Treatment of kidney inflammation
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Inflammation of the kidneys is a rather unpleasant disease, accompanied by acute pain and other symptoms. Under the "jade" the general term combines certain diseases, which differently affect the kidneys. This pyelonephritis, pionephrosis, as well as tuberculosis of the kidneys. Modern diagnostics can establish the complexity and degree of the disease. The causes of inflammation may differ from each other, but the sooner a person turns to a urologist, the better. Whichever method of therapy is chosen, it is important to adhere to a specific treatment plan for kidney inflammation.
Treatment of kidney inflammation with alternative means
Alternative remedies are an excellent way to combat kidney inflammation. Decoctions, herbal tinctures help the kidneys function normally. If a person is disturbed by cystitis or nephritis, the infusion of dried flowers of blue cornflower will reduce inflammation and speed up the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys. The same healing property is not less popular and useful grass, like the horsetail field. If you brew it, in an hour the patient will be able to drink a really useful drink that heals his disease.
Many doctors who base their treatment on alternative proven methods are advised by bearberry leaves that positively affect the human body. This way you can both relieve the inflammation, and pain syndrome. Usually this course lasts a month, after which it is recommended to pause for at least two weeks. But take the herbs without consulting a doctor is not worth it. Each of them has its own contraindications, which must be considered only in a complex.
Alternative drugs affect the inflammation of the kidneys gently, imperceptibly. The only rule is that the herbs or any tinctures are important to take before eating. Do not break the order in order not to reduce the overall performance.
Here are a few treatments that will help a person get the kidneys back to a full life.
In acute and chronic nephritis, with the expansion of the kidneys, you will be prescribed treatment for kidney inflammation with alternative means. To do this you will need:
- 1 cup of boiling water and 1 tbsp. L. Bearberry. This mixture is insisted in the heat for 30 minutes. Use tincture you need a couple of times a day for 1 tbsp. L. In 30 minutes. After eating food. Glomerulonephritis and pregnancy are contraindications when using this method.
- 3 cups of cold water and 1 tbsp. L. Bearberry. All this is brought to a boil, and then boil over low heat until 1/3 of the broth evaporates. After that, use the resulting broth for the whole day in several receptions.
With chronic nephritis, you need to mix:
- the root of the lover, the root of the stalker, the root of the licorice and the juniper fruits to be joined together in equal parts. 1 cup boiling water pour 1 tbsp. L. Mixture, after which let it stand for 6 hours, 15 minutes. Boil and drain. This infusion can be drunk in several receptions. In pregnancy and acute inflammation of the kidneys, it is not recommended to drink it.
- 25 g of herb piculate mix with 25 g of grass horsetail and add 50 g of sporach. Pour 1 glass of cold water 1 tbsp. L. Mixture. It should be within 6 hours. Then boil for 5 minutes. And express. Drink 1-2 glasses a day.
Treatment of kidney inflammation with herbs
With the help of a fruit and vegetable diet, with the restriction of the amount of salt, spices, protein, kidney disease can be cured. The main enemies in the treatment of kidney inflammation is the use of tobacco and alcohol. If fluid in the body lingers, there is obvious swelling on the face and legs, a pharmacy diuretic tea can be a good remedy.
If the case is started, it would be nice to add corn stigmas, birch buds. They need to drink half a glass 4-5 times a day. In such a case, it is important that the amount of urine released is much greater than the volume of the absorbed fluid. The amount of urine extracted shows the result of treatment with herbs.
Fruit and vegetable diet also helps to secrete fluid from the body. The salt, on the contrary, retains water. Therefore, watermelon is the berry that will help to normalize the kidneys. It can be eaten all day long, several times. The crust of watermelon, which remained after the end, is dried and used to make infusions, which will become a remarkable diuretic, which will soon purify the kidneys. Treatment of kidney inflammation with herbs helps improve kidney function.
For people with unhealthy kidneys, alternative medicine advises eating as much as possible boiled potatoes "in uniform", which should keep its heat until it is consumed.
100-150 g of dried apricots treat chronic diseases and swelling. Sand and small stones are good for oats. 0,5 l cans of unrefined oats are poured 1 liter of boiling water and boiled over low heat for an hour. Then it is filtered and taken 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Corn stigmas are used as a choleretic, slightly diuretic.
In the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, as well as with edema of cardiac origin, horsetail is a diuretic. This alternative medicine removes lead from the body. To do this, prepare a decoction (10 g per 200 g). However, the field horsetail is harmful in any jade. More often it is used in the treatment of cystitis, urethritis.
Pumpkin is irreplaceable. It restores metabolic processes in the body and perfectly cleanses the kidneys. This requires fresh pumpkin juice, which is consumed 3/4 cup 3 times a day, or 500 g grated pulp.
Medicamentous treatment of inflammation of the kidneys
To medicamental treatment of inflammation of the kidneys include ascorbic acid, rutin and diuretics, vitamin B and calcium preparations. With exacerbation of the disease or failure to achieve the effect of complex therapy, hemosorption and plasmapheresis are used. Treatment with cytostatics:
- cyclophosphamide, which should be taken in the form of tablets or in the form of a powder dissolved in water in the early morning, washed down immediately with a significant amount of boiled water. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, bladder cancer are related to the contraindications of this drug;
- azathioprine start with a considerable dose of 5 mg / kg inwards. The main contraindications are: hypersensitivity, liver failure, pregnancy.
All these drugs contribute to the improvement of physical condition. However, such therapy is important to be carried out solely under the strict supervision of a specialist with the obligatory appointment of necessary and urgent medical and laboratory research in dynamics. In complex therapy, you can include and health spa treatment. In the absence of renal failure, spa treatment is prescribed in Truskavets, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk. In the spa town of the Czech Republic, namely in Mariánské Lázně, inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract is treated. But the indications and contraindications to it will depend on the disease itself, which is caused by inflammation of the kidneys.
To treat acute inflammation of the kidneys is recommended medication. The patient is usually put in a hospital, giving him a bed rest, a diet and plenty of drink. Without antibiotics or other chemical antibacterial drugs here is indispensable. At the moment when a specialist prescribes treatment, he orients himself to the result of an analysis of the sensitivity of microorganisms found in urine to antibiotics. Treatment begins with the fastest drug. For the treatment of pyelonephritis help antibiotics of different groups: very useful in this case are fluoroquinolone, nitrofuranovye drugs (this group of funds can be attributed furadonin, furagin, furazolidone, blacks who are moderately useful in chronic low-grade urinary tract infections in the elderly Renal insufficiency is. Restriction to their use.The average duration of treatment with these funds is from 7 to 10 days.), nitroxolinic acid. In order to prevent pyelonephritis in chronic chronic antibacterial therapy for up to 6 weeks, no less. In addition, immunostimulants (decaris, prodigyosan) are also used. With the normal course of the disease and structured treatment, the results of treatment improve in a week, and by four weeks there is a complete recovery. Medicamentous treatment of inflammation of the kidneys has a fairly fruitful effect on the human body.
Treatment of kidney inflammation with medicines
If the patient has the first symptoms of inflammation of the kidney, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor who will determine whether it is necessary to prescribe treatment for kidney inflammation with medications or you can only stop on the prescriptions of alternative medicine. But in any case, pyelonephritis, if any, should be treated in a comprehensive manner. First of all, it is necessary to destroy the infection, which causes inflammation of the kidneys. Parallel with this, antiseptic drugs are prescribed for the removal of inflammation of the kidney. If you try to abandon the treatment of the disease, then kidney failure may soon develop.
To traditional medicamentous treatment of inflammation of the kidneys can be attributed to the intake of various medications, which include:
- plant uroantiseptics (kanefron is recommended for the elimination of urinary tract infection, 2 tablets or 50 drops of the drug 3 times a day.) Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, phytolysin is taken 1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup warm, slightly sweet water 3 once a day after meals, contraindications to this drug are also acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, nephrosis (kidney disease), phosphate lithiasis (phosphate stones in the kidneys);
- pimedic acid preparations (palin, urotractin, pimidel), which are quite effective in men who are concerned about urinary tract infections against the background of prostate adenoma. Usually they are prescribed 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals. Contraindications include diseases of the central nervous system, severe renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver, children and adolescents under 14 years, pregnancy and lactation.
- Diuretics on the basis of alternative agents that favorably affect kidney diseases.
All this must necessarily be combined with maintenance and antimicrobial therapy to reduce the amount of harmful effects on the urinary system. Quite often, the main treatment is aimed at improving the work of the entire urinary tract, getting rid of such complications and consequences, like urolithiasis, prostate adenoma, etc.
Medications for inflammation of the kidneys
Treatment for inflammation of the kidneys is better to do not at home, but in the hospital. Only there, experienced specialists will be able to provide timely and qualified expert help. With the help of antibacterial, detoxification and immunostimulating therapy, well-being can soon be improved.
If you do not have edema, then the doctor may allow you to drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day. It may include mineral water, juices, kissels, compotes. Cranberry and cowberry juices, fruit drinks are most effective at this moment, as they can reduce inflammation. It is better not to use table salt when eating in general. Maximum 5 g per day. Diuretic: watermelon, melon, pumpkin, which purify the urinary tract from microbes and mucus can be included in the diet of the patient.
The first 3 days is best to sit on acidifying food (bread and flour products, meat, eggs). After that, another 3 days to sit on alkalinizing diet (vegetables, fruits, milk).
If this is not enough, the doctor will be obliged to prescribe medications to the patient for inflammation of the kidneys. It can be antibacterial agents of different groups with a wide spectrum of action. The most effective are fluoroquinolones:
- norfloxacin (Dosage and route of administration: 400 mg twice daily for uncomplicated urinary tract infections - for 7-10 days, with uncomplicated cystitis - 3-7 days.) Contraindications: hypersensitivity to some drugs, children and adolescence , pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding It should be taken with caution if a person has atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, cerebral circulation disorder, epileptic syndrome and renal / hepatic insufficiency),
- ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin (Dosage is individual for each patient, take them inside - 250-750 mg 2 times / day, and for intravenous administration, a single dose should be 200-400 mg, no more than 2 times a day., to contraindications drugs can be attributed all the same hypersensitivity, simultaneous reception with tizanidine, children's age, pregnancy, lactation, etc. All these drugs are low-toxic, which makes it possible to take them up to 2 times a day. They can be used by patients of all ages.
With a properly detailed course, taking medications will help the patient feel better in a week. After four weeks, the patient can fully recover. However, antibiotics should be taken for another 2-3 weeks, since the treatment should be done until the microbes are completely eliminated from the urine. But if the inflammation is started, turned into a purulent, without surgical intervention here can not cope. It is necessary to resort to it and in the presence of stones in the kidneys, if the stone is not able to depart independently, and it can not be eliminated with special tools.
It is worth noting that to effective means against inflammation of the kidneys, you can add the following funds:
- bactericidal: meropenem (Dosage: adults with pneumonia, infections of the urinary tract, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, infections of the skin and soft tissues are recommended for 500 mg. Method of taking: IV every 8 hours. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, children's age (up to 3 months);
- (dosage: daily dose for arterial hypertension - up to 480 mg (1 tablet in the morning and in the evening, with an interval of about 12 hours between doses.) In order to slowly lower blood pressure, the first dose should be equal to 120 mg once a day In the morning, the method of reception: it is best to do it during or after a meal.Do not need to dissolve, you can drink with liquid, without chewing.Contra-indications: cardiogenic shock, hypotension, acute myocardial infarction, pregnancy, breastfeeding);
- diuretics: hydrochlorothiazide (Dosage: 1-2 tablets per day) Method of administration: taken after the patient had breakfast, usually in the morning Contraindications: not assigned to patients with individual hypersensitivity, and also to people who are troubled by galactosemia, lactase insufficiency, and is not recommended for patients suffering from severe renal dysfunction, complicated diabetes mellitus and gout, as well as in case of violations of the liver function);
- to improve blood circulation in the kidneys: trentental (Dosage: intravenously drip slowly in a dose of 0.1 g in 250-500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or in 5% glucose solution (the time of administration is 90-180 minutes). / a and iv (the patient should be in the "lying" position), in / m, in. Contraindications: high sensitivity, acute myocardial infarction, heavy bleeding, cerebral hemorrhage, retina, coronary or cerebral atherosclerosis, rhythm disturbances heart, children under 18 years of age).
Use and contraindications of the above drugs should be examined on the packaging, and ALWAYS the treating doctor.
Do not self-medicate! They can only damage their health. Treatment can be observed only under the full supervision of a physician.
Injections with inflammation of the kidneys
In addition to medical treatment, a doctor usually prescribes injections for the prevention of severe kidney disease with inflammation of the kidneys. But this happens only in case of emergency. Usually this doctor rarely resorts to, it is enough to prescribe antibiotics. Injections in the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys can be rapid, because, unlike drugs, quickly pass into the body. Strongly strong pricks are prescribed for urinary tract infections. They include a digit, which is recommended to take 500 mg every 12 hours. In patients with severe renal failure, the daily daily dose is best halved. These injections are contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin or other fluoroquinolones. It can not be stabbed by children under the age of 16, as well as pregnant and lactating women. According to the doctor's prescription, you can inject the drug, which is called ciprobay. In uncomplicated infections of the lower and upper urinary tract, single doses, intravenously, can reach 2 x 100 mg. For a day, and with complicated infections of the urinary tract (depending on the degree of severity) the daily dose can be equal to 2x200mg. Contraindications are increased sensitivity to ciprofloxacin or other drugs. The drug is not recommended for pregnancy and lactation. But still all these injections are not as popular as alternative medicine, which many are so fond of in our time.
In order to correctly select medicinal preparations, and also to appoint competent treatment for inflammation of the kidneys, patients need to pass tests and undergo an appropriate examination. Modern tablets with inflammation of the kidneys are quite well perceived and absorbed by all groups of patients. However, there are cases when some drugs are not enough. Then, in order to reduce inflammation of the kidneys, the doctor prescribes a prescription for potent injections, which have a quick effect. Usually, treatment is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of wise doctors. Complex therapy of the disease includes preventive and spa treatment in climatic health resorts.
Treatment of kidney inflammation with antibiotics
If alternative medicine does not help, and the doctor prescribes antibiotics, then the situation does not change. When the pain intensifies, you can adhere to bed rest. However, doctors advise to lead a mobile, full-bodied way of life, move more, more often is in the open air. The best prevention is a fasting day, based on a watermelon diet.
If there is an inflammatory process in the kidney or urogenital system, the doctor immediately prescribes antibiotic treatment. On the one hand, antibiotics in their bacterial nature justify the appointment of a doctor, but on the other hand, the treatment of kidney inflammation with antibiotics can have dire consequences for all internal organs, including weakened kidneys. Pregnant women, by virtue of their position, for example, and children because of their age and still fragile organism resort to non-traditional medicine.
Antibiotics are part of the scheme, though the most severe for the body, the effect on the body. You can not do without a doctor. He must establish supportive therapy, if necessary, then combine traditional and non-traditional medicine. But not alone, so as not to worsen the condition of a person.
The most commonly used drugs for inflammation of the kidneys antibiotics include:
- Aminopenicillins: amoxicillin, penicillin, which have increased activity against enterococci and Escherichia coli. The main disadvantage of such drugs is that they are susceptible to the action of the main enzymes, which are produced by most of the pathogens of pyelonephritis. Usually penicillin is prescribed to treat kidney inflammation in pregnant women. It is believed that this drug is not contraindicated in breastfeeding. It safely penetrates into the milk in small quantities, so their toxicity to the baby is low. But, in spite of this, penicillin can cause a rash in lactating women, development of candidiasis and diarrhea. For infections of medium severity and high sensitivity, microflora is 1-2 million units per day in 4 injections of IM. In other cases, such medicines are not advisable.
- Cephalosporin antibiotics can be classified as a group of low-toxic semisynthetic and natural preparations. At the base of the group is a special acid 7-ACK, which, with timely treatment, prevents the transition of acute pyelonephritis into a purulent form of the disease. Cephalexin (Adult people can use it every day 1-4 grams every 6 hours.) Contraindications include: intolerance to cephalosporins and antibiotics of the penicillin series, etc.) cephalothin (It is administered intravenously (deep) and IV. Drink 0.5-2 g every 6 hours. If the kidney function is violated after the initial loading dose of 1-2 g dose is reduced depending on the CC.Continue to the contraindications can be attributed all the same hypersensitivity.We should be careful about the drug in case of kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation period), s nnat (In the treatment of infections of the genitourinary system, adults are recommended to drink the drug during meals or immediately after taking it 125 mg twice a day, and with pyelonephritis 250 mg twice a day); klaforan (Adults and children with a body weight of 50 kg and more with uncomplicated infections, as well as with infections of the urinary tract - in / m or / in, 1 g every 8-12 hours. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, children's age ( in / m administration - up to 2.5 years), etc.); - the main representatives of this group of medicines (and there are about 40 of them). As early as the third day, they help most patients improve their general condition.
- In aminoglycosides, a patient needs when he has a complicated form of pyelonephritis. Due to the strong bactericidal effect on disease-causing bacteria, the disease goes away. This is facilitated by drugs such as amikacin (dosing regimen: IM, iv (struyno, for 2 minutes or drip) at 5 mg / kg every 8 hours. Contraindications include neuritis of the auditory nerve, severe renal failure with azotemia and uremia, pregnancy, hypersensitivity), gentamicin (this drug should be set individually, taking into account the severity of the course and the localization of the infection, as well as the sensitivity of the pathogen .If an IV or IM introduction to adults, a single dose can be 1-1.7 mg / kg. Per day. Neuritis of the auditory nerve, severe renal dysfunction, uremia and pregnancy, etc. It is strictly forbidden to use it), netilmicin (It can be administered both in / m and / in. Adults are recommended 4-6 mg / kg. Antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group in the anamnesis should not be used).
In addition to their useful functions, they also have their drawbacks. Hearing disorders, development of reversible renal failure are noted, as a rule. Such antibiotics should not be prescribed to people of old age, as well as in secondary care (an interval of less than a year). These include:
- erythromycin (Intravenously it is necessary to slowly enter for 3-5 minutes For adults and adolescents older than 14 years, a single dose should not be more than 0.25-0.5 g, and for a day 1-2 g. Do not take with hypersensitivity, significant hearing loss, as well as with the simultaneous use of terfenadine or astemizole, with caution it is used in renal failure, lactation period);
- ciprofloxacin (Dosage regimen, as in any other preparation is individual.It is important to take inside - 250-750 mg 2 times / day, and the intravenous single dose is 200-400 mg.It can be used no more than 2 times / day.If hypersensitivity , with simultaneous admission with tizanidine, pregnancy, lactation, it is not recommended to drink this medication with caution should use epilepsy, epileptic syndrome, severe renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, old age, etc.).
Fluoroquinolones of the first generation (pefloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin) are prescribed for the treatment of a dangerous form of pyelonephritis.
Pefloxacin (Dosage is adjusted for each patient individually, depending on the location and severity of the infection, as well as the sensitivity of microorganisms.If infections are not complicated, then take 0.4 g 2 times a day, the average dose of 0.8 g in 2 divided doses. , on an empty stomach.It is necessary to swallow the tablets without chewing, and to drink with an abundant amount of water.When hypersensitivity, hemolytic anemia, pregnancy, lactation period, before the age of 18 take with great caution.Do not recommend for atherosclerosis with cerebral infarction, etc. As for the drug, as ofloxacin, it is prescribed to adults to drink 1-2 pills 2 times a day, if the kidney function is violated, then the usual doses are prescribed, and then they are prescribed with usual doses Contraindications concern those who suffer from hypersensitivity to quinolones, epilepsy, and doctors do not prescribe it to pregnant and lactating mothers.
Fluoroquinolones of the second generation (levofloxacin, sparfloxacin), which are usually active against pneumococci, are often used to cure the chronic form of the disease during exacerbations. With an infectious exacerbation, they can be taken at 200-500 - 750 mg., 1-2 times a day, depending on the disease. They can also be administered intravenously, after such a method in a couple of days you can go to the reception inside at the same dose. These drugs are not recommended for those who can not tolerate individual components of the drug, as well as pregnant women and young mothers who breastfeed the child. Side effects of this group of drugs are: diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, development of candidiasis.
The choice of these or other antibiotics depends on the type of microorganism that caused the disease, and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. With inflammation of the kidneys, the dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the general state of the patient's kidney function. Before you start treating kidneys with antibiotics, you need to take tests, conduct ultrasound and computed tomography.
Treatment of kidney inflammation in pregnancy
During pregnancy and women, kidney pathology worsens. The most dangerous for this period is 22 - 28, 38 - 40 weeks. To prevent this, it is important to observe all the same signs as in non-pregnant women. Diet, limited consumption of salt and liquid, compliance with the regime of the day, more movement, non-admission of hypothermia, personal hygiene - these are simple rules that must be adhered to, so that there are no complications.
If nevertheless it was not possible to avoid the consequences, drug therapy will be required. It should be selected only with the appointment of a physician-therapist with constant supervision with a gynecologist. Usually, in pregnant women begins cystitis, ie, the mucous membrane of the bladder becomes inflamed. This happens because during pregnancy, the growing uterus presses on the bladder and on the ureters passing from the kidneys to the bladder. In the end, sometimes there is a stagnation of urine, which will lead to infections of the urinary tract, which can affect the bladder and kidneys.
From the results of some studies it can be seen that 10% of all pregnant women have cystitis in a certain period. Typically, this group includes pregnant women who have previously had to deal with this disease. With this disease, the treatment of kidney inflammation in pregnancy can not be ignored, just like doing self-medication. It is worth bearing in mind that untreated during the infection, can provoke the development of more dangerous diseases. This may include premature labor difficulties or the birth of a child with a small weight. Therefore, the treatment should be approached adequately and in a timely manner. Traciclines and sulfonamide preparations during this period are prohibited. In the arsenal of doctors there are many other methods that are absolutely harmless for pregnant women:
- copious drink. Especially useful is cranberry juice in large quantities;
- diet, with restriction of salts, spicy and salty foods.
Another useful technique for the treatment of kidney disease is instillation of the bladder. In addition to this disease, 1-2 percent of pregnant women are concerned about pyelonephritis. Symptoms of inflammation of the bladder are that the temperature rises, there is a chill and pain in the back. Unfortunately, as a result of this, the future young mothers have to go to the hospital, where they will be prescribed antibiotics, which will be administered intravenously or intramuscularly:
- ceftriaxone (It is administered intravenously and intramuscularly to adults and children over the age of 12. The recommended dose is 1-2 grams once a day. For a day the amount of the drug should not be more than 4 g. Contraindications are hypersensitivity to certain drugs);
- Cefazolin (This drug even has a toxic effect on the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy, but with serious and life-threatening infections - a urinary infection it can be used .It can be administered as intramuscular or intravenously. Increased sensitivity to cefalosporin group preparations and other beta-lactam antibiotics will be prevented in any way. It is forbidden to give birth to newborns, and during pregnancy, the drug can be administered, but sklyuchitelno in emergency situations).
Another unpleasant disease in pregnancy in women is the disease of the urinary tract. Urolithiasis is rare. With this disease, you can take painkillers, and absorb as much fluid as possible. As a result of such treatment, the stones can come out on their own, which means that no surgical intervention is needed. Not to mention lithotomy (crushing stones with ultrasound).
Treatment of pregnant women in the hospital is carried out only under close scrutiny of obstetrician-gynecologists and nephrologists. Their task is as follows: to restore the broken passage of urine. Therefore, they assign "positional therapy". It consists in special exercises. The pregnant woman lies on the opposite side of the diseased kidney in the position of bent knees and elbows. One end of the bed rises so that the legs are above her head. In this position the uterus advances, and the pressure on the ureters becomes much less. If during the day, changes do not occur, a catheterization of the ureter of the affected kidney is prescribed. This procedure gives an absolute guarantee for an early recovery. Even if this does not help the woman, then the drainage of urine from the kidney comes to the aid with the help of a catheter being injected directly into the organ that most of all worries the patient at the given moment.
Inflammation of the kidneys can be cured, but you can make them a problem for life. It all depends on how correctly you follow all the doctor's recommendations.