Interruptions in the work of the heart
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Heart rhythm disturbances or arrhythmia are perceived as interruptions in the work of the heart, which are manifested by the acceleration or, conversely, the slowing of the pulse. There are unpleasant feelings that cause anxiety ...
Danger of interruption in the work of the heart? It depends on what they are related to, because arrhythmia can be not only physiological. Very often, irregularities in the heart indicate the presence of certain pathologies of cardiovascular, endocrine or neurocirculatory nature.
Causes of the outage in the work of the heart
In cardiology, the key causes of cardiac disruptions are associated with abnormalities in the normal sequence of electrical impulses in the heart, circulatory problems, or structural changes in the heart.
In turn, the causes of heart disruptions in healthy people, which are manifested by physiological tachycardia, are associated with increased physical exertion, fever, increased air temperature, rapid change in body position, and with excitement, stress or neurotic state (when the sympathetic nervous system under the action of adrenaline and cortisol affects the sinus node of the heart). Also, interruptions in the heart can be a side effect of certain drugs (diuretic, antibacterial, antipsychotic). Even drops from the rhinitis (for example, Galazolin) can cause interruptions in the heart. They make "their own contribution" to smoking and abuse of caffeine.
With interruptions in the heart, people with iron deficiency anemia, increased functional activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), and also with autoimmune thyroiditis often face. Causes of atrial flutter, in addition to thyroid dysfunction, include high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic lung disease, alcoholism.
Among the causes of rapid and chaotic disruptions in the work of the heart - ventricular fibrillation, the consequences of which can lead to cardiac arrest, cardiologists include: damage to heart tissue in myocardial infarction; myocarditis and cardiosclerosis; decreased blood supply to the myocardium due to narrowing of the coronary artery (developing due to high cholesterol levels in the blood); congenital structural anomalies of the heart, including valve defects, myocardial dystrophy, etc.
But extrasystole - in the absence of organic changes in the heart muscle - experts consider a non-dangerous reflex reaction of the autonomic nervous system, regulating, in particular, the frequency of heart contractions. It is this pathogenesis that has disruptions in the work of the heart in the VSD (vegetovascular dystonia).
Changes in the electrolyte balance of the blood towards increasing its acidity level, as well as excessive intake of insulin with the use of large amounts of food or carbohydrates and fats rich in foods, explain disruptions in the work of the heart after eating, in particular, heart palpitations. In addition, products with a high content of sodium glutamate and nitrates may be to blame for this.
Among the factors that cause irregularities in the work of the heart during pregnancy, physicians identify hormonal changes peculiar to this condition; increased heart strain due to increased volume of circulating blood; problems with intestinal motility, as well as loss of fluid during vomiting during early toxicosis.
Often there are interruptions in the work of the heart in osteochondrosis, which is associated with the infringement of nerve roots with intervertebral discs, which leads to vegetative disorders.
When the pathogenesis of cardiac arrhythmias is associated with its electrical system, it is a malfunction in the operation of the sinus node (the natural pacemaker driver containing the most active electrical cells and initiating the heartbeat) or the atrioventricular (atrioventricular) node responsible for signaling from atrium to the ventricles. Most often this causes irregularities in the work of the heart: the heartbeat may become too fast or too slow, may be chaotic or stable. Symptoms vary depending on the rhythm changes, and doctors can state the presence of:
- sinus tachycardia (frequent heart rhythm up to 90-100 and more beats per minute);
- supraventricular tachycardia (which starts in the lower or upper chambers of the heart);
- Atrial flutter (instability of the rhythm of heartbeats);
- Bradycardia (cardiac rhythm lower than 60 beats per minute);
- syndrome of weakness of the sinus node (when the pacemaker does not work properly, and the heart rate then slows down, then accelerates);
- sinus arrhythmia (often occurring in children and adults, cyclic changes in heart rate during breathing);
- extrasystole (an extraordinary reduction of the myocardium);
- ventricular fibrillation.
Symptoms of the outage in the work of the heart
While some cardiac arrhythmias may go unnoticed, others cause varying intensity symptoms of heart failure, ranging from mild discomfort in the chest to choking and unconsciousness (syncope).
As a rule, the first signs of interruptions in the work of the heart are noticed with the acceleration or slowing of the pulse, as well as in the sense of heartbeats for a fraction of a second.
In addition, patients complain of attacks of strong palpitation, a brief deterioration in overall health, accompanied by dizziness and a sense of sudden weakness.
With tachycardia, there may be a feeling of slight trembling (trembling) in the region of the heart, as well as compressing or drawing pain. In more severe cases, there may be a feeling of lack of air and fear. The most likely complications are associated with the risk of coronary artery disease and a heart attack.
With a bradycardia, which people feel as interruptions in the work of the heart at rest, weakness of the sinus node can be revealed, which is symptomatic of a decrease in heart rate, a malfunction of the rhythm of breathing, and a fainting condition. Complications are cerebral ischemia and cardiac arrest. In the case of extrasystole, strong points are felt in the heart, and with severe atrial fibrillation (which affects people more often after 50 years), all of these symptoms are accompanied by severe dyspnoea and syncope.
Symptoms, which are characterized by interruptions in the heart in the IRR, depend on the nature of the vegetovascular disorder. If it is associated with the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, the heart rate sharply increases, the person pales, then he throws into the heat, then shivering. And when the level of insulin in the blood rises, the heart rate drops, the pulse weakens, and the person becomes covered with a cold sweat.
Interruptions in the work of the heart after eating can be accompanied by increased sweating, yawning and discomfort in the abdomen.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnostics of the outage in the work of the heart
Like any definition of diagnosis, diagnosis of cardiac disruptions, as manifestations of symptoms of a particular pathology or neurotic condition, begins with an anamnesis, pulse rate and auscultation of the heartbeat using a stethoscope.
Usually tests are given - a general and biochemical blood test.
And the basic instrumental diagnostics of these states includes:
- ECG (electrocardiography);
- daily recording of ECG (continuous 24-hour monitoring of heart function using a portable recorder in Holter's technique);
- echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart);
- treadmill test (ECG recording, pulse rate and blood pressure level under physical stress).
In atrial fibrillation, a special study of cardiac function can be performed to determine the source of aberrant heartbeats by intra-esophageal echocardiography (the catheter sensor is inserted into the heart-located area through the esophagus).
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Differential diagnosis
To identify the specific cause of cardiac disruptions, careful differential diagnosis of cardiopathologies, endocrine diseases, circulatory disorders and the autonomic nervous system is needed.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the outage in the work of the heart
It is clear that treatment of irregularities in the work of the heart will depend on the nature and causes of heart rhythm disturbances, as well as their severity. And physiological tachycardia and sinus arrhythmia do not require therapy.
In medicamental treatment, appointed by doctors, various medications are used:
- reducing cardiac muscle contraction and heart rate blockers of β1-adrenergic receptors (Metoprolol, Propranolol, Atenolol, etc.);
- blockers of cardiac output blockers of Na + channels (quinidine, disopyramide, Allapinin);
- blocking agents of calcium channels (Verapamil, Diltiazem) affecting sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes.
Adrenoblocker Metoprolol (other trade names Vazocardine, Carvedilol, Egilok) is effective in supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular extrasystoles. Standard dosage in case of heart failure - twice a day, one tablet (0.05 g), the maximum allowable daily dose is 0.2 g. Among the side effects of this medication, there is a decrease in blood pressure, swelling of soft tissues, dyspnea, skin rashes, disorders work of the gastrointestinal tract, blood supply to the extremities and sleep, convulsions, joint pain, change in the blood formula. Metoprolol is contraindicated with weakness of the sinus node, bradycardia, hypotension and severe heart failure and circulatory disorders; the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
Anti-arrhythmic drug Allapinin (in tablets of 25 mg) should be taken one tablet (preliminarily chopping) 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals. Possible side effects of the drug are manifested in the form of dizziness and double vision in the eyes, and among the contraindications to its use, note the blockade of impulses carrying the conduction system of the heart, impaired blood circulation and kidney and liver function.
Quite often, cardiac arrhythmias are treated with an antiarrhythmic drug Verapamil (Verakard, Isoptin, Kaveril), which is recommended to take 40-80-120 mg three times a day (the individual dosage is determined by the doctor). This medicine can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, depression of pressure, headache and dizziness, bleeding gums. The use of verapamil can disrupt the functioning of the liver, cause fainting, sleep, urination, menstrual cycle and provoke an attack of angina and myocardial infarction. Among its contraindications: hypotension, bradycardia, severe heart failure, sinus node weakness syndrome, atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. The drug is not prescribed for children under 5 years and pregnant women. It should also be borne in mind that verapamil when taken with beta-blockers increases the risk of dysfunction of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes, it is never used simultaneously by sodium channel blockers and neuroleptics. The drug can not be washed down with grapefruit juice.
The drug digitalis Digoxin refers to cardiac glycosides and contributes to a decrease in heart rate with tachycardia. It is prescribed strictly according to indications in an individually established dosage and is applied under ECG monitoring in a hospital setting.
Depending on the results of the examination and the established diagnosis, diuretics, anticoagulants, sedatives, etc. Can also be prescribed. Physicians recommend taking all vitamins of group B, vitamins A, E, C and PP, lecithin, and with tachycardia - magnesium preparations.
Considering the degree of danger of cardiac disruptions, physiotherapeutic treatment of cardiac arrhythmias is selective, since with structural changes in the myocardium such treatment is contraindicated.
Most often, physiotherapy - in the form of sessions of electrophoresis with potassium chloride or Propranolol - is used if patients have cardiac disruptions with VSD (neurocirculatory dystonia).
Physiotherapists recommend electrophoresis with bromine, sessions of oxygen therapy and electrosleep, as well as balneological procedures (carbon dioxide, nitrogen and radon baths) to restore the normal rhythm of the heart.
In case of chronic heart failure, surgical treatment can be performed according to indications, which consists in cauterizing certain pathologically active zones of the myocardium by the method of radiofrequency ablation. With a reduced heart rate and pathologies of the natural pacemaker, an operation is performed to install a pacemaker.
Alternative treatment
What offers alternative treatment for cardiac disruptions? First of all, it is necessary to treat with natural honey: use within one month a tablespoon of honey - every day. You can mix honey with lemon juice (2: 1), you can just drink tea with honey (preferably in the evening).
The next method is to use copper applications, for which use copper plates, which are recommended to place in the area of clavicles at least 5-6 hours per day.
It is also recommended to take fish oil containing unsaturated fatty omega-acids: 1 g per day for 30-40 days.
In that it prefers treatment with herbs, phytotherapists advise:
- prepare a decoction herb broth for five-lobed leaves (tablespoon per 200 ml of water) and take it on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
- take a decoction of peppermint (dessert spoon for a glass of boiling water) - on a tablespoon three times during the day.
In the same way with enhanced heartbeat, you can use a decoction of the roots and rhizomes of valerian, grass of Astragalus licorice and cows, as well as fruits of hawthorn. You can also use the pharmacy alcohol tincture of hawthorn - 18-20 drops twice a day (the second reception in the evening).
Homeopathic treatment of heart failure
By the way, homeopathy also has among its funds from the interruptions in the work of the heart tincture of hawthorn - drops of Crataegus. These drops are taken twice a day on a piece of sugar (seven drops), which must be kept in your mouth until the sugar dissolves.
The most recommended homeopathic preparations for arrhythmia are: Cactus grandiflorus drops (20 drops twice a day 25 minutes before meals, can cause diarrhea); Aconitum D4 (tincture of a poisonous plant of aconite hood); Lilium tigrinum (tiger lily tincture); Calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate, is taken in triplicate once a week); Gnaphalium polycephalum 3X, HPUS (swine swine granules for sublingual use); Spigelia D2 (spiegel anti-wrinkle plant tincture); Naia tripudens D12 (the poison of the point cobra).
Doctors-homeopaths remind, that interruptions in work of heart can be a sign of serious cardiological pathologies, therefore homeopathic remedies are not intended for replacement of standard medical methods of treatment of arrhythmias and should be used as a supplement to allopathic methods of treatment. Without the recommendation of a doctor, they can not be used.
The main prevention of cardiac arrhythmias is a healthy, that is, an active way of life, the use of dairy and plant foods with vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and especially magnesium. If the tendency to arrhythmias should be avoided any overload, sleep at least 7-8 hours, walk more, and also eliminate alcohol and smoking.
The prognosis of physiological tachycardia in healthy people is favorable. But with obvious pathologies of the heart, interruptions in his work pose a considerable danger.
Every day the heart beats an average of 100 thousand times, pumping over 750 decaliters of blood. When the heart is not functioning normally, the brain and all other organs can not function properly.
Feeling intermittent in the work of the heart, you should seek help from a cardiologist, so that timely diagnosis and effective treatment - combined with proper prevention - will prevent the pathological consequences of cardiac arrhythmia, which are dangerous for human health and life.