Treatment of dry and wet cough onions
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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We do not represent our food without onions. Despite the smell and bitter taste we add it to salads, the first and second dishes as seasonings, we prepare sauces on its basis. What is the cause of this predilection? Most likely, for many millennia, the useful properties of the vegetable are already known. Even in the time of Hippocrates and Avicenna, people were treated with onions from rheumatism, gout, sore throats, colds, obesity. It was believed that he was able to save from typhoid fever and typhoid fever. Until now, onions are positioned as an effective folk remedy for coughing. Does the onion actually cough?
The use of onions
What are the components of the onion that determine its usefulness? It is rich in organic and amino acids, essential oils, vitamins PP, C, E, group B, it has a large number of micro- and macroelements: iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, chromium, silicon, sulfur, giving a specific smell ; phytoncides, glucose, glucinin, flavonoids, kaempferol, etc. Onion is a natural antibiotic that kills pathogenic microorganisms. It increases immunity, intestinal motility, fights against viruses, promotes water-salt metabolism, is useful in atherosclerosis and hypertension, is widely used in cosmetology. Effective onions and with cold symptoms, in the treatment of the respiratory tract, cough.
In the cold season, when the temperature drops, less sun and vitamins weaken immunity. Therefore, every winter an epidemic of one or another strain of influenza is expected, the number of colds sharply increases. The disease is always accompanied by sneezing, a severe runny nose, weakness, a fever, a sore throat, a cough. All these symptoms are an indication to the use of onions as a remedy, aimed at their elimination, strengthening the protective properties of the body.
Onions from the cold
The first signs of the disease "shoot" a powerful stream of fluid emerging from the nose. During this period the bacteria multiply rapidly, irritating the mucous membrane and leading to its swelling. Swelling, she closes the nasal passages, does not allow to breathe freely. To remove the stuffiness of the nose you can not do without drops, otherwise sleepless nights are provided. Avoid expensive pharmacy funds will help onion from the common cold.
Onion from a dry cough
As the inflammatory process falls lower, similar processes occur with the upper respiratory tract. The body tries to reflexively get rid of the bronchial secret, causing a reduction in a number of muscles. Sometimes coughing, pershenie lasts a month and a half after the disappearance of the main signs of acute infection, especially painful dry. The organism needs to help go into the productive cough phase, reduce the viscosity of phlegm, bring it out, restore the damaged epithelium. In complex therapy of the respiratory system, along with drug treatment is traditional medicine, from dry cough can help banal onions.
General information of the cough onion treatment
In the notebooks of each family there are recipes with onions from cough. Especially often they are resorted to by mummies for the treatment of their children. But only with the entry into our lives of the Internet and social networks it became clear what a lot of options there really are. This is not surprising, because with what do not link a rich product for medicinal products, from this he can only win.
Recipes with onion from cough
Most often for preparation of potions from cough apply onions - the most widespread type of vegetable plant in our country. Here are some recipes with onions from coughs:
- Boiled onion from cough - the bulb is peeled off, chopped, watered and languishes on a slow fire for an hour and a half hours to reduce the volume by half. The resulting broth from the onion after cooling is filtered and taken on a tablespoon 5-6 times a day;
- onions with honey from cough - honey perfectly complements any recipes for colds, because it has anti-inflammatory, restorative, antibacterial properties. It has a complex chemical composition, in which a mass of components useful to the body. There are many varieties of the bee product, depending on which plant pollen is collected from. The best for cough treatment is suitable for lime, buckwheat, floral. It must be remembered that when heated, honey loses some of its medicinal properties: some of its vitamins and enzymes are destroyed. Therefore, cooking onion in water and cooling to 50 0, you can add honey;
- onion with sugar from cough - adding sugar while preparing the drink, we get not only useful, but also delicious syrup. All the ingredients are combined at the very beginning of cooking. One bulb will need a glass of sugar and the same amount of water. After boiling on low heat until obtaining a sticky condition, remove and filter;
- milk with cough onions - instead of water, when preparing a decoction of onions, milk is often used. The bulb is cleaned, cut in half, poured with milk and cooked until it is completely softened. To increase the effectiveness of the remedy, honey is added;
- onion with apple from cough - combining these two products, intensify the harmful effect on infectious agents, prevent their reproduction, dilute sputum, promote their rapid elimination from the bronchi, because in apples there are vitamins, including necessary for the treatment of ascorbic acid, micro- and macroelements, flavonoids. One bulb and one apple of medium size is cut into slices, poured with two glasses of water and longly languishing on fire until half of the liquid remains;
- juice onion from cough - this recipe does not provide for heat treatment. Several heads of onions are rubbed on a grater or ground in a blender. The resulting mixture is covered with sugar, you can also add honey. After the preparation to give a few hours to brew, it is better to do it overnight, so that the onion is allowed the maximum amount of juice;
- infusion and onion syrup - will help reduce the irritating effect on the stomach and intestines. The syrup was mentioned above, but for the preparation of the infusion it will take onion, sugar, honey and boiling water. Cut the bulb into small pieces, put it in enamel or ceramic dishes, pour steep boiling water, add sugar. After lowering the temperature, honey is added, covered, insisted for several hours. Approximate proportions of the ingredients are as follows: onion head, 100 g of sugar, a glass of water, a tablespoon of honey;
- tincture of onion from cough - all tinctures are prepared on an alcohol basis and stored for a long time. That's why it can be done in advance, so that you can immediately use it. A few bulbs are shredded and poured with vodka or alcohol. On the floor of a liter 40 0 alcoholic beverage there are enough 2 medium heads. The dishes are tightly closed and held for 2 weeks. It takes 20-25 drops before meals, children can not be treated with such a remedy;
- onion and garlic from coughing - to strengthen the action of onion and even double its medicinal properties on the strength of another vegetable - garlic. He is rightly called a natural antibiotic because of his many useful substances, especially allicin - an organic compound formed during mechanical damage to the vegetable. It has a powerful bactericidal and antifungal action. Prepare the drug this way: finely chop 2 bulbs, crush the flat side of the knife peeled cloves of garlic (one small head or half large), pour 0.5 liters of hot water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and a few minutes are tormented. In a cooled broth, you can add honey;
- onion, apple and potato from cough - this recipe is attributed to Wangge - a famous Bulgarian healer and a fortuneteller. One liter of cut vegetables is put in a liter of water, on low heat the capacity is up to evaporation of half the volume of the liquid;
- onions and potatoes from a cough - it is possible to use 2 ingredients, using the previous recipe, only by reducing the amount of water by 250ml;
- jam from an onion from a cough - inventiveness of housewives has no borders, you want to combine the benefits of treatment with a pleasant taste. This recipe will satisfy both. To get jam or jam you need to grind half a kilo of onion, put the same amount of sugar per liter of water. On a small fire, the mixture is consumed for several hours, until a viscous thick amber substance is obtained.
The common for all recipes is the dose and method of application. Derived onions that have been heat treated can be eaten before meals, made from raw onions - best after eating. Averaged dose for adults is a tablespoon. Alcohol potions are dosed by drops.
Cough onion during pregnancy
Colds, cough, unfortunately, do not pass and pregnant. Sometimes it becomes a real test for a woman, because habitual medicamentous methods of treatment can not be applied until the situation is critical, and you need to be treated. An angry, frequent cough is dangerous because of increased uterine tone, spasmodic pain. In this case, traditional methods of treatment will come to the rescue, including recipes that use onions as the main ingredient. If the smell of the vegetable does not cause unpleasant sensations and reactions, then all the above recipes, except for alcohol, can be used for treatment. Onion gruel with honey is also used for compresses on the chest.
Cough onions for children
Pediatricians do not mind treating children with onions in combination with their prescriptions, while keeping reasonable doses. Moreover, they believe that from the first signs of the manifestation of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, tonsillitis or tracheitis, it is necessary to start taking the remedy and impose on it a general strengthening, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, diluting with an orchard effect. Up to one year of the child's life, the onion is not treated. After this age, you can carefully try, after 3 years - in the absence of contraindications there are no cautions. In order not to cause rejection of onions, it is worth adding honey or sugar. The intake dose for children is half that of an adult - a teaspoon in one dose. It is best to give the child a remedy after eating, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa, give a drink with water.
Hypersensitivity to onions can be on the way of coughing. Other contraindications include inflammation of the pancreas, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, increased excitability of the nervous system. With caution, you need to approach the use of onions with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, heart, especially in the stage of exacerbation. If you ignore the contraindications, there may be an allergic reaction, exacerbation of the listed pathologies. Patients with diabetes do not need to apply to themselves recipes using sugar.
Treatment of cough with the help of onions is a "bearded" method of getting rid of both dry and wet cough of various causes of its occurrence. The testimonies indicate that this method was used by both smokers, allergy sufferers, and patients with cold and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. The assessment of most of them is positive, it was noted that he calms a barking barking cough, also helps to go off sputum. Especially often recipes with onions are used by mothers to treat children, because few people prefer chemical medicines if there is a safe and effective natural method that accelerates recovery.