Pain during miscarriage
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Until recently, you were so happy about the birth of a new life in you, were in high spirits in anticipation of a miracle, but ... Life is not predictable, and despite compliance with all the rules and precautions during pregnancy, there was a miscarriage.
It should be said that many girls do not always understand that they had a miscarriage, because at the initial stage of pregnancy (up to 4-5 weeks) miscarriage and pain during miscarriage can easily be taken for profuse menstruation.
We will not be deceived, it will be hard to cope with moral pain, it will take time, care and support of loved ones, attention, patience, and most importantly - the desire to move on. Let's talk about the pain sometimes more simple - about the pain of the physical.
So, for a medical definition, miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion of a pregnancy. According to statistics, spontaneous abortion (or miscarriage) results in 15% -20% of clinically established pregnancies. Considering the rather large share of cases of such misfortune, physicians have long begun to investigate this problem with the goal of preventing spontaneous abortions and reducing the number of risks if such a pathological event did occur.
Symptoms of miscarriage
So, let's look at the signs that you can still suspect a miscarriage. First of all, you need to have an established pregnancy, because talking about miscarriage is possible only if there is an embryo in the uterus. The main sign of a possible miscarriage is bleeding (both strong and very weak). Often, miscarriage begins with a scanty hemorrhage, accompanied by gradually increasing pulling pains in the lower abdomen (as with menstruation). The color of the secreted blood can range from scarlet to brown. As you can see, if you have such a uterine bleeding (and you are certain that this is not menstruation), you should immediately consult a gynecologist, because any uterine bleeding other than the menstrual bleeding is abnormal!
Often, the fetus dies in the uterus long before the hemorrhage, so it is excreted from the body of the woman in parts (hence the formless clots of blood). In addition, in the secretions are often found whitish particles. When the fetus leaves the uterus entirely, it looks like a gray bladder. In both cases, the hemorrhage often occurs after a couple of days and is accompanied by painful pains in the lower abdomen.
It is very important that the woman's uterus is completely cleansed after miscarriage, otherwise development of sepsis (inflammation) is possible, which without proper treatment can even lead to death. Therefore, even after the end of bleeding, you need to go to a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the uterine cavity and make a conclusion: whether additional cavity curettage and antibiotic therapy are needed, or not. The next menstruation, as a rule, comes with some delay (a month and a half later).
Characteristic pain during miscarriage
Here are the main locations of pain during miscarriage for primary self-diagnosis:
- Minor / severe back pain (stronger than with menstruation);
- Slight weight loss;
- White and pink discharge from the vagina;
- Painful contractions of the uterus (every 5-15 minutes);
- Bleeding (brown or bright red), accompanied by colic;
- Exit the vagina of blood clots and connective tissue;
- Relief of pregnancy signs.
Today, there is still no panacea for miscarriage, but self-diagnosis, attention to alarming symptoms and constant pregnancy management by a gynecologist will help to provide for miscarriage and minimize possible consequences.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis and treatment after miscarriage
Today's medicine offers a whole range of tests, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion. It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination aimed at detecting abnormalities of the uterine wall. Before carrying out the above tests and diagnostics, if necessary, scraping the walls of the uterus.
These can be:
- Analyzes for hormones.
- Analyzes for infection (TORCH-complex).
- Habitual miscarriages: pass tests for antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) and lupus anticoagulant (VA).
To identify the causes and to eliminate pain during miscarriage, doctors prescribe a course of therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed without fail, since spontaneous abortion and the subsequent cleaning of the uterine cavity entail a variety of infections in the body of a woman.
Often physical recovery after a miscarriage takes from several hours to several days (full recovery takes 4-6 weeks). Treatment is selected based on the cause of spontaneous abortion.
Non-invasive treatment after miscarriage
When a miscarriage is diagnosed, it is necessary to call a woman out of the womb by taking certain medications (the doctor appoints him). Appointed or a tablet, or vaginal suppositories (suppositories). The validity period is from a day to a couple of days. Often, more than one dose of the drug is needed. In most cases, its effect comes immediately and miscarriage occurs in the near future (from a couple of days to a week)
Sometimes you need an invasive treatment. This type of treatment of miscarriage is vacuum aspiration and scraping. The essence of the procedure in the disclosure of the cervix with a special device and suctioning of the fetal tissues. Do not expect complications if the doctor is experienced and competent. After the procedure, antibiotics are always prescribed.
As a physiotherapeutic treatment of pain after miscarriage, electrophoresis with zinc on the lower abdomen is used (in the absence of bleeding).
Treatment of pain after miscarriage at home
Every woman who has experienced the problem of pain after a miscarriage should clearly understand that self-treatment at home is the final stage in the treatment of a miscarriage, and can not be the main one. During the recovery period and for relief of pain after miscarriage, vitamins of group B (Folic acid, Nicotinic acid, Thiamin, Biotin, - instructions for taking in the liner), calcium gluconate (3 gr inwards before meals), nasal (non-hormonal drug, normalizing menstrual cycle, drops, dosage depends on your weight, information in the liner). The first six months after miscarriage, doctors recommend using oral contraceptives, which simultaneously act as hormone therapy (selected individually by the doctor).
Grandmother's recipes for pain relief after miscarriage
- You will need:
- 60 gr of green stalks of rye sowing,
- 50 g of dried marigold flowers,
- 40 g of angelica officinalis,
- 60 gr of nettle cultured,
- 120 grams of cinquefoil erect.
All herbs should be crushed thoroughly in a mortar, and then pour a liter of boiling water, cover and set aside for 4-5 hours. For reception, the broth must be filtered through a fine mesh. Take in the calculation one glass for each meal (take before meals). During treatment, you must adhere to bed rest and avoid physical exertion. 2.
- For cooking you will need:
- 20 gr licorice root,
- 40 grams of root elecampane,
- 60 g of black currant (berries),
- 25 grams of cauliflower root,
- 60 gr of nettle.
All herbs should be poured with a liter of boiling water, boil again, and then another 15 minutes on low heat. It is important to cool the infusion sharply (immediately place it in the refrigerator), and then strain through a fine sieve. Reception in the calculation of half a glass 3 times a day before meals.
- If the pain after the miscarriage does not go away and even there are discharge with blood, you help such infusion.
To prepare it you will need:
- 200 g of dried marigold flowers (marigolds).
Chopped marigolds should be filled with a liter of boiling water and put on fire. Cook the infusion until the water is evaporated by half. After that, leave the infusion for an hour and a half to brew. On preparation, take the medication internally for half a glass 5-6 times a day (recommended half an hour before meals).
All therapy after a miscarriage is aimed at restoring the uterine cavity and forming a normal psychological state of a woman. Very often after experiencing pain after miscarriage, women do not dare to become pregnant again and in every way delay this joyful event.
But, dear ladies, remember, miscarriage is not a verdict. First of all, you need to understand its cause, cure possible consequences, experience a bitter experience of pain after a miscarriage and with new strength - into a new pregnancy that is sure to be healthy, and bring you the long-awaited happiness of motherhood!