Signs of fatigue
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Fatigue - this feeling is familiar to every person who is able to move and think. There are many signs of fatigue. We will try to voice them in this article and understand the mechanism of their occurrence.
Early sign of fatigue
The primary symptomatology of fatigue is somewhat different in connection with the genesis of the process. If the reason for the discomforting state is mental overstrain, the early sign of fatigue is reduced:
- To memory impairment.
- Problems with the speed of processing information.
- It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate.
- There is a feeling of emptiness and fog in the head.
The appearance of this symptomatology is associated with long and intensive mental work, for example, preparing a student for the exam, the work is associated with a permanent solution of mental problems.
If a person's professional activity is associated with physical stress, it can be hard physical work or monotonous work, even with a small load. For example, this condition can be observed in a person working on the conveyor belt, the athlete after a grueling workout, a trucker after a long ride and so on. An early indication of fatigue of this nature is manifested:
- There is a desire to sleep.
- Apathy.
- Decreased performance:
- The person starts working on the machine.
- If at the initial stage the worker could perform several actions simultaneously, for example, directly perform his professional activities, talk, look at the window, then, in time, his strength is enough only for work.
- Gradually there is a malfunction in the coordination of movement and the worker's body begins to spend more energy to do the same job.
- Productivity falls.
- There is a loss of attention, it is more difficult for a person to concentrate on performing certain actions.
- The amount of marriage is increasing.
- As a result, this situation can lead to an accident.
- There is a response to the fatigue of the vegetative system:
- Increased sweating.
- The need to breathe deeper and more often.
- Increased pulse.
- Hyperemia of the human skin.
Often, cases of fatigue come from a combination of both physical and psychological (emotional) loads.
With loads of any kind, the blood state changes and the body needs to accelerate its circulation in the vessels. This is the work of the cardiovascular system. Consequently, with increased physical exertion, first of all, much work goes to the heart, as the volume of pumped medium increases, the volume of filling and emptying of the cardiac ventricles increases, and the body has to exert more effort and burn more stores in order to obtain the necessary amount of energy to compress and straightening muscles.
To have enough energy to perform a certain physical action, more blood is supplied to the straining muscles, while its volumes are redistributed in the body. This is due to the reaction of the vessels: a part of the capillaries narrows, and the other increases in cross section. In addition, the volumes of circulating plasma are replenished thanks to the pumping of blood from the so-called "reservoirs" - local dilations of the vessels, which are mainly located in the lungs, liver and skin. If necessary, these vessels spasmodiruyut and the blood there is supplied to the general blood cycle.
Oxygen - the main element of nutrition and energy enters the body through the breathing system. And if in a quiet state a person is sufficient from 150 to 300 cubic centimeters of air per minute (depending on age and sex), then in case of high physical exertion, the body starts consuming this product 10 to 15 times more, that is, the volumes of pulmonary ventilation.
With a high intensity of physical labor or prolonged monotony, there comes a time when fatigue comes to the body. A person begins to feel signs of fatigue.
Physico-chemical aspects of early signs of fatigue are:
- Precipitation in the muscle tissues of lactic acid, toxins and other products of metabolic processes.
- Deceleration of the vegeto - neuralgic system, a decrease in the ability to work in the nervous apparatus of the peripheral system.
- "Fatigue" of the cortical part of the central nervous system.
To date, doctors consider the most likely the theory of central-cortical fatigue in the functioning of muscles. The essence of the theory is that the appearance of signs of fatigue is a cortical defensive reaction of the body to physical overstrain by decreasing the capacity, first of all, of cells in the cortical region.
Objective and subjective signs of fatigue
In monograms of the medical sense, representatives of this field of human activity share objective and subjective signs of fatigue, which are somewhat different.
Objective signs of fatigue are: •
- Dullness of the sense of caution.
- Decrease in labor productivity.
- The stated physiological changes in the body:
- Perception of perception.
- Acceleration of heart rate.
- Increases respiration. It becomes superficial, but frequent.
- The growth of blood pressure.
- Change in the nature of the response motor.
- Attention slipping.
Subjective signs of fatigue include:
- Total body fatigue, decreased muscle tone.
- Local feeling of fatigue. That is, the person is directed feels fatigue, for example, in the lower or upper limbs.
- There is a real desire to reduce the working rhythm or completely stop physical or mental activity.
- At physical work directly in the limbs, weakness and light tremor appear.
External signs of fatigue
Fatigue is a physiological characteristic of the human body, which is a temporary decrease in the body's ability to perform a full-fledged activity. Externally, the main symptom of fatigue is the deterioration in the quality of work and the decline in its pace. Still external signs of fatigue are:
- Changing the shade of skin. Depending on the intensity of the work, it can range from slightly pinkish to crimson - red (with pronounced cyanosis - pronounced cyanosis).
- Strengthening the work of sweat glands. With light intensity, these are small droplets of sweat, localized mainly on the face in the frontal part. With heavy physical work, sweating is abundant enough. At the same time, you can observe spots on the clothes from the salt that comes out with the sweat.
- Change in respiratory rhythm. It can vary from exactly - speeded up to more rhythmic and intensively - quickened. It adds lifting and lowering of the shoulders to the beat of the breath.
- Failures in the coordination of movement. If at the beginning of the work the person's movements are coordinated and less energy is involved in their implementation, then later the movements become more mismatched, jiggle, tremor in the upper and / or lower limbs, there is neither the strength nor the desire for further movement.
If a person begins to feel fatigue or there are external signs of fatigue in a number of working people, it is worthwhile to suspend the activity and take a short break, allowing the body to at least partially recover.
Signs of fatigue and fatigue
What is fatigue and overwork? Fatigue is this physiological reaction of the organism to the load applied to it. Exhaustion is a long-lasting feeling of fatigue, arising from the absence of a long rest period. So what are the signs of fatigue and overwork and what is the difference between the two terms?
Fatigue is the exhaustion of the human body at the physical, psychological and emotional level. While fatigue is a prolonged sense of feeling of exhaustion, that is fatigue. The state of fatigue is for many modern people a constant feeling, due to our rhythm of life and constant being in a stressful state. To a greater extent, this fact concerns residents of megacities. This situation is dangerous for human health, and in some cases, may not directly, and for his life.
Signs of fatigue and overwork are fairly obvious and familiar to almost everyone.
- Such a person is persecuted by constant drowsiness.
- It can be pestered by constant, almost non-stopping headaches, the intensity of which varies throughout the day.
- Even after a seemingly quietly spent night, such a person feels weak and "shattered." That is, during sleep, the body is no longer able to restore the amount of energy that was spent throughout the day.
- Despite the constant desire to sleep, one can not fall asleep for a long time.
- Pursue such a person and other diseases. It would Seem, only healed one, as soon as another clings to it. What is the result of reduced immunity.
- The sign of fatigue and fatigue is a deterioration in memory and a decrease in performance at the physical level.
- A person has apathy and a desire to be left alone.
- There is an absent-mindedness of attention. Such a person may need to make some effort to concentrate.
- All these factors can cause an increase in blood pressure.
- In this state, people become uncommunicative.
If a person is exposed to unfavorable factors for a long time, fatigue passes into a chronic stage. It is chronic fatigue and is called overwork. Against the background of her falls the ability of the body to resist external influences, which leads to an increased risk of injury or illness.
Do not go without a trace of fatigue and for the nervous system.
- Nervous failures.
- Sharp mood change.
- This person has a desire to be alone.
- It may inadequately respond, it would seem, to a small line.
- Hysterics.
- Feeling of anxiety, increased irritability.
- Stress relations with loved ones.
Signs of physical fatigue
If a person's professional activity is associated with constant physical exertion, then initially fatigue begins to manifest locally, affecting those muscles that are involved directly in the performance of actions. When conducting studies using the Mosso ergograph, it was proved that in the process of constant physical activity of the muscles fatigue gradually grows and the ergographer starts to record the decrease in strength, amplitude and frequency with which the muscles continue to contract and relax. That is, there is a violation in the relationship of antagonistic muscles. Especially the time of the relaxation phase increases.
The curve fixed on the Mosso tape is called the curve of fatigue. Analyzing the results of the study, experts note that the time between the onset of the action of the stimulus and the appearance of the response of the muscle gradually lengthens, that is, the latent period becomes larger.
The emerging signs of physical fatigue, voiced above, are the forerunners of the fact that the body simply ceases to "listen" to brain signals and "refuses" to continue working. The coefficient of efficiency of muscle tissues decreases gradually and tends to zero.
Not always a person can feel signs of physical fatigue after intense work at the end of the working day. Sometimes this condition occurs in him and immediately after awakening, although the night passed calmly, and the dream was strong. The cause of such a clinic may be asthenia - the state of the human body, in which it functions from the last forces. This pathology is one of the varieties of mental disorders.
Diagnosis of asthenia indicates that even a small physical load knock out the body "out of the rut", leading to a complete decline. This uncomfortable state also affects the quality of life of such a person. After all, he has to adjust to his body, changing his plans, because "the body requires" more frequent and extended rest.
At the same time, signs of physical fatigue can also be attributed to:
- Increase in heart rate.
- Increased sweating.
- A bad mood or lack of any emotions (apathy) - they simply do not have the strength.
- There are often cases when a person begins to feel a constant, of varying intensity, a headache.
- Overwork can also affect the appetite: a tired person decreases or completely disappears desire to eat. Consequently, the body receives less energy - a vicious circle is obtained.
- With chronic fatigue, you can also observe an upset stomach.
- Overwork can work and, conversely, the hyperactivity of the body. This situation leads to an even greater aggravation of the situation, since the body, in spite of logic, begins to waste more energy, launching a self-destruct mechanism. And if, to relax, a person starts using alcoholic beverages, the situation is aggravated, and the state of health only worsens.
Signs of children's fatigue
Nature itself, it would seem, protects the child from fatigue, taking into account the number of movements that a child has time to make during the day. If you try it on an adult person, then he probably would have come down from the distance in the middle. But with increased mobility, signs of child fatigue are still observed, although they have their own peculiarities.
Pediatricians noted that the smaller the age of the baby, the less time it will take to get tired. So a newborn child, without any physical exertion, gets tired after one and a half to two hours from the moment of the beginning of wakefulness.
As you grow, physical activity, and then thinking, are added to factors that affect the fatigue state of a small person. Do not forget that the kid should diversify the load, using different games, as a monotonous occupation causes a faster appearance of signs of child fatigue.
A distinctive feature of the child's body is that at the time of fatigue the signs of excitation over the inhibition reaction begin to prevail. A prolonged period of retardation quickly leads the baby into a state of fatigue. One such example is the school lesson. Children are not physically loaded, unless it is a lesson in labor or physical education, and yet a child comes home from school tired.
To provoke increased fatigue in the baby can also transition to the regime of the day without prolonged daytime sleep or shorten the duration of night rest, as well as the irregular airing of the room, in which the baby spends more time and short walks in the fresh air.
The cause of fast fatigue of the child's organism is the incorrectly composed by the parents a schedule of alternating physical (play) or mental (occupation) loads with rest.
Signs of child fatigue begin to manifest:
- The weakening of differentiation in motions.
- Reduced attention and accuracy of manipulation.
- There is motor anxiety.
If the child, the statute, continues to receive the load, then in his body a peculiar toggle switch works, which involves the braking process of the cortex, responsible for sensory analyzers: vision, hearing, skin. Influencing them, fatigue causes a child to sleep. Many faced the situation when the baby fell asleep in the most improper place or position, which often gives adults a reason to laugh. For children of school age, the mental load component increases and if the parents actively try to create from the baby genius and comprehensively developed personality, writing in a few extra circles and sections - this approach does not lead to anything good. Lack of effective rest, playing outdoors, lack of sleep and the body of the child may not withstand such a load, after which a failure occurs.
Signs of fatigue can manifest itself in the baby:
- Frequent respiratory or other diseases.
- Movements become sluggish and insecure.
- Complaints about a headache.
- Lack of appetite.
- Deteriorating memory, absent-mindedness.
- Mucous and skin becomes pale.
- With chronic fatigue, a child may have a tremor of upper limbs.
- Apathy appears and interest in school lessons decreases.
- The child becomes irritable and easily excitable.
- Reduced ability to concentrate leads to an increase in the number of errors.
- In some cases, you can observe increased tearfulness.
- The body's ability to actively think is reduced.
In order to prevent signs of children's fatigue, the first thing parents must learn is that the child should have a balanced regime, in which periods of stress are effectively alternated with the time of rest. Wherein:
- Do not let the baby fall asleep.
- Reduce the load, making them moderate.
- Organize an effective alternation of periods of rest and work.
- Spend more time on the game of the child in the fresh air.
- For preschoolers, the time for classes should not exceed 15-20 minutes.
- Eliminate the monotony of training with the baby.
- You should practice diversity in the classroom, even during one lesson.
- To make the regime of the day so that the physical and mental load adequately alternated with a long rest.
Signs of driver fatigue
Continuous monotonous work, at times, tires more than active physical work. This category of professions can be attributed to drivers of vehicles. The constant need for increased attention, prolonged sitting in one posture do the trick - the person at the wheel starts to get tired, there are signs of fatigue of the driver.
- Dulls attention.
- Memory weakens.
- Eyes are covered with a pull and try to close, they feel a feeling of pussy or squeak. On the body of the driver "fatigue" and fatigue.
- A slight dizziness begins.
- There is an increase in the production of sweat by the corresponding glands.
- The period of drowsiness can be replaced by irritability, overexcitation and vice versa.
- The speed of processing of incoming information decreases.
- The reaction to information can be both slowed down and too fast, but not always right.
The first signs of fatigue begin to manifest itself after four hours of continuous movement after the moment when the person sat behind the wheel. After the driver without a break stayed behind the wheel for eight hours, the character of the car's movement changes significantly:
- The speed of the car becomes uneven.
- The driver switches the gears more sharply.
- The car starts to make unnecessary movements.
- Loses objectivity in assessing the situation.
- A symptom of an illusory - optical transformation appears when the object appears farther than it actually is.
- An experienced driver is able, in such a situation, to lose all his skills.
- Wishing to at least partially rest, the driver falls a little backwards or slides off the seat, which significantly narrows his view and makes it difficult to use the steering wheel.
Knowing this, experienced drivers, after a short stay behind the wheel, will necessarily stop the car and make a break for rest, warm-up, food or even sleep. After all, the statistics of accidents and accidents, when the driver just fell asleep at the wheel, terrifies, carrying multiple human lives.
To at least partially dispel fatigue, experienced drivers and doctors give a number of recommendations:
- If the driver is preparing for a long journey, then he should sleep at least seven hours before going out.
- Do not overeat before long road.
- At least once every four hours, you should stop the car and rest.
- You can wash with cold water or, if possible, swim. It will well cheer and drive away fatigue.
- It is worth doing several warm-up movements.
- Good tea or coffee is good.
Such advice is suitable with little fatigue. If there are all the signs of fatigue of medium and high degree, then here is one recommendation - a full sleep. But if there is no possibility to stop for a long time and the person is forced to continue the movement, then:
- Minimize travel at night.
- It is worthwhile still moving at a lower speed, while keeping the distance between the cars ahead is more than usual.
- Do not always look at one point, and change the direction of the view, moving from one object to another.
- If a monotonous landscape is observed outside the car window, change the speed mode every 15 to 20 minutes.
- It is necessary to slightly open or fully open the side window (according to the situation and time of year).
- Exclude the use of antidepressants and sedatives.
- If the driver is an avid smoker, after the next smoked cigarette it is necessary to ventilate the salon.
- Dangerous to the person behind the wheel and any strong emotions. It is necessary to calm down at first, and then continue the path.
These simple tips make it possible to remove the monotony of the road, which dulls attention and puts to sleep.
Signs of different phases of fatigue
Physicians on certain grounds share the state of man's fatigue in two phases. The signs of the different phases of fatigue are divided according to their membership in these categories.
- The initial phase or latent fatigue is a level of fatigue, when a person is still able to control his working capacity and keep it at the level necessary for a quality work. Overcome fatigue is due to the increased stimulation of cortical areas that seek reserves for the task. Such a result is obtained, in spite of the fact that the efficiency of the organism has already been lowered and significant changes have occurred in the work of the vegetative-vascular system.
- The next phase of fatigue is the irretrievable not overcome fatigue factors. This phase is determined by a decrease in the external efficiency of the work process. Despite all attempts of the worker, his productivity tends to zero. The central nervous system starts to slow down, and even completely block the passing signals, forcing a person to stop working.
Signs of varying degrees of fatigue
Working physically or performing a mental task, a person is able to feel a slight fatigue or get tired so that simply "fall down." By this principle, it is possible to differentiate and signs of varying degrees of fatigue. The symptoms are manifested in a combination of internal and external factors. External manifestations of fatigue include a change in the shade of the skin, a violation of the rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing, increased appearance of sweating, a malfunction in motor skills and motor coordination. Internal disorders include disorders associated with abnormalities in the functional and physiological spheres. It can be nausea and dizziness. The person begins to feel pain in the muscles, which received the greatest load.
The ability to transfer certain loads to a person can be controlled by the quantitative component of the heart rate. In normal heart rate, on average, a healthy person falls in the interval from 60 to 80 beats per minute. Starting from the figures of the norm, the level of load and, accordingly, fatigue is determined. In the normal state of the body, the heart rate must be restored within five minutes after the termination of the load.
If the heart rate shows from 100 to 130 beats per minute, then easy fatigue is established, if this figure falls within the limits of 130 to 150 beats per minute - fatigue and a load of medium intensity. If the heart rate is 150-170 beats per minute, then we can already talk about high loads, but if the body starts to work at the limit of its forces, the heart rate can be from 170 to 200 beats per minute.
External signs of varying degrees of fatigue are divided:
- Easy fatigue:
- The skin turns pink.
- Sweat droplets are released in small amounts. Localized mainly on the face in the forehead.
- The rhythm of breathing is slightly rapid, but even, without disruption. A person is able to breathe both through the mouth and through the nose.
- Coordination and motor skills remain within normal limits.
- Average fatigue:
- The skin becomes red.
- Abundant sweating, which is clearly visible in the head and body.
- The intensity of respiratory activity increases, a person is able to breathe only through the mouth, the volume of nasal breathing is not enough.
- Coordination and motor skills remain within normal limits.
- High level of fatigue - overwork:
- The skin turns rather pale, in the triangle - the corners of the upper lip and nose - there is clearly differentiated cyanosis, which in medicine has its own term - cyanosis.
- Abundant sweating, which is clearly visible in the head and body. On the clothes appear, coming out with sweat, salt, which are manifested in the form of whitish spots.
- The intensity of respiratory activity increases. Breathe in and out.
- There is a discrepancy in coordination of movement. At the person begin to coward both upper and lower extremities, the trunk slightly shakes, there can be problems with movement.
To support your body and not bring it to the point of exhaustion, it is worth adjusting the regime by adopting some preventive measures:
- Allocate time for walking outdoors before going to bed.
- Review your work schedule. In it, the load time should alternate with relaxing breaks.
- Avoid stressful situations.
- Sleep at least eight hours a day.
- It's worth removing bad habits from your life.
- Human nutrition should be rational and rich in microelements and vitamins. Avitaminosis is one of the main causes of the weakening of the body and its overwork.
- You should learn to switch attention or alternate physical work with the mental, and vice versa.
The symptoms of fatigue are familiar to every person and many believe that it is enough just to lie down for a while and the forces will be restored. But it is not so. Our technogenic age, the accelerating pace of life and finding all 24 hours in a stressful situation (this applies more to the inhabitants of large cities) exhaust our body, keeping it in constant tension. Therefore, most of the population already has a history of chronic fatigue, where there are all signs of fatigue. But from any situation you can find a way out. And the main thing in this is man himself. Only by correctly organizing your life and having learned to fully rest you can solve the problem with chronic overwork, which can lead to complete exhaustion of the body. Learn to manage your life and find in it those objective and subjective factors that can bring joy and pacification, and, therefore, ensure the possibility of effectively recovering the necessary internal energy!
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