Sleep paralysis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Sleep paralysis is a condition that occurs in sleep and is associated with the functioning of the muscular system. Let us examine in more detail its signs, methods of treatment and prevention.
Have you encountered a situation when during a nightly awakening you can not move? This condition is called a night stupor and requires special attention. In one night, up to five such seizures can occur, which are accompanied by a strong sense of fear, auditory or visual hallucinations. But it is not a threat to life. To date, pathology is still not included in the International Classification of Diseases. But in its diagnosis, somnologists and neurologists use the parasomnia coding. The disease is caused by an imbalance between the functioning of the brain and the tone of the muscle tissue.
Causes of the sleep paralysis
Many doctors and scientists believe that involuntary seizures during sleep - a biological process, provided by nature. The causes of sleep paralysis are associated with the dissynchronization of the processes of the motor system and consciousness. Its main factor is based on the malfunctions of the nervous system. Most often, malaise occurs in adolescents, but it affects both adults and children. It has been established that in some cases the cause of the disorders is a genetic predisposition.
The main causes of imbalance:
- Displacement of daily biorhythms due to time zone or climate change.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Alcohol, drug addiction.
- The use of medicines, antidepressants.
- Mental diseases.
- Lack of proper sleep and insomnia.
- Violations of the nervous system, stress, neurosis.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Sleep on the back.
Stupor is associated with a violation of the phase of fast sleep, when the body is as relaxed as possible. A similar state is possible during the period of falling asleep. In this case, muscle paralysis occurs, due to the fact that the skeletal muscles relax faster than the brain. Many patients mistakenly associate this phenomenon with mental disorders, but this is not the case. Paralysis is characterized by nocturnal awakenings in the immobilized state, difficulty breathing due to the squeezed chest, a sense of someone else's presence nearby.
For many centuries, night attacks were described by various scientists and physicians. Very often they were spoken of as acts of otherworldly forces. In many cultures there are stories about creatures, because of the influence of which the sleeper became defenseless. About 40% of the world's population is regularly confronted with this ailment, especially adolescents. Sleep paralysis can be congenital and inherited. The disorder occurs with mental disorders, in the phase of shallow or disturbed sleep, when falling asleep or waking up. Taking medications and drugs, the transferred stress, a night rest on the back, can also provoke seizures.
Scientists have studied many cases of nocturnal stupor, and all of them are based on disturbance of the sleep phase. Pathogenesis is associated with restless and shallow sleep. Paralysis occurs at the stage of awakening or falling asleep. In the first case it is called hypnopopic, and in the second case it is hypnagogic. In the process of falling asleep the body gradually relaxes, the mind becomes turbid. But this does not always happen, in some cases a person falling asleep can not move or make a word, which causes fear and so-called paralysis. Hypnopsychic occurs upon awakening, after a phase of rapid sleep. The whole process is divided into two stages, the duration of which is about 1, 5 hours:
- Slow (slow eye movement) - a real dream comes in the second phase - this is 75% of the night rest. It is during this period that the process of restoring the forces lost during the past day begins.
- Fast (active eye movement) - after a slow comes a quick sleep, and dreams appear. In this period, the synchronization of the processes of the motor system and the sleepy consciousness are possible, since the dream is already passing, but the organism is still unable to move. It lasts about 2 minutes, but the received sensations and impressions remain in memory. This period can be accompanied by suffocation, hallucinations, noise in the ears. The panic increases significantly when a person realizes that he can not move or call for help. If a person knows what is really going on, then the sharp signs are smoothed or pass.
Attacks occur only when self-spilling. They do not appear with a violent awakening, that is, because of loud sounds, screams, knocking and other factors. The disorder can be accompanied by narcolepsy, that is an irresistible desire to fall asleep. This is due to the pathological state of the brain due to the lack of regulation of sleep and wakefulness.
Symptoms of the sleep paralysis
A state that borders between sleeping and waking and is accompanied by visual or auditory hallucinations is a night stupor. Symptoms of sleepy paralysis are very often confused with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Most often it occurs when falling asleep and has a number of characteristic features, consider them:
- The movement of the eyes is saved, but the sleeper can not speak or move.
- Auditory and visual hallucinations, sensation of someone's presence or touch.
- The feeling of squeezing the chest, it may seem that someone is on it.
- Panic fear and dreams in reality.
According to medical statistics, about 20% -60% of people at least once in their lives, but faced with such a disorder. The problem is based on the violation of the phase of fast sleep, when the body is as relaxed as possible, but there are no dreams. If the atony, that is, the relaxation comes to a full sleep, then it leads to paralysis.
First signs
The imbalance between the functioning of the brain and the tone of the muscle tissue, like a number of other pathological conditions, has the first signs that allow it to be recognized. Let's consider them in more detail:
- Cardiopalmus
- Difficulty breathing due to a feeling of pressure on the chest
- Disorientation in the room
- Fear, panic and misunderstanding of what is happening
- There is a feeling that the body moves apart from consciousness
- Hallucinations
When they appear, you need to relax as much as possible and wait a little, in order for the attack to pass. Particularly subject to frustration are people susceptible to suggestion, with a weak psyche, introverts and with a depleted nervous system. These signs are difficult to describe as typical for most diseases, but they can appear with mental disorders. They are formed by temporary disturbances in the functioning of various mediators of the brain.
Sleep paralysis syndrome
The night phenomenon, which is characterized by complete or partial immobilization during the period of falling asleep or awakening, is a sleep paralysis syndrome. The sleeper retains the ability to visually inspect. That is, having fallen into a state of stupor, a person can only open his eyes and examine the room. In this case, visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations may occur. It catches its breath and chokes, perhaps a sensation of someone's presence in the room. Waking up, the sleeper encounters a sense of horror, the presence of something dangerous.
Hypnagogic hallucinations, arising between sleep and wakefulness, are divided into the following categories:
- Intruder - various sounds (stomping, opening doors, wheezing) and the appearance of shadows.
- Incubus - shortness of breath and suffocation. There is a sense of coming death.
- Vestibular motor group: sensation of being outside the body, falling, levitation.
Another one of its name is the syndrome of the old witch. Medicine considers this pathology as a violation of one of the phases of sleep. Physiologically, it is similar to natural paralysis, but lasts no longer than a couple of minutes.
Complications and consequences
What is dangerous for sleep paralysis? Everyone who faced night attacks, probably wondered, what is dangerous is sleep paralysis. The malaise is accompanied by a state of horror, many panics, but not a threat to life. After a couple of minutes everything returns to normal, breathing and heartbeat normalize, the person falls asleep again. Constantly thinking about the impending dream, a person provokes a neurotic disorder and insomnia that require medical treatment.
In most cases, stupor is not dangerous, but if it occurs on a regular basis and interferes with night rest, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Medical help is required if at the time of the disorder you are undergoing treatment for epilepsy, narcolepsy, bipolar disorder. In other cases it is recommended to follow the regime, to ventilate the room before going to bed and try not to sleep on the back. But if the attack still arose, then do not be scared, because it is associated with sleep disorders and the physiological characteristics of the organism, and not the influence of aliens or otherworldly forces.
Night pathology does not pose a particular danger to human life, but it can cause a number of consequences. First of all, it's a nervous and mental disorder, a state of stress. Because of a misunderstanding of what is happening, the sleeper encounters a feeling of fear and panic. This is possible if several seizures occur during the night.
But it is necessary to understand that an unpleasant state is a temporary phenomenon that will quickly pass. Therefore, you need to relax as much as possible and do not concentrate on it. To speed up the awakening it is recommended to try to move your fingers. Do not attach any importance to the visions arising during the attack. So that you do not see or hear - it's not real.
Consequences are possible if a person dwells on an event, linking it to various diseases or the influence of otherworldly forces. Against this background, neurosis develops, problems with sleep due to fear of experiencing paralysis again. In rare cases, it is associated with profound psychiatric problems. But often this is a sign that the body has become entangled in the stages of sleep.
The breakdown of the system of awakening and falling asleep causes many questions and related fears. This can be explained by its unusual symptomatology. Everyone who has come across this pathology, probably wondered if it can cause complications.
The main complications of sleep paralysis:
- Labored breathing
- Feeling of horror
- Tachycardia
- Auditory and visual hallucinations
These symptoms can persist for some time after the attack. If it occurs in people with weak psyche, then against this background there are various nervous disorders requiring medical care.
Diagnostics of the sleep paralysis
If problems with nocturnal awakenings appear regularly, then you need to see a doctor. Diagnosis of carotid paralysis is based on the patient's complaints. The symptomatology, which causes discomfort and breaks the normal regime, is studied. Very often against this background there is chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. Anamnesis collection allows to develop the correct therapeutic approach for elimination of ailment.
Diagnosis is conducted by a somnologist - a specialist who studies sleep problems. During the research, the patient will be asked to keep a diary for several weeks to record episodes of paralysis and the sensations that arise at that moment. A family history is mandatory, as well as a night rest to make sure there are no other pathological disorders.
The main methods of diagnosing a night phenomenon:
- Tests, interviews, interviews - this diagnostic complex is necessary for collecting patient complaints, studying the signs of the syndrome and other features of it.
- Polysomnography - the patient is placed in a special sleep laboratory for the night. With the help of sensors, brain activity and the performance of the respiratory system are monitored. The movement of the chest, the saturation of blood with oxygen, the volume of inhaled and exhaled air are studied. This study allows you to fully study all 5 stages of sleep, fix the violation and determine its cause.
- The study of the average latency of sleep is used to detect narcolepsy. Nocturnal seizures can be associated with this neurological disorder, which is characterized by excessive drowsiness and difficulties with controlling sleep.
The main rule of diagnosis is a comprehensive approach. In addition to the above methods, psychological, neurological and psychological research is carried out. The chronological type of the patient and the presence of diseases that provoke paralysis are determined.
In the diagnosis of any disease, laboratory methods of research are used. Analyzes allow more accurate determination of the cause of the pathological condition. Do not forget that sleep paralysis does not apply to medical diagnoses, therefore it is classified as parasomnia. The need for laboratory studies depends on the symptoms of the disorder and the possibility of studying predisposing factors. Analyzes are prescribed for suspected more complicated disorders that cause an imbalance between brain function and tonus of muscle tissue.
A patient can be assigned a blood test to determine leukocyte agents if there is a risk of developing narcolepsy. Certain types of agents belong to the genetic material, so they help in the detection of autoimmune diseases. According to medical statistics, 20% of the world's population has an antigen associated with narcolepsy.
Instrumental diagnostics
There are many factors that can trigger a violation of one of the phases of sleep. Instrumental diagnosis is necessary to identify the root cause of an unpleasant condition. The researcher is engaged in a somnologist and a neurologist.
The main diagnostic method is polysomnography with video monitoring. It identifies the phases of sleep, analyzes their course and possible failures. The doctor receives information about the activity of the brain, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, the patient undergoes capnography and pulse oximetry. This is necessary for tracking and analyzing emotional-affective and motor reactions.
If there is a suspicion of cerebral organic pathology, computer tomography and MRI of the brain, ultrasound of extracranial vessels, are performed. An evaluation of the psychoemotional state using a neuropsychological examination is also shown.
Differential diagnosis
The dissynchronization of the processes of the motor system and consciousness is similar in its symptoms to neurological disorders. Differential diagnostics makes it possible to separate this state from a number of other pathologies. In the initial stages, the defect is similar to parasomnia, that is, carotid destruction at the time of awakening. Its main difference is that there is a very rapid movement of the eyes, as well as sleepwalking, nightmares and confused consciousness.
- Paralysis is similar to parasomnia nightmares. But night terrors are characteristic for both pathologies. With parasomnia, they last longer than 15 minutes and after them the dream is interrupted. The stupor ends quickly, after which the person falls asleep again.
- Sleepwalking is not classified as a sign of frustration. But a momentary immobility can provoke it. Most often, this occurs with the hereditary nature of malaise.
- Confusion appears due to the violation of the phase of deep sleep. Because of this, on awakening, there is a strong muscle weakness, which is similar to immobility in the night phenomenon.
- The syndrome is differentiated with epilepsy, EEG monitoring and provocative tests are used for this. The patient is consulted by an epileptologist.
Differential diagnosis provides an opportunity to thoroughly understand the situation and identify its true causes.
Sleep paralysis or old witch syndrome
If at night you wake up from suffocation in a state of horror and at the same time feel an alien presence, then you have a sleepy paralysis or old witch syndrome. This condition is associated with specific physiology and sleep phase disorders. This occurs at the stage of falling asleep or in the pre-nonsense period. A person can not move, shout or pronounce a word. This lasts from a few seconds to a minute, waking up, the sleeper feels a state of panic and horror.
The syndrome of the old witch has been studied for many centuries and is described in many religions, where it is associated with the action of various otherworldly forces. So, in Orthodoxy, attacks are associated with demons, and the Muslim faith explains them by the tricks of gins. The mythology of different countries of the world has its own explanation for the disorder. But, despite the panic and fear, the stupor is not dangerous. In order that it does not arise enough to normalize the time of night rest, minimize stress and other factors affecting night rest.
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Treatment of the sleep paralysis
Violation of one of the phases of sleep is not a disease. Treatment of carotid paralysis is not an easy task. This is due to the fact that the pathological condition does not lend itself to conservative therapy, but it can be chronic. Proceeding from this, the defect from time to time passes into the stage of remission, but if it worsens, it worsens the quality of life and negatively affects the central nervous system.
Treatment consists of the following stages:
- Organization of the right daily routine. It is necessary to abandon bad habits and lead an active lifestyle. For night rest you need to prepare in advance: to ventilate the room, take a bath, that is, to relax as much as possible. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.
- Strengthening the body. Correctly selected course of vitamin therapy will strengthen resistance to external stimuli. Particular attention should be paid to the diet, the food should be rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
- Treatment of chronic diseases. This is one of the factors that can provoke problems with sleep. Timely therapy of neurological, mental and other diseases is a pledge of healthy sleep without awakening.
The success of treatment largely depends on the timely initiation of therapy. If the imbalance appears on a regular basis for several seizures per night, then the help of a neurologist and a somnologist is required.
Since the dissynchronization of the processes of the motor system and consciousness is not classified as a disease, then there are no specific drugs intended for its treatment. All therapy is based on the elimination of factors that adversely affect sleep and the process of recovery. But if the non-pharmacological methods are not sufficiently effective, then the doctor prescribes medicines. As a rule, these drugs improve the process of falling asleep and are used for insomnia, frequent awakenings and other pathological conditions.
- If the doctor has determined that the pain caused by trauma and other factors provoke a disorder, then the patient is prescribed ibuprofen, Diclofenac or other analgesics with a sedative effect.
- If paralysis is associated with an emotional disorder, then use Triazolam or Nitrazepam. With a depressive disorder, Chloralhydrate or Amitriptyline is shown.
- When changing time zones, working at night, as well as in attacks in elderly patients and with a weakened body, use Flurazepam, Zolpidem or Temazepam.
Properly selected medications restore normal sleep, eliminating nightly awakenings, as well as associated feelings of fear and panic. Let's consider more in detail popular medicines:
- Melatonin
Melatonin is a substance produced by the pineal gland, it is also called the sleep hormone. The natural output depends on the biological clock of the body, that is, the change of the day-night cycle. The substance has antioxidant activity, prevents the formation of free radicals.
- Indications for use: sleep disturbances, insomnia, delayed sleep phase syndrome, regulation of the biological cycle with frequent changes in time zones. The drug stimulates the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure.
- Melatonin has a tablet form of release, therefore it is intended for oral administration. Patients of adult age I prescribe 1-2 tablets 1-2 hours before bedtime, for children over 12 years, 1 capsule before bedtime.
- Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely. This is possible when the prescribed dosage is exceeded. There is discomfort in the stomach, headaches and a state of depression.
- Contraindicated to use for children under 12 years, during pregnancy and lactation. The medicine is taken only as prescribed by the doctor.
- Vita-melatonin
Synthetic analogue of melatonin. Its action is based on the inhibition of the secretion of hormones of the adenohypophysis. Increases the level of serotonin, normalizes circadian rhythms, biological change of sleep and wakefulness. Improves stress resistance, mental and physical performance.
- Indications for use: treatment and prevention of circadian rhythm disturbances, frequent change of time zones. Helps with chronic insomnia, spontaneous nocturnal awakenings and other sleep disorders.
- Tablets are taken orally with water. Adults appoint 1-2 pcs. A day 30 minutes before bedtime at the same time. The duration of therapy should not exceed 1 month. Dosage for the prevention of pathology at night is determined by the doctor. Usually, 1-2 tablets a day for 30 minutes before sleep for 2 months.
- Side effects are manifested by many organs and systems. Most often, patients complain of skin allergic reactions, rash, itching, as well as violations of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible headaches and migraine attacks, frequent mood changes, decreased visual acuity, muscle pain. To eliminate them, you must stop taking the drug and see a doctor.
- Contraindications: individual intolerance to the component of the agent, leukemia, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus. It is not used during pregnancy and lactation, and also for the treatment of patients of childhood. In case of an overdose, disorientation and prolonged sleep develop. For treatment, symptomatic therapy is used.
- Neurostabil
Supplements of vegetable origin with restorative and soothing properties. As a rule, it is prescribed for patients with frequent seizures, when pathology has caused fear of falling asleep. Herbal composition of the drug increases the body's resistance to stressful situations. Phytocomplex contains such components as herb Leonurus, herb of oregano, folic acid, peony root, hop cones, calcium, potassium chloride, magnesium oxide, vitamins of group B, A, C, D, PP.
- Indications for use: problems with sleep, disorders of the biological cycle, neuroses, high levels of stress, increased nervous reflex excitability, insomnia, headaches and migraine, frequent convulsions. Effective in acute and chronic stress with somatic diseases.
- The method of application and dosage are selected individually for each patient. Adults appoint 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day during meals, and for children 1 capsule per day. Standard therapy takes 30 days, if necessary, prolong treatment.
- Side effects are possible with intolerance of the components of the drug. Since Neurosteabil is of vegetable origin, it is tolerated well, provided that the prescribed dosages are observed. It is contraindicated to use with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation.
In addition to the above drugs, you can use sedative herbal remedies (Valerian, Pustyrnik, Peony Root), but only for the purpose of a somnologist or neurologist.
Well-being and health in many respects depend on a full night's rest. Various seizures, frequent spills and associated stress, undermine the immune system and negatively affect the body. Vitamins are one of the sources that prevent a pathological condition. Let us consider in more detail which vitamins, minerals and trace elements help to normalize sleep:
- Vitamin A - responsible for a full sleep and health of nerve cells. To replenish the stock of this substance you need to eat dried fruits, especially dried apricots, hard cheese varieties, egg whites and butter, raw carrots and sweet potatoes.
- Vitamins of group B - normalize the process of falling asleep, protect the body from stress, chronic fatigue and disruption of the brain. B1 is a natural antioxidant and relieves nervous tension. Contained in cereals (buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal), sea kale, milk. B6 eliminates nervousness, helps to fall asleep, improves mood. Contained in prunes, milk, seeds, pork, mashed potatoes and nuts. B12 is responsible for the full operation of the brain. With its deficiency, there is insomnia and frequent attacks of night stupor. Vitamin is in beef, pork, liver, dairy products and eggs.
- Vitamin C - promotes the development of anti-stress hormones, which prevent nervousness and irritability. Contained in lemons, oranges, grapefruit, spinach, cauliflower, sweet pepper, tomatoes, gooseberry.
- Vitamin D - is necessary in the event that after a dream you do not feel rested, fatigue and yawning persecute throughout the day. The body receives the vitamin from the sun, that is, when sunbathing, as well as from sea fish and algae.
- Vitamin E - is responsible for the normal operation of the brain, controls fatigue and drowsiness. To make up for its deficiency, the diet should have nuts, olive and sunflower oil.
- Magnesium - if there are problems with falling asleep and frequent awakenings, then the body lacks this substance. For its replenishment in the daily diet should be vegetables, pumpkin seeds, various nuts, legumes and fish.
- Potassium - with its lack, there is an alarming dream, frequent nocturnal awakenings. Potassium will hold back in bananas, vegetables, baked potatoes with peel.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
As an auxiliary method with an imbalance between the motor system and consciousness, physiotherapy is often used. It has its own characteristics, therefore the type of procedure is determined by the doctor, focusing on the severity of pathological symptoms. The treatment is aimed at toning and psycho-stimulation of the body for the normalization of the autonomic nervous system.
Physiotherapeutic treatment consists of such procedures:
- Electrophoresis with sedative, sedative medications.
- Massage to normalize blood circulation, relieve tension and anxiety.
- Electrosonotherapy - the impact of a constant current pulse on the central nervous system.
- Relaxing baths with sea salt, essential oils, pearl, oxygen and iodide-bromine baths.
- Galvanization of the collar zone - the impact on the nerve end of the current.
- Acupuncture - applying to the body of special needles for acupuncture points to stimulate the body.
- Aerotherapy - climatotherapy with the use of free air.
- Electrosleep - treatment with weak low-frequency electric pulses. For this, the patient's eyelids are placed with electrodes that transmit current to the brain and blood vessels.
Physiotherapy is carried out in hydropathic institutions, sanatoriums or massage rooms.
Alternative treatment
The night phenomenon is known from ancient times. To eliminate it, an alternative treatment was used, which does not lose its relevance to this day. Nontraditional methods of therapy are based on the use of only plant components that effectively and safely eliminate sleep disorders, drowsiness, insomnia and other disorders.
Popular alternative recipes for sleep paralysis:
- For a quick and easy falling asleep, it is recommended to take a glass of warm milk and mix with a spoonful of honey. You need to drink immediately before bedtime.
- A warm bath with aromatic oils of lavender, mint and rose (5-7 drops) will help to relax, relieve tension. As a rule, after such a procedure, sleep lasts until the morning without any awakening.
- 200 g honey mixed with 30 ml apple cider vinegar to a homogeneous consistency. For 30-40 minutes before bedtime, take a couple of spoons of the mixture. This will speed up falling asleep and help to relax as much as possible.
- Before going to bed, you can prepare a soothing tea with a hypnotic effect with mint, hawthorn and melissa. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions, pour boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes and strain. You can drink tea with honey. After such a means, a relaxing bath is perfect.
In most cases, alternative treatment does not have a detrimental effect on the body, but to avoid unwanted reactions, it is better to consult with your doctor.
Herbal Treatment
The safest and at the same time effective means for normalizing the phases of sleep, the process of falling asleep and eliminating insomnia, is the treatment with herbs. Vegetable components gently act on the body, without causing side reactions.
Effective recipes for herbal treatments:
- A handful of crushed fresh flowers of sleep-grass, pour 500 ml of vodka and let it brew in a dark, cool place for 10-15 days. The received means it is necessary to filter and accept on 10 ml before a dream.
- 20 g of herb valerian pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew. The resulting infusion is filtered and taken in 100 ml.
- A handful of dry crushed hawthorn fruit pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist for 1-2 hours. Infusion should be filtered and drunk in three meals for 30-40 minutes before rest.
- Take in equal proportions the herb of valerian, mint, hop cones, crushed chicory root and honey. All the ingredients must be mixed, pour boiling water and insist until completely cooled. A strained drink is taken 1-1.5 hours before the night rest.
- Dry flowers of calendula, thyme and motherwort in a proportion of 1: 1: 1 pour 250 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Warm the infusion, add honey and drink at night.
Before applying any herbal infusions, it is necessary to consult the attending physician, as they may interact poorly with the drugs taken or strengthen certain pathologies of the body.
Alternative medicine or homeopathy, is used in the treatment of many diseases. It is used for insomnia, sleep disorders and as a method of eliminating sleepy paralysis. Homeopathic preparations are used only for medical purposes, after determining the cause of the pathological condition.
To treat the sleep phase disorder in the homeopathic arsenal are more than 1000 different means. The form, dosage form and dosage of the medicine are individual for each patient. This minimizes the risk of developing side effects, addiction or withdrawal symptoms.
Common homeopathic remedies:
- Aconite - helps with frequent awakenings, restless dreams, insomnia associated with anxiety and stress, as well as inability to fall asleep.
- Arnica - is used in the event that the cause of a night stupor is increased physical activity or overexertion.
- Koffea - effective for violations associated with increased mental activity.
- Nux Vomica - frequent nocturnal awakenings, several paralysis attacks per night, gloomy dreams, early awakening and a heavy morning's sleep, severe drowsiness and yawn during the day.
The best effect of treatment is possible with a positive attitude of the patient. The less you dwell on the problem, the calmer the sleep will be.
Operative treatment
To treat involuntary seizures during sleep, as a rule, non-drug methods are used. That is, different physiotherapy procedures, observance of daily routine, nutrition and much more. The use of medications is used extremely rarely, when the state of stupor is a symptom of other pathologies of the body.
Operative treatment of carotid paralysis is possible in the event that the disorder has appeared, for example, as a result of breathing disorders caused by snoring. The operation is carried out to eliminate the root cause. A full-fledged diagnostics allows to reveal all factors of sleep phase disorders and to select the most effective methods of treatment.
Syndrome of carotid paralysis is not a deadly pathology. Therefore, its prevention is aimed at normalizing all phases of sleep. In most cases, the patient is not given a specific therapy, since a set of supportive and general restorative measures can eliminate the disorder.
Methods of prevention:
- Control of the body and timely treatment of diseases that can cause problems with sleep.
- Reception of light antidepressants (on a plant basis) for the normalization of the psychoemotional background.
- Minimizing stressful situations or excessive loads before bedtime
- Ventilate the room before going to bed.
- The last meal should be three hours before the planned night rest.
- A full eight-hour sleep.
Observance of these recommendations helps to restore a full sleep without fears and nightmares.
Sleep paralysis is the cause of fears of people of different ages. It arises unexpectedly, leaving behind a state of panic and horror. But with the right approach to its treatment and prevention, it has a favorable prognosis. Compliance with sleep and wakefulness, adequate nutrition and regular exercise are a guarantee of a full-fledged, healthy night's rest that will not disturb the syndrome of the old witch.