Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pseudotuberculosis (English pseudotuberculosis) - zoophilic sapronosis with fecal-oral mechanism of transmission of the pathogen. This infectious disease has polymorphic clinical symptoms; it is manifested by intoxication, fever, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, skin, joints and other organs. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is found all over the world and is capable of causing infections in humans.
ICD-10 codes
- A28.2. Pseudotuberculosis.
- A04.8. Enterocolitis pseudotuberculous.
Epidemiology of pseudotuberculosis
Pseudotuberculosis is characterized by a variety of sources and reservoirs of infection. The primary reservoir is the soil. The existence of soil and water parasitic systems is associated with the ability Yersinia to move into "uncultivated" forms. Secondary reservoirs and sources of infection are 124 species and 18 orders of mammals, 4 species of reptiles, 1 species of amphibians, 7 species of fish. Ectoparasites of rodents and birds (fleas, ixodids and gamas mites), mosquitoes and horseflies. The main source of Y. Pseudotuberculosis are synanthropic, semisynthropic and wild rodents, in which pseudotuberculosis occurs in acute and chronic forms with gastrointestinal lesions. In house mice, generalized forms that cause the death of animals develop more often. People get very seldom when they come into contact with rodents. A person can not be a source of infection.
The main mechanism of transmission is fecal-oral. Ways - food and water. The main transmission factors of Y. Pseudotuberculosis are vegetables and greens used without heat treatment, pickles (sauerkraut, pickles, tomatoes), less often - fruits, dairy products and water. It is possible to contaminate airborne dust through dust contaminated with virulent strains (dry cleaning of premises, sweeping).
Susceptibility and postinfectious immunity as in yersiniosis.
Modern epidemiology of pseudotuberculosis differs little from that of yersiniosis. However, for the first, a flash incidence is more common, involving large groups of people with involvement of all age groups, regardless of gender and profession, and frequent infection of children.
Pseudotuberculosis is considered to be a widespread infection in the world, occurring everywhere and unevenly. The overwhelming majority of reports of cases of this disease belong to European countries. The incidence of morbidity is recorded in the spring-summer (III-V months). Autumn-winter (X-XII months) and summer (V-VII months) periods.
What causes pseudotuberculosis?
Pseudotuberculosis is caused by Yersinia pseudotuberculosis , a gram-negative bacillus bacterium with peritricchial flagella, belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae. The capsule does not contain. The dispute does not form. It has morphological, cultural and biochemical properties similar to Y. Enterocolitica.
Y. Pseudotuberculosis has flagellate (H) antigen, two somatic (O) antigens (S and R) and virulence antigens - V and W. Sixteen serotypes of Y. Pseudotuberculosis or O-groups are described . Most strains occurring on the territory of Ukraine belong to I (60-90%) and III (83.2%) serotypes. O-antigens bacteria have an antigenic similarity between serotypes within the species and other representatives of the enterobacteria family ( Y. Pestis, Salmonella of group B and D, Y. Enterocolitica 0: 8, 0:18 and 0:21), which should be taken into account in interpreting the results of serological research.
What are the symptoms of pseudotuberculosis?
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis often causes mesadenitis, in addition, it is suspected as the cause of interstitial nephritis, haemolytic-uremic syndrome and a skrelatin-like disease. The causative agent can cause pharyngitis, septicemia, focal infections in many organs and reactive arthritis. Mortality from septicemia, even despite the ongoing treatment of pseudotuberculosis, can reach 50%.
Where does it hurt?
How is pseudotuberculosis diagnosed?
The causative agent can be determined by a standard culture test provided that the material is taken from the normally sterile areas. For non-sterile samples, selective culture procedures are necessary. It is possible to use serological studies, but the latter are difficult to implement and not standardized. For the diagnosis of "pseudotuberculosis" (especially, reactive arthritis), it is necessary to have a high index of suspicion and close contact with the clinical laboratory.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
How is pseudotuberculosis treated?
Pseudotuberculosis is treated with the help of methods of maintenance treatment, since this disease is self-limiting. Treatment of septic complications requires the appointment of antibiotics resistant to beta-lactamase, the choice of which is determined by the study for sensitivity to antibiotics. Prevention focuses on proper storage and cooking, pets and epidemiology of outbreaks.