Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Profilometry is a method of urodynamic research. It is based on the determination of intraluminal pressure in all parts of the urethra. This procedure involves the insertion of a urethral catheter into the bladder. As the liquid is filled, a gradual extraction of the device with continuous intra-ureal pressure throughout the urethra begins.
Indications for profilometry
Indications for profilometry are based on the need to examine patients who suffer from urinary incontinence or vice versa by delay. The study is conducted with stress incontinence, mandatory and difficult urination.
Stress incontinence occurs quite often. This can happen because of increased intra-abdominal pressure. It is provoked by laughter, lifting of heaviness, sneezing, coughing. This form develops with a decrease in the contractility of voluntary and involuntary sphincters, as well as hormonal disorders.
Imperative incontinence is associated with an ordinary disorder. The cause is an increased activity of the muscular wall of the bladder against the background of diseases of the spinal cord, the brain. A special contribution is made by hormonal, sensory disorders.
Difficulty urinating. It develops due to a violation of the outflow of urine or with a decrease in contractility. All these signs are able to determine profilometry and find effective ones capable of eliminating them.
Preparation for profilometry
Preparation for profilometry is mandatory. Before the study, it is necessary to visit the urologist. If a person has an allergic reaction to certain medications, the doctor should know about it. Moreover, it is necessary to provide all information about the funds received. Of particular importance are data on the coagulation of the patient's blood, the presence of pregnancy.
The day before the scheduled date of the study, you need to take a broad spectrum antibiotic. There is no standard drug! More precisely, it is available, but for each case is individual. You can learn about it only from your doctor. Everything is done to prevent self-treatment.
If necessary, a cleansing enema is made. It is also performed on the advice of a doctor or if a person has constipation. This will avoid unpleasant sensations during the procedure itself. There are no other methods of preparation. Profilometry is carried out exclusively for certain indications.
How is profilometry conducted?
So, the purpose of this study is to record the pressure that is present in the urethra. During the procedure, a tube system is inserted into the bladder, a special solution is supplied through them.
At the same time, the device extracts the system from the channel at a certain rate and simultaneously registers the pressure, which is actively exerted by the walls of the urethra.
For this procedure, only modern urodynamic systems are currently used. They are equipped with a special device for the metered extraction of a catheter from the urethra. There are pumps for supplying liquid at low speeds. This facilitates the procedure.
If we look more and more in detail, everything looks as follows. Thus, a urethral catheter is inserted into the bladder. Usually its diameter varies within the limits of 8-10 on a scale of the Shayer. The outer end of it is connected via a V-shaped adapter to the connector of the pressure sensor and the liquid supply system. The device is fixed on the movable strip of the extractor. Then, the extraction device and the pump for supplying the liquid are simultaneously turned on. The pressure is recorded at the time of extraction and is fixed until it is completely eliminated. Thus, profilometry is carried out.
Profilometry in proctology
Prophylometry in proctology is an important procedure. Thanks to it you can find out if the person has problems with the rectum. This method of research allows you to obtain data on anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Thanks to the procedure, it became possible not only to put the right diagnosis, but also to prescribe an effective treatment.
In proctology, this procedure is used quite often. There are such cases of hemorrhoids, when to determine the exact cause and to assign quality treatment is not so simple. In this case, a special study is being conducted. To begin with, the "work" of the rectum is checked at rest, and then when the sphincter is strengthened.
Check with this procedure can pressure in the rectum, the maximum pressure in the anal canal, the pressure gradient between the rectum and the anal canal. Much depends on the person's condition and the need for carrying out this procedure. Profilometry is indeed an important study that facilitates the course of treatment.
Prothilometry of the rectum
The profilometry of the rectum is somewhat different from the procedure performed in the urethra. Thus, the study of the anal canal in many parameters characterizes its functional capabilities. They are determined with background and stimulation profilometry. The first type implies a state of rest, and the second - the willful effort of the sphincter.
The parameters characterizing the functionalities of the anal canal include: pressure in the rectum, pressure gradient between the rectum and the anal canal, maximum pressure in the anal canal, length of the anal canal, length of maximal closing activity.
The main task of the procedure is to examine the patient's rectum. For this purpose, a special profilometric catheter with an internal diameter of 0.8 mm, an outer diameter of 1.7 mm, a length of 2200 mm is used. Based on the performed procedure, one can observe deviations in the human body. Profilometry is a useful procedure.
Urethral profilometry
Urethral profilometry is a method of investigation that allows to accurately characterize the state of the closure apparatus of the bladder. It is based on the continuous registration of urethral resistance throughout the procedure.
To date, only modern urodynamic systems are used for the study. They are equipped with a special device that has a dosed extraction of the catheter from the urethra and pumps for feeding fluid at low rates.
For the procedure, a special catheter is inserted into the bladder. Its outer end is connected to the pressure sensor and the liquid supply system. The catheter is tightly fixed on the movable bar. Then, the extraction of it and the supply of liquid begins. All this is done simultaneously. The entire process is accompanied by the recording of pressure. Based on the data obtained, certain conclusions are drawn. In fact, profilometry is not a complicated procedure, but, nevertheless, it requires special concentration.
Contraindications to profilometry
Contraindications to conduct profilometry are not available. Perhaps, this is the only type of research that is not burdened by any restrictions.
Anyone can conduct the procedure. The only thing to be careful is to show people with a neglected form of hemorrhoids. There is a risk of serious damage. It should be noted that the procedure can be prescribed or contraindicated by the decision of a specialist in those or other pathologies.
Naturally, there can be any personal reasons why the procedure should be postponed. This may be insufficient preparation, the presence of a strong pain syndrome. In this case, the decision is made exclusively by the attending physician. Therefore, before resorting to this type of research, it is worth consulting with a specialist. He will tell possible unpleasant phenomena, explain how to prepare for the procedure. Profilometry is carried out exclusively on the advice of a doctor.
Evaluation of profilometry results
Evaluation of profilometry results is based on the data obtained. Thus, several variables become known in the course of the study. This is the functional length of the urethra, which is the length of the urethra. It is here that there is pressure that keeps urine in the bladder. This parameter is intended to reflect the operability of the closing device.
The maximum urethral pressure is also determined. This indicator reflects how effectively the closing device works. The zone of maximum urethral pressure gives an estimate of the length of the urethra. It is here that the maximum pressure develops.
Maximum blocking pressure. This is a kind of difference between the index of maximum urethral pressure and intravesical pressure during a cough test. Thanks to the obtained figure, it is possible to obtain data on the closure apparatus with increasing intra-abdominal pressure. According to all these data, an evaluation of a person's condition is made. Profilometriya allows you to know the ability of the urinary canal and rectum.
Complications of profilometry
Complications of profilometry are not found in principle. This procedure is not capable of harming a person, especially if it was performed correctly.
To date, urinary incontinence is, perhaps, one of the most unpleasant phenomena. It is this complication that brings a lot of discomfort. In most cases, the reason lies in the socially maladaptive impact of this complication of radical prostatectomy.
To resort to any preventive maintenance in this case it is not obviously possible. After all, the causes of the problem are not fully understood. In the postoperative period, a large number of patients present a complaint of urinary incontinence. Often, this is due to the introduction of the urethral catheter. A person may have frequent urination. But there is nothing to worry about. The problem goes away with time. The procedure is in fact aimed at determining the cause of this phenomenon and eliminating it. Profilometry can lead to discomfort, but this is catastrophic.