Hyperkeratosis of the cervix
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Many doctors consider this pathology a precancerous condition of the cervix. Leukoplakia or hyperkeratosis of the cervix are two names for the same disease, which is the curing of the body's epithelium.
ICD-10 code
In the world of medicine, there is a so-called register of diseases - "International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision" (code for μb 10). In it, the changes we are interested in in the physiology of the uterus have their own coding and can be denoted by an individual code - N88.0, which is called - cervical leukoplakia.
Causes of cervical hyperkeratosis
Today, doctors are ready to identify several sources that can lead to the pathology considered in this article. Causes of hyperkeratosis of the cervix can be:
- Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
- Changing the hormonal background.
- Failure in the endocrine system.
- Unintelligibility in sexual relations, adherence to rough sex.
- Cervical cancer is almost a third of cases.
- Infectious lesion of the female reproductive system. It can be, for example, papillomovirus.
- Bacterial trauma lesions. For example, gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.
- Decrease in the immune status of a woman.
- Injuries. For example, birth trauma, healing, the consequences of which passed without the supervision of specialists.
- Inflammatory process, taking place in the area of the pelvic organs.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Incorrect fixation of contraceptives. For example, spirals.
- Abortion, and, perhaps, not one. The organ is mechanically injured.
But it is worth remembering that the mechanism itself and the direct relationship with the above reasons to the end, to date, has not been established. But if a woman has at least one of these factors, she needs to be more attentive to her health, fixing the appearance of a new symptomatology. Call for an appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist.
To most effectively treat a disease, you need to know not only the cause that caused it, but also the pathogenesis of the disease. In this case, the pathology progresses against the background of a weakly expressed chronic inflammatory process. Constant irritation of the mucosa and causes those negative changes that lead to the disease. Particularly high probability of transformation into malignant structures, if there is an uneven color of the affected area.
Symptoms of cervical hyperkeratosis
At an early stage of the disease a woman may not even guess about the presence of this lesion, since the disease primarily does not show itself. Identify it in this period can only specialist with the next gynecological examination. Symptoms of cervical hyperkeratosis are seen by the doctor as white patches on the ectocervix.
If these signs are not so obvious, the patient is referred for colposcopy, after which the obstetrician-gynecologist will give an opinion. However, sometimes this method of examination is not enough and then there is a need for a more extensive examination of the patient.
In some cases, a representative of the weak half of humanity can feel an increased divergence from the vagina whiter. It is mainly a translucent liquid with a not very pleasant smell.
After the sexual intercourse, a woman can observe small amounts of bloody discharge.
First signs
As already noted above, hyperkeratosis of the cervix, does not have a pronounced symptomatology for its mistress. But the first signs that should still alert her and make her visit to her gynecologist is an increase in the amount of leucorrhoea that comes out of the vagina and the unpleasant smell inherent in them.
Minor cervical hyperkeratosis
If pathological changes have covered a small area of the mucosa - a slight hyperkeratosis of the cervix, then you should not worry, this pathology is not dangerous.
It is especially necessary to be on guard for those women who are in the premenopausal or premenopausal period. More rare cases of mucosal lesions in young women.
Focal hyperkeratosis of the cervix
True focal hyperkeratosis of the cervix is a serious deficit of female and a significant predominance of other, including male, sex hormones. The name of this pathology is explained by clear boundaries of pathological foci. These foci are flat whitish spots, having a slightly matte tide. This kind of disturbance of the epithelial layer is also called pseudo erosion.
Parakeratosis - one of the varieties of this disease occurs sporadically. The main cause of its manifestation may be trauma, it is especially dangerous to traumatize the sexual organs of a woman during the period of obstetric care, mainly if further healing took place without monitoring the specialist. In this situation, the body reduces the production of keratogialin, which is responsible for the parameters of mucosal elasticity. Visually, this is perceived as the focus of a scorched and cracked desert.
But the most dangerous, in terms of degeneration, oncologists consider dyskeratosis. With this type of disturbance, the cells of the epithelial layer begin to divide chaotically and with increased speed, which leads to the appearance and growth of tumors.
This type of focal hyperkeratosis of the cervix is visually similar to cauliflower growing on the mucous membrane. In a number of studies (including histology), physicians find a granular internal structure of these growths, topped with a somewhat excessive outer layer. Due to the fact that the process of exfoliation of keratinized cells is disturbed, they begin to form a layer by layer and in the neglected case these conglomerates reach already impressive sizes. Finally, you can determine the diagnosis only after a comprehensive examination of the patient.
Hyperkeratosis of the cervix in pregnancy
Since the moment when a woman starts to bear the fruit under the heart and up to the moment of his birth, any mom is very worried about her health, being afraid to harm her baby.
Therefore, if a woman was delivered during pregnancy, hyperkeratosis of the cervix, she, naturally, panics.
But to answer the question, dangerous or not, is a disease, can only a qualified specialist after carrying out a package of all necessary examination. With minor disturbances, the parturient should not be worried. Such pathology will not affect the course of pregnancy and obstetrics. And only after the appearance of the baby, the attending physician will deal with the female problem.
But if the disease is a more severe form of pathology, then only the doctor can decide on further measures to stop it.
If the pathology is recognized in the early stages and the measures are adequate for this disease, the consequences of its manifestation are minimal and practically will not affect the quality of life of a woman and her desire to conceive, bear and give birth to a baby by fulfilling her duty to nature.
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If the disease was recognized at a later date, complications are possible. And one of the most dangerous is the degeneration of healthy epithelial cells into cancerous growths. At the same time, in the main, the process of dividing them is accelerating and is completely chaotic.
Diagnosis of cervical hyperkeratosis
Suspicion of the presence of pathology can sneak in at a specialist during the next visit of a woman to a doctor - a gynecologist. Diagnosis of cervical hyperkeratosis is carried out according to certain rules.
- This is a visual examination of the woman on the armchair by means of a gynecological mirror. A gynecologist may notice a whitish stain on the cervix.
- Collection of anamnesis of the patient:
- Diseases.
- Childbirth.
- Abortions.
- Heredity.
- Conduction of colposcopy. Taking the material in the form of a cytological scraping.
- Ultrasound examination.
- Conducting the necessary laboratory research.
- If necessary, the doctor prescribes X-ray (to determine the concomitant diseases).
The first thing that is prescribed by a patient with suspicion of the disease considered in this article is the tests performed in the laboratory.
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly informative and accurate technique of molecular genetic diagnostics. Its carrying out makes it possible to identify diverse infectious and hereditary pathologies that occur both acutely and chronically.
- PAP is a test, or as it is called by medical personnel - a Pap smear. This is a cytological analysis, the material for which is a smear obtained with the next gynecological examination. The sample enters the laboratory for examination under a microscope. When an abnormal cell is detected, a woman is given an additional examination.
- Bacteriological sowing of leucorrhoea on the flora.
- Research on human papillomavirus (HPV). Taken material (smear) is sent to the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). If the HPV is recognized, its type is set.
- A biopsy is performed. When colposcopy with a special tool, a small sample of the cervical tissue is picked. It is this that is investigated in the laboratory at a high resolution of the microscope. The presence of dysplasia and the severity of its development are assessed.
And as a mandatory woman gives:
- General and biochemical blood tests.
- Blood on the level of hormones of the thyroid gland and the adrenal cortex.
- General and biochemical analyzes of urine.
- Blood to determine blood type and Rh factor.
- Determination of the level of sexual homonov in urine and blood.
Instrumental diagnostics
Today it is difficult to imagine modern medicine without the help of diagnostic medical equipment. Instrumental diagnostics took a firm place in the issue of correct and rapid diagnosis. The disease that interests us can be recognized by a number of medical methods. The most popular are:
- Colposcopy.
- Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
- Hysteroscopy with targeted biopsy of the organ in question to determine the atilius.
- Radiography of the pelvic area. Allows you to assess the condition of the hip bone structures, sweeping aside or confirming the concomitant diseases.
Differential diagnostics
After the patient has completed all necessary examinations, the treating physician conducts differential diagnostics. It is an analysis of all the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, a visual examination and anamnesis of the patient. On the basis of this, diseases that are similar in symptomatology, but not confirmed by studies, are cut off.
This analysis allows more correctly diagnose the disease, as well as determine at what stage of destruction it is. Only after receiving the entire clinical picture of pathology can we talk about the appointment of effective treatment, as well as preventive measures that can maintain the patient's body condition within the remission.
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Treatment of cervical hyperkeratosis
After the examination is carried out and the diagnosis is made, the treatment of the cervical hyperkeratosis depends on the severity of the pathology. In most cases, this is an operative surgical treatment of the patient. After carrying out similar therapy in most cases the patients subsequently have a favorable prognosis.
The choice of the most effective method of treatment by a doctor is based on a number of factors:
- Age of the woman.
- The status of her reproductive system: a woman gave birth or did not give birth, and he also plans it in the future or not.
If the patient has not yet transcended the reproductive capacity, and does not remove the issue in the future to have children, then it uses more gentle methods of exposure:
- This can be laser vaporization. The essence of the technique is in the strong heating of the laser beam of pathological cells, which leads to their necrosis, that is, death.
- Cryodestruction is the reverse of the previous one. The process of burning mutated tissues with low temperatures, which creates liquid nitrogen.
- Radiosurgical treatment.
- Cauterization of pathological zones solkovaginom. Use of this drug will prevent the formation of scars.
- Electrosurgical methods are the most traumatic, but also cheaper type of therapy. Usually, it is prescribed to women who no longer plan to continue to give birth or are in the pre-menopausal period.
In addition, such a woman, depending on the cause of the pathology must go through immunostimulating, hormonal, antiviral, antifungal or antibacterial therapy.
If, in the course of the study, signs of malignancy were identified, the methods of treating hyperkeratosis of the cervix change drastically. After symptomatic therapy, the patient is assigned an operative excision of the pathological site.
Depending on the source that provoked the disease in question, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral or immunostimulating drugs may be prescribed in the treatment protocol of the patient. If a woman undergoes surgery, antibiotics are prescribed.
For example, with an insignificant level of pathology, a woman can be prescribed vaginal suppositories that have antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal characteristics - neo-pentotrans, as well as his analogues: metromikon-neo, metrogil, vagilac, epigen, labilak, mikozhinax, ketoconazole, nimesin, ihtiol and others.
Metronikon-neo is used twice a day: in the morning and in the evening (just before bedtime). One vaginal suppository is introduced. The duration of the treatment course is prescribed by the doctor and can vary from one to two weeks.
In this case, the candle, lying down and bending your knees, should be deeply inserted into the vagina. In order not to carry the "infection", before the procedure, hands must be sanitized or use a special disposable fingertip.
To contra-indications metromicon-neo refers to increased individual intolerance of one or more constituents of the drug, as well as the presence in the woman's history of a serious disruption in the liver, hemopoiesis malfunction, problems with the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system, the first trimester of pregnancy.
In the role of anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed: melox, orwel, advil, dexalgin, nicrofene, clonolol, ketonal, brustan, menindole, arkrksian, rapten Rapid, naproxen, dolac and many others. More suitable are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Pharmacological preparation melox is recommended to be taken together with food in a daily dosage of 7.5 to 15 mg.
In this case, the attending physician should not forget that if the patient has problems with the kidneys, then the administered dose should be minimal.
Meloks is not allowed to receive in case of increased individual intolerance of one or more components of the drug, as well as in the presence of a woman with a history of peptic ulcer disease, hyperkalemia, bronchial asthma, internal intestinal bleeding, severe liver dysfunction, baby and feeding it with breast milk.
It is possible to prescribe antiviral medicines : provirusan, videks, herpes, retrovir, tamiflu, arviron, zerite, viracept, ribaleg, lyracet, cyclovir and others.
Ribaleg is preferably taken together with food. In this case, the tolerance of the drug will be high.
The starting dosage is calculated by the formula of 15 mg per kilogram of the patient's weight, which usually falls within the limits of 0.8 to 1.2 diurnal grammes, separated by two daily doses. The duration of the drug course can only be determined by the treating doctor on the basis of the effectiveness of the treatment.
Contraindications to the introduction of ribabale include increased individual intolerance to one or more constituents of the drug, including a high susceptibility to phosphate compounds, as well as the presence in the woman's history of chronic renal and hepatic dysfunction, chronic heart failure, severe anemia, various autoimmune diseases, pregnancy and lactation.
In the role of antibiotic drugs, you can use: loracarbef, cephalosporins, benzylpenicillin, meropenem, imipenem, ampicillin, nafcillin, metronidazole, amoxicillin, rifampicin, ticarcillin, piperacillin and others.
The dosage of the drug metronidazole is determined only by the attending physician depending on the pathogenic flora present. It can be 0.5 g, injected very slowly drip. The maximum allowable daily dosage is not more than 4 g of the drug.
Contraindications to the drug in question include the propensity for epileptic attacks and other disorders of the central nervous system, the first trimester of pregnancy, liver failure, the period of feeding the newborn and increased individual intolerance to one or more of the components of the drug.
Patients should not forget that self-medication is not permissible, the protocol of therapy should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist, according to a specific clinical picture.
Alternative treatment of cervical hyperkeratosis
It should immediately be noted that any treatment, be it traditional or nontraditional methods of therapy, should only take place under monitoring and with the consent of the attending physician. As practice shows, alternative treatment of the disease in question can bring a positive result, but only as an auxiliary method of stopping the problem.
As practice shows - it can be therapeutic tampons, syringing with medicinal infusions and decoctions, applying to the perineum zone.
Herbal Treatment
As already noted, herbal treatment can bring quite tangible help in solving the problem of getting rid of bacterial, infectious or inflammatory lesions of the pelvic area. Here we can offer several such recipes:
- One teaspoon of St. John's wort perfumed dilute a quarter cup of boiled. Hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave it for about 45 minutes and in a warm form to hold the syringing. This procedure must be done daily. This infusion perfectly copes with the inflammatory process taking place in the pelvic area.
- It relieves inflammation and promotes the fastest healing of the early stages and erosive areas of the cargana, which is taken orally (inside). The procedure of brewing is similar to the previous point, you just take two tablespoons of vegetable product for two glasses of liquid. The schedule of reception: half a glass three times - four times a day before a meal.
- Badly showed himself and decoction of the badan. Two tablespoons of a rhizome of a plant to crush and make for half an hour in a glass of boiled water, using a water bath. Then cool to a warm look and apply before going to bed like a syringe.
- Anti-inflammatory drug, increases the tone of the musculature of the uterus - it is a decoction of the branches of the viburnum. To prepare the medicine, you need 600 g of buttermilk and about 100 g of fresh plant twigs. This composition is placed in a container and is put up for about ten minutes for a small light. After that, he is set free from the stove for the whole night for insisting. After awakening, drain and curable fluid syringe. The solution used should be warm.
- For syringing, a yarrow herb is brewed. 15 grams of raw material is combined with 200 ml of boiling water, put on a small fire and from the moment of boiling hold for 15 minutes. Then leave to stand for an hour. Take in the form of a syringing liquid in a warm form.
And there are a lot of such medicinal prescriptions that you should not just prescribe for yourself. At best, you can only miss the time, and at worst - wait for complications.
To date, homeopathy is becoming more popular, especially in those people who are monitoring their health.
In our case, to offer a specific treatment is difficult, because there are too many reasons that can cause this disease. Therefore, the most correct way is to consult a doctor - a homeopath who, on the basis of the results of the tests and the identified cause of the pathology, will select the most suitable homieopathic drug in this context.
For example, with the inflammatory nature of the source of the disease, the patient may be assigned a gynecoel, taken predominantly by 10 drops, previously dissolved in 30 ml of boiled water. This procedure is carried out three times a day. The duration of therapy is two to three weeks. The reception is conducted under the monitoring of the doctor.
Contraindications to the introduction of gynecohele include increased individual intolerance of one or more constituents of the drug, including high susceptibility to insect bites and beekeeping products, as well as the presence of a history of thyroid disease and the age of the patient to 18 years.
Operative treatment
Modern classical medicine is equipped with a number of techniques that allow the operative treatment of many pathological disorders in the human body. If we start from the pathology considered in this article, then the physicians are able to offer the solution to the problem:
- Laser vaporization, a technique that allows the pathological fate of epithelial tissue to be burned with a directed laser beam. At the same time, an experienced surgeon is able to do a jewelry operation, not severely damaging healthy neighboring tissues. This technique avoids the formation of colloid scars on the site of surgery, which can later become a problem in bearing and delivery.
- Cryodestruction - this technique is as effective as laser therapy, but in this case, the burning of mutated tissues is carried out by applying low temperatures, which creates a liquid nitrogen. After cryodestruction, there is also no formation of colloid scars at the site of surgery.
- Radiosurgical treatment is a method of cauterization of pathological zones, using radio waves of high frequency. The consequences of this method of treatment are very impressive. The scar does not form after this procedure.
- Electrosurgical methods are the most traumatic of all methods of cupping. Burning is carried out by electricity. The consequences of using this technique are the formation of coarse colloid scars, but this is the cheapest form of therapy. Mostly, patients go to him, who do not plan to become pregnant and give birth in the future or are in premenopausal period.
If, however, a single number of mutated cells were recognized by the diagnosis, the concept of treatment is radically changed. A more radical operation can be offered to a woman.
The essence of the recommendations for arresting development, preventing the emergence and progression of the disease in eliminating the causes that can become catalysts of pathology. Prevention of hyperkeratosis of the cervix can not be specified. Therefore, it is necessary simply to implement those recommendations that will be favorable for the entire reproductive system of women:
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This also applies to sexual cleanliness.
- One should not allow casual connections.
- Do not practice hard sex, which can lead to trauma to the sexual organs of a woman.
- It is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner with a suspicion of any infectious disease and cure it until full recovery.
- Daily hygiene procedures.
- Preference should be given to the underwear and bed linen made of natural fibers.
- Do not overheat, as well as hypothermia of the body.
- No hard diets. Essential set, as well as weight loss adversely affect the health status of any person.
- Food should be rational and full.
- Rest and load processes must be balanced.
- Avoid stress and emotional overload.
- Regularly, at least once a year for a preventive gynecological examination.
- Rejection of bad habits.
All these tips will be effective for any organism: whether it's a teenage girl, a woman of the reproductive period or more senior female representatives.
It is worth immediately to reassure those respondents who, after hearing the diagnosis - hyperkeratosis of the cervix, fall into a stupor and panic at the same time. After all, this pathology is considered precancerous, but it is not cancer. Therefore, with the timely detection of the disease and its adequate treatment, the prognosis is overwhelmingly favorable. A woman who has undergone such therapy can quite well live to a very old age.
The reproductive organs of women are like belonging to the highest caste. And if something happens to them, then this is not only physical, but also psychological pain. When diagnosing such a pathology as hyperkeratosis of the cervix, particularly impressionable women should remember that this pathology is not an oncological disease and it is possible and necessary to fight it. But how easy this fight will be, directly depends on the woman herself. Regular visits to inspections from an obstetrician-gynecologist, and the disease will be recognized early in the destruction, and, consequently, less effort is needed to solve the problem. Do not ignore the annual preventive examinations, and you will always keep your hand on the pulse of your health!