menopause due to decreased immunity and requiring treatment:

  • diabetes mellitus, in which, due to high blood sugar levels, blood supply to tissues is disrupted, and sugar in urine irritates the mucous membranes;
  • inflammation of the urinary organs, as a result of which the products of urea decomposition due to frequent urination come into contact with the vulva;
  • Dermatitis, which can be triggered by detergent or synthetic linen;
  • thrush - caused by candida fungus;
  • vulvovaginitis - inflammation of the vulva and vaginal mucosa, often provoked by mechanical effects due to itching, caused by a decrease in mucosal secretions;
  • infectious diseases: gardnerellez, herpes, trichomoniasis; itching is caused by their pathogens;
  • tumors of the genital organs, pathogenic bacteria which secrete toxins and change the microflora, which leads to itching.

Fighting the consequences of ailments does not make sense, so you need to see a doctor and identify the cause of the itching. Treatment of pruritus with menopause caused by atrophic vaginitis, is the use of antiseptic, moisturizing and softening ointments, gels, creams, suppositories. Here are some candles that remove the itch, made on the basis of herbs:

  • vagical contains calendula officinalis;
  • feminela, in the manufacture of tea tree extract, chamomile, mallow, fungus,
  • cicatridine, based on calendula, aloe vera, tea tree oil.

Among the commonly used ointments are fenistil-gel, dropalen, panthenol, radevit.

With insufficient effectiveness of these drugs and in the absence of contraindications hormonal preparations are prescribed:

  • estrokad, candles, increase the secretion of the mucous of the genital organs;
  • ovestin, cream, candles, ointment, normalizes the hormonal background, is a barrier to pathogenic bacteria;
  • estriol, cream, candles, contribute to the development of mucous in the vagina.

If the above-described diseases are identified, the doctor will prescribe symptomatic therapy. So, with diabetes, glucose levels will be supported by such drugs as metformin, mannil, syfor. With thrush, apply pimafucin, clotrimazole, miconazole. Metrodimazole will help get rid of gardnerellez. Herpes are treated with herpferon, valtrex, alpizarin, and also prescribe immunomodulators for ingestion. With vulvovaginitis, preparations in the form of suppositories of betadine, iodoxir, terzhinan will help. The treatment of dermatitis is not only in the use of creams visidima, rodevita, but also the observance of the diet.

Treatment of mastitis in menopause

The need for treatment of mastopathy in menopause occurs when from the pathologically expanded connective tissue of the mammary glands, compaction and cysts are formed. To the causes provoking mastopathy during menopause, hormonal reorganization of an organism concerns. Women with an early menopause are more likely to develop the disease. The danger of ignoring mastopathy is the increased risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor in the menopausal period. It is necessary to pay attention to such symptoms as painful sensations, tuberosity, asymmetry of the breasts, cracked nipples and discharge from them, an increase in the lymph nodes by the armpits. There are several types of mastopathy and from whether it is diffuse or nodular, a treatment regimen is determined. There is no one for all the algorithm of treatment. With diffuse mastopathy, hormonal, homeopathic and phytotherapy are prescribed. Hormonal therapy involves the use of antiestrogens, for example tamoxifen, phareston. So, women in menopause are recommended to take 20 mg of tamoxifen a day lasting from a month to three. Also adjust the lifestyle, nutrition, recommend the selection of a convenient bra size, vitamins A, C, E, B, especially B6. Nodular mastopathy requires surgical intervention and rarely resolves itself without surgery. It will help to avoid the bigger troubles associated with this problem, regular visits to the doctor (at least once every six months) and holding a mammogram. Also, do not neglect the vitamin and mineral complexes for women during menopause, which contain all the components necessary for this period, you should avoid stress, balance the diet.

Treatment of uterine bleeding with menopause

The scheme of treatment of uterine bleeding in menopause depends on the reasons that led to this. They can be caused by:

  • diseases of reproductive organs;
  • hormonal disorders (dysfunctional);
  • medicinal preparations (iatrogenic);
  • pathologies of other organs.

In the menopausal period, most often, dysfunctional bleeding occurs. During this period there is a hormonal reconstruction of the body, ovulation of the egg cell is disrupted, the thickness of the endometrium is increased, stagnant processes of the mucosa and blood arise. The endometrium is rejected unevenly, and at the same time the blood coagulability is reduced. Also, the psycho-emotional state of women, infectious diseases can contribute to the development of bleeding. Independently to solve this problem means to expose your life to mortal danger. With very heavy bleeding, you need to call an ambulance, with a moderate - to see a doctor. What can be done at home:

  • take a horizontal position, under the feet while placing a pillow;
  • on the bottom of the stomach to put cold, after 10-15 minutes for 5 minutes to clean, repeat again, do this for an hour or two;
  • take abundant drink, making up for the loss of fluids;
  • take blood-restorative medications as prescribed by the doctor (calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, dicinone, vikasol);
  • infusions and decoctions of such herbs: nettle, field horsetail, water pepper, birch bark, yarrow, shepherd's bag.

If a woman still enters the hospital, then stop bleeding is possible with hormonal medications, such as combined oral contraceptives regulon, zhane, non-vellon, etc., as well as blood-restoring facilities. Often there is a need for surgical intervention. There are several methods of stopping bleeding. In the climacteric period, scraping is most often used, but there is also a cold treatment (cryodistruction), and removal of the endometrium with a laser (ablation). With non-dysfunctional bleeding, treatment focuses on the focus of the disease. In addition to surgery, cancer is treated with chemotherapy and irradiation.

Treatment of endometriosis with menopause

In the normal course of menopause, on the background of extinction of the functions of the ovary, the endometrium (mucous membrane of the uterus) decreases. But sometimes the reverse process occurs, the epithelium of the uterus shows increased activity and begins to multiply intensively. This disease is called endometriosis. The exact reasons for its occurrence are not entirely clear, but it is established that the risk factors are overweight, diabetes, infectious diseases, and operations on the internal genital organs. The treatment of endometriosis in menopause differs from treatment in reproductive age and is conservative and surgical. Conservative therapy involves the use of hormonal drugs to eliminate the imbalance of hormones. Assign norkolut (in the composition of progesterone), gestrinone, danazol (reduce the synthesis of estrogens), zoladex. Long-term treatment (from 6 to 9 months), to remove the painful sensations take no-shpu, papaverine, etc., for calming the nervous system - sedatives. With the permission of the doctor, you can apply and alternative recipes. For ingestion, infusions and broths from the boron uterus, the root of the red toothbrush, are prepared; for syringing - an infusion of propolis.

Surgery is necessary in the case, or when the disease has not succumbed to conservative treatment, or it has been discovered late and there are complications. The operation is to remove the uterus. Such a radical measure is justified by the fact that neglected endometriosis threatens a woman with severe anemia, peritonitis and even cancer.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with menopause

Ovarian cysts in the reproductive age of women are most often functional and have the ability to resolve. In women, at the age of menopause, when there is no menstruation it is impossible. Cysts are of several types (serous, mucinous, papillary, parovarial, dermoid, endometrioid), but they all carry the risk of degeneration into malignant formations. Making decisions to remove or try to treat a doctor weighs factors such as: how long does the cyst originate, what is its size, its density, on one ovary or both, single or multicameral, is there a congestion in the abdominal cavity of the fluid? If the neoplasm is not dermoid, mucinous or papillary, not large (up to 5 mm) and the doctor does not see the prerequisites for his degeneration into cancer, he can prescribe conservative treatment. It consists in the normalization of the hormonal background (drugs of rigevidon, ovidon, marvelon). Also prescribed progestogen, anti-estrogens, androgens, anabolics, vitamins E, C, immunostimulants, painkillers, anti-inflammatory suppositories.

Surgical intervention involves laparoscopy of the cyst or laparotomy of the organs. Laparoscopy makes it possible to remove the cyst itself through small incisions. In more serious cases, laparotomy is used when it is necessary to remove the ovaries and even the uterus.

Treatment of fibroids with menopause

Myoma of the uterus is a benign tumor that forms in the tissues of its muscles. The causes of the appearance of fibroids are not fully understood, but they assume that a major role in this is played by violations of the hormonal balance of women. With a significant predominance of the synthesis of estrogens over progesterone, the appearance of neoplasms is possible. Climax is the period in the life of a woman when hormonal failure occurs. Other factors influencing the appearance of fibroids may be heredity, abortion, diabetes, obesity, stress.

Treatment of uterine fibroids with menopause depends on its size, the number and size of tumors, the age of the patient. If the myoma appeared before the onset of menopause, then there is a small chance that with the extinction of the function of the ovaries and, as a consequence, a decrease in the production of hormones, it will not grow. But there are not many such cases. Most often resort to conservative or surgical treatment. The drug presupposes the patient receiving hormonal drugs in combination with other medications that support the body or are directed at concomitant diseases. Modern methods of treating fibroids include embolization - overlap of uterine arteries. This procedure is carried out in a hospital, without anesthesia. Due to the blood flow to the nodes of the myoma, blood does not flow and it dries up. Another modern method is the FUS-ablation of nodes, their destruction by high-frequency ultrasound. With large and multiple neoplasms, in advanced cases resort to radical measures - removal of the uterus, and sometimes of the appendages.

Treatment of pain in joints with menopause

Violation of the hormonal background in the menopause leads to a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes in the bones, the washing out of calcium from the bones, an increase in its porosity, and hence, strength. Osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, resulting from changes in the discs and ligaments, are accompanied by pain. Treatment of pain in joints with menopause is to stop pain syndromes, remove inflammation, strengthen bone tissue. For this purpose, prescribed painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac, nurofen, piroxicam). In the pharmaceutical market, there are many different ointments and gels, which are also used for joint pain (chondroxide, diclofenac, fastum gel, finalgon). To replenish calcium, take calcium supplements, vitamin D3. Enzyme drugs will increase blood circulation. Strengthening of the muscular corset plays an important role in the fight against diseases of the spine. To do this, it is necessary to lead an active life, do physical exercises, do moderate physical work, periodically do massage and manual therapy. Recipes of alternative medicine offer a variety of herbal baths, warming compresses, which can also be used.

Treatment of cystitis in menopause

With menopause, there is a chance of developing postmenopausal cystitis, the occurrence of which is possible due to atrophic processes of the body during this period. The mucous membrane of the bladder becomes thinner, it bleeds. Protective mechanisms weaken, opening the way to pathogenic bacteria. About the presence of cystitis, the body signals with frequent urge, cuts and pain when urinating, turbid, and sometimes with blood urine. Treatment of cystitis in menopause should be preceded by a survey consisting of a cystoscopy to determine the condition of the bladder and urethral mucosa, a laboratory urine test, ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, the study of urine culture on the species and the concentration of bacteria. After this, the algorithm of treatment is determined. First of all, it is aimed at destroying bacteria if the cystitis is infectious. In this case antibiotics are used for treatment, which can be prescribed only by a doctor. Also resort to reception of uroseptic preparations, antispasmodics for anesthesia, phytotherapy (plentiful drink of decoctions of field horsetail, bearberry, half-pala). Hormone replacement therapy will help restore the balance of sex hormones. Using hormonal drugs inside the vagina can increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and therefore increase the tone of the muscles of the bladder, increase the thickness of the mucosa, its protective properties.

Women need to take seriously the problem of post-menopausal cystitis, Underestimation of the danger can lead to more serious complications and consequences associated with kidney disease.

Treatment of urinary incontinence with menopause

In the process of emptying the bladder, special muscles - sphincters are involved. By receiving an impulse from the brain about its filling, they relax, allowing the urine to flow out. In the usual state, the sphincters are compressed. Thus, a person controls the dispatch of his natural needs. Muscle relaxation in menopause leads to the fact that control over sphincters is lost. Strengthen this process may lack (surgery to remove the uterus) or omission of the uterus, infection of the genitourinary system. With age-related urinary incontinence, more than 80% of women around the world are facing after 65-70 years. Is there any treatment for urinary incontinence in menopause? The answer is yes. The method of struggle depends on the stress or urge incontinence. With stressful spontaneous urination (with coughing, laughing, sneezing), caused by the weakening and loosening of the muscles of the pelvic organs, the treatment is aimed at strengthening them. This can be physical exercise, the use of hormonal drugs containing estrogens, surgery. Urgent incontinence is the delay in the receipt of a signal from the brain about the need for emptying, which occurs earlier than the woman reaches the toilet. In this case, prescribe drugs that reduce the activity of the bladder, also strengthen muscles through exercise, sometimes resort to surgery. Drugs used for urgent incontinence include spasmox, rolten, pantogam, imipramine, etc. There are modern techniques that "teach" the brain to recognize signals emanating from the bladder. A woman can and herself contribute to the elimination of the problem, refusing to eat sharp and fatty foods, coffee, alcohol, controlling her weight, doing exercises to squeeze and unclench the pelvic muscles.

Treatment of headache with menopause

One of the unpleasant manifestations of menopause is headache. The culprit of its manifestation is the same complex of hormonal changes as the period of menopause. Treatment of headache with menopause is to relieve pain symptoms. In addition to analgesics and antispasmodics, which should be taken during seizures, there are various other ways to ease the pain. It is necessary to measure blood pressure, tk. His deviation from the norm also provokes attacks. At high blood pressure, it is necessary to drink hypotensive drugs. Headache, especially migraine, is capable of completely knocking the woman out of the rut, so it's worth trying all the known options to combat it. You need to try to relax by resorting to respiratory gymnastics, inhaling and slowly breathing out to breathe out the air. Warm foot baths, compresses on the forehead of cabbage leaves, vinegar or lemon solutions, tea from melissa, mint, St. John's wort, head massage - these are the measures that can at least reduce the intensity of the headache. Restoring the hormonal balance using hormone replacement therapy can help solve this problem. These drugs include climen, tsimitsifuga, divina. Women are well known for remens, climaticplant - homeopathic remedies. Women also benefit from vitamin and mineral complexes. Independent selection of drugs is not recommended, because to menopausal age, people are usually burdened by other diagnoses, so unwanted side effects are possible.

Treatment of panic attacks with menopause

The course of menopause may be accompanied by attacks of so-called panic attacks. Their precursors are sensations of lack of oxygen, numbness of limbs, dizziness, weakness, sudden hot flashes and sweating, chills. There is a sense of danger, which ostensibly lies in wait on all sides of oneself and loved ones, fear of death. My heart starts to beat faster. At this time there is a large release into the body of adrenaline. To cope with such attacks is rather difficult, so an appeal to such specialists as gynecologist, psychotherapist, neurologist, endocrinologist will help determine the method of fighting these unpleasant symptoms. The treatment of panic attacks with menopause consists of an integrated approach:

  • medicamentous with the help of antidepressants, sedatives, tranquilizers, hormones;
  • non-drug using phytotherapy, exercise, massage, respiratory gymnastics, water procedures.

Treatment of dizziness in menopause

Dizziness with menopause may be caused by insufficient synthesis of estrogen in the body of a woman, because hormones have a direct effect on the function of the brain. When trying to lose weight with the transition to a strict diet, there are also possible such conditions, which in medicine are called vertigo. They are characterized by a loss of balance, the feeling of circling in the air surrounding objects, nausea, vomiting. For the treatment of dizziness in menopause resort to hormone replacement therapy and non-drug treatment. The latter includes drinking a lot of water, a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, moderate physical activity, you can, for example, do yoga, swimming. Help breathing and relaxing exercises.

Treatment of sleep disorders with menopause

Changes at the hormonal level often lead to sleep disturbances. Treatment of sleep disturbances in menopause is possible with the help of hormone replacement therapy. But since its reception has enough grounds for a cautious approach (the danger of developing tumors), the following recommendations can be applied:

  • Do not gorge on before going to sleep;
  • to walk on foot before going to bed;
  • ventilate the room in which you sleep, and it is better to sleep with the open window;
  • try to fall asleep in the evening at the same time;
  • do not sleep during the day;
  • reduce the intake of caffeine;
  • to drink before a dream warm milk with honey;
  • take sedative phytopreparations (valerian root, lemon balm, hawthorn).

Go to sleeping pills and tranquilizers does not make sense, because this does not remove the problem, but will only lead to addiction. They can take no more than 1-2 weeks in order to give the body a rest.

Treatment of depression with menopause

One of the most disturbing and dangerous manifestations of menopause is depression. This condition is characterized by lingering malaise, loss of interest in life, restriction of communication with others, feelings of fear and anxiety, suicidal thoughts. It is doubly dangerous if a woman at a younger age has already experienced such a condition. Treatment of depression with menopause can not do without the participation of a doctor. It is difficult for one person to cope with this problem. Hormone replacement therapy (using a synthetic analogue of estradiol) in combination with antidepressants will change the psychoemotional state of the patient for the better. To neutralize the effects of HRT on the uncontrolled proliferation of uterine cells, the hormone dydrogesterone is prescribed. In the treatment of depression, psychotherapy, autogenous training is also used. Attentive and caring attitude of relatives will help to survive a difficult time for a woman.

Treatment of insomnia with menopause

Sleep disturbance during menopause often changes into a more severe phase-chronic insomnia. Night sleep brings a full rest and the opportunity for a woman to perform many functions: work, be a caring mother, wife. Since the main provocateur of insomnia is a lack of hormones, the main treatment is hormone replacement therapy. The appointment of a doctor should take into account the characteristics of the patient and the side effects of HRT - uterine bleeding, weight gain, nausea, headache, thrombosis, malignant tumors. The length of treatment should be short, and the dose of admission is minimal. Successfully used and phytoestrogens: soy, tsimitsifugu, red clover, barley, wheat, etc. And pharmacy products, manufactured on their basis. Their effect on the body is softer, not burdened by complications, although the reception is longer. It is also important to follow the above recommendations for sleep disturbances.

Treatment of anemia in menopause

Vegetosovascular distasia (VSD) occurs under the influence of changes in the hormonal background of a woman. If the symptoms of VSD appeared for the first time in this period, then the treatment of the IRR with the menopause is possible. The vegetative system of man consists of two branches: sympathetic, which activates the work of the heart, consumes energy, and parasympathetic, accumulating it. Balanced work of these two systems ensures the normal functioning of the body. With a deficiency of hormones, which is characteristic of the climacteric period, there is an imbalance in the branches of the autonomic nervous system and this affects many organs. The heart suffers, the muscle tone of the vessels decreases, which leads to changes in blood pressure. Treatment VSD depends on its type. Distinguish kardialgicheskiy type VSD, which is characterized by pain in the heart, hypertensive (increase in blood pressure), hypotonic (lowering the pressure) and mixed. Since GVA is a functional disease, not pathological, non-drug treatment is often used to eliminate symptoms. It is necessary to organize your day correctly, without doing much physical exertion, to avoid stresses, nervous surges, to limit watching TV. Walking in nature, proper nutrition, timely sleep will help restore the body to a lost balance. Drug treatment is carried out with the purpose to restore hormonal balance, to strengthen the conductivity of nerve signals in tissue cells. This can be done with such drugs as logest, magnephard and other two-phase hormonal products containing progesterone and estrogens. It is also necessary to regularly monitor your blood pressure. With increased help hypotensive drugs, which in the pharmaceutical market a large number, the doctor will help you choose the right medicine for your body.

Homeopathic remedies are widely used for the treatment of the VSD. Dysmenorm, lycopodium, atarax, grandaxin, climantoplan - this is an incomplete list of drugs that will help stabilize the psychosomatic manifestations of menopause.

Phytomedication, honey very well act in the manifestations of the VSD. Often used to calm the nervous system are flowers and fruits of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian, cones of hops, lemon balm. Tea made from berries of viburnum, elderberry reduces pressure. Honey contains many micronutrients and nutrients that will help strengthen the woman's immunity.

Treatment of tinnitus with menopause

Noise in the ears with menopause is not an independent disease, but indicates the presence of some other diagnosis. This may be a symptom of hormonal disorders, hypertension, vegetovascular distasia, neurotic disorders - menopause satellites. The treatment of noise in the ears with the climax is aimed at the cause that caused it. At high blood pressure, it is necessary to take hypotensive drugs and antispasmodics to reduce it. If the noise is caused by the vegetative-vascular distension - it may be sufficient to take soothing phytopreparations, for example, valerian root, motherwort, lemon balm, hawthorn. With neuroses, you can resort to the use of elenium, amisyl, potassium bromide, dibazole, sodium bromide. The intake of hormonal drugs can balance the hormonal background and eliminate noise in the ears. It is necessary to appoint a doctor, because independently to understand what provokes such an unpleasant symptom is very difficult. After all, there is also cervical osteochondrosis, and ailments of the organs of hearing, which give a similar symptomatology.

Treatment of neurosis with menopause

Neurosis in menopause occurs when a woman reacts inadequately to the changes that occur with her during menopause. This is expressed in temper, sometimes aggression; in the unwillingness to follow oneself, and sometimes on the contrary, in the excessive use of cosmetics to look, in their opinion, better; in increased fatigue, in sudden changes of mood. If all these symptoms are severe and difficult to cope on their own, then you need to start treating neurosis, otherwise it can lead to a more severe form - depression. The doctor will help determine the severity of the condition and what to treat: prescribe neuroleptics (psychotropic drugs), hormones (to smooth the hormonal background) or you can stop at the correction of lifestyle, nutrition, psychotherapeutic methods, physical exercises. It should be remembered, all the troubles associated with the onset of menopause are temporary, they need to be able to survive.

Treatment of irritability with menopause

Irritability often accompanies a woman during menopause. A strong emotional outburst of a negative character is completely inadequate to the cause that caused it. Emotions are poorly controlled during this period. This is associated with the loss of protective functions of the body, which provides hormones. During the period of hormonal adjustment, their production decreases, which affects the mood and mental well-being of a woman. Treatment of irritability should be resorted to if it greatly complicates the life of your environment. The very woman is difficult to assess her condition, for her own good, close people should help her in this. To begin with, you need to unload her household functions, give more free time to practice herself: walking, her appearance, shopping, if it brings her pleasure. You can do auto-training, breathing exercises, poprinimat water procedures, including herbal baths, drink the decoctions of soothing herbs, which were mentioned above. If the irritability lasts a fairly long period, then this is a dangerous symptom and you can not avoid addressing a psychiatrist. He will prescribe medication, possibly antidepressants, sleeping pills if the patient's sleep is broken.

Treatment of anxiety with menopause

All people are inherently concerned about their health and their loved ones, experiencing for some actions or inaction, being afraid to experience some unpleasant events in their lives. This state of anxiety in the climacteric can acquire pathological forms and interfere with a normal life. This is caused both by hormonal disorders, and by the realization that the best years of life are already over, and old age is getting closer. Treatment of anxiety with hormone replacement hormone therapy has not been widely spread due to frequent side effects, therefore, resort to alternative treatment with phytotherapy, psychotropic drugs, and physical procedures. A good phytoantidepressant is St. John's wort. To treat this herb used water, oil, alcohol, combined, dry extracts, infusions, decoctions. Based on St. John's wort, drugs have been developed whose effectiveness in the treatment of anxious and depressive conditions has been proven in the course of research. An integrated approach to this problem with the use of psychological techniques, herbal medicine, a healthy lifestyle, and, if necessary, medical treatment, will help a woman to find peace of mind.

Treatment of hair loss with menopause

Hair loss is one of the possible unpleasant sides of menopause. The reasons for this may be a decrease in the synthesis of estrogen in the body of a woman, and the level of testosterone - the male hormone, which is in the female body, increases. It is believed that testosterone is the culprit of male pattern baldness, and therefore contributes to hair loss in women. There are other factors that interfere with normal blood supply to the hair follicle: hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, which slows down metabolic processes of the body, heredity, bad habits, especially smoking, stress, medication, skin diseases, etc. Treatment of hair loss in menopause is possible by short-term increase in the content of female hormones in the body of a woman in the active phase of menopause, which is most often covered by this unpleasant moment. In everyday life it is necessary to follow simple but effective rules that help to reduce hair loss:

  • choose a shampoo suitable for your type of hair, it's better professional;
  • wash your head no more than 2 times a week;
  • try as little as possible to use a hairdryer;
  • to lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical education;
  • correctly eat, including in your diet more vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts, fatty fish, cereals;
  • to take vitamin and mineral complex;
  • rub the hair in the grated bow, essential oils of jojoba, rosemary.

Do not give up, as soon as the general condition associated with the hormonal outbreak is stabilized, the condition of the hair will improve.

Treatment of pressure jumps in menopause

Hormonal changes that occur during menopause affect the water-salt metabolism. Sodium ions, which accumulate in the blood and cells of tissues, interfere with the removal of water from the body, increase the volume of blood. As a result, the discharge of blood by the heart increases, which means that the blood pressure rises. Unstable psycho-emotional state during the menopause, excess weight also contributes to pressure jumps. Treatment for them with menopause, if such a serious ailment as a tumor of the adrenal glands is not diagnosed, should begin with the implementation of general restorative measures: more walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, try to get rid of excess weight, exclude alcohol, quit smoking. It is also possible to prescribe hormone replacement therapy. Klimonorm, divina, cyclo-proginova are drugs that will fill the lack of estrogens and progestins. You can replace synthetic hormones with plant and homeopathic medicines, which are treated longer, but more safely. Widely known and used are the remens, climaticplatform, climactic-hel, climadinone. If during the jumps the upper pressure is stably higher than 180 mm Hg. Pillar, it is necessary to switch to a medicamentous effect on the vessels. These drugs include ACE inhibitors, they reduce the synthesis of a hormone that narrows the blood vessels (angiotensin 2). Captopril, enalapril, fosinopril, quinapril, perindopril are medicines from this group. A new group of drugs for fighting high blood pressure are angiotensin 2 antagonists: irbesartan, losartan, valsartan.

Treatment of hypertension with menopause

Steady state of high blood pressure is called hypertensive disease. This is the most common disease in the world, according to statistics, it affects more than 20% of the adult population. After 50-55 years, the percentage of patients is significantly increased, and this indicates that the climacteric period is a serious risk factor in the development of the disease. Treatment of hypertension with menopause can not be of a short-term nature. In fact, it reduces to maintaining systolic and diastolic pressure, therefore, interruptions in taking medications can not be done. If this problem is ignored, heart attack, stroke, and renal insufficiency are most likely to occur. There are many drugs that help to cope with this problem. They differ in the direction of action, contraindications, side effects. Studies have shown that for women in menopause, the entire arsenal of antihypergene therapy is acceptable. The doctor, after carrying out laboratory and instrumental studies, will decide what is best for the patient: diuretics (diuretics), alpha and beta blockers (regulating blood outflows of the heart), ACE inhibitors (acting on blood vessels), calcium antagonists. There are modern tools created on the principle of a combination of these drugs. To the therapeutic treatment should be added activities aimed at a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, avoidance of stress.

Treatment of heartbeat with menopause

With menopause, there is often such a phenomenon as rapid heartbeat - tachycardia. The work of the heart is to reduce and relax the muscles, which ensures the delivery of nutrients and oxygen along the blood to all tissues of the body. If the heart rhythm is disturbed, the whole body suffers, receiving less than necessary. Deficiency of hormones reduces the ability of organs to perform their functions: sodium ions that appear in the lymph, prevent the removal of fluid from the cells, the level of "bad" cholesterol grows and the blood becomes thicker and more viscous, the elasticity of the vessels decreases. These are the factors that lead to the disruption of the heart. Treatment of palpitations with menopause is necessary to improve one's self-health and prevent development of other, more serious pathologies (hypertension, stroke, heart attack, etc.). In addition to measures related to a healthy lifestyle, drugs that restore normal heart rhythm are used. These include beta-blockers: bisoprolol, concor, celiprolol; sedatives: based on valerian, hawthorn, motherwort; drugs that improve blood flow to the myocardium: mexicor, preductal; blockers of sodium channels: mexiletine, allapinin, rhythm monorm. Phytopreparations are also widely used.

Treatment of arrhythmias with menopause

A frequent companion of tachycardia is arrhythmia, when the order of work of individual parts of the heart is disturbed. Its appearance provokes vegetative, metabolic, hormonal changes accompanying menopause. Treatment of arrhythmia in menopause is determined by its appearance, but in any case, the medication is based on antiarrhythmic and antithrombotic drugs. So, with inadequate reduction of one of the parts of the organ caused by an additional cardiac impulse (supraventricular extrasystole), appoint quinidine, verapamil. If abnormal ventricular contraction occurs (atrial fibrillation), digoxin, propranolol is added to the above preparations. With the inability of drugs to stabilize the work of the heart, an operation is performed, eliminating malfunctions in its operation.

Treatment of bloating with menopause

With excessive gassing in the intestine, a bloating occurs - flatulence. In the menopausal period, this can be caused by various pathologies of the internal organs that accompany the menopause. Treatment of bloating with menopause is due to the cause of its appearance. It is necessary to conduct a survey and exclude the presence of pancreatitis, dysbiosis, tumors, intestinal diseases. Hormonal fluctuations without aggravating diagnoses can cause bloating, because in the menopause, the fluid withdrawal from the body is delayed, the production of bile by the liver decreases. A balanced diet will help to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. To products that cause excessive gas formation, include alcoholic and carbonated drinks containing caffeine, sweets, red meat, milk, fresh apples, fried foods, canned foods. To determine what exactly causes swelling, we must exclude all these products, and then gradually one by one to return to the diet, watching the reaction of the body. Also, you must thoroughly chew food and eat slowly, so that as little air as possible gets inside.

Treating thrush with menopause

During menopause, the woman's immunity decreases, which contributes to the development of various pathologies. Various diseases of the digestive system can provoke the appearance of thrush, because the microflora of the intestine and the vagina are very similar to each other and in the presence of pathologies are a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungal infection. When taking antibiotics, the useful flora of the vagina can also be disrupted, which will give an impetus to the development of thrush. Treatment of thrush with menopause is, first, in the correction of the hormonal background, and secondly, in eliminating the focus of infection and inflammation. To determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to medicamentous drugs, it is necessary to examine a swab taken from the vagina. The main treatment is medication, directed at the pathogenic focus through antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs. A good result is local therapy with the help of suppositories, which include antifungal agents nystatin, fungicide, ketoconazole, fluconazole, etc. Effective and combined preparations containing in addition to the antifungal component and antibiotic. Alternative medicine offers baths and syringings using such anti-inflammatory drugs as soda solution, potassium permanganate solution, infusions from chamomile plants, calanchoe, thyme, calendula, elecampane. There are also homeopathic remedies that, together with the main treatment, will give a good result: traumel C, galium-heel, lachezis-plus.

Treatment of vaginal dryness with menopause

Deficiency of estrogens during menopause leads to a decrease in the production of vaginal secretion, to dryness, to a loss of tissue elasticity, to a change in the acidity of the environment. Against this background, the risk of inflammatory processes increases. The most effective method of treatment of vaginal dryness in menopause is hormone replacement therapy, but it has many contraindications. Therefore, first you need to try safer methods: make adjustments to your diet, satiating it with vitamins rich in vegetables, fruits, cereals; include in your menu products containing phytoestrogens - beans, soy, carrots, cabbage, parsley, dates, pomegranates, grapes; take useful fats - vegetable oils, including olive, nuts, fatty fish. There are also pharmacy phytopreparations, which are effective enough to eliminate dryness. One such is climadinone, created on the basis of an extract of the rhizome of tsimitsifugi. Also, a great role is played by observing the hygiene of the body, where it is important to use not any detergents, but special intimate moisturizing and nourishing gels. Linen should be made from natural fabrics, and it should be washed without the use of fragrances and air conditioners. During sexual intercourse use special ointments for lubrication.

Treatment of colpitis in menopause

The cause of colpitis (inflammation of the cervix) in women can be both getting the infection, and the age-related changes associated with the onset of menopause. Such colpitis is called senile or atrophic. Treatment of it with menopause is aimed at eliminating inflammation with the local application of antiseptic suppositories: betadine, terzhinan, iodine oxide. To restore the microflora of the vagina, use acylact. Improve the condition of the mucosa with hormonal suppositories and ointments containing estriol. If contraindications to hormonal drugs should be used douche and baths with herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties: calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with menopause

The causative agents of bacterial vaginosis in women are microorganisms, the reproduction of which is facilitated by weakening of the vaginal microflora (dysbacteriosis). With menopause, the concentration of lactic acid decreases, providing an acidic environment in the vagina, thereby causing a decrease in immunity. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis with the climax is aimed, first of all, at eliminating the pathogenic microflora with the help of local antimicrobial agents, reducing the level of alkaline environment, strengthening immunity by taking immunomodulators and vitamin. At the second stage, the environment of the vagina and intestines is restored, tk. Dysbacteriosis of the intestine can lead to a recurrence of bacterial vaginosis. For this, 2-3 days after the main treatment, probiotics are prescribed. In alternative medicine, recipes for syringing from decoctions of herbs chamomile, calendula, and also from soda solution are offered. Bacterial vaginosis, they can not cure, but they can help relieve itching and burning. A greater effect will give alternative means that strengthen immunity. With frequent recurrences of the disease, you can resort to vaccination.

Treatment of obesity with menopause

In the climacteric period, when the function of the ovaries fades, fatty tissues take on the role of converting the male hormones produced by the adrenal glands to female hormones. Many women after 50 years add a few pounds in weight. At this age, there is a decrease in physical activity and daily energy inputs, a violation of metabolic processes, and the mass of food consumed often does not decrease. Also, menopause is characterized by depression of mood, feelings of anxiety, depression, which many women "jam". As a result, weight of the body increases significantly, which leads to obesity. Treatment of obesity with menopause hormone replacement therapy can help balance the hormonal background, thereby affecting the stabilization of weight, but also carries certain threats. It is better to replace it with phytoestrogens. A woman needs to take on her own, change the diet and diet, increase physical activity. Specialists recommend not resorting to exhausting diets, but turning to fractional nutrition. One meal should not take more than 300-350g of food, but there are 5-6 times a day. Half an hour before eating, drinking a glass of water, it will fill the stomach and reduce appetite. The food should be chewed carefully. Sharp, fried and fatty foods are excluded from their diet. Meat should be lean, the menu must include fish, cereals, lots of vegetables and fruits. The more physical exercise, the more one consumes kilocalories, which means melts fat reserves. You can go to gyms, fitness clubs or just sit on a bicycle. The main thing is not to give up, because excess weight is a risk factor for many dangerous diseases.

Treatment of edema with menopause

Transformation occurring in the body of a woman in the climacteric period leads to violations of water-salt metabolism, excess sodium ions, which delay the withdrawal of fluid from the body and provoke the appearance of edema. Often puffiness is affected, especially towards the end, in hot weather. To determine the scheme of treatment of edemas in menopause it is necessary to undergo a survey, because this symptomatology is typical for kidney disease, varicosity, autoimmune diseases, against the background of taking medication. Struggle is directed to the source of the disease. To balance the hormonal background, hormone replacement therapy is used, phytotherapy. To remove puffiness will help diuretic drugs. Strengthen the body sedatives, vitamin-mineral complexes, antioxidants and medicinal plants that have such properties.

Effective treatment of menopause

To date, the most effective treatment for menopause is hormone replacement therapy. Many women are afraid to resort to hormone treatment, fearing the appearance of tumors, hair growth on the face, obesity or simply overweight. Such an opinion about hormonal therapy appeared due to improper intake of hormonal contraceptives, which were often recommended by a friend, not by a doctor. With a competent selection of hormones and short-term treatment - this is the best remedy for menopause. If there are contraindications for their use, it is advisable to use phytoestrogens, their effect is much softer, and the duration of the reception is not limited.

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Modern treatment for menopause

Modern treatment for menopause is the use of synthetic hormonal drugs of a new generation, which are very close to female hormones. A large arsenal of nonhormonal homeopathic remedies - phytoestrogens (estrovel, climadinon, feminale, red brush, etc.) is also widely used in modern medicine. In the pathological course of menopause - the occurrence of myoma, a modern laparoscopic method of removing nodes through small incisions is used. Also for their fragmentation there is a non-operational ultrasound method. The introduction of sclerosing substances into the uterine vessels is also new, in order to stop the growth and even reduce the tumor. The treatment of menopause in women is not only possible, but it is also necessary for its severe course.

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