


The causes of edema under the eyes

The causes of edema under the eyes can be different, from the most banal and easily solved factors to serious diseases requiring qualified treatment.

Blue circles under the eyes

The main cause of the appearance of blue circles under the eyes is a large amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin in small visible vessels of the skin.

Yellow circles under the eyes

They say eyes are a mirror of the soul, so hardly anyone is happy when he has yellow circles under his eyes. And this is now a very common problem, since the skin around the eyes is very thin, the vessels are located very close to the surface, so it is very sensitive to the influence of external and internal factors.

Burning sensation in the eyes

If there are unpleasant symptoms and discomfort, including burning in the eyes, then you should immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist, otherwise the consequences may not be predictable.

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes cause so much inconvenience and trouble for women seeking the ideals of beauty and splendor.

Symptoms of increased eye pressure

An increase in ocular pressure can lead to the development of various diseases of the organs of vision, for example, to glaucoma. As a rule, at the initial stage of the development of this disease the symptoms of increased intraocular pressure are not pronounced.

Edema of eyelids

Edema of the eyelids is a condition of abnormally high water content in the subcutaneous tissue of the eyelids, which is often encountered in medical practice.

Impaired tearing

Phenomenologically, lacrimation disorders can be divided into two types: lachrymation (epiphora) and dry eyes (xerophthalmia, alacrimia - a more precise term for declining production or lack of tears).

The retraction of the century and the backwardness of the century

Retraction of the upper eyelid (the position of the upper eyelid, in which the white stripe of the sclera is visible between the edge of the eyelid and the limb of the cornea when viewed directly) is due to the hyperactivity of the muscle lifting the (levator) eyelid, the contracture of this muscle, or the hyperactivity of the smooth (Mullerian) muscle.


Ptosis is manifested by the pathological lowering of the upper eyelid, which limits the opening of the eye. If the ptosis develops gradually, some patients are not even able to tell if they have had the eyelid (eyelid) omission since the birth or it has arisen at some particular age.


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