Treatment of weakness and sweating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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So you can not put an accurate diagnosis for only symptoms of weakness and sweating, and there is no point in talking about any particular treatment scheme. This symptomatology is characteristic of many diseases and conditions of the body, so the doctor appoints the treatment depending on the revealed pathology, which causes malaise. In addition, in some cases, treatment as such is not required at all.
If weakness and sweating are caused by physical overwork, it makes no sense to seek help from doctors and take various medications. It is enough to take a shower, which will help the muscles to relax, to normally rest, to have a good sleep. Effective may be a relaxing massage, relieving muscle tension and pain in them after overexertion.
If the overwork is caused by professional activity and it is regular to revise the regime of the day so that the body can rest for a sufficient amount of time and raise the issue of breaks at work (a person engaged in heavy physical labor should be able to rest for 5-15 minutes every hour).
With nervous overwork everything is a bit more complicated. If we are talking about intellectual work, the situation is identical with physical overwork. We need a rest and a correct mode of work, which allows the brain and eyes to periodically rest and restore strength. But you can also help the brain work more fruitfully, taking vitamin-mineral complexes containing zinc, boron, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, and, of course, B group vitamins that regulate the nervous system. It is allowed to stimulate the brain and improve its potential with the help of drugs from the group of nootropics and dietary supplements based on ginkgo biloba, but in this case it is worth consulting with the doctor about the possibilities and dangers of such stimulation.
If the general weakness is a consequence of the stress experienced, to restore the normal state of health, one rest and vitamins will not be enough. In this case, it makes sense to drink sedatives. But even if they do not help, the doctor can additionally prescribe antidepressants, hypnotics (with sleep disturbances against the background of strong experiences), sessions of psychotherapy, hypnosis, psychological help.
When the cause of weakness and sweating is an improper diet, it is just to reconsider your diet. At maximum, enter into it fresh vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits and nuts. For the correct operation of the brain, cabbage, carrots, onions, any nuts are considered particularly useful. It is also worth paying attention to lemons, bananas, figs, caraway seeds and other healthy foods, putting aside fast food, semi-finished products, white flour baking, sweet soda. The latter is best replaced with green tea, compotes, fresh. It is better to temporarily refuse to take hot, fried and spicy food that stimulates sweating.
If it is a question of muscle weakness, then your diet will have to be enriched with protein food (meat, fish), limiting the consumption of fat. To improve the work of the neuromuscular apparatus, vitamins of the B group will be useful.
It is clear that diets that cause a worsening of the general condition, causing weakness and hyperhidrosis, contributing to a decline in physical and intellectual activity, is not the best way to combat excess weight. To normalize the state of health, it is recommended to abandon such "hunger strikes" and make your diet as balanced as possible. At the same time, the first time will need to adjust your daily routine in such a way that the body gets the opportunity to rest more and restore strength.
Hypodinamia, as the cause of weakness and sweating, is treated by a change in lifestyle. Man will have to love sports, active walks in the air, tourism, swimming, which will stabilize the metabolism, will make the muscles and nerves stronger and improve the mood and outlook on life in general.
If the cause of weakness is disease
About the disease, they say usually when suspicious symptoms do not appear from case to case, but regularly, and are not associated with physical or psychoemotional overstrain. Although sometimes the same stresses can cause a serious illness, which is depression, and heavy physical labor with a lack of rest can lead to diseases of the muscles, bones, joints, heart. And periodically appearing symptoms may be harbingers of some diseases.
As you can see, everything is relative, so ignoring weakness and suddenly intensified sweating is not worth it, especially if they appear even in a state of rest or with little physical stress. Going to the doctor will help to clarify the situation, and if necessary, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.
In case of intoxication of the body, depending on its nature and severity, gastric lavage and enemas, gastrointestinal cleansing with enterosorbents, antidote therapy, hemodialysis, reception of enzyme preparations, antioxidants, multivitamins, laxatives and rehydration medications can be performed. Toxins primarily affect the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, so when neurological and cardiac symptoms appear, doctors prescribe: barbiturates, neuroleptics, cardiac glycosides, drugs for stabilizing blood pressure, etc. In severe cases, artificial ventilation and other resuscitation measures are carried out.
All of the above is relevant for poisoning the body with alcohol. Chronic intoxication is observed with alcoholism, and about acute speak in the event that the person has not calculated a dose of alcohol, as a result of which after a while there were unpleasant symptoms: nausea, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, hyperhidrosis, etc.
Overheating of the body can cause ordinary heat or prolonged exposure to active sunlight. In both cases, it is required first of all to lower the body temperature and prevent dehydration of the body: abundant drink, antipyretics, cold on the forehead, cool showers, etc.
When hypothermia, on the contrary, shows the treatment of heat: warm drink, wrapping, rubbing the body and limbs with warming compounds, a warm bath. In severe cases of overheating or hypothermia, the victim should be taken to a hospital where he will receive effective help.
With insomnia and other sleep disorders that result in weakness and sweating, decreased performance, irritability and other unpleasant symptoms, treatment is shown to be sedative, and in some cases, hypnotics. Depending on the cause of sleep disorders, patients are prescribed additional sessions of psychotherapy and hypnosis, physiotherapy procedures, outdoor exercise, day regimen correction and other activities.
By the way, physiotherapeutic treatment for sleep disorders gives very good results due to a large selection of effective procedures: electrophoresis with sedative drugs, electrosleep, the effect of galvanic currents on the collar zone, darsonval currents, air and oxygen therapy, therapeutic and vibromassage, water procedures, oxygen therapy.
We will not dwell on the treatment of depression, as we have already mentioned about it, considering the non-pathological causes of weakness, which, ultimately, can lead to illness.
But on scarce conditions, perhaps, you can stop a little. We are talking about the lack of useful vitamins and minerals in the body, as a result of which the patient's card displays a diagnosis of "beriberi" or "anemia". Someone may think these diagnoses are not enough cause for concern, but such conditions significantly affect the patient's well-being, not to mention that they negatively affect the work of various organs and systems of the body, and therefore require immediate treatment.
A single correction of the diet is rarely limited, because vitamins and minerals in the food can not cover the daily need for them in our body, even in the usual situation, not to mention the scarce conditions. In addition, doctors prescribe vitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes, but sometimes the preference is given to monopreparations, depending on what the body is experiencing a special need, and that, perhaps, it is in abundance.
On the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, against which sweating and weakness look like familiar symptoms, you can talk forever. There are many such pathologies, but schemes of their treatment and names of various drugs are even greater. We will only name a few groups of drugs prescribed for cardiac and vascular diseases: nitrates, antiarrhythmics, cardiac glycosides, drugs for normalizing blood pressure, lipid-lowering drugs, ACE inhibitors, antigoagulants, diuretics,
In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: electro- and magnetotherapy, laser treatment, dry gas and radon baths, balneotherapy. Good results are provided by sanatorium-resort treatment and drinking of mineral waters.
In connection with cardiovascular pathologies, surgical treatment is also actively used to treat coronary artery disorders (stenting, shunting), congenital defects of valves (valvuloplasty, artificial valve, etc.), cardiac arrhythmias. Quite often, surgical operations are resorted to in cases of acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina.
Weakness and sweating in infectious diseases and their consequences require complex treatment, including antibiotic therapy and various local procedures (rinses, rinses, irrigation, applications, compresses). Additionally, physiotherapy, febrifuge (at high body temperature), mucolytics (for coughing) , vitamins, immunostimulants, etc.
Treatment of infections involves compliance with the diet (for each group of pathologies has its own treatment table), body and hands hygiene, regular ventilation of the room, where the patient is, a full rest.
Therapeutic diet is also prescribed for various diseases of the digestive system. The list of effective drugs here can be quite extensive: anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, enzyme preparations, vitamins, drugs that regulate secretion and reduce the acidity of gastric juice, etc.
About neurological problems, such as depression and sleep disorders, we already said, but only the list is not limited to them. It is clear that various neurological diseases require a different approach to treatment, for describing which one article is not enough, so we will focus only on the main aspects of the treatment of neurology:
- drug treatment (anticholinesterase drugs, improving the conductivity of nerve impulses, anticoagulants, blood thinning, nootropics, sedatives, antidepressants and other types of drugs),
- vitamin-mineral complexes,
- physiotherapy (massage, physiotherapy exercises, manual therapy, reflexotherapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, etc.)
- psychotherapeutic help,
- surgical treatment if neurological disorders are caused by trauma and tumors.
Hormone therapy plays an important role in the treatment of endocrine pathologies and metabolic disorders. Hormones are prescribed with the following objectives:
- substitution therapy (to fill the lack of certain vital hormones in the body),
- pharmacodynamic treatment (use of various effects of hormones, for example, anti-inflammatory),
- suppressive therapy (suppression of hormone activity by others, for example, treatment of goiter with thyroid hormones),
- stimulating treatment (hormones can stimulate the endocrine glands).
Treatment of metabolic disorders in addition to hormone therapy provides for:
- vitamin complexes and drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system,
- enzymes and drugs that regulate hemostasis (haemostatics, anticoagulants, antiaggregants, stimulants for the formation of red blood cells, etc.),
- essential amino acids and biostimulators.
Radioiodine therapy, herdotherapy, radiotherapy and magnetotherapy, acupuncture and other methods of physical influence on the body can be prescribed. It is clear that the revision of the diet will also be mandatory, depending on the existing pathology.
If the cause of metabolic disorders is a malignant tumor in the endocrine glands, its surgical removal followed by treatment (immunotherapy, chemo- and radiotherapy) is performed. In principle, such treatment is indicated for various oncological pathologies, one of the symptoms of which are weakness and sweating.
When we talked about the deterioration of health due to overwork, o did not mention that if the body gets tired constantly, a certain symptom complex, called chronic fatigue syndrome, appears. But not only physical and intellectual work takes strength from us. These can be chronic pathologies, frequent stresses, bad thoughts, depression, eating disorders, bacterial and viral infections.
Some factors of the environment can also negatively influence our health: noise, dust, unfavorable climatic conditions. And, of course, our way of life will be a reflection of our overall state. Here it is just worth mentioning about physical and moral fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of sunlight and oxygen, hypodynamia and other undesirable factors.
To treat the syndrome of chronic fatigue, which strongly influences working capacity and psychoemotional background, is complex. Diet, good sleep and changing the daily routine is not limited to this. The doctor at CFS can appoint vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, psychotropic means (mainly nootropics and antidepressants). If the syndrome arose as a consequence of a viral infection, antiviral agents and immunostimulants are prescribed that help the body cope with the disease on its own.
In addition to weakness and sweating, CCS has many other symptoms, such as pain in the muscles and joints, headaches. Therefore, non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are additionally prescribed as symptomatic therapy.
To combat the manifestations of CCS additionally apply relaxing and soothing massage, acupuncture, exercise therapy, magnetic and laser therapy, water procedures, psychotherapeutic techniques.
As we see, various diseases require a special approach to treatment, and in general it is not necessary to talk about general schemes. But some recommendations, such as a balanced diet, a full sleep, an optimal combination of work and rest time, water procedures, are common to all pathologies that result in weakness and sweating.
Medications for weakness and sweating
If you carefully consider how general weakness manifests itself, you can see that most of the symptoms are related to the work of the brain and the central nervous system: decreased memory and intellectual abilities, absent-mindedness, irritability, difficulty in selecting words and phrases, poor perceptiveness, etc. Maybe that's why, for various pathologies, when symptoms of neurological disorders appear, manifested as weakness, doctors often prescribe drugs from the group of nootropics.
Nootropics are drugs with a specific effect, improving the metabolism in the tissues of the body, including in the brain, stimulate cerebral circulation, improve the resistance of the brain to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia). As a result of their reception, a person feels a surge of strength and an improvement in his intellectual abilities.
"Glycine" - one of the popular and relatively new nootropics. This is not a synthetic drug. It is a composition based on aminoacetic acid, improving brain function and increasing its resistance to the effects of negative factors.
The drug can be prescribed both for chronic overfatigue, and for stroke, head trauma, intoxications and other pathologies in which neurological disorders appear.
Release the medicine in the form of tablets, which must be kept behind the cheek or under the tongue until they are completely dissolved (buccal and sublingual reception). The daily dosage is usually 2-3 tablets. Treatment is carried out for 2-4 weeks.
If a person has trouble sleeping, the medicine can be taken shortly before going to bed or just before bed.
Side effects of the drug a little. In some cases, slight allergic reactions, irritation of the throat, conjunctivitis, intensification of the symptom of weakness were observed.
Prescribe the drug to patients older than 1 year in the absence of individual intolerance to glycine or other components of the drug. Contraindications to the use of the drug can serve as a stably low blood pressure (hypotension), pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
"Mildronad" is another interesting drug that can be prescribed with weakness and sweating caused by chronic overwork, decreased efficiency, alcohol intoxication. It must be said that the medicine belongs to the category of cardiological means, but its ability to influence tissue metabolism significantly expands the indications for its use.
With increased physical and mental loads, the drug is prescribed 1 capsule 3 or 4 times a day. If the cause of the weakness is a disorder of cerebral circulation, the daily dosage will be 2-4 tablets, in acute conditions the drug is administered intravenously.
If weakness and sweating are manifestations of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, then during the first 3-4 days the drug is administered intravenously or in tablets at a dosage of 500-750 mg per day, and then switching to a treatment regimen that involves taking tablets 2 times a week for 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.
Taking medication can be accompanied by dyspepsia, tachycardia (rapid pulse), a decrease or increase in blood pressure, allergic reactions.
The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components, increased intracranial pressure, violation of venous outflow, brain tumors. Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications to the use of the drug.
In order for the body to resist diseases that cause general fatigue and hyperhidrosis, and also to prevent these diseases against the background of weakening the internal forces of the body, doctors prescribe immunostimulating drugs. These can be tinctures or teas based on Echinacea and Eleutherococcus or specialized drugs with antiviral activity.
"Immunal" is a drug based on Echinacea juice, which is available in the form of drops. It has wide application in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.
Drops are used in combination with any liquid. The average single dose for adult patients is 20 drops. Multiplicity of admission - 3 times a day.
In acute pathologies, the initial dose may be doubled. Then take 20 drops every 2 hours.
The doctor appoints to children from 5 to 15 drops for 1 reception.
The drug is usually very well tolerated, rarely causing allergic reactions. However, taking it without prescribing a doctor is not recommended, because he has a decent list of contraindications. It is not prescribed for tuberculosis, leukemia, collagenoses, multiple sclerosis, hypersensitivity to the drug.
Since weakness and sweating are most often associated with overexcitement of the nervous system, the use of drugs that exert a retarding effect on the central nervous system is required to combat such symptoms. These are preparations with sedative (soothing) action that will help cope with excess nervousness and stress.
Do not forget that any serious illness is accompanied by feelings on this matter, and in some cases even neuroses and depression, which means that sedatives can be included in the treatment regimen of most such pathologies.
"Barbovan" - a drug based on phenobarbital, which is classified as barbiturates. The drug has a sedative and spasmolytic effect, dilates the blood vessels, improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure, stops epileptic seizures.
Actively used for neuroses, insomnia, depression caused by nervous overexertion, as well as with light cardiovascular pathologies, flatulence and intestinal colic.
The medicine is given in the form of drops, which must be taken half an hour before meals on a piece of sugar or diluted in water. A single dose can vary from 10 to 25 drops. Multiplicity of taking the drug - 2-3 times a day for 1.5-2 weeks. It is possible to repeat the course of treatment, but not earlier than 10 days later.
The drug is well tolerated. Very rarely patients can complain of dizziness and drowsiness, which is understandable if you take into account the effect of the medication. Allergic reactions are also infrequent.
It is not recommended to take medicine for people with hypersensitivity to it, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In childhood, "Barbovan" is not used. Children from 3 years of age are better to give drugs valerian and motherwort. The latter can be added to the infants' infants.
The drug is able to reduce the reaction speed, cause distractions and drowsiness, so at the time of its intake, it is necessary to limit activities related to danger or requiring attention and concentration.
Folk treatment
Whatever it was, but even herbal preparations from the pharmacy do not cause many to trust so much, as folk recipes from the decline of power. And after all, if you think about it, weakness and sweating indicate exactly the decay of forces associated with overwork of the body due to any too active actions, experiences, illness. And no matter how the problem is called (chronic fatigue, overfatigue, overstrain of forces, general weakness, etc.), it is precisely in the exhaustion of the body's own forces.
We will cite recipes from a series of folk treatments that help the body restore strength, strengthen the immune system, improve the overall condition. In this case, the medicinal compositions will not only be as simple as possible, from the available products, but also very tasty.
- Homemade muesli. We take 1 tablespoon of flakes "Hercules" (you can take a mixture of cereal flakes), chopped walnuts, honey and cut rather large pieces of dried fruits (better to prepare a mixture of dried apricots, prunes and raisins), half a lemon (juice), apple (slices ), a quarter cup of hot boiled water.
Flakes are filled with water and leave for 3 hours, after which we add the remaining ingredients, decorating the dish at your discretion. Preserved muesli is divided into 2 parts, which must be eaten during the day.
Such a sweet and tasty medicine without fear can be given to both adults and children.
- Oat broth. Oatmeal flakes in the previous recipe were not chosen by chance, it's no wonder that oats dishes recommend to sick and weakened people, as well as soldiers and those who need strength to perform certain physical work.
Now we will use not cereal, but whole grains of oats, which we take in the amount of 1 cup and carefully rinse with cold water. We will pour oats with a liter of boiling water and we will warm it up on low heat for an hour. During this time a quarter of the liquid will evaporate and the broth will become more viscous.
After removing the decoction from the plate, cool it a little and filter it. We drink the potentiating drug in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, adding to it natural honey.
- Curative water. Grind the lemon in a meat grinder along with the peel and 3 cloves of garlic, add a little water and leave to infuse in a cold place for 3 days. The mixture can be filtered and taken 1 tsp. In the morning, and can be consumed without filtering.
This medicine strengthens the immune system, and also helps fight infections and parasites.
- Beetroot tincture. Underground part of the beet is washed, peeled, three on a grater and poured into glass containers. We add the jar to the top with vodka and put it in a cool cellar for 2 weeks.
We take the medicine on an empty stomach before breakfast for 2 tablespoons.
- Home energy. Unlike the store energy drinks, our power engineer will not cause harm to health, because all components in its composition are completely natural and safe.
To make a drink, take 1 liter cooled to warm boiled water, add to it 1 tsp. Home honey and apple cider vinegar and drip 3-5 drops of iodine. We mix everything well and eat after every meal. In a day you need to drink 1 glass of drink.
To improve the taste and benefit to it, you can add vitamins in the form of raspberry or any other jam or natural syrups.
- Healing baths. On a bath of warm water, take half a bottle of fir essential oil and 0.5 kg of coarse salt (you can take a sea salt). We take a bath for 15-20 minutes.
In addition to the room where a person is resting, it is possible to apply a drop of ylang ylang or lavender essential oil to the lamp, which calms the nervous system, improves the mood, gives vivacity.
With a decline in strength accompanied by weakness and sweating, good results are achieved by herbal and plant treatment.
Soothing nerves and relaxation of the nervous system after heavy intellectual work or stress are well suited soothing drinks from the herb valerian, motherwort, mint, lemon balm.
As a tonic and vitamin means you can take a decoction of pine needles with honey. Preparation: 2 tablespoons vegetable raw materials and 1.5 cups of water boil for 20 minutes, strain and add 3 tablespoons. Honey. Application: half an hour before meals three times a day for 1 tsp.
With chronic fatigue and sweating, the herbs of St. John's wort and plantain will be useful. We take herbs in the amount of 1 tablespoon, boiling water - 1 glass. We insist any of the compounds within 30 minutes.
The infusion of St. John's wort is drunk during the day for three meals. Infusion of plantain we take 2 tablespoons. Half an hour before each main meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner). We drink decoctions 3-4 weeks.
But to raise the level of immunity and mood, nothing better is invented than beverages based on raspberries or raspberry jam. While there is a possibility, raspberry should be eaten fresh, and when the season is over, use frozen berries (2 liters of berries for 2 tablespoons of boiling water, insist for 3 hours, drink for 4 meals). Instead of raspberries, you can take currants, also very rich in vitamin C, responsible for the work of our immunity.
Delicious and healthy teas can be cooked not only from berries and fruits, but also from twigs and leaves of raspberries, cowberries and currants. We take 3 tablespoons. Crushed vegetable raw materials (you can take the mixture), pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours (or boil for 15 minutes). We drink tea three times a day before eating half a cup.
The fighter for strong immunity is considered and chicory. Finished chicory root powder can be bought at the grocery store, and you can make it yourself, the resin is a dry root in a coffee grinder. Drink from 1 tsp. Powder and 150 g of water, flavored with 1 tsp. Honey, you can drink instead of tea.
And from excessive sweating will help get rid of baths with decoction of juniper or oak bark, essential oils of tea tree and many other recipes available in the bins of traditional medicine.
Weakness and sweating, as symptoms of exhaustion of body forces. It is possible to treat and with the help of homeopathic preparations. At the same time, the choice of homeopathic remedies for general strengthening and specific action is large enough to be able to choose the most effective of them.
Nux moschata nutmeg is prescribed for severe mental or physical fatigue, accompanied by dizziness and weakness in the legs.
The drug Castoreum is prescribed for weakness and irritability in women, which are accompanied by increased sweating and tremors in the body. The medicine helps to strengthen the nerves and recover from serious illnesses.
Kalium carbonicum is a habitual treatment with strong weakness, sweating, arising at any effort of effort, anemia.
With general weakness, mental disorders and in the recovery period after severe illnesses, the homeopathic doctor can recommend taking Ovena Avena sativa preparations.
With strong weakness and sweating accompanied by tremors in the limbs, chills and chilliness, lithium carbonicum lithium preparations are indicated.
The drug based on Tabacum tobacco is prescribed for severe weakness accompanied by cold sweat.
With weakness, irritability and sleep disorders, Senecio aureus will be useful, and for night sweats, Kalium iodatum.
If against a background of weakness and sweating there is also weight loss, the homeopath can prescribe one of the drugs: Kalium arsenicosum, Calcarea hypophosphorosa, Uranium nitricum, Zincum metallicum.
If weakness and sweating are the result of malfunctions in the heart, will help preparations Lithium carbonicum and Mygale lasiodora.
This list can be continued, but it is unlikely to help somehow determine the effective drug in each specific situation. The choice of medicines in homeopathy should be handled by a specialist who takes into account not only the indications for the use of drugs, but also the psychophysiological characteristics of each patient.
One must understand that homeopathic remedies are unusual medicines that can operate in their own way for each individual person. You can throw out money (and considerable) and not get the expected result, if you do not take into account all the nuances of the drug. Self-medication in homeopathy is not so much dangerous (although if you do not follow the dosages prescribed by your doctor, you can manage and hurt yourself), how much is unprofitable.