Minimal brain dysfunction
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Minimal cerebral dysfunction - cerebral pathology, which has a polyethological character, that is, it occurs for many reasons - under the guise of disturbances in the functioning of the brain. Basically, these neurological disorders are reversible and disappear with age.
Causes of the minimal brain dysfunction
This pathological condition arises due to a variety of diseases during pregnancy and childbirth. Another reason - poor care in infancy, a variety of infections.
Also among the factors influencing the appearance of such dysfunction, a variety of harmful effects affecting the fetus during its development in the womb. Among them are infections that affected the mother, toxicosis, alcohol poisoning in late pregnancy, injuries sustained during childbirth, infections that the child underwent in the first 3 years of life. Such violations can lead to damage to the cortical part of the brain or its subcortex. Regarding the localization of damage, it can be very diverse. From the place of defeat depends also on what exactly external appearance the disease will manifest in the future.
With MMD disease, the child has small irregularities in the structure and work of the brain - it does not develop as it should be. The baby gets injured while still in the womb, as the fetus is quite sensitive to irritants, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. During this period of time, it is influenced by any factors - ecology, infections, medicines, radiation, stress and the nerves of the mother. With a combination of several such stimuli, the situation worsens even more. In addition, in the first month of pregnancy, many women still do not even know about their situation, and that's when the fetal nervous system develops. The result of lesions can occur from birth or in infancy, but it is also possible the appearance of signs as early as 6-7 years of age.
Minimal brain dysfunction can develop in 2 directions - the child can be inhibited or, conversely, hyperactive. In the first months of life, in the presence of the disease, the baby will badly fall asleep and take breasts, wake up at night, cry without reason - in general, to show symptoms of excessive arousal. If you notice this behavior in your child, you need to show it to your doctor.
Symptoms of the minimal brain dysfunction
The most characteristic symptom of the disease is that functional problems predominate over organic ones. If to say the subject-child is difficult to cope with school assignments, his behavior varies greatly, there are disruptions in the construction of speech, various neurotic reactions, motor skills become insufficient.
Minimal brain dysfunction makes the child hyperactive. Besides, this his excessive excitability is not motivated, she has no purpose. It often occurs due to stress or when the child is in a situation unfamiliar to him. This state is also characterized by a lack of concentration - the patient can not fix attention on one thing, is distracted. Such hyperactivity often decreases as they grow older and passes to 12-15 years.
In rare cases, the response to the disease will be a decrease in activity, a lack of initiative, a desire to be large in solitude.
The change of behavior is supplemented by other problems - such as a bad dream, a difficult falling asleep, a decrease in its daily requirement. In addition, there are irritability, frequent changes in mood, emotional lability, impulsiveness - the child can at any moment begin to manifest aggression, fall into a rage.
First signs
Below is a list of 14 symptoms that may be indicative of a disease. If your child has at least 8 signs, then the minimum brain dysfunction is present. Symptoms:
- Fraying on a chair, constant, erratic waving of legs and hands;
- is not able to sit quietly if necessary;
- external stimuli can easily distract him;
- it is difficult for him to wait for a change in group exercises or games;
- can begin to respond, without even having finished listening to the question asked to him;
- carrying out assignments, can experience difficulties that are not connected with a misunderstanding of the essence of the task or negativism;
- performing tasks assigned to him or playing, can not keep attention and concentration on this action for a long time;
- can throw things unfinished, and start a new one;
- can not play games quietly and calmly;
- says a lot;
- can be intrusive, interrupt other people;
- can not hear, when to it address and with it speak;
- can lose his things at home or at school;
- makes dangerous for health, very risky actions, without thinking, and not realizing the seriousness of the possible consequences for him.
Minimal brain dysfunction syndrome
The main signs of the presence of the syndrome during the 1st year of life are called small neurological symptoms. They can manifest themselves in different ways and depend on the age of the patient.
Symptoms of the disease in infants - similar to dystonia light violations in the work of muscle tone. They are quite persistent, although they do not influence the activity of the movements. There may also be mild movements, done involuntarily - hyperkinesis, myoclonus, tremor. They are irregular and do not depend on the patient's emotions. There may be a delay in sensory-motor work - visual coordination is impaired. Development of manipulative-objective actions, movements of individual fingers is developing poorly - this usually becomes noticeably closer to the end of 1 year. Then there is a lack of capture of the object with your fingers. There may be a delay in development.
All the above-described signs often go together with problems in the work of craniocerebral innervation, reflex asymmetry. Some other diseases can also develop - vegetative-visceral dysfunction, hyperdynamics, hypertension syndrome. It should be noted that minimal brain dysfunction does not have a permanent effect on the development of the psyche and motor skills.
Minimal cerebral dysfunction in adults
Young adults who were diagnosed with minimal brain dysfunction as a child were examined, showing that even though most of the signs of neurological disorders go away with age, some psychological and adaptive problems remain. Such people have difficulties in social interaction, they feel insolvent, immature, they have bad educational and work skills. In addition, they have the following symptoms:
- Problems with the motor function, which is often called awkwardness;
- A person is not able to learn;
- One can not sit still, the person is constantly jerking;
- Quick change of mood, and often it happens without any external reason;
- There is a problem of shortage of voluntary attention;
- High sparsity and impulsive behavior.
Negative impact on the brain can also have a trauma - damage to the skull. If you have this situation, you should seek help from an osteopath and take a course of treatment. This will improve the functioning of the brain - a person will become easier to bear stress, improve memory and mindfulness, he will better cope with the physical and intellectual burden. And overall the state of health will be much better.
Minimal cerebral dysfunction in children
Having noticed such signs as lack of attention, high excitability, fast fatigue, problems in communicating with peers and relatives, the inhibition of thinking, lagging behind other children in development, both physical and psychological, take him to your doctor. Most likely, the baby manifests a minimal cerebral dysfunction. It can arise because of a trauma of the spine or vessels near it at birth, as well as through the fault of an organic disorder in the work of the nervous system.
In the course of the examination, the child is first of all given a brain MRT to determine if there are symptoms of an organic brain tissue disorder, any of its underdevelopment, to reveal the presence of congenital defects and foci of ischemia that could be transferred during childbirth. Also, this way, the innate variants of the structure of the organism - the spine, the skull and the id - are found out. Do not panic if the examination reveals any changes in the brain tissue - this may be due only to a violation of blood flow. Often, with the stabilization and improvement of the movement of blood through the cerebral vessels, the nutrition of the damaged areas improves and, as a consequence, the general condition of the patient.
Complications and consequences
Minimal brain dysfunction in a child has many consequences. Their list is presented below:
- Difficulties with the development of the school curriculum;
- Difficulties with adaptation in society;
- Problems with the development of personality - pessimism, self-doubt, aggression;
- Vegeto-vascular dystonia.
Adults may suffer from social inadequacy, which may result in mental illness, alcoholism, poor professional level, divorce, drug addiction, and constant job changes.
Diagnostics of the minimal brain dysfunction
The best way to diagnose the organism for the presence of the disease will be an osteopathic doctor who will determine the damaged areas, then with the help of a massage adjust the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, return the correct structure to the spine, putting all his vertebrae in place. After several such massage sessions the child will become much better. In addition, you do not have to use medication. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor after the examination.
Diagnosis can be carried out using ultrasound of dopplerography, encephalogamy, neurosonography, scanning of the vessels, X-ray, ultrasound of the neck. With the help of these devices, a course of treatment is also performed.
The prognosis will not be positive if one does not start fighting the disease at the initial stage. Problems start to appear already in 2-3 years, then there are also signs of a deviation. Minimal brain dysfunction makes the child uncontrollable. He can quickly get carried away with something, and just as quickly abandon the occupation, becomes aggressive, can not adapt to changing environmental conditions. Other manifestations: impetuous, sharp movements, which are rather awkward at the same time; The speech function develops with delays; the child often falls, gets injuries, bruises.
Doctors take blood from a sick child, and in her serum, with the help of immunoenzymatic analysis, reveal the percentage of glial neurotrophic substance content. If this level exceeds the figure of 17.98 pg / l, the patient will be diagnosed with minimal brain dysfunction.
To diagnose dysfunction it is possible and by means of clinical signs which distinguish it from one more similar disease - cerebral palsy. Also, for some symptoms, it is similar to childhood mental illnesses, syndromes, the appearance of which occurs due to the development of somatic pathology or other diseases associated with the work of the brain. Since there are so many different clinical symptoms of the manifestation of MDM syndrome, the correct diagnosis can be made only by using special research methods: REG, KIT, CT and ultrasound of the brain, EEG.
When the results of all the surveys are obtained, they are combined with the indicators of the analyzes, the data demonstrated by the clinical situation, as well as the anamnesis and conclusions of such physicians as the orthopedist, oculist and psychiatrist. The complex of collected information will provide an opportunity to put the right diagnosis, establishing the nature of the violation and its cause.
Instrumental diagnostics
If you suspect a possible trauma in the process of delivery or the condition of hypoxia, you should make a spondylography of the cervical vertebrae. This will help to determine the complexity of the violation. During the procedure, 4 x-rays are made - from the side, straight, with the head tilted back and tilted forward. To see the picture of the location of the vertebrae is very important, if the patient clearly shows signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, salivation, syncopal symptoms.
Ultrasound Doppler ultrasound - the procedure provides an opportunity to know the state of the blood flow in the head and how the venous outflow from the brain occurs. In the course of the examination, it becomes clear how the brain vessels react to a delay in breathing, head turns, etc.
Minimal brain dysfunction also requires sonographic examination of the brain - it reveals the state of the vessels, the size of the cerebral ventricles, studies the brain tissues, convolutions and furrows. Thanks to this study, you can find out whether the patient has hemorrhage and hydrocephalus in the brain tissue, and also to reveal what caused the problems with the brain.
EEG clarifies the index of bioelectric brain activity, demonstrates the changes occurring in the brain. The electroencephalogram is performed in the presence of any hints on the convulsive state.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis in this disease is performed in the presence of pathologies that manifest as secondary signs. These are the manifestations: violations in the work of the CNS and brain, head injuries, infectious diseases (eg, meningitis), lead poisoning, cerebral hypoxia.
Methods of correction and cure of the disease in different countries may vary, but most qualified specialists agree that minimal brain dysfunction requires an integrated approach. In this case, different methods are used, the combination of which is selected individually for each patient.
Among the methods there is a neuropsychological and pedagogical correction, a psychotherapeutic approach, and methods for modifying behavioral responses. If such therapy does not affect the course of the disease, drug treatment is used. Among the drugs used in the therapy, use tranquilizers, antidepressants, psychostimulants, nootropic substances. During the research it was possible to establish that amphetamines - ritalin and amitriptyline (antidepressant) are considered to be the most effective means in the fight against minimal brain dysfunction.
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Treatment of the minimal brain dysfunction
Treatment of the disease may be associated with some complications. Basically, minimal brain dysfunction is treated with the help of such methods:
Motor activity to improve the dexterity and coordination of the baby.
Correction with the help of pedagogical and psychological techniques. It includes the limitation of being at the computer and in front of the TV, a detailed mode of the day, positive communication with the child - more praise and encouragement.
Treatment with medication. Self-medication can not be done, since medications can have side effects or contraindications. There are several groups of drugs that treat cerebral dysfunction: these are nootropic drugs, CNS stimulants, tricyclic antidepressants. With the help of such therapy, the activity of higher cerebral mental functions and neurotransmitter work is improved.
Correction and treatment of the disease depends on what are the main neuropsychiatric signs, and how they are expressed. If the child has excessive activity and impulsiveness, you should take sedatives - drugs containing calcium and bromine, herbal tinctures.
Minimal brain dysfunction leads to the fact that the child can lose concentration by the end of the school day or even one single lesson. Such children are advised to take medicines that help increase the activity of the nervous system, as well as the intake of vitamin B.
If MMD is combined with another disease - hydrocephalic syndrome, a child may have headaches, sleep problems, increased excitability, and a slight increase in overall body temperature. To get rid of these symptoms should take drugs that reduce intracranial pressure. If there are seizures, take anticonvulsant medications.
When the primary sign of the disease is inhibition in the development of motor and psyche, in addition to pedagogical correction, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with stimulant drugs that will increase the activity of the brain.
Minimal brain dysfunction can be treated with the help of medications that regulate the circulation of fluid in the brain, reduce the incidence of somatic manifestations of the disease, increase the rate of maturation of higher functions in the brain processes. Among the medicines used, the following are distinguished.
- Melleril, which is a neuromuscular antipsychotic, which reduces the negative effects on the central nervous system and manifestations of hyperexcitability. It is taken with neuroses, strong irritability, neurasthenia. With neuroses, the dosage is three times a day, 0.005-0.01-0.025 g of the drug; when mental illnesses take 50-100 mg per day.
Side effects: prolonged use reduces the white blood cell count; may occur dry mouth, agranulocytosis, extrapyramidal disorders.
Contraindications: can not be taken with allergies, non-inflammatory problems with the retina of the eyes, glaucoma.
- Trioxazine, which has a calming effect on the central nervous system. Assign with neurotic diseases with the appearance of symptoms of fear, severe irritability, agitation, insomnia, rapid fatigue, weakness, apathy, general lethargy. Take 2-3 times daily at a dosage of 0.3 g.
Side effects: a large dose of medication can cause nausea, general weakness, drowsiness. Dry mouth may also occur.
- Seduxen, which relaxes muscles, calms the central nervous system, has an anticonvulsant effect. It can be prescribed in case of neuroses and neurotic diseases. For children 1-3 years the daily dose is 2 mg; 3-7 years - 6 mg; from 7 years - 8-10mg.
- Aminolone, appointed for the treatment of birth injuries and trauma to the skull, low mental activity and inhibition of mental development. The medication is taken before meals. Children 1-3 years - 1g / day, 4-6 years - 1.5g / day, from 7 years - 2g / day. The dose is divided into 2 doses.
Side effects: sometimes there may be a feeling of heat, dyspeptic symptoms, pressure jumps, sleep problems, but they go away if you reduce the dosage.
Contraindicated in hypersensitivity.
Any person, even a healthy person, should take vitamins. It strengthens the body and protects against various diseases.
Reduce the manifestation of symptoms of the disease with a diagnosis of minimal brain dysfunction can the following vitamins:
- Vitamin B1. He normalizes sleep, relieves increased arousal. Contained in oatmeal made on whole milk, wheat bran, unpolished rice, sunflower seeds, beans, pasta.
- Vitamin B6. Can normalize the work of the nervous system. Vitamin is abundant in milk, chicken and beef meat, fish, eggs, cabbage, baked potato in foil.
- Vitamin B5 promotes easy falling asleep, removes irritability and nervousness. It is much in beef (liver and kidneys), green vegetables, fermented milk products. It should be noted that these products can not be frozen or canned, because because of these processes, the vitamin leaves them.
- Vitamin C perfectly fights against stress, protecting them from the nervous system. It is very much in fruits, especially citrus fruits, and also in greenery. Also for the child, the use of tomato salads with the addition of leafy vegetables, tea made on the basis of black currant, mashed potatoes and cauliflower will be superfluous.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Treatment with non-pharmacological methods can perfectly complement this method of correction. In some cases, it can be performed without resorting to medications.
When the choice is made in favor of treatment with the help of physiotherapeutic methods, an individual complex of corrective techniques is created. It is prescribed depending on the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, the nature of the disorder, the presence of additional diseases. Often, such a course consists of several basic procedures - a manual therapy aimed at restoring the spine, massage, differentiated kinesitherapy.
When diagnosed, minimal brain dysfunction is very effective massage. This procedure can contribute to the emergence of general and local reactions in the patient's body. It increases the number of working vessels, giving acceleration to lymph flow and venous / capillary blood flow. Also, massage speeds up metabolism and improves the body's immune activity.
Different types of massage, differing in duration and strength of influence, allow to influence the functioning of the central nervous system, increasing the rate of metabolic processes in tissues and increase / decrease its excitability.
Herbal Treatment
Minimal brain dysfunction can be treated with the help of some herbal dues. Most herbs are made according to one principle:
Approximately 20 g of dry crushed raw materials (it can be leaves, roots, shoots, grass flowers) are poured into 100 ml of alcohol. By time, the solution should be infused, depending on the alcohol concentration. If there is vodka at the base, it should be kept for about 15-20 days, and if alcohol 60-70% - it will be enough 2 weeks. In some cases, the period of infusion should be extended - it depends on the type of raw materials. The solution is stored in a tightly closed container of dark glass. When the liquid is infused, it must be filtered or filtered.
Tincture made from motherwort, well helps with neuroses and poor falling asleep. Take 3-4 times daily for a month before meals. Dosage: 30 drops.
Tincture of the peony, which is taken in case of problems with the vegetative-vascular system and insomnia. The course lasts for a month for 30-40 drops / day.
Valerian well cope with strong nerves, improves the process of falling asleep. Drink 20-30 drops a day before meals (3-4 times / day).
Made from herbal collection balm is used in case of insomnia - soaked in tincture tampons are applied to the nape and temples. It is made as follows-scraping peppermint, coriander and lemon balm leaves, and poured 60-80% alcohol solution in the proportion of 30g / 100ml. The resulting mixture should be insisted for about 7-10 days.
Homeopathy, operative, alternative treatment for minimal brain dysfunction
In the case of diagnosis, minimal brain dysfunction, homeopathic methods, alternative drugs and medicines do not have a positive effect on the body. Operative intervention is also not carried out.
Preventative methods should be performed at an early age to prevent the formation of a pathological stereotype. A child who has been diagnosed with neurological disorders should be put on dispensary records and regularly examined by a neurologist and other doctors (psychologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist). This will identify the clinical signs of minimal brain dysfunction and prescribe treatment even before starting school.
Minimal cerebral dysfunction is of great importance, therefore this problem needs the creation of a set of measures that will prevent prenatal and perinatal pathologies of the National Assembly. Even schoolchildren with compensated cases of the disease need to be monitored in order to prevent timely deviations, which in the future can lead to the commission of antisocial behavior.
In addition, the treatment also depends on what will be the attitude to the child himself. It must be consistent and balanced. Relatives of the patient should understand that his behavior does not depend on his desires, and deeds are often unintentional. Such a child can not cope with the complexities, because such are his personal characteristics, and not because of vagaries and reluctance.
The prognosis of the course of the disease is mostly positive. There are several options for the development of the situation:
- Symptoms of the disease disappear as the child grows older. Most studies show that approximately 25-50% of children with MMD develop disease with age.
- Some symptoms that have varying degrees of severity still remain, but the disease does not develop. This group is the largest - about half of all MMD patients. They have some problems in their daily life. They have impulsiveness, a sense of impatience, social inappropriateness, low self-esteem. Such people are often divorced, change their place of work, often fall into accidents.
- Adults develop complications that manifest themselves in the form of antisocial and personal changes - there may be mental problems, often there are problems with alcohol.
The best prognosis for the diagnosis of minimal brain dysfunction is children who have a high intellectual level, and also received patient and benevolent attitude to themselves both at school and at home. If the level of intelligence is medium or lower, during adolescence, hyperactivity may increase. When entering into conflict with the environment can identify aggressiveness.
The diagnosis of minimal brain dysfunction is often revealed only in the course of the prophylactic medical examination before entering school or even in the 1st grade. The child starts to study, the nervous system puts a heavy load, so that the signs of the disease begin to manifest itself very clearly. Symptoms can be different - while reading well, the student will write very sloppy and illegible, or vice versa, having a good handwriting, can only read by syllables. Also, there may be problems with attention, memorization, oral counting. In some people, the disease manifests itself in the fact that the child confuses, where the top, where the bottom, where the right, where the left. All such deviations begin to manifest themselves only in preparation for school or the beginning of direct instruction. But with due attention, parents will be able to identify the problem at an early stage.
It should be noted that sick children are not inferior to others in terms of intelligence, they can even be much more talented. They are just harder to learn and they need a special attitude and approach. Accusations of inattention and laziness here will not help, you need to act patiently and with understanding.
With such a diagnosis, disability is not assigned.
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