The initial stage of psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Psoriasis is a known skin disease that can not be cured. For many decades scientists have been trying to explain the causes and determine an effective remedy for the treatment of this disease, but, unfortunately, so far, unsuccessfully. Even if the patient has consulted a doctor in a timely manner and he has an initial stage of psoriasis, then it can not be guaranteed that the disease will not progress further.
And yet, how to recognize the disease in advance and take basic measures to prevent further spread of psoriasis? Is it possible?
Symptoms of the the initial stage of psoriasis
The first signs of psoriasis are the appearance of flat inflammatory elements on the skin. These are clear light pinkishly convex seals, top covered with loose, dried, light scales, which easily disappear. Such seals do not have a specific pattern of location and can affect any areas of the skin. The most "favorite" localization of psoriatic nodules is the area of the joints, the scalp, the fold area (for example, the gluteal and groin folds). Sometimes also diagnose psoriasis of the nails.
At the beginning of the disease the amount of rashes is limited, they are usually single. Over time, the elements merge and form different foci, which are called zones with peripheral growth.
The acute onset of psoriasis can be the result of minor injuries of the skin (scratches, punctures, etc.). With the passage of time, rashes can spread beyond the boundaries of the original lesion, grabbing at times large areas of the skin.
- The initial stage of psoriasis on the hands is manifested by itching and scaling mainly in the area of the joints or on the palm. In severe situations, not only the skin, but also the articular bags themselves are affected, which can be determined by the arisen joint pain and the limitation of mobility.
Other symptoms of psoriasis on the hands:
- the appearance on the elbows or fingers of pink nodules with a light flaky crust;
- the appearance of blisters on the palms of the hands;
- edema and hyperemia of the skin in the region of the fingers;
- changes in the structure and deterioration of the nail plates.
Most often, psoriasis of the hands is found on the outer or inner side of the hand, on the joints of the fingers, on the nails or on the outside of the elbow.
- The initial stage of psoriasis of the head manifests itself on the hairy part of the head and is characterized by such variants of rashes:
- seals under the hair, with a clear border in the forehead;
- small nodules that do not interfere with the growth of the hairline.
The main difference between psoriatic scales and seborrhea is that they can be felt and palpated.
The most common localization of psoriasis on the head is the occipital side, the parting area and the back of the ears. The disease occurs against the background of itching and skin irritation.
- The initial stage of psoriasis on the elbows or knees is practically the same:
- on the external parts of the joints appear small pinkish convex spots;
- with time they merge, increase;
- Over gray spots are formed off-gray scales;
- sometimes there is irritating itching;
- when the rash is damaged, a bleeding surface is exposed.
The clinical picture of the initial stage of psoriasis may be somewhat different, since there are different types of this disease:
- classical plaque form of psoriasis (which is described above);
- exudative, or rupioid form of psoriasis (along with seals and scales there is a pronounced inflammatory process);
- arthropathic form of psoriasis (development of arthritis against psoriasis);
- pustular form of psoriasis (palmar-plantar psoriasis);
- limited pustular form of psoriasis (limited accumulation of eruptions in the area of elbows, palms and feet);
- erythroderma (perhaps the most severe form of the disease, with clear symptoms of a pronounced inflammatory reaction).
In childhood, usually there is a folding psoriasis, which is located in various folds of the skin: between the buttocks, the groin, the neck, the armpit, the popliteal zone,
Complications and consequences
The main complication of the initial stage of psoriasis is the further progression of the disease and the passage of pathology into more severe forms. This is erythroderma, generalized psoriatic lesion, and arthritis. Any aggravation of psoriasis may in the future lead to the patient becoming disabled.
Often, psoriasis contributes to the occurrence of concomitant diseases. For example, patients significantly increase the risk of developing heart failure, stroke, hypertension, metabolic disorders and endocrine disorders.
Quite among patients and neuropsychic disorders - in particular, depressive psychoses. Many of the patients experience considerable discomfort, especially when communicating with others. In the future, this can seriously affect the work of the nervous system.
Diagnostics of the the initial stage of psoriasis
As a rule, the diagnosis of psoriasis is primarily based on the characteristic clinical picture. Doctors use for this purpose the generally accepted three characteristics:
- when trying to scratch the scales from the affected surface, one can observe an increase in the number of scales (the so-called "stearin stain" sign);
- with further scraping of the skin, the glossy surface of the underlying tissues is exposed (sign of the "terminal plate");
- after removal of the scales, small capillaries are exposed, which give a slight bleeding (a sign of "bloody dew").
- All these signs the doctor must check before the diagnosis. Self-cleaning flakes should not be, since this can aggravate the development of pathology.
Also, the doctor can prescribe the following tests:
- general blood test (may indicate leukocytosis, accelerated ESR, sometimes anemia);
- biochemistry of blood (there is an increase in the amount of uric acid, the absence of rheumatoid factor).
Instrumental diagnosis at the initial stage of psoriasis is not informative. Sometimes a skin biopsy is performed, which allows to detect phenomena of acanthosis, parakeratosis, as well as inflammatory signs in external tissues.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the the initial stage of psoriasis
Is it possible to cure psoriasis at the initial stage? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely cure psoriasis, even if the doctor's appointment was timely. But, undoubtedly, treatment in the early stages of development will be much easier and more effective. After all, the main task of therapy in psoriasis is to establish control over the disease and to facilitate its manifestation.
For therapeutic purposes, at the initial stage, external agents are used. Such remedies should be aimed at eliminating itching, pain and signs of inflammation. Most often the doctor prescribes medicines with keratolytic ability, that is, dissolving the upper damaged tissue layer. In addition, hormonal preparations of external use, homeopathy, vitamins and other medicinal products can be prescribed.
Names of preparations |
Dosing and Administration |
Side effects |
Special instructions |
Preparations of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium |
Sodium thiosulfate |
Take inside 10% solution on water at a rate of 2-3 g per reception. |
None. |
Can be used for treatment and for prevention. |
Calcium gluconate |
Take before meals 2-3 grams to 3 times a day. |
None. |
Do not apply with a tendency to thrombosis. |
Aspartate of potassium-magnesium |
Enter intravenously in the form of a dropper once a day for 500 ml, for 7 days. |
Hyperkalemia and hypermagnesia. |
The drug drips slowly, about 20-25 cap / min, to avoid side effects. |
Antihistamines |
Tavegil |
Take orally at 0.001 g twice daily. |
Pain in the head, indigestion. |
Do not prescribe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. |
Pipolphen |
The daily amount of the drug is up to 500 mg, which should be taken 3-4 times. |
Irritability, sleep disturbances, dry mouth. |
Do not appoint in pregnancy and children under 6 years. |
Vitamin preparations |
Cyanocobalamin (B¹²) |
Apply intramuscularly at 200 mcg per day. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks. |
Allergies, agitation, pain in the head. |
Do not appoint in pregnancy and lactation, with a tendency to thrombosis and cancer. |
Tocopherol acetate (E) |
A nicotinic acid |
Take inside at 0,015-0,025 g after eating, for 2 weeks. |
Hyperemia of the face and upper body. |
Avoid prolonged treatment, especially with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. |
External means |
Lorinden A |
Apply to affected areas 2 times a day for 10-14 days. |
Dryness of the skin, hyperpigmentation. |
Not suitable for long-term use. |
Salicylic acid |
Apply to the skin 2 times a day. |
Dryness of the skin. |
None. |
Prednisolone ointment |
Apply up to 3 times a day, for 2 weeks. |
Itching, burning sensation. |
Not suitable for long-term use and for application to extensive skin areas. |
Homeopathic remedies |
Psorinocheel |
Apply 10 drops under the tongue. |
None. |
Allowed to use during pregnancy. |
Psoriaten |
Apply to the affected area three times a day for a month. |
Hyperemia, itching of the skin. |
Can not be used to treat children under 1 year. |
Escolus |
Assign for internal administration of 10 drops three times a day, before meals. The duration of therapy is 30-45 days. |
Dyspepsia, drowsiness. |
Do not use in pediatrics and immunosuppression. |
Sulfur-Heel |
Apply to the skin every day before going to bed, for 10 days. |
At first, it can cause an aggravation of the condition, which is considered a variant of the norm. |
Do not use when wet wound surfaces. |
Other drugs |
Timalin |
Enter in the form of intramuscular injections of 5-20 mg for one week. The course of therapy can be repeated no earlier than 1 month later. |
None. |
None. |
Mikanol |
Apply on the skin up to 2 times a day. |
Allergic manifestations, hyperpigmentation of healthy skin. |
Do not apply to healthy areas of the skin. Wear protective gloves when applying. |
Tretinoin |
Lubricate the skin twice a day. |
Allergic manifestations. |
Can not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. |
Levamisole |
Take inside 150 mg every day. |
Pain in the head, sleep disorders, indigestion, taste disorders. |
The effect develops slowly, sometimes after 3 months of regular admission. |
A major role in alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis is played by physiotherapy, which involves the use of the following methods:
- method of infrared laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation (medium waves);
- transcerebral method of UHF electrotherapy;
- chromotherapy, magnetotherapy;
- hydrotherapy, tar and alkaline baths;
- cytostatic treatment (PUVA treatment);
- electrosleep, franklinization;
- paraffinotherapy, ozocerite, radon, hydrogen sulphide.
Operative treatment is appropriate only in extreme cases, when conventional drug therapy does not have the expected effect. As a rule, the initial stages of psoriasis do not require surgical intervention.
Alternative treatment of the initial stage of psoriasis
Alternative medicine offers a lot of means by which you can stop psoriasis at an early stage. The effect is especially noticeable when using traditional and alternative treatment in a complex with each other.
- Squeeze the juice from the fresh herb celandine and use as a compress. Such treatment helps to suppress pain and prevent infection of affected areas.
- Alcohol tincture of the turn has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. Take tincture of 20 drops three times a day.
- Prepare a mixture of equal parts of white clay and sea salt. Apply in the form of a mask for 30 minutes, every other day.
- Dry mushroom chaga pour for 4 hours with water, then crushed and again poured the same water (in a ratio of 1: 5). Insist two days, the mushroom is squeezed out, and the drink is taken 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals.
Treatment with herbs can be supplemented with the following recipes:
- The dried branches of dogrose are ignited, and the resulting ash mixed with petroleum jelly (1: 1) is used to lubricate the damaged skin areas.
- Prepare a plant mixture from the color of elderberry, rhizomes of elecampane, corn stigmas, cranberry leaves, horsetail shoots (20 grams), celandine (10 g), rhizomes of ayr, St. John's wort and string (30 grams each). One st. L. The mixture is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and continue to cook on low heat for 10 minutes, after which it is insisted for another half an hour. Filter and take 100 ml twice a day between meals.
- Two st. L. Blackberry leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for at least 4 hours. Filter and take 100 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment - one and a half months.
- Mix the crushed powdered celandine grass with smaltsev in proportion 1: 4. Apply as an ointment under the bandages.
- Prepare a collection of 10 grams of motherwort, 10 g cones of hops, 30 grams of rhizome licorice, 10 g of nettle leaves, 20 g of string, 20 g of burdock root. Insist 1 tbsp. L. Mixture in 500 ml of boiling water, preferably in a thermos, for 10 h. Infusion is filtered and taken throughout the day in a warm form. The course of treatment is long - about a year or more.
If you use similar recipes of alternative medicine, then at the initial stage of psoriasis, the improvement can come about 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment.
More information of the treatment
If the initial stage of psoriasis has already manifested itself, then it will not be possible to get rid of the disease forever. However, to stop the disease and prevent its further development is possible.
- Try to get rid of bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol. This will avoid the development of complications.
- Make sure that the skin is always moistened. Choose for yourself an effective moisturizer.
- Try not to stay in the sun for a long time. Remember: a dosed stay in the sun is useful for psoriasis, but prolonged exposure can only do much harm.
- Take care of your nervous system, protect yourself from stress and anxiety.
- Take care of taking any medications. Before taking any medication, consult a doctor.
The prognosis of psoriasis can be improved by adhering to all preventive rules. And, although the disease is considered incurable, patience and perseverance can lead to success in treatment.
We dare to hope that the above information will help you forget about such a disease as the initial stage of psoriasis. Perhaps the timely treatment will only give a positive and lasting result.