General weakness and sweating
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Any pathological changes in the body affect our health. Headaches and fatigue, palpitations and hyperthermia, weakness and sweating are all symptoms that should alert a person, because they say that the body is under heavy loads due to certain malfunctions in the work of different organs.
Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms that occur not only one, but in combination with others, outlining the clinical picture of a particular pathology. For example, weakness in itself can be a simple consequence of overwork, but if there is also an increase in sweating and some other symptoms, then strong excitement can be the least of the evils that can cause such symptoms.
Let's try to figure out what the appearance of such symptoms as weakness and sweating can indicate. In the clinical picture of which pathologies can include similar symptoms? What measures do you need to take to normalize your condition?
Causes of the weakness and sweating
There are also causes of weakness, which can not be called physiological. In this case, weakness will be a response to pathological changes in the body, being a symptom of one of the diseases.
Weakness can be a consequence of the following conditions:
- food and non-food poisoning,
- overheating or subcooling of the body,
- dehydration of the body against the background of the same poisonings or as a result of insufficient fluid intake into the body,
- sleep disorders, resulting in the body does not have time to regain strength,
- depressive state,
- lack of useful vitamins and minerals in the body, and as a result of avitaminosis, anemia, etc.,
- cardiovascular pathologies,
- infectious diseases, both in acute stage and in chronic course,
- diseases of the digestive tract,
- neurological problems,
- thyroid disorders,
- metabolic disorders, for example, in diabetes mellitus,
- oncological pathologies,
- chronic fatigue syndrome,
- a lowered level of hemoglobin in the blood,
- alcoholism, etc.
This list can be continued indefinitely, because weakness is a very common symptom, characteristic for a large number of pathological conditions. And the pathogenesis of this symptom in each case will be different. Weakness can: hormonal imbalance, vascular disorders and hypoxia, neurological factors, toxic effects on the body of poisons and the products of the life of bacteria, etc.
Now let's move on to sweating. With this, the state is still more ambiguous. In principle, sweating is considered a normal physiological process. In small doses, imperceptible at first glance, the release of sweat occurs continuously. But even moderate and severe sweating in response to certain factors is considered natural, and should not cause concern.
In the pathogenesis of sweating, distinguish:
- Thermoregulation sweating, which prevents overheating of the body with increasing ambient temperature. Allocation of sweat is observed throughout the body.
- Psychogenic sweating. Occurs with nervous overstrain resulting from stress, anxiety, fear, anger, etc. In this case, increased sweat secretion can be generalized or local (for example, on the hands or armpits).
- Food sweating is associated with food intake and does not depend on its temperature. Those. The use of hot food and drinks provokes thermoregulatory sweating, but alcohol, spicy dishes and foods with a rich taste irritating food receptors associated with the sympathetic nervous system can increase the work of sweat glands in any case. Can appear all over the body or in the face, neck, armpit area.
- Hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), provoked by the intake of certain medicines. Medication or iatrogenic hyperhidrosis is a side effect of drugs, which is described in the instructions to them. It is also associated with irritation of the centers of the brain that control the work of the sweat glands.
Excessive sweating can have many causes. In addition to mental stress, high temperatures, and the use of irritating foods, alcohol or medicines, sweating can cause:
- large physical exertion,
- playing sports,
- leisure.
In this case, you do not have to worry, because it's natural. But there is another less pleasant list of causes of excessive sweating, which makes you think about your health. But to cause an increase in the amount of sweat secreted can many diseases:
- various pathologies of the nervous system associated with trauma or CNS or autonomic nervous system damage due to other diseases (after all, the sweating process is under the control of the nervous system),
- diseases of the brain,
- disruptions in the work of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance,
- various infectious diseases, even those that occur in a chronic or latent form,
- Cancer, especially with metastases in the mediastinum region,
- pathology of the cardiovascular system.
Among other things, hyperhidrosis can be a distinctive family trait, i.e. To have a hereditary character. But in this case it is necessary to distinguish between primary and secondary hyperhidrosis. In the first case, excessive sweating is an innate feature of a particular person, not associated with any disease. In the second, we are talking about some hereditary diseases, one of the symptoms of which is excessive perspiration.
Having carefully studied the causes of the onset of both symptoms, one can see many points of contact. Weakness and sweating both in the form of a separate symptom and in combination with each other can appear as a result of physical and mental stress, the impact of various environmental factors, neurological, cardiovascular, oncological and endocrine pathologies, the effects of the infectious factor, etc.
Sometimes the appearance of weakness and sweating indicates a certain disease, but according to statistics, in most cases it is a question of the totality of various pathologies and conditions of the body. For example, heart disease and physical overwork, hormonal failures and neurological disorders, etc. Moreover, each of us has repeatedly faced these symptoms, but not always attached importance to them.
Risk factors
The risk factors for the appearance of weakness can be:
- the absence of a normal night rest (both the lack of sleep and its excess are dangerous),
- unbalanced nutrition, as a result of which the body receives less than necessary for the energy metabolism,
- strict diets,
- hypodynamia, as a result of which there is a muscle weakness,
- stressful situations leading to overwork of the central nervous system,
- the performance of work related to a constant voltage,
- pregnancy,
- heavy physical labor (especially in the absence of proper rest), leading to exhaustion of body forces, etc.
And even such situations as stormy joy, strong excitement or just an active holiday in the open air can cause a feeling of weakness, in which there is nothing wrong.
Let's consider individually each of the symptoms. Let's start with the concept of "weakness". This term is used to denote the lack of strength to carry out activities that previously did not cause difficulties and fatigue. This is not only about professional duties, but also about everyday domestic work.
When a person complains of general weakness, he has in mind both the lack of muscle strength, and a decrease in vitality, manifested in a decrease in the capacity for physical and intellectual work. It is not difficult to understand that such a state can not arise from scratch. This is also confirmed by the research of scientists in the field of medicine.
Despite the fact that weakness and sweating are not considered a specific disease, they can signal a development in the body of a pathology, which must be identified and eliminated as soon as possible. But in order to understand what exactly happens to a person, one must understand what each of the concepts means to a certain state of a person.
What do we mean by the general notion of "weakness"? By what signs does a person determine that his body lacks strength? Let's try to determine the main manifestations of general weakness as a symptom of various disorders in the body :
- a person becomes distracted and can hardly concentrate on a particular job,
- memory and intellectual abilities deteriorate,
- it becomes more difficult to select suitable words,
- the productivity of labor falls,
- a person constantly feels tired, even without heavy physical exertion,
- fatigue appears even when doing work that was previously given with ease and aroused interest,
- there is a decrease in interest in what is happening, apathy,
- increased nervous excitability, a person becomes more irritable,
- there is drowsiness, but sleep does not always improve the condition,
- there is weakness in the muscles and difficulty in doing physical work.
As we can see, the abstract concept of weakness has quite a lot of physical manifestations, which can appear as the first signs of physical or mental overstrain, and symptoms of various pathologies.
Now let's talk about sweating in more detail. Physiological sweating can be practically invisible or visible to the eye. It depends on many factors: the mental state, the temperature of the environment, the nature of the food, etc. But if we are talking about a pathological sweating, then clearly there are external manifestations that are not tied to the physical or mental state of a person. In other words, excessive sweating can be observed both under the influence of environmental factors, and without them.
It is pathological too intense secretion of sweat and is commonly called the word "hyperhidrosis". And it can manifest itself both in the daytime and at night, regardless of the temperature of the surrounding air.
In norm sweat glands of a person a day is allocated not less than 500 ml of sweat. The minimum sweating is observed at low temperatures and lack of physical or mental loads. Maximum of up to 3 liters of sweat per hour can be released from the body, but this is already fraught with dehydration of the body. Talk about certain rates of sweating is not necessary, because the amount of sweat can depend on a variety of conditions.
About a hyperhidrosis usually speak, when the diaphoresis regularly leaves traces on clothes, and the more diameter of such damp spots, the more serious the situation. And this does not include situations where intense sweating is associated with physical stress or anxiety, i.e. A person sweats even when he is calm and busy with work that does not require exertion. It is this sweating that is considered the first sign of impairment of the body.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the weakness and sweating
I would not want to repeat, but let me remind you again that weakness and sweating are not symptoms that can immediately be diagnosed. If the symptoms are not regular and appear under the influence of provoking factors, such as temperature influence, emotional overload, hard physical work, etc., there is no cause to worry particularly. You just need to track the relationship of the emerging symptoms and take action to reduce the negative impact.
A doctor should be consulted if such manifestations as weakness and hyperhidrosis are accompanied by other unpleasant and even dangerous symptoms, especially if they occur regularly. Medical help can also be obtained if suspicious symptoms occur for no apparent reason, they may be talking about a disease that is just beginning.
With complaints of general or muscle weakness, accompanied by increased sweating, you need to consult a therapist or family doctor, and after a physical examination, anamnesis, laboratory tests and simple tests (blood pressure, pulse, listening, ECG) to which specialist to send a specific patient for further diagnosis. Perhaps, it will be necessary to consult a cardiologist, neurologist, psychotherapist, psychologist, endocrinologist, oncologist or other specialists.
Since the symptoms we are studying do not in themselves indicate a certain pathology, but indicate certain abnormalities in the functioning of the body, laboratory tests are of great help in understanding the cause of the ailment. A clinical blood test and a general urine test are mandatory studies assigned to patients with similar complaints. Additionally, biochemical analysis, a blood sugar test, and a hormone test can be prescribed. When it comes to infection, you may need a blood test for a pathogen (IFA, PRC, etc.) that will help in prescribing antibiotics. In some cases, an additional blood test for antibodies is prescribed. If a cancer is suspected, blood is donated to oncomarkers or a tissue biopsy is performed, followed by a histological examination. To assess the state of the immune system, an immunogram is performed on the basis of venous blood or other physiological fluids.
The degree of hyperhidrosis is determined by means of a Minor test or other specific tests, and the doctor will be told about the localization of wet areas on the body. Of particular interest are localized forms of hyperhidrosis and a situation where increased sweating appeared suddenly, although previously the person did not suffer such a symptom.
As for instrumental diagnostics, first of all, the work of the heart is always investigated, for which a cardiogram is prescribed. If there is a suspicion of hyper- or hypotension, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring is prescribed. If there is an occasion to think about the condition of the vessels, they scan them (angioscanning, dopplerography, ultrasound, etc.)
If, in addition to weakness and sweating, there is a prolonged fever and cough, a chest radiograph is always prescribed, which will help diagnose possible pneumonia, tuberculosis, or tumor processes in the respiratory system.
If you suspect a pathology of internal organs, ultrasound (ultrasound), computer or magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), radiography of individual organs or a certain area in the body is prescribed.
If you suspect a pathology of the central nervous system and the brain, a tomogram, EEG, EchoEG, ultrasound of the brain and other necessary studies are prescribed.
A great help in establishing the disease has additional symptoms (hyperthermia, dizziness, nausea, muscle weakness, etc.), which help to narrow the range of suspected diseases and not carry out unnecessary diagnostic measures.
Differential diagnosis
Since the stated symptoms are non-specific and do not give the possibility to make a preliminary diagnosis, the differential diagnosis, which uses the results of all analyzes and instrumental studies used, the history and physical examination data, plays a decisive role. This is the only way to establish the true cause of the appearance of weakness and sweating, and sometimes even not one.
Complications and consequences
Weakness and sweating are quite common symptoms, and although they do not always indicate any disease, it is impossible to ignore them, because this is a clear signal that something is wrong in the body. A healthy person rarely experiences such a symptomatology, unless it is strongly flattered, for example, as students before the exam. But even in this case, at least, rest and rest are needed, which will help to normalize well-being and restore working capacity.
Take a banal hypothermia or overheating of the body. If you do not take appropriate measures (even the simplest: cold on the forehead or hot tea with a warm bath for the feet), you can expect unpleasant consequences. In the first place, the cardiovascular system and the brain suffer. How severe will be the consequences for them, depends on the duration and strength of the temperature effect, as well as on the timeliness of therapeutic and preventive measures. But even elementary complications in the form of increase of arterial pressure at an overheat and occurrence of symptoms of cold at overcooling obviously will not bring anything good.
When weakness is accompanied by intense sweating, this indicates that the body is weakened, which means it can easily succumb to the negative effects of the environment. Yes, and "their" opportunistic microbes do not slumber and, with any weakening of the body, are ready to bring their contribution to the development of various diseases, coping with them in conditions of the decline of forces will be quite difficult.
And even if weakness and hyperhidrosis appeared as a result of a catarrhal disease in the cure stage, this is a signal that the body needs help in restoring the strength. But such a symptomatology may appear at the beginning of the illness, which, with due attention to one's own well-being, should help to grasp the disease in its embryo, when it is much easier to fight it than during its height. And this concerns not only colds.
Such symptoms as weakness and sweating, although not specific, still represent a certain value for the diagnosis of diseases and their course. If such symptoms appear against the background of cancer pathology, this usually indicates that the disease is not at the initial stage, and therefore, for a person's life will still have to fight well. But the earlier the help is given, the more a person will have to win from this brutal struggle.
Talking about any predictions about weakness and sweating does not make sense until it is determined what caused these symptoms. If this is normal fatigue, it does not represent a particular danger to the body. It is enough for a person to rest and enrich his diet with foods high in vitamins, and the condition quickly stabilizes.
The prognosis will not be so comforting when it comes to chronic fatigue. It is necessary to understand that the decline of forces is a rather dangerous condition when the body is defenseless before the impact of negative factors contributing to the development of various diseases. If nothing is done, the symptoms will take life-threatening course. Weakness will become such that a person can not get up without help without help, and a strong sweating at any strain of forces will lead to loss of liquid and elitrolite by the body, which is considered dangerous for life.
If the symptoms are caused by some diseases, the prognosis will depend on the timeliness of the treatment started and its effectiveness. Here it is necessary to consider everything: how the patient fulfills the doctor's recommendations, how seriously he treats his condition, what is the psychological mood of the patient.
It is clear that the least favorable predictions can be made if weakness and sweating are associated with extensive myocardial infarction or oncological diseases in the last stages.
As you can see, even such seemingly innocuous symptoms can signal dangerous diseases, which means that they can not be ignored. But almost any illness can be prevented if you think about your health before the first suspicious symptoms appear.
Let's talk about those changes in lifestyle and nutrition that will help not only to overwork, but also the development of various serious diseases. To do this, you just need to think about your health (do not forget that health is happiness) and:
- Try to make your diet more balanced, eliminating all unnecessary foods and supplements from it, preferring fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, beans, as well as meat and fish, natural dairy products, teas, compotes, herbal decoctions.
It should be remembered that at any time of the year our body should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins. In summer, fresh fruit and vegetables help us a lot, and out of season it is necessary to actively add dried fruits, nuts, frozen berries and fruits, canned juices, compotes, preserves to your diet. In winter and spring, when symptoms of decline occur, it is useful to supplement your diet with the intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, because in fresh fruits stored for storage, the amount of vitamins preserved by this time is extremely small, and dried fruits and "frost" are quite high in price to cover them only deficiency of useful substances.
- Do not forget about the drinking regime. A person should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, which is necessary to cleanse the body and prevent intoxication with products of vital activity, maintain vitality and work capacity of various organs and systems. In hot and stuffy weather, the amount of liquid consumed must be increased (at least 2-2.5 liters). The same is recommended to do after visiting the bashi, solarium, sauna, work at high temperatures of the surrounding air, increase in body temperature during illness or overheating.
- Pay due attention to your physical form. Morning exercises, gym and outdoor activities, outdoor activities, hiking, outdoor games, cycling, swimming - all this will help make life not only healthier, but also much more interesting. After all, such activity is primarily positive emotions, which strengthen the body no worse than various drugs and products.
- Give preference to a healthy lifestyle, which implies not only moderate physical activity and proper nutrition, but also the rejection of bad habits. Believe me, it is possible to calm nerves successfully and without alcohol, nicotine, "grass", etc. Life without all this is no less beautiful if you learn to notice beauty, and not to go the easy way, enjoying the tightening or sip of liquor, which only cloud the brains, but does not contribute to the progress of thinking.
In addition, bad habits have a negative impact on the person's physical and mental abilities. So it's not always necessary to blame the general weakness. Most often the cause is the lack of willpower to abandon what is only harmful to the body.
- Refer to a doctor if the first suspicious symptoms appear. Do not wait until they develop into a serious illness.
If the symptoms appear once and quickly pass - this, of course, is not an excuse to take the time of the doctor (although here you do not have the right to refuse examination). But if the weakness and sweating are repeated more than once or twice, it is worthwhile to seriously think about what can cause such symptoms and how to deal with it. And then without the help of a specialist can not do. Only for consultation and help to address it is necessary not to the girlfriend or the neighbor who all know, because at them in the last life THIS already was, and to the skilled or experienced doctor with a sufficient luggage of knowledge.