Psoriasis of the scalp
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Recently, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases has increased dramatically.
To a group of diseases involving autoimmune pathogenetic mechanisms, one can include a pathology such as psoriasis of the head (especially its hairy part). It increasingly affects not only patients aged, but also young people.
Causes of the psoriasis of the scalp
There are following reasons for the development of psoriasis of the scalp:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Heredity.
- Stress and a strong emotional load.
- Propensity to the appearance of allergies.
- Being in ecologically unfavorable regions.
- Professional overload ..
- Harmful habits (alcoholism and smoking).
- Unbalanced diet.
- Frequent trauma to the scalp.
- Effects of low air temperature on the head.
Risk factors
Recently, it is possible to trace a fairly strong relationship between the contaminated atmosphere and psoriasis of the scalp. In addition, it is possible to attribute to the risk factors the use of various food dyes and additives, preservatives and hormones. Today, studies are conducted on the interaction of genetically modified foods on the human body and their relationship to various autoimmune diseases.
According to statistical observations, the scalp psoriasis affects in half of all cases. At first the disease, while affecting the nape, gradually moving to other parts of the head.
Symptoms of the psoriasis of the scalp
This disease is not infectious, but it is considered incurable. Today, doctors can recommend a variety of medications that only relieve relapses and help achieve a lasting remission.
The most common symptoms of psoriasis of the scalp are:
- First, the scalp begins to slightly flake skin. In this case, the disease affects only a few parts of the head.
- Peeling spreads over the entire head, the skin starts to itch and itch.
- After a while, the itch becomes really unbearable. The patient often combs the skin before bleeding and wounds.
- Further, the patient appears large red plaques. The skin becomes less elastic and coarser. The skin can be easily traumatized.
- Plaques begin to actively peel off. This leads to the appearance of scales of gray color with a silver tinge. They can eventually cover the entire scalp.
- Without pathogenetic treatment, psoriasis gradually spreads beyond the limits of hair growth.
The pathological process in psoriasis goes through several basic stages:
- Stage of progression - there is a huge number of new plaques, and those that were earlier, spread to neighboring areas.
- The stationary stage of the disease - new elements do not appear, but the disappearance of old plaques does not occur.
- The stage of regression - gradually all signs of the disease disappear, and plaques are replaced by pigmentation.
There are two types of psoriasis of the scalp, which depend on the stage of pathology:
- An easy form of the disease - on the head there are single small areas with plaques (so-called lesions). The skin is covered with small scales.
- Severe form of the disease - the disease affects the entire surface of the skin of the head. Scales in this case are very large in size.
Also, depending on when the exacerbation of the disease develops, summer, autumn, winter and spring types are highlighted.
Complications and consequences
In addition to the fact that psoriasis of the scalp brings physical discomfort, patients also suffer psychologically. Pathology can cause severe depression. Because plaques often itch, patients begin to comb them, which leads to pain, trauma, nervous breakdowns and severe emotional exhaustion.
Often, if psoriasis develops in the erythrodermic form, the pathological process affects the hair follicles. If you do not start treatment on time, it can lead to irreversible consequences, in particular, to baldness.
Diagnostics of the psoriasis of the scalp
In order to assign the right course of treatment, you must put a correct diagnosis.
- The initial stage of the diagnosis of psoriasis of the scalp is based on a survey of patient complaints, examination of damaged skin areas, and an anamnesis.
- Further the doctor reveals pathognomonic symptoms ,. The following clinical symptoms are called psoriatic triad:
- Stearin stains - if the papules are slightly scraped, they first turn white, and then the scales separate from them.
- Terminal film - if you remove scales from affected areas of skin, the skin beneath them becomes red and becomes shiny.
- The symptom of an auspittian is that after scratching the affected skin, spot bleeding appears on them.
- The phenomenon of Kebner is one of the features of the diagnosis of psoriasis of the scalp. Approximately 10 days after the onset of the disease, a special rash appears on the affected areas, which is characteristic of psoriasis.
- To diagnose the stage of regression of the disease, the doctor examines plaques. Around them should appear light rings.
- To clarify the diagnosis, you can use instrumental diagnostic methods.
Instrumental diagnostics
For the diagnosis of psoriasis of the scalp, two instrumental methods are sometimes used:
- Investigation of the particles of scales under a microscope.
- Skin biopsy - this method is necessary in order to conduct a histological examination of scales and plaques.
Differential diagnosis
Psoriasis of the head is a rather insidious disease, as it can not always be quickly diagnosed. At the initial stages, patients often believe that they have just skin irritation or dandruff. Sometimes even doctors confuse this pathology with seborrheic dermatitis or deprive.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the psoriasis of the scalp
To date, there are many different methods for treating psoriasis of the head, but it is worthwhile to understand that they all help to get rid of the symptoms and external signs of this disease. It is important to choose the right therapy, which will allow you to forget about the unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis for a long time.
First of all, it is necessary to understand that this pathology should be treated by complex methods. It is necessary that during this process the patient is always supervised by a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, as this can lead to an exacerbation of the disease and deterioration of health.
The main methods of fighting psoriasis of the scalp are: medications, a special diet and physiotherapy procedures. Among the main drugs that are prescribed by a doctor, we can distinguish:
- Popular corticosteroids - they help to relieve inflammation.
- General strengthening and sedatives.
- Ointments and sprays, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin.
Typically, such drugs are prescribed only if the patient is diagnosed with an advanced form of psoriasis. Among the main physiotherapy procedures are:
- Irradiation with ultraviolet rays.
- Light therapy.
- Irradiation with erbium laser.
Solcoseryl. This drug is designed to improve tissue regeneration and trophism. Produced in the form of gels and ointments. Active active component of the drug is deproteinized dialysate, which is extracted from the blood of young calves. It is applied locally. It is applied to the cleansed and dry skin, directly to the affected areas. Use must be at least three times a day to achieve an effective result. The course of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.
Very rarely, the use of this drug can lead to the emergence of allergies, marginal dermatitis, urticaria. Contraindicated with intolerance of its main component. With a predisposition to allergies should be applied with caution.
Lamisyl. Antifungal drug. It is active against pathogens of dermatomycosis (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton tonsurans, Trichophyton violaceum), yeast-like fungi (Candida albicans), multicolored lichen (Malassezia furfur). Produced in different forms, so you can choose a product that is easily applied to the head. The active ingredient is terbinafine.
The course of therapy is individual, so it is worth to listen to the recommendations of the treating doctor. He will also establish the necessary dose of the drug. The main side effects of using the remedy: pain in the abdomen, neutropenia, rash, allergies, headaches. Do not use if intolerance of the main substance that is part of the drug.
Xylol. The drug with anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effect. Produced in the form of gel. Active active ingredients of the agent are calcipotriol monohydrate and betamethasone dipropionate.
Before applying the gel on the skin, the bottle should be gently shaken. Use a small amount of the drug, gently rubbing the gel into the skin on the affected areas of the head. Apply only once a day. The course lasts up to four weeks. You can apply again, but only under the supervision of a doctor.
In some cases, the use of Xamiol may lead to side effects: eye irritation, itching sensation, allergic reactions. The drug is not recommended for diseases that are accompanied by a violation of calcium metabolism, kidney and liver diseases, viral infections of the skin, age of 18 years, intolerance of the main components.
Imizin. A popular antidepressant that is used to improve mood in patients on psoriasis of the scalp. Refers to a group of tricyclic antidepressants.
Usually, 0.05 mg per day is taken, gradually increasing this dose to 0.2 g. If there is an antidepressant effect, the dose may not be increased. The course of treatment is from four to six weeks, depending on the condition of the patient. The medicine is also being phased out gradually.
Among the main side effects of using the drug can be identified: sweating, feelings of dry mouth, increased palpitations, dizziness. The drug is not recommended for use in renal and hepatic insufficiency, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases, atherosclerosis, atony of the bladder, glaucoma.
This is a popular non-hormonal cream, which is often prescribed for psoriasis of the scalp. In its composition, you can find only natural ingredients, so it is completely safe for the human body.
The active ingredients of the drug are: lysozyme, solidol, bee honey, string and chamomile extract, vitamin A, lavender oil, salicylic acid, eucalyptus oil.
The cream is often used for the prevention of psoriasis. It is effective in 94% of cases. Due to the fact that Kartalin does not cause atrophy of the skin, as well as known corticosteroid agents, it is often prescribed to relieve the inflammatory process and eliminate itching.
This drug is non-toxic, it does not include hormonal substances, as well as synthetic components, so it can be used even for the treatment of children (from three years old).
It differs antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effects. This cream can be used for a fairly long period of time, since it is not addictive.
Creamlin cream is used for two to four months. Apply once or twice a day. After that, the patient has a fairly persistent remission, which can last up to four years. The cream has a viscous and rather dense structure, as well as a dark brown color and a characteristic odor. In some cases, intolerance of the components may be detected, in such cases, the drug should be discontinued immediately.
Ointments for psoriasis of the scalp
For topical application in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, local and keratoplastic agents are often used:
- Salicylic 1-2% ointment - has a good anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and keratolytic effects. Due to this flakes faster flake, and the skin covers heal.
- Ointments with tar (Antarro-Bin, Tsiogoderm, Psorax and others) - the main active substance (tar) exfoliates and regenerates effects.
- Ointment Ichthyol - it has a good anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effect.
- Naftalan 10-20% ointment - thanks to this drug, the skin is quickly restored. Also differs anesthetizing effect.
- Antihistamine ointments (Fenistil-gel, Psilo-balm) - differ antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
- Ointments based on vitamin D3 (Psorkutan, Daivonex) - help to suppress the growth of keratocins, which significantly improves the protective functions of the skin.
- Retinoic ointment - scales cease to ripen too quickly.
Salicylic ointment
Today Salicylic ointment is used to solve many skin diseases and problems (rashes, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis). Due to its excellent qualities, this product has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The keratolytic property of the ointment affects the scales, helping them to flake faster.
The main task of salicylic ointment in psoriasis of the scalp is to prepare the skin for the effects of other medications that are used in such cases. But it is worthwhile to understand that this tool alone can not help to get rid of the disease completely.
Before using salicylic ointment, consult a specialist. In pharmacies today you can find a drug with a different percentage of salicylic acid, but with psoriasis should pay attention to 1-2%.
Directly before applying the ointment, you need to wash your head thoroughly. This will cleanse the skin, make the plaques softer, improve blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin.
Shampoos and lotions for psoriasis of the scalp
Recently, a wide variety of shampoos and lotions, which are specially developed for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, are quite popular. Moreover, it is much easier and easier to apply and wash them off. But it is necessary to understand that only with shampoos you can not cure this disease. Although they are necessarily included in complex therapy.
Among the most popular shampoos today can be identified:
- Friederm Zinc.
- Friederm Tar.
- Tegrin.
- T / Sal.
- Aloe vera.
- Ketozoral.
- Sebozol.
- Nizoral.
Especially popular among the aforementioned shampoos is "Sebozol". Its active ingredient is ketoconazole. It differs in antifungal and antimicrobial activity. Helps to remove the itching of the scalp, thoroughly clean its surface from the peeled scales.
To get an effective result, you can wash your hair with shampoo at least once a week (with running cases - twice a week). The course of therapy is at least four weeks.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
To improve the patient's condition, the following physiotherapy procedures are often recommended:
- Irradiation with ultraviolet.
- Irradiation with erbium laser.
- Hydrotherapy.
- PUVA therapy.
- Plasmapheresis.
- Hemosorption.
Also recommended are sanatorium and spa treatment, where patients are prescribed such procedures:
- Mud treatment.
- Heliotherapy.
- Bathing in baths with hydrogen sulphide.
Alternative treatment
Many patients stop their attention on a variety of alternative recipes that help get rid of psoriasis of the scalp. It is worthwhile to understand that they can not completely replace medical therapy, but only supplement it.
Among the most popular recipes of alternative medicine is:
- Take 300 g of solidol or light vaseline, add there two proteins from chicken eggs. There also add one tablespoon of lime honey and the grass is clean (in the form of a powder). The resulting ointment is applied to the affected area of the skin with psoriasis.
- Take one spoonful of lime honey and one egg white. Add to any baby shampoo. Apply on the head and rinse after 15 minutes.
- Special oil wrap made from olive and peanut oil. They need to rub their head after washing. To make the effect positive, you need to put on a plastic cap or bag. It is better to use before bedtime.
Burr oil
This oil gently and without problems exfoliates the scales that appear with this disease. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Apply burdock oil after washing your head, best in the evening, before you decide to go to bed. It is easy to rub the oil with massage movements and then put on the shower cap.
To wash off oil it is necessary in the morning. At the same time, a crust of psoriatic plaques is washed off with it. After the horn inflammations have been removed, you need to fix the result. To do this, three applications with burdock oil are carried out, in which hormonal components and lotion are added.
Aloe is often used to treat psoriasis of the scalp, but do not expect an instant result. Moreover, this medicinal plant must be used in conjunction with medicinal preparations. The most popular recipe for this plant for the treatment of psoriasis is the following.
Take 25 grams of aloe juice, 25 grams of root aira, 25 g of celandine juice, 25 g of flaxseed oil, 25 grams of vinegar table, 20 g of non-growing herb juice. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and brewed in 1.5 cups of hot boiled water. It is necessary to insist up to three hours, after which the tincture can be applied to the affected areas of the skin in the form of compresses. Keep on the head for up to three hours.
Masks for psoriasis of the scalp
Various masks that are used to treat psoriasis of the scalp, consist of a variety of ingredients. The most popular are tar and some essential oils.
To prepare a mask based on tar, it is necessary:
- Take three tablespoons of a normal hair mask.
- One spoonful of tar (birch).
- Dimexide (one spoonful).
- Castor or burdock oil (two spoons).
- Two ampules of vitamin E and A (bought at the pharmacy).
- Ten drops of essential oil from the tea tree.
- One spoonful of honey or a large sea salt (to choose from).
This mask should be applied to the head every day, keeping at least one hour on your hair. Due to its composition, the mask helps to get rid of peeling.
To soften the plaques and get rid of scales, masks are used based on essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, cypress). To prepare this remedy, you need to take two tablespoons of oil from coconut, one tablespoon of grape and almond oil, one teaspoon of honey (cognac) and two drops of lavender and rosemary essential oils.
The mixture is recommended to be heated in a water bath, and then, after cooling, applied to the affected scalp. After applying the mask, the head needs to be wrapped with a film and a towel and left for two hours.
Herbal Treatment
Medicinal herbs often help to get rid of the main symptoms of psoriasis of the scalp. Here are some effective recipes:
- Take 300 g of celandine and grind in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the mixture that you received. To the juice add 30 ml of red wine and moisten the head. It is necessary to leave the mixture for at least a quarter of an hour, then rinse thoroughly.
- Special alcoholic infusion based on celandine. For its preparation, mix ½ liter of alcohol and a half cup of dried celandine. The infusion should be in a dark place for about two hours, after which it can be used.
- Tincture of black elderberry - pour the flowers of this plant 450 ml of hot boiled water and let stand for 1.5 hours. One hour before a meal, drink half the glass.
Diet for psoriasis of the scalp
A correct and balanced diet will help patients with psoriasis of the scalp to improve metabolic processes in the body and make exacerbations less frequent.
Basic principles of nutrition:
- The specialist must individually determine which foods are suitable for the patient and which are not. They must be excluded from the diet.
- It is important to completely abandon alcohol and alcohol-containing beverages.
- Food should be taken often, but in small portions.
- Do not eat fried, smoked and fatty foods.
- Reduce the possible use of salt.
- Do not eat foods that are high in preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, baking powder and stabilizers.
- Completely exclude citrus from the diet.
- Try less to add to the food sugar and higher grades of flour.
- More often eat vegetarian food.
- Add low-fat dairy products to the ration.
- Add more cereals (especially buckwheat).
- Add more vegetable oils.
More information of the treatment
Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure psoriasis of the scalp (as well as other forms of this disease). With the help of special medicines, diet, physiotherapy, prescriptions of alternative medicine, one can only maintain the patient's normal condition and prevent relapses. With a well-chosen treatment, the prognosis is favorable.
Psoriasis of the scalp and the army
Patients with psoriasis of the scalp can call in different parts of the army, depending on the shape and severity of the disease. So, the draftee can be sent to the reserve, get the mark "not good" or "partially good".
- 70% of patients have a limited form of psoriasis. Such conscripts do not serve. They get a military ticket and go to the reserve.
- 20% of patients have a common form - such recruits are unsuitable for military service.