Medulloblastoma - a tumor of the cerebellum
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Medulloblastoma - a malignant tumor that affects the central nervous system, originates in embryonic cells. Therefore, most often this disease occurs in children under 10 years of age (70% of all intracranial tumors), with boys being observed 2 to 3 times more often than girls.
Cases of medulloblastoma in adults appear in 4 percent of all tumors of intracranial localization.
Medulloblastoma is a tumor that originates in the cerebellum and is one of the few whose metastasis affects the way in which the outflow of the spinal cord goes, the soft tissues of the spinal cord and brain, the ependyma of the ventricles of the brain ...
Causes of medulloblastoma
For the most part, the causes of medulloblastoma are not known to date, it is difficult even to guess what is the trigger or starting point that triggers the mechanism of development and growth of malignant cells. Therefore, it is difficult to give any recommendations on prevention to doctors.
Symptoms of medulloblastoma
The main symptoms of medulloblastoma, which manifests the disease, are:
- Increased intracranial pressure.
- Increased headaches.
- Nausea, vomiting (usually in the morning).
- Decline of strength, irritability.
- Weakened vision.
- Fast fatiguability.
- There may be disturbances in coordination of movement.
- Memory impairment.
- Stiffness and muscle weakness of the neck.
Desmoplastic medulloblastoma
Having carried out histological examinations, physicians distinguish two types of manifestation of this disease: the main, or classical medulloblastoma, which is detected in 70-80% of cases of the total number of cases, and less frequent, desmoplastic medulloblastoma. Studies and subsequent results show that a long-term prognosis for the treatment of a desmoplastic tumor is more favorable than in the case of its classical manifestation. These cells are more malleable when applied to radiation and chemotherapy.
Medulloblastoma in children
The manifestation of medulloblastoma in children can be expressed by a decrease in overall school performance, painful factors when trying to write something. The manifestation of symptoms depends largely on the size of the tumor and its location. With the penetration of metastases into the spinal cord, there are pain in the back, problems with the intestine and bladder.
Diagnosis of medulloblastoma
To diagnose - medulloblastoma cerebellum - can only a doctor, after a series of studies. Such as: computed tomography (CT) with contrast and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Usually medulloblastoma is allocated as a store of a special substance of contrasting color forming a shape of an oval or a circle visualizing in the region of the cerebellum. Carry out the same MR diagnosis, puncture the spinal cord to answer the question of the absence or presence of metastases in it. Timely diagnosis of medulloblastoma (concerns all medicine and especially oncological diseases) is not just a favorable and more sparing outcome of treatment, but also literally an "extra weight" on scales in favor of life and in contrast to death.
Who to contact?
Treatment of medulloblastoma
Treatment of medulloblastoma captures two complementary areas of medicine: neurosurgery (overlapping the first stage) surgical intervention and neurooncology, which is responsible for postoperative recovery of the patient. At the second stage the patient receives chemotherapy, radiation, medication support.
Surgical intervention
In this case, the medulloblastoma of the cerebellum worm can not be treated one-sidedly. To defeat a tumor that develops in the cerebellum of the brain and give the patient a chance to return to society and to a full life after the hospital, an integrated approach to treatment is needed. This and surgical intervention, without which, often, not do, and chemotherapy and radiation exposure. If the operation is impossible for some medical indicators, the radiosurgical effect is applied to the areas of the cerebellum that have occupied the medulloblastoma. When performing surgery, the surgeon strives to remove as much as possible all cells affected by a malignant tumor. But at whatever high level the operation was performed, the surgeon can not guarantee that all the affected areas could be removed, then the use of radiosurgical action can not be avoided (for example, the metastases have already penetrated the brain stem or the location of the tumor is such that to completely remove it it is not surgically possible). To prevent further relapse, treatment of medulloblastoma necessarily requires radiotherapy.
In our country, such therapy is shown to all patients in the postoperative period, including children over the age of 3 years. Since medulloblastoma, often manifested by metastases in the spinal cord, it is quite natural that the brain, both the head and the dorsal, must necessarily be irradiated. Often this is done for preventive purposes (regardless of the results of MRI of the spine) to prevent further proliferation of metastases. Children under the age of 3 years do not undergo radiation therapy. When treating this pathology does not involve the use of a gamma knife.
Chemotherapy with medulloblastoma
An obligatory element of recovery is chemotherapy. To date, the treatment of medulloblastoma does not have a well-developed scheme for the use of chemicals, as there are no standards. To prevent repeated relapses and for preventive purposes (especially in patients with an increased risk of recurrence), lomustine and vincristine are most often used.
The protocol of measures to combat medulloblastoma includes sufficiently large doses of such drugs as Cyclophosphamide, Lomustine, Carboplatin, Cisplatinum, Vincristine and others. The main factors to the indication of these drugs are: the maximum tumor removal, the presence of metastasis and the age of the patient. And only an expert can choose the right drug and determine its dosage.
- Vincristine. Apply once a week intravenously as a stream, and drip. For adults - 1 ÷ 1.4 mg / m2 (single dose - not more than 2 mg / m2). Dosage is reduced in case of violations in the liver. For children - once a week, the dosage depends on the mass of the baby. The drug can not be administered intramuscularly - tissue necrosis is possible.
- With medulloblastoma, lomustine is also used. Dosage is selected individually. For children and adults, inside, the primary dose is 100 ÷ 130 mg / m2 (once a day) every 6 weeks or every 3 weeks 75 mg / m2. The dose can be adjusted in the work with other drugs. The use of this drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, severe kidney and liver pathology ...
- Cyclophosphamide. Intravenously. In a day - 0.2 g. The course is 8 ÷ 14 g. As maintenance doses: in / m or / in 0.1 to 0.2 g twice a week. Contraindicated with pronounced anemia, heart failure, severe form of renal and hepatic pathology ...
- And others.
Mode and diet with medulloblastoma
Treatment and prevention of medulloblastoma suggest a comprehensive approach to this problem. It is impossible to limit only to surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, while not changing the whole way of life, not having revised your diet. Nutrition of patients with medulloblastoma should be rational. The body needs to receive all the ingredients of the food, including vitamins and minerals. In patients with cancer, the main metabolism essentially changes (it directly depends on the load received in the treatment). The patient often loses an appetite, refuses food, or consumes foods, the calorie content of which is clearly not enough to restore the patient's strength.
When choosing products for cancer patients, including medulloblastoma, it is necessary to follow the recommendations that are announced by nutritionists: about 55% of carbohydrates, 30% of fats, 15% of proteins should be present in the food. For various diseases and situations, slight adjustment of the ratios is permissible. One of the main problems of all cancer patients is cachexia (exhaustion), which is very dangerous for the patient's life. Therefore it is necessary to eat small portions, but often.
Chemotherapy, not so long ago, was accompanied by vomiting and nausea, which did not contribute to raising appetite, a new generation of drugs does not give such a reaction. When passing this procedure, do not forget to take a sufficient amount of liquid (soups, mineral water, tea, water without gas). When taking chemotherapy drugs it is necessary to be ready, that it is possible to change the taste preferences - do not be afraid, this is normal. Possible inflammatory phenomena in the oral cavity, throat, esophagus. In this case rinses with antiseptic means will help to neutralize fungi and bacteria. It is necessary to remove from the diet black bread and fruits with vegetables containing a high percentage of balance substances. In this period of treatment medulloblastomy it is useful to eat bread crumbs, rice, vermicelli. In the acute phase of the disease in the diet must enter rice, barley and oat mucus, the basis of which was a salty vegetable broth. From vegetables it is better to focus on carrots, zucchini, asparagus. Apple and apricot compotes are useful. To restore and maintain the flora of the intestine, include in the food yogurt and kefir (preferably with live bacteria). This menu can also be followed during the passage of radiation procedures.
More information about nutrition can be found in the book by Lev Kruglyak " Лечебное питание при ракеCurative nutrition in cancer "
Treatment of medulloblastoma in the home
Existing, often innovative, methods of treating a patient with medulloblastoma are quite effective. But, received popularity recently, non-traditional methods of combating the disease lead, often, to serious, and in some cases, irreparable consequences, including the death of the patient. Therefore, if you value your life or the life of a loved one, never do self-medication. Do not waste time, only a timely call to a specialist will give a chance to cope with the medulloblastoma. Alternative therapies are great if they do not go against the main treatment protocol.
After discharge from the hospital home, it is better, on the instructions of doctors, to organize a full-fledged diet and regimen for the patient with medulloblastoma. Relatives will have to adjust to the new schedule and menu. It is necessary to select not only a set of products acceptable for the patient written out, but also take into account his wishes and tastes. Often, we have to come up with various tricks to fully nourish the beast.
Not the last, and maybe one of the main points of rehabilitation - full support and understanding of the family - the psychological factor is of no small importance.
Treatment of medulloblastoma by alternative methods
It should be reminded to respondents that alternative medicine, with skillful use, can bring many benefits: to support the body, to help stop those unfavorable processes that result in the body of a patient with medulloblastoma.
Here is the small part of the knowledge that healers can share with us.
With malignant tumor:
- Recipe 1. Before cooking, you must cut the aloe leaves and rinse. Wrap a white cloth, after twenty-one days squeeze out the juice. Three glasses of honey of May, 1 glass of aloe juice, 2 glasses of "Cahors". Mix all the ingredients in a 2 liter jar. Allow to stand for five days in a cool place (a refrigerator or a cellar).
Take: three times during the day for 1 hour. For five days. The next three days - 1 tbsp. Three times a day for 1 hour before eating. The consumption period is from 3 ÷ 4 weeks to one and a half months.
For preventive and supportive purposes:
- Recipe 2. Soak in cold water for one hour, withstood a combination of 1: 1, figs and dried apricots, cut. In the same proportion, take the ground Volov (walnut) walnut and 1 ÷ 2 medium lemon, cut into pieces together with the skin. All products are put in a 3 liter jar and pour honey. If it is too thick, then before adding it to the jar, mix it with all the ingredients beforehand.
Take: 1 ÷ 2 tablespoons. Three times during the day before meals, pre-bay kefir.
- Recipe 3. During sunrise, ripen the young nettle. Pour in cool water and stand for about an hour. Grind it. Smothering with a mortar. Mix with crushed young garlic (proportions are taken to your taste and based on the state of the gastrointestinal system). Mix shredded sorrel, nettle, spinach (1: 1 ratio), parsley, dill, egg whites, add apple cider vinegar, or any vegetable oil and lemon juice.
- Recipe 4. Take the mistletoe flowers white (remove the best from fruit trees), and tansy flowers to 1 t.l. And 2 tbsp. Fresh celandine. Collect 1/2 liter of water. To boil. Leave it overnight. Strain.
Take: Use in small sips throughout the day.
Recurrence of medulloblastoma
All drugs are taken only under the strict supervision of a doctor. How well the patient will cope with his illness, whether the recurrence of medulloblastoma is likely, no doctor can unequivocally answer these questions. But, nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to talk about some kind of forecast. The patient should want to recover. Positive dynamics of the course can be foreseen if the patient appealed at an early stage of the disease. An age of the patient is important and there is metastasis, how deeply it has affected the body. If the treatment was at an early stage and the full course of treatment was received, then the survival rate in five years is ≈ 75%. And the worst prognosis is in those patients who experienced a repeated relapse of medulloblastoma. Such patients on average live no more than 13 ÷ 18 months.
Prognosis of medulloblastoma
If you maintain your body with such infusions, then the prognosis of medulloblastoma will undoubtedly be more positive than without maintenance therapy.
Do not abandon the periodic preventive examination, especially for those who have a history of predisposition to oncological diseases, in particular, to medulloblastoma: professional activity, genetic predisposition ... But if there are unpleasant sensations, frequent headaches, do not delay the hike to the doctor for later. It is better to get a negative result than later to reproach yourself for being lazy and busy.