


Transient vision disorders

Transient monocular blindness can be observed with cardiogenic embolism or by the severance of thrombus fragments in the carotid bifurcation zone (less often from other arteries or in the abusive use of certain medications).

Slowly progressive or subacute visual impairment

Subacute monocular vision impairment in young people without a headache and a normal ultrasound picture suggests the development of the optic nerve neuropathy.

Acute vision impairment

In case of loss of vision in one eye, (whether it is an acute or gradually developing condition), the patient will first visit the oculist. In the case of a sudden, sudden loss of vision on both eyes, the underlying causes are mostly neurological in nature.

Flies before the eyes

"Flies" before the eyes. This is the appearance of small black dots in the field of view, especially noticeable on a dark background. These points move with the shift of the eyeball, but with a certain slowdown.

Blindness and partial loss of vision

In different countries of the world, blindness occurs at different rates: in Africa (in some of its regions) it reaches 10: 1000, while in Great Britain and the United States it is 2: 1000. In England, blindness is recorded arbitrarily, i.e. With some individual digressions.

Visual loss

Intermittent blindness (amaurosis fugax) is a temporary loss of vision. The patient in such cases says that the curtain fell before his eyes. With temporal arteritis, this sometimes precedes an irreversible loss of vision. The cause may be embolism of the corresponding artery, so that a correct diagnosis can save eyesight.

Redness of the eyes

Redness of the eyes, as a rule, is accompanied by their soreness. The causes of reddening of the eyes are varied, some of them threaten vision, and therefore the patient needs a specialist examination (to eliminate acute glaucoma, acute iritis, ulceration of the cornea). Other causes (episcleritis, conjunctivitis, spontaneous conjunctival hemorrhage) are eliminated easier.


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