Sarcoma of the lungs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Sarcoma of the lungs is a malignant neoplasm that affects lung tissue and gives metastases to other organs. Consider the features of this disease, the methods of diagnosis, treatment methods, as well as the prognosis of survival.
Unlike other types of cancer, the sarcoma is manifested by its increased aggressiveness, rapid growth and division of mutated cells.
As a rule, lung sarcoma is a tumor lesion of the mesoderm, that is, connective tissue. In contrast to other malignant diseases, it is characterized by very rapid growth and distant metastases. Sarcoma has two types that determine the degree of malignancy of the neoplasm:
- Low degree of malignancy - such neoplasms originate from highly differentiated cells that slowly divide. The neoplasm contains few malignant elements and many stroma.
- High degree of malignancy - the sarcoma is derived from low-grade cells that quickly and often divide. In such cells, many malignant elements and few stroma. The tumor is characterized by a well-developed vascular network and the presence of necrotic foci.
For sarcoma of the lungs is characterized by a high degree of malignancy, although the neoplasm itself is a rather rare disease. Thus, according to medical statistics, one case of lung sarcoma accounts for about 100 cases of lung cancer. That is, it occupies 1% of all malignant lesions of the lungs, but it is characterized by high malignancy. As a rule, the sarcoma originates from interstitial interalveolar septums or bronchial walls. Most often, the upper lobe (part of the lobe or the entire lobe) is affected, but complete damage to the lung is possible.
The lung consists of a multitude of structures and elements, and has connective tissue. Sarcoma of the lung combines many other types of neoplasms, which are divided according to the degree of differentiation.
Highly differentiated:
- Angiosarcoma - affects the blood vessels of the lung, its various layers and walls. It is the most frequent neoplasm.
- Chondrosarcoma - is derived from cartilaginous tissue, as a rule, develops from the third embryonic lung sheet.
- Fibrosarcoma - can develop from the connective tissue of the bronchi or surrounding tissue. In second place in the frequency of occurrence.
- Neurosarcoma - develops from the connective tissue, which is part of the nerve trunks.
- Hemangiopericytoma - comes from the cells that surround the blood vessels - pericytes.
- Lymphosarcoma is the third most frequent occurrence of neoplasms, it develops from the tissue of the lymph nodes.
- Liposarcoma - is rare, comes from adipose tissue.
- Rhabdomyosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma are neoplasms from the striated muscles and smooth muscle tissue of the lungs.
Undifferentiated sarcomas are cells from which they develop at different stages of development, so their further functions are not defined. That is, one cell can become part of the muscle tissue or enter the tendon. Undifferentiated cancers behave unpredictably, quickly and often metastasize, metastasis spreads hematogenously, that is, with blood flow. As a rule, spindle cell, round cell and polymorphic cell sarcomas are found.
Causes of lung sarcoma
The causes of lung sarcoma are not fully understood, but there are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of neoplasm and other malignant neoplasms.
- Air with a high content of carcinogens (gas, soot, exhaust), is the main cause of lung sarcoma.
- Heredity - lung sarcoma can develop already in childhood. Predisposition to malignant neoplasms and the influence of provoking factors lead to the appearance of a tumor.
- Bad habits, especially smoking.
- Bad ecology and high doses of radiation negatively affect not only the lungs, but also the overall functioning of the body.
Quite often, sarcoma of the lungs appears as if there is no place, for no apparent reason, spontaneously. The etiology of this disease is, at times, difficult to identify. But nevertheless you can voice the most promising reasons:
- Weighed down by heredity. A person whose family has already had cases of this disease, it is necessary to take preventive examinations more often, since the risk of manifestation of cancer in other blood relatives is also great.
- Chemical carcinogens: minimize the use of household chemicals at home, avoid toxic gases that can enter the respiratory tract.
- Take care with medications. Do not self-medicate.
- Limit ionizing radiation: a long stay under the scorching rays of the summer sun, dosed to visit the solarium.
- Harmful habits, and, in particular, smoking.
- Environmental pollution.
- Receiving significant radiation doses.
Symptoms of the sarcoma of the lungs
Sarcoma of the lung can appear at any age, but, as observations have shown, this pathology is more common in Caucasian people. At the same time, the age of risk is a figure after forty years.
So what are the symptoms of lung sarcomas?
- Man begins to lose strength quickly, body fatigue increases. There is shortness of breath, caused by hypertrophy of the right heart.
- Dysphagia. There are difficulties in swallowing food and liquids. Metastasis also penetrated the esophagus.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Headache and dizziness.
- Convulsions.
- The slowness of the voice.
- Growth of tumor tumor size parameters.
- The pathology of the small (pulmonary) circle of the circulation appears as a consequence of the stagnant processes occurring in the lungs.
- Pleurisy. There is a frequent manifestation of inflammatory processes in the pleura, both catarrhal and infectious.
- There is a syndrome of compression of the superior vena cava, which occurs under the influence of a growing tumor, or by increasing the size of the heart muscle.
- The patient constantly complains of signs of a cold (long, protracted pneumonia), which do not pass even when taking medications.
- As a result of tumor growth and its metastasis to neighboring organs, the symptomatology of the lung sarcoma can still be supplemented on the basis of which organ was subjected to pathological effects.
Symptoms practically do not differ from clinical symptoms of lung cancer. The intensity of the manifested symptomatology depends on the size of the neoplasm, its location and the stage of development. As a rule, patients complain of rapid fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing food, pleurisy. Possible hypertrophy of the right heart because of stagnation of blood in the lungs. The growth and development of sarcoma causes compression of the superior vena cava. Patients may have prolonged pneumonia, which can not be treated. In the later stages, the symptoms take a generalized character, cause cachexia and metastasize.
Sarcoma of the lungs is very rare, but it appears more often in older men than in women and, as a rule, affects the left lung. According to medical statistics, the most common cause of neoplasm is work associated with occupational hazards (pal, chemicals, radioactive exposure) and bad habits, namely smoking.
Sarcoma of the lungs can be either primary, that is, develop from lung tissue and secondary, which is a metastasis of sarcoma from other organs and parts of the body. The secondary form is more common, it is detected much earlier than the main tumor focus. Because the symptom is similar to the symptoms of lung cancer, the patient appears an impassable cough, shortness of breath and abundant discharge of phlegm with blood. But unlike cancer, sarcoma causes an increase in body temperature, a sharp general weakness and pallor of the skin.
Metastasis of the sarcoma in the lung
Metastases of sarcoma in the lung - this is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs with tumor lesions of the breast, thyroid, liver, intestine. Metastases in the lung can appear with different types of neoplasm, hypernephroma, melanoma, semionoma and chorionepithelioma; can take the form of a single node, but more often multiple up to 5-6 cm in diameter, have a white or gray-pink color, possibly a partial pigmentation in brown-black.
Metastases in the lung can form branching and diffuse nets, in the lung tissue and under the pleura. This metastasis is characteristic of cancer lymphangitis. In rare cases, metastases cause miliary lymphogenous carcinomatosis of the lungs. In aspiration metastases, the tumor disintegrates in the overlying parts of the respiratory tract or grows into adjacent tissues. Metastatic nodes in the lung can be metastasized to other organs and tissues.
- Metastases of sarcoma in the lungs may not last for a long time and do not cause painful symptoms. Most often, the tumor lesion is detected by routine preventive chest X-ray.
- Symptoms occur if the pleural and bronchi are involved in the tumor process. In this case, the patient suffers from chest pain, a dry cough with sputum, a possible hemoptysis and an increase in body temperature over a long period of time.
- Symptoms of lung damage cause a general deterioration in the condition, weight loss. The course largely depends on the primary tumor, multiple or single lesions and previous treatment.
If the metastases in the lungs are of a multiple nature, then on the x-ray, large-focus foci of compaction of pulmonary tissue of circular shape with clear outlines that are scattered throughout the light, but more often in the peripheral regions, are revealed. Possible hematogenous small-focal metastasis. With multiple lesions, single metastases of a rounded shape with distinct outlines appear, up to 10 cm in size.
If metastases of the sarcoma in the lung sprout large bronchi, it leads to bronchoconstriction. When carrying out an X-ray study, the lesion looks like a primary lung cancer. Solitary and multiple metastases can disintegrate, form cavities of various thicknesses. Most often, the decay cavity appears closer to the periphery of the metastatic tumor node. If metastasis has a lymphogenous distribution, then the picture is similar to cancer lymphangitis. When carrying out an X-ray study, the metastases of the sarcoma look like enlargements and densification of the roots, which penetrate the lung tissue, fan out and form a thin network. Against the background of the mesh pattern, fine nodular shadows are clearly visible.
To make a diagnosis, particular importance is given to anamnesis, a clinical examination of other organs and systems. Obligatory is biopsy and differential diagnosis with a lung cyst, benign lung disease, primary lung cancer and pneumonia.
Treatment of metastases of sarcoma in the lungs depends on the type of tumor lesion. So, with solitary metastases that appear after the treatment of the primary tumor, that is, after a long period of time, surgical treatment is used. The patient is removed a segment or a lobe with a tumor node. With multiple metastases in the lungs, the patient is chemically treated or prescribed hormonal drugs that are sensitive to the underlying tumor.
Radiation therapy is performed with multiple metastases, seeding of lungs with cancer cells with Ewing sarcoma, Kaposi's sarcoma, osteogenic and reticulosarcoma. This type of treatment can be used in the event that surgical treatment is impossible. In all other cases, symptomatic therapy is used for treatment. Metastases of sarcoma in the lung have a poor prognosis. Survival of patients for a long period of time is possible with the removal of the primary tumor and the complete course of therapy.
Kaposi's Sarcoma
Kaposi's sarcoma of the lungs is a systemic disease that most often affects the skin and mucous membranes. But with this type of neoplasm, internal organs and lymphatic system suffer. The defeat of the lungs with Kaposi's sarcoma occurs against the background of the spread of cancer cells through the body, that is, as a result of metastasis, although it is possible to have an isolated lung injury.
The disease is characterized by nonspecific clinical symptoms: a sharp weight loss, febrile state. Patients may complain of pleural pain in the chest, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, stridor (heavy, noisy breathing). During the X-ray study, bilateral (parenchymal, interstitial) infiltrates are revealed. The tumor has fuzzy outlines, a pleural massive effusion.
To confirm Kaposi's sarcoma, differential diagnosis and biopsy of lung tissue is performed. The patient is given a transbronchial and endobronchial biopsy, a bronchial brush biopsy, and pleural examinations. Patients exhibit typical manifestations of Kaposi's sarcoma, which look like a lesion of the trachea and bronchial tree.
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Diagnosis of lung sarcoma
Any doctor will agree that the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the better the prognosis awaits the patient. Especially it concerns oncological diseases. The insidiousness of cancerous diseases is that it is only by chance that they can be identified at early stages of development, since cancerous growths do not manifest themselves at the initial stage of development: no pain symptoms, the person feels quite satisfactory. Therefore, the patient turns to the doctor when painful symptoms begin to appear, and this, most often, already started, a serious stage of the disease.
How is the diagnosis of lung sarcoma?
- Clinical studies: a blood test for a progressive disease shows increased ESR and varying degrees of anemia.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Allows you to determine the classification of the lesion, the parameters of the tumor, its shape.
- Computer tomography.
- X-ray examination of the lungs. It also allows to determine the size and shape of the lung and present cancers, the nature of the lesion.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) - it is necessary to monitor the function of the heart.
- Radioisotope study. It makes it possible to obtain a difference in the indices of the quantitative content of isotopes in healthy and cancerous tissues.
- Angiography. Control of disturbance in the work of the system of blood vessels.
- Biopsy. Sampling for histological examination, to determine the type of cancer cells.
- Doppler study of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels of the circulatory system of the small circulation.
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Treatment of lung sarcoma
Treatment of lung sarcoma is divided into several stages.
Surgical treatment of lung sarcoma
It is performed with a local lung injury and can lead to complete recovery. This type of treatment allows you to eliminate painful symptoms, increases patient survival, has a palliative nature. With surgical intervention, endarterectomy of the sarcoma can be carried out, all lungs or their part removed.
Operative intervention implies the removal of the neoplasm within the healthy tissue. If the patient's condition is severe and the cavity is impossible to perform, doctors use the radiosurgical method of removal. To do this, use a cyber-scalpel or gamma-knife, which relate to a variety of radiotherapy. The use of high-tech methods gives a positive effect on the treatment of lung sarcoma.
With any manifestations of oncology, including lung cancer, cancer doctors tend to completely remove tumor tissue. This method, with local placement and a small area of coverage, allows the patient to be fully recovered, otherwise, to ease the patient's condition and prolong his life.
Based on the clinical picture, the oncologist surgeon resects the entire tumor together with adjacent tissues. But such an operation is justified if the cancer tumor is local and does not let metastases to other areas of the lung, capturing large volumes. If the affected area is significant, then surgical intervention can be absolutely ineffective.
The oncologist, planning or not planning an operation, proceeding from the picture and degree of severity of the pathology, revealed by the performed diagnostics. But there are some criteria that prevent surgical intervention.
To the contraindications of surgery for lung sarcoma doctors include:
- Heart failure.
- Renal insufficiency.
- The pathology of the pleura.
- Tumor growth outside the lung.
- The general weakness of the body.
- Metastasis in other areas of the human body.
- And many other factors.
If the operation is necessary for all indicators, the oncologist is determined with the operation plan and with its scale, since the surgical intervention can be sparing (wedge resection), when a segment of the lung is resected, as well as more extensive, if necessary removal of the lung entirely. Completely to remove both lungs, naturally, it is impossible. Therefore, considering each specific case, the doctor must, having weighed all the pros and cons, come to an optimal solution. The result of the operation is to leave as much healthy tissue as possible, while as much cancer tissue as possible can be resected. This allows the patient to better adapt to life in the new physiological conditions of the functioning of the body. This also reduces the likelihood of repeated relapses. That is, the result of surgery for lung sarcoma largely depends on the competence and experience of the operating oncologist surgeon.
In addition to the tumor and the proximity of lying tissues, the lymph nodes located in the area of pathology localization are also usually removed. That helps to prevent the likelihood of recurrence and gives the patient a good chance of recovery.
Chemotherapy for sarcoma of the lungs
This type of treatment is also important, as well as surgical intervention. Chemotherapy can destroy metastases of the sarcoma in the lung and significantly reduce the size of the primary tumor. Adequately selected chemotherapy drugs reduce the rate of development of the sarcoma. Chemotherapy can be performed both before and after surgery. Radiotherapy is used to remove metastases in other organs and is often combined with stereotactic radiosurgical methods.
Treatment, like in cancer lesions, has a combined character. Very often, chemotherapeutic, immunotherapeutic and surgical methods are used for treatment. But unlike cancer tumors, the sarcoma is more resistant to the effects of chemotherapy drugs. That is why great attention is paid to radiotherapy during the treatment.
Of course, and to this day there is an opinion that lung sarcoma is not curable. But modern equipment, effective methods of treatment and diagnosis, can cure sarcoma and increase the life expectancy of the patient. Do not forget about foreign clinics, special popularity and high efficiency differs treatment of sarcomas in Israel's medical centers.
The use of antitumor drugs can improve the patient's quality of life and if not cure completely, then at least extend his life. It is mainly prescribed after surgery, and if the operation is ineffective, it is included in the complex of medical measures that should help improve the patient's condition, remove negative manifestations of the lesion. And in some cases, this is the only way to treat (with an inoperable tumor).
How much chemotherapy will be effective in treatment depends largely on the results of histology, which should determine the type of cancer cells:
- if the histology shows small-celled cancer, the use of chemotherapy will significantly reduce symptoms and bring relief to the patient;
- when large-cell cancers such drugs are not so effective and require the connection of additional methods of action on the cancer cell.
This method of treatment allows to achieve:
- Progressive reduction in the size parameters of the primary tumor (before surgery).
- Removal of "separately standing" mutated cells and small tumors that were not killed during the operation.
- If the operation is inappropriate, the drugs are designed to reduce the intensity of symptomatology.
Chemotherapy is carried out by courses, with interruptions to restore the patient's strength and immune system. The number of such cycles is different and depends on the pathology and the degree of its severity. Most often - it's seven to eight times. Preparations for each patient their physician selects individually. Sometimes a course of treatment consists of a complex of several medicines, which allows to increase the effect of each drug.
Here are some chemotherapy drugs that are used to treat sarcoma of the lungs:
- Prospidin
This drug should be taken under close supervision of the treating doctor. During the administration of a drug that drips into a vein or is injected slowly by intramuscular injection, and another half hour after completion of the procedure, the patient must lie.
The starting dosage attributed to the patient is strictly individual and makes up for an adult 0.05 g. The administration is carried out once a day or every other day. After three to six days, the dose of the drug is increased to 0.15-0.2 g daily. The therapeutic course dosage is 6 g. If the result is not effective enough, the dosage is adjusted to 0.25-0.3 g and radiotherapy is added to the treatment protocol.
During the course of chemotherapy, all contacts of the patient with carriers of infection must be excluded. The preparation is administered by qualified personnel under the supervision of an oncologist, with all precautions being taken.
It is not necessary to prescribe this drug to patients suffering from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with severe forms of renal and hepatic insufficiency, with vascular pathology and other diseases.
- Interferon
To stop the inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, the doctor ascribes to the patient the medicine of this direction. The course of treatment lasts until the danger of infection has passed, or until the symptoms of an already existing inflammation are completely removed. This product is consumed with a solution. It is prepared immediately before use (maximum shelf life - up to two days), diluting the preparation (2 ml) with boiled or distilled water at room temperature.
The resulting composition is injected into the nasal cavity or sprayed with a nebulizer. Drip five drops twice a day, while the period between doses should not be less than six hours. If the drug is splashed, about 250 ml are sprayed into each nasal pass. These are prophylactic doses.
If it is necessary to take medication, the dosage is increased. The quicker to start taking the drug, the higher the effectiveness of their reception. Possible and inhalation procedures, which can be carried out both through the mouth and nose. Three ampoules are used for one procedure, which is mixed with 10 ml of boiled or distilled water at a temperature of no more than 37 ° C. The patient receives inhalation twice a day, the interval between these procedures is one to two hours. Burying or spraying the drug in the nasal cavity is carried out in the same dosages as with preventive actions, but the interval between doses is reduced to one to two hours. The number of such receptions during the day should not be less than five. It is advisable to take the drug for two to three days.
Neither side effects nor contraindications have this drug.
- Avastin
This drug is administered only intravenously with a dropper. Dilute it to the desired consistency of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, observing all the requirements of sterility. It is necessary that the obtained composition contain the active substance of the preparation in a solution of 1.4-16.5 mg / ml.
The initial intake of the drug is carried out after the first chemotherapy, subsequent techniques are possible before and after taking chemotherapy. The drug drips slowly enough: from 60 to 90 minutes.
Admission avastin is accompanied by quite serious side effects: increased blood pressure, anemia, constipation, nausea and vomiting, bleeding, exacerbation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, the manifestation of various dermatitis and much more. This drug is categorically contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to the components of the drug, women during pregnancy and lactation.
- Chlorobutin
Dosage and duration of cycles is determined individually for each patient based on the patient's clinical picture and general condition.
The drug is prescribed in doses, depending on the numerical level of leukocytes, which are in the blood serum.
- if the number of enzymes in the blood is in the range of 30.0-40.0x10 9 / L, then the patient is administered a single dose of 0.008-0.010 g of the drug;
- if the leukocytes in the blood are 15.0-20.0 x 109 / l, then the single dose is 0.006-0.008 g;
- in the case when the quantitative composition falls within the limits of 10.0-15.0x10 9 / l, the dose of the injected drug will be 0.004-0.006 g;
- at a level of leukocytes 5,0-10,0x109 / l, the dose is equal to 0,004 g.
To avoid irreversible negative processes, the maximum dosage of the course should not exceed 6.5 mg calculated for one kilogram of the patient's weight. If the level of leukocytes in the blood dropped to the figures of 2.0-2.5x109 / l, the patient is transferred to a lower dose of the drug (0.002 g), which is taken one to three times a day.
It is not desirable to use this medication for people who suffer from severe gastrointestinal illnesses, acute liver and kidney failure, and women during pregnancy.
Radiotherapy for sarcoma of the lungs
The method of radiation exposure to mutated cells is used as a component of complex treatment. Radiation therapy for lung sarcoma is considered by doctors-oncologists the most effective way of affecting cancer cells. Most often, radiotherapy is used with one protocol in conjunction with chemotherapy, but these methods are not interchangeable.
It is this combination that is most productive, for example, in the fourth stage of lung sarcoma.
Cyber knife
This is one of the innovative methods for the treatment of lung cancer, which is already quite actively used in such developed countries as Japan, Israel, America, Germany and others.
This technique does not violate the integrity of the chest and skin, but affects the cancer cells by irradiating them with X-rays. Using the latest advances in medicine in this field, a modern oncologist can accurately recreate the model of the tumor: its size and location, which can only directly affect cancer cells with a high degree of accuracy, destroying them. But to perceive a cyber-knife as a panacea is not worth it. Although applying it in conjunction with other methods, you get good results that prevent further development of the tumor and destroy the already existing mutated cells. This prolongs the patient's life and makes it better.
Alternative treatment of lung sarcoma
Classical medicine does not deny the use of alternative means for sarcoma of lungs, but they can only be applied with the agreement of their attending physician. The sarcoma is aggressive enough, and it proceeds very quickly. In this situation, the main thing is not to tighten with time, since self-treatment with alternative methods takes a lot of time, which may not be enough to save the life of the patient. It is difficult to choose a universal prescription that would be suitable for any histological type of tumor. It can not be fully argued that alternative methods of treating lung cancer are ineffective, but they must uniquely complement the main classical treatment, and not be the sole treatment method.
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Palliative treatment of lung sarcoma
It is impossible to talk about a single scheme for treating oncology. Doctors, most often, use a set of techniques that are applied simultaneously. If the severity of the disease is related to the fourth stage, it is almost impossible to completely destroy the cancer. Then the attending physician uses all methods that can alleviate the patient's condition. This and the removal of pain, oxygen therapy and others.
Prevention of lung sarcoma
Prevention of lung sarcoma is carried out to prevent the development of the disease. Allocate primary and secondary prophylaxis. Let's consider these types of disease prevention:
Primary prevention
This type of prophylaxis is called oncohygienic. The patient is given a complex of medical and hygienic measures that are aimed at reducing and eliminating risk factors that increase the risk of sarcoma. For prevention, air pollution control is used, both at home and at work.
The most important stage of primary prevention is the cessation of smoking. Propagation of a healthy lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits can reduce the appearance of malignant tumors tens of times. It is the protection from tobacco smoke that reduces the risk of developing a sarcoma. Minimizing passive smoking is another method of preventing sarcomas.
Secondary prevention
This type of prevention implies clinical and medical methods. Patients undergo routine preventive examinations of the lungs, treatment of pre-tumor processes. There are certain risk groups that require special surveillance to prevent sarcomas of the lungs. The risk group includes mostly men who smoke, who are long-termly ill with tuberculosis, pneumonia, or chronic bronchitis. Long-term smokers over 50 years of age who previously received treatment for malignant tumors are particularly at risk.
Prevention of lung sarcoma is to conduct an early diagnosis of the disease. People at risk are given a computerized tomography and radiographic study. Surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms is also a method of prevention and prevents the appearance of metastases.
It's hard enough to advise something in this direction. To date, prevention can be reduced to some actions that are capable, if not prevent the disease, then at least identify it in the early stages. In such a period, it is easier to treat, and the patient's future outlook gets more rosy.
- If a person often suffers from colds, pneumonia, pneumonia; if the temperature rises to frightening indicators, then it is necessary to be alerted and it is desirable to undergo a full medical examination in a specialized oncology center.
- It is necessary to lead an active, healthy way of life: to exclude smoking ...
- Monitor your immunity.
Prognosis of lung sarcoma
A lot depends on what type of tumor and degree of neglect of the disease shows the clinical picture in diagnosis. If the tumor is represented by high-differentiation cancer cells and they mutate at an insignificant rate, the prognosis of the lung sarcoma in this case will be positive.
Thanks to the comprehensive approach to the treatment of sarcomas of the lungs, the use of new developments, the percentage of patients who managed to survive five years (up to 5-10% of the total number of cases) increases. With a timely operation and an effective postoperative period, complete recovery may also occur.
Sarcoma of the lungs is not badly treatable, but it subsequently gives the highest percentage of relapses with extensive metastasis.
The prognosis depends on the size of the malignant neoplasm, the location of the neoplasm and its type, and the overall health of the patient.
Sarcoma has the most aggressive growth, early and rapid metastasis. Survival of patients with sarcoma, but without proper treatment is from 3 to 5 months. This suggests that patients with sarcoma can die about six months after the diagnosis. Sarcoma is insensitive to chemotherapy, the success of recovery and a positive prognosis largely depends on the early diagnosis of the disease.
Of great importance is the successful treatment of any malignant tumors, since they can metastasize into the lungs. Very often when a sarcoma is found, it has a secondary nature of origin, that is, it results from metastasis from other tumor sites. Rapid diagnosis and timely treatment at times increases the life expectancy of patients, which means that it gives a positive prognosis for the disease.
How many live with lung sarcoma?
Faced with this pathology, relatives and friends, and even the patient himself, ask themselves the same question: "How much do they live with the sarcoma of the lungs?"
Cancer treatment is a difficult task. And how unfortunate it sounds, it is the lung sarcoma that gives the highest percentage of deaths. With effective treatment, the percentage of patients who have lived about five years is large enough, but only a small percentage of patients survive for more than five years. If the treatment was not performed or the disease was diagnosed too late - the life span of such a patient is only two to four months.
Life expectancy largely depends:
- From the type of tumor, determined by means of histology. For example, small-celled cancer is more often detected only in the late stages of the disease, while it grows rapidly and metastasizes. It is he who gives the largest percentage of deaths. The large cell allows us to give a favorable prognosis.
- An important role here is played by the size parameters of the tumor.
- How extensive is the clinical picture of the metastasis of cancer cells in neighboring organs. With a large area of damage, treatment can be already ineffective.
So the first stage of the disease takes 50-60% of patients, in the diagnosis of stage II of the disease, the threshold of death crosses 70-85% of patients.
Lifespan depends on early diagnosis and treatment effectiveness. As a rule, 5-10% of patients survive with sarcoma. Sarcoma of the lung has an unfavorable prognosis, in comparison with other types of malignant diseases. Thus, the five-year survival rate is 3-17%.
Sarcoma of the lungs is one of the most dangerous and intractable malignant neoplasms. The tumor develops rapidly and early metastasizes, so early diagnosis and timely treatment are important for successful treatment. Do not forget about preventive measures that can prevent the tumor.
Sarcoma of the lungs is a terrible disease that takes the greatest number of patients' lives. But do not despair. It is necessary to fight to the last, because modern medicine offers a fairly large arsenal of techniques designed to help cancer patients not only overcome this insidious disease, but also lead a person to a normal life in the future. From each of us only it is required to be more attentive to your health, to undergo preventive examinations on time and at the slightest suspicion of the disease you should immediately contact the polyclinic.