Oils for diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2: what can be?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It is difficult to imagine our food without using butter or vegetable oils. Without them we can not prepare salads, mash, sandwich, fry, marinate. In addition to improving and enriching the taste of foods, they are the source of fats that fulfill the energy function in the human body. Burning, 2 times more energy is released than in carbohydrates and proteins. Without their participation, it is impossible to assimilate fat-soluble vitamins, fatty polyunsaturated acids, tocopherols, phosphatides and other biologically active substances necessary for our life. Thanks to fats, immune defense works, the nervous system, kidneys function properly, the skin is elastic and able to cope with negative environmental influences. But how to be people with diabetes, is it possible to have oil for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
Since without fat is impossible functioning of the body, the answer to the question posed will be positive. Fats do not increase blood sugar levels, in contrast to carbohydrates, and in combination with proteins give a feeling of satiety for a fairly long period. The use of oil in diabetes is that both vegetable and creamy it is present in cell membranes and increases the stability of skin, prevents their drying and cracking, strengthens blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis. It is the defeat of small and large vessels that are dangerous consequences of this disease, leading to the development of gangrene, loss of vision, renal failure, arterial hypertension.
Butter for Diabetes
Butter is derived from cow's milk, its fat content can range from 50 to 82.5%. This is a product with a high calorie content, in 100 g of oil contains 750kcal. It can endure hunger for a long time, it has vitamin A, D, proteins, minerals. In addition to useful components are present and cholesterol, toxic substances, pathogenic microorganisms in acceptable doses and undesirable for diabetics carbohydrates. The World Health Organization recommends a daily dose of butter to limit 10g of the product. Butter in diabetes should be consumed only of high quality, which corresponds to a fat content of 82%, and margarine and spreads to exclude from their diet.
Chilled butter with diabetes
The melted butter is obtained from the cream by processing. From it, water, lactose and protein components are removed, and the beneficial substances remain in a greater concentration. It is even more caloric than simple. It has a lot of fat, cholesterol. Therefore, a patient with diabetes with obesity is better at all to abandon him, with a normal weight - sometimes a little bit when cooking vegetables, but in no case as an independent product, especially on bread.
Flaxseed oil for diabetes
Flaxseed oil is obtained from flax seeds. To attribute it to medicines allows a high content of unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, omega-9. It also contains vitamin E, folic acid, phytohormones. Flaxseed oil in diabetes does not affect the sugar index, so it can be used for dressing salads, in recipes for alternative medicine. Are sold and dietary supplements with its content. It is specific to the taste and smell, because of what not everyone can use it, besides it quickly spoils, rumbles. For heat treatment, it is not suitable, it can not be fried on it. All such acids, which are useful in raw form, are converted into carcinogens in a frying pan. Some people just drink it on a spoon every day on an empty stomach.
Olive oil for diabetes
Olive oil has firmly won the hearts of our consumers, its aroma at first seems a bit harsh, but then there is a need to use it again and again when preparing dishes. Its value from a medical point of view in a large content of oleic acid, polyphenols, phytosterols, in the ability to reduce the level of "bad" low-density cholesterol. Such qualities were recognized by Hippocrates. Olive oil for diabetes should only be used of high quality, and this is a filtered or unfiltered extra virgin olive oil Extra Virgin.
Black cumin oil for diabetes
Oil of black cumin is produced by the method of cold pressing from the seeds of a plant that has many medicinal properties and is used not only in medicine but also in cooking. It is known as choleretic, spasmolytic, eliminating digestive dyspepsia, immunity-enhancing agent. In addition, it is still a powerful antioxidant, struggling with free radicals. According to the composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids, it can be compared only with seafood. One teaspoon of black cumin oil in diabetes activates the defenses of the body, accelerate the metabolism. It can be successfully applied externally in the treatment of inflammatory skin lesions, non-healing cracks characteristic of this disease.
Sunflower oil for diabetes
More common and popular vegetable oil for us is sunflower. Its properties depend on how it was received. In diabetics, the crude oil produced by pressing is most suitable. It has 10 times more vitamin E than olive oil. This oil is not stored for a long time. Removing impurities from it, get unrefined. Refined, suitable for frying, is a powerful steaming treatment, low temperatures and no benefit. The first two species are rich in vitamins E, D, F, fatty acids, will serve as an effective tool that improves blood microcirculation, prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques, the development of diabetic polyneuropathy - loss of sensitivity of the extremities. Seasoning with oil salads, adding to other dishes, you need to remember about its high caloric content. Therefore, at a normal weight, the daily norm can be 3 tablespoons, and one kilogram is sufficient.
Stone oil for diabetes
Stone oil, a shamrock, a white mummy is the name of a substance scraped off rocks in the mountains. It is sold in powder or small pieces, which must be crushed before use. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Stone oil in alternative medicine is used to treat various diseases, including diabetes. It increases the protective functions of the body, accelerates regeneration at the cellular level. To prepare the medicinal composition you will need a liter of boiled water and 1 gram of a bracelet. Connecting them and stirring, you can leave for some time to insist. Drink before meals three times a day for 60-70ml during a long period (not less than two months). It tastes slightly acidic and astringent. Applying this remedy one must adhere to certain limitations: to refuse alcohol, not to combine with taking antibiotics, not to eat meat of geese, ducks, pork and lamb, and from vegetables radish and radish. Do not abuse tea and coffee.
Sea-buckthorn oil with diabetes
A unique berry on the healing properties, the source of many vitamins, organic acids and minerals is a good firming, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory agent. Oil from sea-buckthorn is used both externally and internally for the treatment of many diseases. And for diabetics, it is valuable because of the high content of vitamin C, B1, A, E. Vitamin F or polyunsaturated fatty acids is also necessary for diabetics, due to its positive effect on metabolic processes in the epidermis, the damage of which is often an acute concomitant problem. Sell sea buckthorn oil in the form of oily orange solution in flacon or gelatin capsules. It is taken on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal on a teaspoon or 8 capsules three times a day. External on ulcers, cracks and other skin lesions every other day compress is applied.
Pumpkin oil for diabetes
Pumpkin is unique in its composition of the product. There are a lot of vitamins, polyunsaturated fats, phospholipids, flavonoids, minerals. Pumpkin oil is useful to all people, and patients with diabetes mellitus and even more so. Has therapeutic properties aimed at improving the functioning of many important life systems, including regulating blood sugar levels. It improves lipid metabolism, treats trophic ulcers, prevents the development of anemia, which is typical of this disease. Effective in case of visual impairment, in strengthening of cardiovascular, nervous systems, various inflammations. And yet the instruction to it contains a warning to diabetics: do not use without consulting a doctor. If the doctor does not see the grounds for the ban, then during meals take a teaspoon twice a day, a course of 1-2 months.
Sesame oil for diabetes
Sesame oil is a very useful product. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood microcirculation, reduces "bad" cholesterol, blood pressure. All these qualities make it desirable for diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, vision, musculoskeletal system, vision, endocrine system, including diabetes, irrespective of its type. Reduce blood sugar. Such qualities of sesame seed are due to the presence in it of vitamins A, C, E, Group B, manganese, magnesium, zinc, calcium, silicon, phosphorus. And in it there are two unique substances - sesamin and sesamolin - fiber lignans, which are remarkable antioxidants, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, sedatives. According to Indian legends, sesame seeds are considered a symbol of immortality. In modern cooking sesame is very popular, the grains are added to various salads, and oil is seasoned with salads, used in baking. At the same time, it is very caloric (in 100g 884kcal), therefore it is not necessary to abuse full people. Necessary dose for adults: a teaspoon 2-3 times during the day with meals, children 3-8 drops.
Cedar oil for diabetes
Pine nuts have long been known for their healing properties, but cedarwood has recently been used. It consists of proteins, fats, dietary fiber, it has a lot of retinol, folic acid, vitamins E, K and others, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Using it, people really notice the inflow of strength, vivacity, an increase in tone. It is effective in combating atherosclerosis, nervous system disorders, obesity, anemia, diabetes mellitus. It is desirable to use it in food and only in a cold form: dress vegetable salads, sprinkle bread, add to the porridge. During heating, the oil loses its nutritional value, so it should not be used for frying. You can just drink before a meal on a teaspoon three times a day.
Essential oil for diabetes
Essential oils are volatile oily liquids derived from plants whose names are worn. They have a strong odor and quickly evaporate, leaving no stains. Their composition corresponds to the composition of a similar plant, but it is influenced by other factors: from which part of the plant they are harvested and where they grew, how they were stored, how they were received, how they were stored and how much. It is used in pharmacology, alternative medicine, cosmetology. It has found its application in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Along with its traditional treatment, aromatherapy gives a positive result. The essential oils that can help with this disease include: coriander oil, cloves, lemon, black cumin and pepper, immortelle, grapefruit, cinnamon, lavender. A few drops of oil are added to the diffuser for aromatherapy or nebulizer. The effect of the air humidifier is obtained. In this case, the smallest particles of steam together with the volatile substances of plants fall into the nose, bronchi, lungs, penetrate into the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. Under their influence, beta cells of the pancreas are activated to produce insulin in type 2 diabetes, blood sugar levels are normalized, and stress is removed.
Oil of milk thistle in diabetes
Milk thistle is a known natural hepatoprotector, and since a diabetic patient has to take the whole history of the disease to take various medications, the milk thistle oil will prevent their toxic effect on the liver. Such a quality is due to the presence of silymarins - compounds that inhibit the oxidation of lipids, thus inhibiting the destruction of liver cells. In this body, glucose is also formed from glucose, the faster the process occurs, the less sugar in the blood. Milk thistle is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, affects carbohydrate and fat metabolism, increases the activity of the intestine and pancreas. The recommended daily dose for diabetes is 30ml, divided into three doses. You need to drink 30 minutes before eating.
The milk thistle oil can be used externally for the healing of wounds, especially the diabetic foot, often accompanying the disease.
Mustard oil for diabetes
Mustard oil is produced from mustard seeds by pressing. It is widely used in cooking, but still there are many useful biologically active substances that help with various pathologies: vitamins (E, B3, B4, B6, D, A, P, K) micro- and macroelements, chlorophyll, phytosterols, phytoncides and etc. In the sphere of his "influence" got diabetes, not only for therapy, but also for the prevention of the disease. Mustard oil in diabetes regulates metabolism, the production of insulin, cholesterol, is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin.
Butter of walnut with diabetes
The chemical composition of the walnut is full of many healthy components: vitamins, fatty acids, it contains iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, zinc, phospholipids, carotenoids, coenzyme. Daily intake of oil has a healing effect for endocrine diseases, reduces glucose in the blood, gently cleanses the kidneys, liver, intestines. Thanks to the retinol contained in it, the changes in the lens slow down, the eyesight improves, the regeneration of skin tissues is accelerated for various injuries. To make oil good, drink it in the morning on an empty stomach for half a tablespoon, adding the same amount of honey.
Hemp oil with diabetes
Hemp or cannabis is a plant that contains psychotropic substances that are banned for cultivation. However, it is considered a therapeutic agent that increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, balances sugar fluctuations in the blood, speeds up metabolic processes in the body, prevents late complications of diabetes, reduces cravings for sweets. Recent studies have shown that cannabis relieves inflammation of the pancreas and may soon be adopted for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Experts argue that the presence of drugs in the plant (cannibinoids) is negligible and its benefits far exceed the harm. Along with ointments, tinctures, extracts with diabetes, hemp oil is also used. Using it, you can also raise immunity, improve the digestive tract, skin condition. The effect of long-term admission has not yet been investigated, so it is best to consult a doctor about this.
Coconut oil for diabetes
Coconut has many useful components necessary for life, including vitamin B, ascorbic acid, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron. Its flesh reduces sugar in diabetes, increases the protective functions of the body, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes the digestive tract. But coconut oil for diabetes can not be taken, because. It has a large carbohydrate content, in the pulp is much smaller.
Cocoa butter with diabetes
Products with chocolate content have been banned for some time in patients with diabetes mellitus. Recent research shows the benefits of black bitter chocolate of high quality with minimal addition of sugar. And what about cocoa, including cocoa butter? Physicians give an affirmative answer to this question, referring to the fact that cocoa cleanses the body of toxins, beneficially affects the vessels, strengthening their walls, heart muscle. This is very important with this diagnosis, because most of the deaths occur precisely from complications associated with impaired cardiovascular function.
Peanut Butter with Diabetes
Peanut butter has a low glycemic index (100 points on a scale of 14), besides it contains a large amount of magnesium, the deficit of which is capable of provoking the development of type 2 diabetes. This mineral plays a big role in other biological processes. Therefore, peanut butter itself could be very useful in diabetes if it were not for one "but". Oil sold on store shelves often contains a lot of sugar, and omega-6 fatty acids, which make up 30% of its composition, can worsen some aspects of diabetes. Therefore, they do not need to get very carried away, and when buying carefully study the ingredients.
Redhead oil for diabetes
The name is associated with mushrooms red-haired, but in fact it is a plant - a grass seedling. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere. Unrefined oil, obtained from a plant, tastes like a mustard, it has a lot of carotenoids, phospholipids, vitamin E, which makes it more resistant to oxidation compared to other oils. Also its value in fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, omega-9. Consumption of 30 g of red oil daily for diabetes will have a pronounced health effect, stimulates cell renewal, immune defense, normalizes cholesterol metabolism. It also has a bactericidal, anti-tumor, wound-healing effect, and skin treatment is very important for diabetics. Lynx oil is recommended even for pregnant women, but a doctor's consultation on this matter will not hurt. But do not forget that it is very caloric: in 100g 900kcal. For people with excess weight, which is characteristic of the disease, you need to consider this circumstance.
Since it is mainly about vegetable oils, contraindications can be a hypersensitivity to a particular plant. Other unacceptable aspects, each oil has its own:
- contraindications to the use of stone oil is pregnancy, lactation, mechanical jaundice, the occurrence of which is associated with the obstruction of the bile ducts, as well as the presence of constipation;
- sea buckthorn oil is not recommended for cholelithiasis, inflammatory processes in the pancreas, liver, gall bladder;
- sesame oil promotes blood clotting, so people with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis before use should consult a doctor;
- mustard oil under prohibition for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with violations of the functions of the myocardium, with caution to approach with increased acidity;
- hemp oil can not be taken concomitantly with drugs that dilute blood, with problems of the cardiovascular system;
- Leopard oil is harmful in pancreatitis.
Possible complications of phytotherapy of diabetes are associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction: rashes on the skin, edema, itching. Because of the stimulation of bile secretion, there may be diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, heartburn, loss of appetite. Oils can cause shortness of breath in the pathology of the respiratory system, as well as other manifestations associated with contraindications.
Review you
Many positive reviews from patients with a second type of diabetes and other common people taking the product for prevention. It is noted that such drugs help to balance the blood sugar level, have a healing effect. All the same, no daily food is needed without oils, so why not use those gifts of nature that are more useful for the body, rich in vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals. Tastes are individual, but the choice is great.