

Muscle lifting shoulder blade and back pain

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The muscle lifting the scapula is m. Levator scapulae with a fixed neck first participates in the rotation of the scapula, lowering the glenoidal cavity, and then lifts the scapula upward. If the scapula is fixed by other muscles - it helps to complete the turn of the neck in its direction. With bilateral reduction involved in the extension of the neck and controls the bending of the neck. The mouse, the full shoulder blade, is a synergist of the upper tufts of the trapezius muscle when lifting the shoulder girdle upward.

Beginning: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of I-IV cervical vertebrae

Attachment: Angulus superior scapulae

Innervation: spinal nerves C3-C5-n. Dorsalis scapulae



Trigger zones are formed in two areas of the muscle that lifts the scapula: the main region is in the corner of the neck where the muscle extends from under the front edge of the upper trapezium muscle bundles. The secondary area is slightly higher than the attachment of the muscle to the upper corner of the scapula. The upper trigger zone is best palpated in the patient, if he conveniently sits in the chair at the front edge of the seat, leaning on the upper part of the trunk on the back. With elbows resting on the arms of the armchair, the muscle that lifts the scapula and the upper tufts of the trapezius muscle relax slightly, allowing the doctor to peel the trapezius muscle fibers with a finger to open and grasp the muscle that lifts the scapula.

When palpating the lower trigger zone, the patient may sit or lie on the opposite side. Palpation is performed by sliding fingers across the fibers in a region about 1.3 cm above the upper corner of the scapula. Stressed strings containing trigger zones are excessively painful on palpation, but it does not cause local convulsive responses and reflected pain, since the localization region of the lower trigger zone is covered by a trapezius muscle.

trusted-source[2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

Reflected pain

Trigger zones in the muscle that lifts the scapula are one of the most common causes of neck pain or pain in the neck and shoulder. The pain is projected in the lower corner of the neck with a zone of spread along the vertebral margin of the scapula and the posterior surface of the shoulder.

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