Is it possible to raspberry at a temperature?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Most of us with the mother's milk absorbed the belief in the miraculous influence of raspberries for colds. Relying on wisdom, many do not even know what useful substances must berry its popularity. Its therapeutic effect ensures the presence of vitamins C, E, A, folic acid and other B vitamins, fatty acids, pectins, iodine, copper, potassium, calcium, iron. Raspberry is a known diaphoretic. Any infectious disease is manifested by an increase in body temperature, sometimes to high levels. But is it possible to apply raspberries at body temperature 38 ° -39 ° C?
Indications for use
Indications for the use of raspberry are colds affecting the upper respiratory tract, influenza, SARS. They can occur with or without body temperature. Warm drinks with raspberries have a warming, softening, immunity-strengthening effect. Salicylic acid, which is part of its composition, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. At high temperature, the main task is to make the body lose heat. Causing profuse sweating through drinking, including raspberries, and also keeping the room temperature below 20 ° C, you can achieve it. Antipyretics also do not need to be discounted.
Useful recipes
Raspberry is a special garden plant, all parts of which are suitable for the preparation of medicinal infusions: roots, stems, twigs, flowers, leaves, fruits. We are more likely to use berries, they are harvested for the winter, dried, grinded with sugar, cooked with jam, frozen in order to prepare a drug if necessary. Tea with raspberries at a temperature can be prepared as follows:
- brew ordinary tea, leave to cool to a warm state, put a tablespoon of berries in the state in which they are harvested, and drink small sips;
- another option is to eat jam, jam or another product from a raspberry snack, washing down with tea.
Fresh raspberries at a temperature even more effective and useful, tk. In fresh berries, more vitamin, organic acids, tannins, pectins, fatty oils than in the past heat treatment or exposed to low temperatures. True, in the height of summer, when raspberries ripen, infectious diseases rarely occur, but if this happens, it is necessary to take advantage of such a natural and useful medicine and not to miss the opportunity to strengthen the defenses of the body.
Leaves of raspberries with colds and temperatures will bring more benefits than berries, tk. In them in 6 times more vitamin C. They not only will lower temperature, but also will serve as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent. Cooking can be tinctured using vodka, or infusion on the water. To do this, fresh leaves will fit in the summer season, and for winter it is necessary to make billets. For this, whole green leaves are torn off, washed and laid out on a towel in the shade in the garden or the room. Direct sunlight should not fall on them. For adults, this recipe is suitable: any glass jar with two fingers should be filled with leaves, filled with vodka so that they are completely covered and the liquid is as much as the previous layer. Then close it with a leak-proof lid, put it in a place protected from the sun and let it infuse for a month. With the onset of cold weather, it is possible to make such a pre-work in advance so that, at the slightest sign of a cold, one can begin to be treated. Drink it should be at night for 50g, while the heat is sheltered.
Infusion on the water: a teaspoon of dry raw material pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes, the antipyretic is ready.
One of the options for a drink from raspberries, which will help at a temperature is a mors. The properties of this berry do not deteriorate from heat treatment. It is prepared as follows: after boiling a liter of water, 200 g of berries are added and boiled for 10 minutes on low heat. Then it is filtered, the berries are squeezed through the cheesecloth. If desired, you can sweeten with sugar or honey. Similarly, prepare the mors and raspberry jam, put it instead of fresh berries. You can bring to taste with the help of lemon juice and honey. Drink the mors frosted to room temperature.
Compote of raspberries at a temperature, like mors, acts as a diaphoretic antipyretic. The basis for this drink can serve as dried fruit from apples, pears, grapes, apricots, plums, etc. Or various fresh vegetables that are on sale during the period of illness. Adding raspberries, you can drink compote warm at night to sweat well, and you can during the day for the fastest removal of toxins from the body.
Honey and raspberries at temperature - an alternative means, according to the effectiveness of the action erected in a square. This is confirmed by the chemical composition of the apiproduct: vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, E, K, folic acid, a variety of micro- and macroelements, organic acids, flavonoids, phytoncides, hormones, fats. In conjunction with raspberries, it is an excellent fortifying agent that promotes rapid recovery, the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body, and hence a decrease in the elevated body temperature.
Use during pregnancy
During pregnancy, raspberry becomes especially relevant, because pharmacological preparations are undesirable during this period. In addition to removing the infection from the body, the berry will serve as a source of calcium, to which it is rich, which is important for the formation of the skeleton of the fetus, removing the edema inherent in pregnant women. There are statements that raspberries help to reduce the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage. This feature is mainly attributed to raspberry leaves. It is unlikely that putting a spoonful of berries in tea, you can cause this reaction. In any case, lowering the temperature with medicines will bring much more harm.
Application for children
The famous doctor Komarovsky argues that no medicine can compare with a raspberry broth with the ability to activate sweating, which is so important for removing toxins from the body and reducing heat. Although he warns that it is necessary to give plenty of water to a sick child and another liquid, in order to have something to sweat. Drink berries and leaves will help to strengthen the immunity of the child, so do not wait for the symptoms of a cold, and with the onset of colds make broths, adding other useful ingredients: rose hips, linden flowers, honey.
Contraindications for use
Contraindications to the use of raspberries include constipation, kidney disease, gout, hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the plant. Pregnant should be careful when applying, as there are rather timid warnings about the harm of raspberries for this category, there probably is no clear evidence of this.
Storage conditions
Raspberry, stored for the winter in any form, does not lose its healing properties. Modern refrigerators and freezers make it possible to resort to freezing berries, which most people do. For this, it is strictly not recommended to wash it beforehand. Another way involves pouring sugar over the berries before placing them in the freezer. To do this, slightly damaged berries are suitable. People of the older generation often make jam, jelly, jams and it's not only useful, but also very tasty. You can stock up on a fragrant liqueur that will give rise to energy on a cold frosty day, and you do not need to wait until you get sick. I share the recipe: in a glass jar of any volume put a layer of about 3 cm of fresh berries, cover with sugar, so alternate until the container is filled, then pour vodka. Close tightly with a lid and put for a week on the window in the reach of sunlight. After this, strain, store the filling in a glass closing bottle in the bar. Dried leaves are best kept in glass or ceramic containers, paper bags or rag bags.
Shelf life
Any frozen supplies from the garden should be eaten before the season of ripening of the new crop. Raspberry, like blackberries, strawberries, currants are recommended to use for 8-9 months, however, like jams, jams, dried leaves and inflorescences. The summer season will bring a new crop and fresh billets.
Than it is possible to replace a raspberry?
Analogs of raspberries at a temperature are viburnum, black currant, blackberry, a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries - logan berry, named for the breeder who crossed two shrubs. Applying Kalina, you need to remember that it greatly lowers the pressure, so it will not work for hypotenics.
Checked by a generation of ways to lower the temperature, get rid of the unpleasant symptoms accompanying colds, flu, viral infections, has only positive feedback. Safe, in addition, and a delicious recipe is not rejected even by young children.