Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Meibomite is an ailment that in common people is called internal barley. This disease can affect meibomian glands, which are located on the eyelids.
To some extent, the disease affects the cartilaginous tissue of the eyelids. Maybomite is of two kinds and each of them carries a special danger.
The causes of meibomite
The reasons for meibomite are diverse. So, this phenomenon can arise even against the background of ordinary hypothermia. There is nothing surprising in this. The body spends all its energy on maintaining heat and does not "pay attention" to many infections. And the effects of cold and dampness weaken the immune system. But this is not the only reason.
It should be noted that the disease is caused by dysfunction of meibomian glands. Accompanying the phenomenon of excessive secretion and is often observed in people suffering from seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis and chronic eye irritation. Therefore, patients suffering from such diseases need to be extra careful. Maybomite can arise against the backdrop of all this.
The cause of the disease can be and the presence of acne rosacea. If a person does not have such diseases, but he wears contact lenses, there is always a risk of getting unpleasant symptoms. Damage to the eyes can even acrid smoke or smog. It is especially dangerous for people who suffer from chronic eye irritation. Meibomite is a serious problem requiring immediate resolution.
Symptoms of meibomite
Symptoms of meibomite are pronounced. So, for this disease is characterized by a strong reddening and a distinctly noticeable unevenness of the posterior edge of the eyelid. All the holes in the meibomian glands are covered with a secret. Their content can be either cloudy or semi-solid. Outwardly and to the touch it resembles toothpaste.
Often patients complain about the presence of foam along the edge of the lower eyelid. This phenomenon arises from the fact that excessive fat accumulates in the tear. Gradually, it begins to whip into foam and is delayed for a century. This happens in the course of blinking movements.
The canals of the meibomian glands inside the cartilage itself are markedly curved and altered by scars. Quite often, excess fat causes conjunctivitis or hot eye syndrome. In chronic form, the disease can cause recurrent chalazionamy. In an acute form, it is considered as an internal barley. In any case, if these symptoms are found, they must be eliminated immediately. Meibomite is an unpleasant disease, which brings a lot of inconvenience.
Maybomite of the upper eyelid
Maybomite of the upper eyelid occurs quite often. It is caused by the presence of chronic problems or existing eye diseases. This disease was called "inner barley". It is referred to the number of ophthalmic problems, which are caused by the arrangement of meibomian glands in the thickness of the cartilaginous plates.
They are located both on the upper and lower eyelids. This disease is quite the same, it does not matter where the "problem" is located. Symptoms are the same, the reasons are the same. It is important to diagnose the problem in time and begin to fight it.
If a person starts the disease, then it will take a chronic form and will periodically "please" with its appearance. Therefore, the earlier the treatment process begins, the better. Dysfunction of meibomian glands does not occur so often, but if this happens, then characteristic symptoms may appear. In the eye, you can observe the presence of foam or "filling" similar to toothpaste. All this brings a lot of inconvenience, so meibomite must be eliminated.
Meibomite of the lower eyelid
Meibomitis of the lower eyelid occurs for very common reasons. Of particular importance is not where the disease will appear. It occurs equally, and proceeds on both the upper and lower eyelids.
The cause of the problem may be the existing diseases. So, speech in this case is about conjunctivitis or syndrome of chronic eye irritation. The latter appearance occurs against the background of the negative influence of contact lenses or damaging smog and smoke.
It is important to notice the presence of the disease in time. This will make it pretty simple. The lower eyelid will redden significantly and a small tubercle will appear on it. Perhaps the presence in the eye of foam or "mass" is similar to toothpaste. It is formed due to excessive fat release. Thanks to blinking movements, a person knocks it all down to the formation of foam. In most cases, it is deposited in the corners of the eyes.
It is important to consult a doctor in time. Because this is not only a problematic disease, but also very unpleasant. It is not easy to hide the presence of inner barley, it is very noticeable. Meibomite should be eliminated through medication.
Acute meibomite
Acute meibomite in its clinical picture is reminiscent of acute eye damage by barley. But at the same time there is a deeper impact of the infection on the organs of vision.
In this form, the disease affects the eyelid to the depth of the cartilage. The degree of negative influence is clearly visible. This is especially noticeable when the century is reversed. It should be noted that the acute form has the ability to independently open. Therefore, all the contents of barley safely fall into the eye. This is possible in the presence of an acute form of conjunctivitis.
In some cases, the affected area is opened surgically. The doctor makes a neat cut along the location of the meibomian glands and the contents go out on their own.
If a person suffers from this ailment for a long time, you need to do a special massage in the place of localization. This will quickly squeeze the contents of barley. Thus, unpleasant symptoms will gradually begin to disappear and unnecessary swelling of the eyelids will not bother. But you need to clean up meybomite carefully.
Chronic meibomite
Chronic meibomite can cause a significant thickening of the eyelid and change its color shade. The sites that are negatively affected by the disease turn red.
The conjunctiva becomes hyperemic. On it there are traces of infiltration ailment. Through the tissues of the eyelids, you can see meibomian glands that have a yellowish tinge.
It is possible to form crusts of gray color along the ciliary edge and in the corners of the eyes. This phenomenon indicates the presence of hypersecretion of meibomian glands. Simply put, there is a significant surplus of fat production. When blinking, the secretion is whipped into foam and deposited in the corners of the eyes. It is possible to eliminate this phenomenon, but in time it will overtake a person again.
If you do not start treatment on time, the conjunctival cavity of the eye will be constantly irritated. In the end, the disease will take on a chronic form. In this case, you can not eliminate mebomite, there is an opportunity to send symptoms, but not for a long time.
Meibomitis in the child
Maybomit in a child can occur for the same reasons as an adult. And the disease manifests itself in a similar way. So, there is a swelling of the upper or lower eyelid. The presence of the "pimple" is not noticeable. To see him, it's enough just to move the eyelid, for sure he is there.
A change in the shade is noticeable around the damaged area. Often the affected area is red. If you look closely, you can see the meibomian glands themselves, they take a yellowish shade. Before there is a strong swelling, foam or other "liquid" of white color in the corners of the eyes can show itself. This is due to excessive secretion of glands, which secrete a large amount of fat.
Blinking, the child whacks these discharges into the foam, which is deposited in the corners of the eyes. When these signs appear, you need to show the child to the doctor. Jokes with children's health are bad. It is not necessary to try to remove education on your own, it can aggravate the situation. Maybomit should be treated according to the doctor's recommendations.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostics of meibomite
The diagnosis of meibomite consists in examining the ophthalmologist. Determine the presence of this disease can and in the course of a normal visual inspection. It is enough just to look under the eyelid, compare the normal indicators with the available standards and make a diagnosis against the background.
Naturally, the symptomatology, described by the patient himself, is taken into account. In some cases a slit lamp is used. It allows you to consider meibomian glands and pathologies that develop in them.
During this disease, the color of not only the affected area changes. Significantly, the glands themselves also change, so they take a yellowish shade. In the course of an ordinary examination, this may not be noticed, but with the help of a special lamp this phenomenon will become apparent.
If there were clearly visible meibomian glands, a meibomite diagnosis is made. After the examination, a complex treatment is immediately prescribed, which must be followed. Otherwise, meibomite can take a chronic form, which is not completely eliminated.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of meibomite
Treatment meybomite original. The first thing to do is to hygiene the eyelids. This is done using a solution based on a child's shampoo. This will remove crusts and flakes. Such cleaning should be carried out at least 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to use special ointments, which contain antibiotics. It can be the same tetracycline ointment. It is necessary to lay it under the eyelid once a day at night.
Remarkably, 1% mercury ointment, based on Vaseline, will help. Use it every day at night. In the presence of a dry form of seborrhea, it is desirable to wash the head, forehead and nose with a special antiseborrhoeic shampoo. Such manipulation is carried out 2-3 times a week.
If excess fat is secreted or the secretion is strongly condensed, Tetracycline is used, in the form of tablets. In day you need to take 4 capsules of 0.25 g. Doxycycline also has excellent properties. It should be taken at a dose of 0.1 g twice daily for 14 days. After that, the medication is used only once a day for the time set by the doctor. Maybomite is able to retreat if one begins to treat it correctly.
Treatment of acute meibomitis
The treatment of acute meibomitis is the integrated use of many drugs. At the initial stage it is recommended to apply dry heat. The best effect is achieved by applying UHF therapy and blue. In no event should you use lotions or compresses. Perhaps the penetration of the infection is much deeper. Excellent treatment with warmth, but this method is appointed exclusively by the attending physician.
You can use 70% ethyl alcohol or alcohol solution. The lesion site is smeared with these components 1-3 times a day. It is necessary to exercise special care, because there is a risk of serious burns.
A special effect is provided by special drops. Among them are Tziprolet, Floksal and Dexamethasone. Bury them in 1-2 drops every 4-5 hours in both eyes! This is very important, the infection is able to "go" to another area.
If you pay attention to the ointments, then it can be Floxal. Well helps ointment Tevodex and, accordingly, drops Tevodex. The last resort is applied similarly to the above. True for children, it may not be appropriate, this issue is discussed with the attending physician. Ointment is poured over the eyelid 4-5 times a day. Complex treatment is able to eliminate meibomite even in an acute form.
Treatment of chronic meibomitis
The treatment of chronic meibomitis consists in using more effective and powerful means. So, as a drop Ciprolet and Levomycetin are suitable. Apply them every 4-5 hours to 2 drops in both eyes. Among anti-inflammatories, Tevecdex ointment and similar drops have proved to be very effective.
In more complex situations, surgical removal is not excluded. It will open the barley and extract its contents. But, since the problem is chronic, the procedure can be repeated many times.
If barley is present constantly, then it is necessary to conduct qualitative diagnostics. And you will not have to visit one doctor. The list of specialists includes: endocrinologist, therapist, gastroenterologist and immunologist. It is advisable to take blood tests and check the sugar level in it.
Complex vitamin therapy is not excluded. Basically, these are vitamins of group B. The "Beer yeast" additive is a great help. It is necessary to observe and proper nutrition. The daily diet should be filled with vitamins and microelements. Concerning complex treatment it is necessary to talk with the doctor. It is not recommended to remove meibomite on its own.
Treatment meibomite at home
Treatment meibomite at home is possible only if a real assessment of the situation. After all, it's quite easy to earn a chronic form.
So, there are several useful recipes that will get rid of inner barley. You can heat the linseed in a frying pan and pour it into a handkerchief. After that, everything is tied up with a knot and applied to the affected area.
With internal barley, it is useful to apply a napkin to the eyelid, which will be moistened beforehand in a yogurt. Do not bypass the leaves and plantain. This "ingredient" must be washed. Then boil the egg hard-boiled and put it on the leaves. And you need to keep it in this position until it cools down. After that the plantain leaves are applied to the eye. The procedure is repeated every two hours.
You can also lubricate barley with garlic juice. A red wool thread will also help. It is enough simply to tie her middle and ring finger in the form of a figure eight. If the barley is on the right eye, then tie your right arm, if on the left - left. In addition, as a pill take a flower tansy dry or fresh. The effect is indeed observed. Meibomite disappears only in case of proper treatment.
Treatment meibomite by alternative means
The treatment of meibomite with alternative agents has always had a good effect. But before you start this method of eliminating the problem, it is worth consulting with a doctor.
If the barley has just begun to form, you need to make a semi-alcoholic compress. It includes vodka, in which the cotton disc is wetted. The remnants of the product must be wrung out so as not to injure the eye.
Well help lotion from plantain. To treat the disease, take three tablespoons of dry herbs and pour them a glass of boiling water. The received product is infused in a warm place, then filtered and used as a lotion.
Another great way is to use the flowers of marigold. It is enough to take a tablespoon of this ingredient and pour it with boiling water. The preparation is brewed for 30 minutes, then it is filtered and applied in the same way as the plantain.
It is recommended to use and juice of aloe. It is necessary to take the plant and squeeze out all the liquid, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. Lotions from the received product are made 3 times a day.
You can take a gauze napkin and moisten it in castor oil. Then the lotion is fixed on the eye with adhesive tape for the night. Usually barley is eliminated after 2-3 procedures.
In half a glass of water, you need to dilute a tablespoon of soda. As soon as the eye starts to itch, make a lotion. The frequency of repetitions should not exceed 3 times. Maybomite will retreat quickly if it is removed effectively.
Preventive of meibomite
Prevention of meibomite is the correct treatment of the diseases preceding it. So, to cause this disease burn ordinary conjunctivitis or chronic eye irritation. Therefore, it is necessary, in time to eliminate these problems and try to avoid irritants.
If a person has a predisposition to this disease or there are all the prerequisites for its development, it is worth to undergo an examination with an ophthalmologist. This will prevent the occurrence of the problem and eliminate it in the early stages.
Warn inner barley is not so simple. It can appear even if special rules are observed. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your own health. After all the problem can appear and against diseases of endocrine system, a thyroid gland and the weakened immunity. To the outside there were no "surprises", you need to start healing from the inside. In this case, meibomite will not overtake a person and will not show itself as negative symptoms that complicate the situation.
Forecast meibomite
The forecast of meibomite is positive if the treatment was started on time. After all, the disease quickly acquires a sharp and even chronic form. Therefore, much depends on quality and effective treatment.
If, upon detection of unpleasant symptoms, a person immediately turned to a doctor, there is no danger. In the course of diagnosis, an accurate diagnosis will be made and quality treatment prescribed.
In case the victim does not hurry to the medical institution and tries to remove the problem on his own, complications may develop. In some cases, people do not complete treatment and stop taking prescribed medications to eliminate the underlying symptoms. Do not do this! Even if the disease receded, the course must be completed. This will avoid relapse. In this case, the forecast can be far from positive. Moreover, in a difficult situation, the inner barley is opened by surgical intervention. Meibomite is a serious disease that requires quality treatment.