Red, white and string beans with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The violation of glucose metabolism in diabetics makes them responsibly approach their diet and use a low-carb diet to regulate blood sugar levels. The basis of their food is meat, fish, seafood, poultry, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, fresh herbs, nuts. But is it possible to have kidney beans for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, because there are many useful substances in it and it could diversify the patient's diet? It turns out that in alternative medicine there are even prescriptions for the treatment of diabetes mellitus with decoction of beans.
What kind of beans determines not only the possibility to include it in your menu to diabetics, but also the need to do it? It is rich in proteins, amino acids, fiber, vitamins B, E, C, K, F, P, group B, mineral salts, organic substances and acids, zinc, iodine, antioxidants, starch, fructose. These components help in the metabolism, digestion, positively affect the pancreas, strengthen the nervous system, immunity, enamel of the teeth and bones. But the main benefit for this category of people lies in the unique ratio of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates, which allows you to perform the functions of insulin - to reduce the level of sugar, and also to remove toxins from the body, resulting from its poisoning with high glucose content.
Raw beans
Concerning raw beans in diabetes, cardinally opposing judgments are encountered: some are strongly opposed, since as a result, digestion may be disturbed, flatulence, pain in the abdomen, others advise to soak for the night 5 fasolinki, and in the morning on an empty stomach to eat them, washing down with the water in which it swelled. Probably, it's best to experiment on yourself, if there are no unpleasant consequences, then you can use such an alternative method of reducing sugar.
Black beans
With diabetes, black beans are no less useful than other types. Although because of the color it is less popular, but in its composition as many useful substances as, say, in the traditional white.
Black beans have excellent immunomodelling properties, protects the body from infections and bacteria, improves the intestinal microflora, is a filter for slags and toxins.
Canned beans
Beans in canned form slightly loses its qualities (it remains up to 70% of vitamins and 80% of minerals). But this is not an excuse to exclude her from diets. It has low caloric content, and protein content is close to some sorts of fish and meat, it fits well with various products and can be used as an independent dish, and as an ingredient in salads or garnish.
Bean leaves
To prepare dishes from beans, the beans are extracted from the pods and leaves remain. Diabetics do not need to throw them away, because this is a wonderful raw material for making a medicinal broth. They contain the most important for the organism microelements, flavonoids, amino acids: lysine, terosine, arginine, tryptophan, methionine. Glucokinin in their composition promotes the fastest absorption of glucose, and kaempferol and quercetin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which is important in this pathology in connection with concomitant diseases. They can be harvested in autumn, after harvesting. They are dried and stored in glass or enamel ware. A tablespoon of ground raw material pour a glass of boiled water at room temperature and place on a water bath under the lid for 15 minutes. After an hour, strain, add a full glass of water, drink half warmed half an hour before meals three times a day.
Beans slices
Green bean pods without its hatching are also successfully used in the treatment of diabetes. Although they contain fewer nutrients, they also have fewer calories. For comparison: in 150 grams of boiled beans - 130 ccals, and in the same weight pods - only 35. Since diabetes is associated with a metabolic disorder and is often accompanied by obesity, this is an important factor. Pods serve as a kind of filter for the body, decoction of them removes toxins and poisons, removes liquid.
With diabetes, green, not dried, is brewed. The broth is made as follows: a handful of beans (can be cut into smaller fragments) is poured with water (1L), after boiling, it languishes for 15 minutes on a small fire, after which it is infused under the lid for 1.5 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day before eating. Full people can be a full glass.
Soaked beans
Beans, as a rule, are soaked before preparation. Why is it done and what does it give? In beans there is phytic acid - an antinutrient, which protects it from bacteria and other pests. Nature invented such a mechanism in order to preserve the fetus before its germination, and then the phytase enzyme is synthesized, releasing all useful minerals and vitamins in order to give growth to the new plant. In the human body, substances neutralizing phytic acid are not produced, so beans that have not undergone the preparatory stage impair the assimilation of trace elements, protein, fats, starch, carbohydrates. In nature, there are a lot of different varieties of beans, but to cook with diabetes and all the others you need only pre-soaked beans.
White beans
The most common in our region is white beans. It is loved for the fact that it does not change the color of the dishes, it is the desired ingredient in borsch, vinaigrettes, salads. This is a universal product, suitable for different diets.
It promotes the regeneration of cells, which means rapid healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, and its antibacterial property is also known. White beans with diabetes can be eaten without restrictions.
Red beans
The red color of the bean looks spectacularly as a side dish, among the Indians, the peoples of the Caucasus, the Turks - this is a traditional dish. And it is very useful in diabetes, tk. Is a powerful stabilizer of metabolic processes, well regulates digestion, strengthens the immune system.
For people who are overweight, she can become an assistant in the fight against him, tk. Contains a large amount of fiber, for a long time it gives a feeling of satiety and at the same time low in calories.
Green bean
Pods of green asparagus beans are useful in diabetes and are very tasty. They can be enjoyed not only in season, but also in winter. To do this, they are slightly welded, cooled and frosted in the freezer. The range of dishes with her participation is very wide: from side dishes to components of salads, soups, second courses.
The soft texture makes the vegetable juicy and pleasant, and its phynolic antioxidants strengthen health, strengthen resistance to infectious agents, neutralize free radicals. The substance of zeaxanthin is absorbed into the fiber of the eyes, strengthening it, which is very important for diabetics. Thanks to soluble fiber, asparagus beans regulate blood sugar levels, preventing its sharp jump after eating.
Possible risks
Possible complications are associated with exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, increased gas production, colic, flatulence. An allergy is manifested by itching, redness, rashes, edema.
Dishes from beans for diabetics
The taste qualities of the bean allow it to be present on the tables not only of diabetics but also of all people, most importantly, do not forget to prepare it and soak it for 10-12 hours. The spectrum of its application is very wide, but when preparing, one should adhere to the recommendations intended for diet table No. 9. Let's consider separate dishes from a string bean and recipes of their preparation:
- bean soup - it can be cooked on a weak chicken broth or use only vegetables. With the bean soaked, drain the liquid, pour it with water (broth), cut the carrots, add the half-cut onion, celery root, potatoes. Brew until ready;
- salad with the addition of beans - eggplants, onions and fresh tomatoes, put out on vegetable oil, allow to cool, combine with pre-cooked beans, tarnish with herbs;
- stewed beans with vegetables - onions sliced on sunflower oil, carrots mixed with broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, cut tomato, boiled red beans, lightly salted, put for 30 minutes in the oven. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving. \
- Meatballs with a garnish of asparagus beans - to form meatballs from turkey, steamed. Boil in the salted water bean pods, put on a plate next to the meatballs and rub off with grated hard cheese;