Hypothyroidism with menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Hypothyroidism is a disease that occurs due to a deficiency in the body of thyroid hormones - there is a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones in the blood. Hypoteriosis with menopause usually manifests in the primary form. Due to atrophic processes in the thyroid gland, the thyroid gland cells work is disrupted.
Causes of the hypothyroidism with menopause
Despite the fact that many women experience the development of hypothyroidism during menopause, the presence of a connection between the thyroid gland and the climax period is rarely considered. The thyroid gland is a key link in the process of metabolism, energy metabolism, body temperature control and its weight, and in addition it influences speech, thought processes, sex life and sleep. Such factors as poor nutrition, stressful conditions, negative influence of the environment, as well as hereditary problems can become the cause of the violations. In addition, the development of hypothyroidism can begin because of a violation of the function of other organs (for example, the adrenal glands) that affect the activity of the thyroid gland.
Symptoms of the hypothyroidism with menopause
Symptoms of menopause and signs of hypothyroidism are quite similar, because the reproductive system is in close connection with the thyroid gland. During menopause, the body of a woman reduces the production of sex hormones, and this is a natural process. When hypothyroidism, too, there is a shortage of hormone production, because of what a woman feels tired, suffers from poor concentration, weight gain, hair loss - the same signs appear in the early menopause. The most noticeable symptoms of hypothyroidism are the conditions that arise due to the slowing down of metabolic processes: it is inhibition and apathy, decreased efficiency and mental activity, a state of general weakness, slowed speech, worsened memory, edema of the extremities and a puffy face, and a feeling of chilliness.
Diagnostics of the hypothyroidism with menopause
Identify the cause of the symptoms that are typical for both hypothyroidism and menopause, you can use a blood test to the level of hormones. The parameters of the laboratory analysis that helps to diagnose hypothyroidism are the indicators of free T3 and T4, as well as the level of basal TSH.
Differential diagnosis
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism usually fails on time, because at an early stage its signs are very nonspecific, and besides this can be an imitation of a variety of non-thyroid diseases (this is due to the fact that the lesions that are detected with a deficiency of thyroid hormones are of a multi-organ nature). Often, the symptoms of this disease are taken as manifestations of menopause or the natural aging process of the body.
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Treatment of the hypothyroidism with menopause
With hypothyroidism, developed during the menopause, the main method of treatment is HRT - to stabilize the level of hormones. Such preparations contain a complex of analogues of progesterone and estrogen. In addition, the patient develops a suitable diet, which takes into account her weight, age, as well as the energy costs of the body during the working and weekend.
Among the drugs used to treat hypothyroidism during the menopause, the following:
- Thyreoidin (a medicine created on the basis of a dried thyroid of an animal nature);
- L-thyroxine, which is an analogue of the hormone T4;
- Triiodothyronine, which is an analog of the hormone T3;
- Thyreotom, and Thyreocombe - combined drugs.
Hormonal treatment with thyroid drugs can last for several months or even years. The timing will depend on the severity of the disease, as well as its shape.
Alternative treatment
The most natural method of supporting the activity of the thyroid gland is proper nutrition. To improve the performance of the hormone T3, you need to take more zinc and group A vitamins. It is also important to consume more iodized products. To convert T4 to T3, you need to take selenium. In general, fresh foods are the best sources of a variety of nutrients.
Herbal Treatment
The use of separate herbs helps to create the right balance between hormones progesterone, estrogen, and also testosterone in menopause. In the right proportion, these hormones contribute to the healthy functioning of the endocrine system of the body. To maintain the process of cell metabolism in the thyroid gland, you need to use sage, as well as hops.
If hypothyroidism creates in the body only minor disorders, you can carry out treatment without using hormonal drugs. In this case, the use of homeopathic medicines will be effective.
Thanks to homeopathy, the body is able to fight the disease on its own, which allows for complete recovery if successful treatment is achieved. At the same time, one must take into account that homeopathic therapy is not a fast process, its duration may be 1-2 years. Also, it should be done very carefully, because in some cases it is necessary to take the drug up to 6 r. / Day. At the same time intervals.
Among the homeopathic drugs that help with hypothyroidism: Spongia, as well as Tarentula, Ignacia, Barita Carbonica and Lachezis.
How to lose weight with hypothyroidism and menopause?
To reduce weight with hypothyroidism in menopause, you need to include in your daily diet foods with a high content of iodine. Such products help maintain the vital functions of the body and, at the same time, do not increase body weight. Among them:
- Products with a high content of tyrosine (such as yoghurts and milk, and in addition almonds, lentils, pumpkin seeds and sesame, as well as fish, turkey and chicken, etc.). At the same time, dairy products must be exceptionally fat-free to make the diet not only as effective as possible, but also harmless;
- Iodine-containing products - fish and a variety of seafood, as well as sea salt in limited quantities. In addition to them, you must take iodized tablets or powders based on natural algae. Thus it is necessary to consider, that before the use of such preparations it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, therefore as sometimes these medicines have contraindications;
- Iodized salt (but we must remember that its use is allowed no more than 1 time / week). Frequent reception is prohibited;
- It is necessary to eat more foods containing protein - it is eaten in chicken eggs, dietary bird meat, as well as various seafood;
- A diet containing lots of selenium should also be included in the daily diet. Among such products are chicken and salmon, uncooked grains, low-fat beef and dairy products, tuna, garlic and brewer's yeast, and in addition broccoli and Brazil nuts.
To lose weight, you must necessarily use vitamin B and polyunsaturated fatty acids, because they have a positive effect on the overall balance of hormones, and also contribute to improving the body. You should also drink coffee, because it stimulates the thyroid gland and can completely eliminate most signs of hypothyroidism. Coffee includes components such as the B group vitamin, and also magnesium.
It is also important to consume protein foods - cheeses, cottage cheese and skimmed meat. Thanks to these products, metabolism is stabilized, and the body receives the nutrients and energy that it needs. But you can not eat too much of this food - the diet should be made in accordance with the recommendations of the treating doctor. It is impossible to independently create a diet - you need a consultation of a specialist who will be able to select a suitable diet scheme for the patient.
There are also foods that can not be used with such a diet, as they interfere with effective weight loss in hypothyroidism:
- Any soy products are tofu with soy milk, and besides that, miso pasta. Soy can not be eaten, because it suppresses the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is inadmissible in the case of hypothyroidism;
- Any vegetables belonging to the group of cruciferous - for example, kohlrabi, Brussels and white cabbage, but also broccoli and turnips, as well as rutabaga with mustard. To exclude them from their diet does not completely follow, because they contain many useful substances, but the amount must be seriously limited;
- It is forbidden to drink water in raw form (from the tap), because it contains elements such as chlorine, fluoride, etc., which block the process of iodine digestion;
- If the patient exhibits an increased sensitivity to gluten, reduce the amount of food consumed in which it is contained. In particular, this prohibition concerns flour from wheat;
- The daily volume of liquid (ordinary water) should not exceed 1.5 liters, because the excess causes severe swelling, which leads to deterioration of the condition, as not only weight gain starts, but also the development of other problems (for example, exacerbation of the disease).
The most effective way of preventing hypothyroidism of thyroid gland is the use of seafood, which contains a large amount of iodine, as well as the regular use of iodized salt. Also, doctors recommend the periodic use of drugs containing iodine (for example, "Iodomarin"). The main requirement is to meet the daily intake of iodine - it is 100-200 micrograms. If you take medications that contain iodine, uncontrolled, it can adversely affect the work of thyroid gland and provoke worsening of the disease.
Hypothyroidism in menopause in case the patient is on compensatory treatment usually does not cause any special discomfort (except for the need to regularly take L-thyroxine) and has a favorable prognosis.
In the development of hypothyroid coma, a fatal outcome is observed in about 80% of cases.