How to survive the withdrawal from quitting smoking
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The fact that nicotine is a poison, and a huge horse can part with life with the intake of just 1 gram of this substance in its body is known to everyone. Nevertheless, the number of smokers does not decrease in any way, despite the fact that it is already known to us from the school bench how difficult it is to say goodbye with such a pernicious habit. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple. To dispense with a cigarette to an inveterate smoker does not give the withdrawal syndrome with quitting smoking.
Despite the fact that the symptoms of the withdrawal from smoking cessation are not so pronounced and pass more easily than in the case of drug or alcohol dependence, many "refuseniks" with great difficulty endure the physical and psychological discomfort resulting from the cessation of nicotine intake into the body .
Sometimes fighting the addiction has the wrong direction and brings even more problems. This refers to the compensation of nicotine consumption of alcoholic beverages and excessive consumption of food, which leads to alcoholism and obesity, the fight against which is even more complex and time-consuming.
Causes of the withdrawal from smoking cessation
Those who are familiar with the concept of abstinence syndrome with alcoholism, will understand without difficulty the condition of quitting smoking, because something like that is experienced by everyone who "ties up" with bad habits. This is due to the fact that nicotine, like alcohol, has been the driving force of many biochemical processes in the body for a long time. If you abandon nicotine, the body needs to somehow rearrange itself to work in normal mode. There is a certain discomfort associated with this perestroika, which does not allow the former smoker to return to normal life.
By and large, withdrawal syndrome with smoking cessation is a variation of "breaking" in drug addiction and abstinence in alcoholism.
The causes of withdrawal syndrome with quitting can be both physiological (reconstruction of metabolic processes in the body), and psychological. First, a person has developed a certain habit, so the hand itself is drawn to a pack of cigarettes. Secondly, over time certain associations were formed. For example:
- "I smoke to calm my nerves,
- "I will smoke - and it will become easier"
- "With a cigarette is more fun,
- "Smoking is cool", etc.
And the cause-effect relationships are not taken into account, and even false associations will provoke the development of withdrawal syndrome. Nicotine has an addictive, toxic and carcinogenic effect, but not sedative, soothing the nervous system. The withdrawal of symptoms of irritability and aggression in smoking is due to the fact that the smoker during stress, the body has a great need for nicotine, and his intake simply removes the signs of the onset of nicotine withdrawal. Those. This is a usual sense of self-preservation.
Finally, a person can provoke the appearance of symptoms of nicotine abstinence, pre-adjusting himself to the fact that "it will be painfully painful." Those. The smoker inspires himself with something that is not even and probably will not be. With such a psychological attitude, it is very difficult to cope with nicotine addiction. He is the frequent reason that a person either refuses the idea to say goodbye to a bad habit, or breaks down in the first days of quitting smoking.
Risk factors
The risk factors for the development of nicotine abstinence include smoking in childhood and adolescence, to look older and keep up with adult friends. Teenagers do not yet realize the whole danger of smoking and do not think about the consequences, and therefore, with great difficulty and unwillingness, refuse this harmful habit.
This is promoted by the mood of modern society, because there is no smoking ban in the country, and nicotine itself is not considered a narcotic substance. And statistics says that every year the habit of smoking "grows younger". And the ranks of teenage smokers are replenished every day, and tobacco in cigarettes is often replaced by other narcotic compositions that cause more severe dependence.
To the factors complicating the course of nicotine abstinence, one can attribute the presence of diseases of various organs and systems of the body. Moreover, in malicious smokers you can always find such pathology, and even not one, because it is difficult to find such a component of the body that nicotine would not have a negative impact. This leads to a mandatory offensive, intensification and expansion of the symptoms of withdrawal from quitting smoking. But smoking itself is an important factor in the risk of malfunctions in the work of organs and systems of the human body and the development of various, sometimes deadly diseases.
The pathogenesis of withdrawal from smoking cessation is the banal habit of human systems and organs to be "nourished" by nicotine and compensatory processes that are triggered in the absence of this. With refusal to smoke or prolonged abstinence, the organism of a nicotine-dependent person tries to "revive" the state that was when nicotine was ingested in sufficient doses. Useless attempts of the body's systems to "compensate" for the lack of nicotine lead to a deterioration in the state of health of the former smoker.
When smoking tobacco in the blood throws a lot of adrenaline, in addition, nicotine is a kind of provocateur, forcing the body to produce in excess hormone of joy - endorphin. Such causeless joy and cheerfulness are the usual deception of one's own organism. Nevertheless, the body becomes accustomed to such stimulation, or a kind of doping, and requires "the continuation of the banquet."
Nicotine has the ability to excite nerve cells. Its absence causes disorientation of the central and peripheral nervous system, which in turn leads to the fact that the nerve receptors begin to react inadequately to external stimuli, causing a feeling of discomfort when quitting smoking.
Symptoms of the withdrawal from smoking cessation
The strength and prevalence of the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome depends to a large extent on the "experience" of the smoker and the presence of concomitant diseases. In any case, the more "experience" of smoking, the greater the dependence developed at the time of the rejection of cigarettes, the more painful the nicotine abstinence will be.
The stage of nicotine dependence is determined by the ability of the body to restore its functions without stimulation with nicotine. And if at the first stage the physiological and psychological attachment to nicotine is still weak and easy to treat without causing painful symptoms, the second stage with the established need for stimulation with nicotine requires considerable patience and a positive attitude to achieve the desired result.
The third stage of chronic dependence with a fixed pattern of behavior, when pleasure is provided by the very process of smoking, and many organs and systems are simply destroyed by the influence of nicotine, this conversation is special. Here, without specific treatment is no longer necessary.
Symptoms of withdrawal symptoms for smoking cessation in general are similar to the hangover accompanying drinking, and "breakage" in addicts, although less powerful. Nicotinic abstinence differs quite early onset. The first signs of abstinence can be noticed already on the first day, and in neglected cases a couple of hours after smoking.
A person has unreasonable irritability, inadequate reaction to the situation, increased nervousness and anxiety, worsening attention and, most importantly, an uncontrollable desire to smoke a cigarette. Any stressful situation on the first day of giving up smoking is like an explosion of an atomic bomb, a smoker immediately grabs a cigarette.
No matter how hard it is in the first day, on the second or third day, it usually gets worse. To the existing symptoms are added:
- pain in the head and dizziness,
- difficulties with falling asleep,
- "Dog" appetite,
- memory impairment,
- weakness and loss of strength,
- Depression, thoughts of suicide,
- hyperhidrosis,
- heart rhythm disturbances, dyspnea,
- trembling in the hands,
- a sense of lack of oxygen,
- systematically repeated cough, etc.
Coughing attacks in this case most often occur in the morning hours. After getting up from bed. Thus, the body conducts cleaning of the lungs from accumulated there harmful products of smoking and mucus. This cough is a natural process and is not associated with infectious or colds.
Nevertheless, during this period, the appearance of a cough accompanying respiratory diseases is not ruled out. The fact is that, while protecting itself from harmful substances in the composition of tobacco smoke, the body practiced narrowing of bronchioles. Now, when there is no such need, the bronchioles expand, giving way to various infections and viruses entering the body through the respiratory system. Reducing the protective functions of the body during the period of rejection of nicotine is the cause of frequent ENT diseases, as well as the appearance of rashes and ulcers on the oral mucosa.
The duration of the smoking cessation syndrome is very individual. Usually, his symptoms pass during the first month, however, a certain craving for cigarettes and the desire to smoke can remain for a year. Therefore, a very important psychological attitude, which does not allow us to return to such a pernicious occupation, like smoking, after a while.
Abstinence syndrome in refusal to smoke marijuana
The syndrome of cancellation at refusal of smoking at different people can proceed differently. Not necessarily the presence of all symptoms. The symptomatology of nicotine withdrawal also depends on the type of cigarette filler. If adults most often smoke cigarettes on the basis of tobacco, then youth and adolescents practice smoking "herbs" (hemp, or otherwise marijuana), considering it generally a harmless easy narcotic of relaxing effect.
Many adolescents believe that marijuana is not addictive and it is always possible to easily stop using it. Perhaps marijuana does not damage brain cells and does not produce irreversible changes in a person's psychostatus, but psychological dependence on it exists, and it is quite strong, stronger than physiological.
As in the case of tobacco, the refusal to smoke marijuana can cause unpleasant sensations that go away after a while. But that marijuana cancellation syndrome has one feature. If a person receives large doses of this drug for a long time, the withdrawal syndrome is manifested only slightly. This is due to the fact that alkaloids and other psychoactive substances in marijuana have a long excretory period, up to 30 days.
Dependence on marijuana, and actually abstinence syndrome, is observed in individuals who regularly smoke "grass" for at least 2-3 years. In addition to the known symptoms of withdrawal from smoking cessation, narcotic abstinence has specific manifestations. The person not only becomes irritable and sleeps badly, chills and trembling of hands may occur, appetite greatly decreases, so the smoker loses much weight, there are unpleasant sensations on the skin and under it (burning, twitching, tingling). In addition, there is a feeling of squeezing in the chest and temples, lack of air. Sometimes there are symptoms of retardation, twilight of consciousness.
Usually, this condition lasts from 3 to 7 days, and sometimes is delayed by several weeks. At more severe stages with "experience" of drug addiction 9-10 years, there are noticeable psychological and psychoemotional changes. A person loses interest in life and study, ceases to develop, constantly in a depressed state. Memory and performance are noticeably reduced, especially mental activity.
Since the cigarette with marijuana contains toxic substances not less than 15-20 conventional cigarettes, the consequences of its smoking are more serious. In the "grass" fans there are numerous health disorders, which are exacerbated by the refusal of smoking. In addition, the very smoking of marijuana can cause complications of already existing diseases. Particularly affected are the respiratory, digestive, nervous, immune and reproductive systems. In adolescents under 17, physical and intellectual development is inhibited. And for women smoking marijuana is fraught with infertility.
Diagnostics of the withdrawal from smoking cessation
If we carefully consider the symptoms accompanying quitting, we will see that they are not specific. Such manifestations are inherent in many diseases of various organs and systems of the body. This is the whole difficulty of diagnosing withdrawal syndrome. Therefore, it is so important, contacting the doctor for help, inform him that you are quitting smoking.
By and large, the ideal option is to consult a doctor before you decide to take such a decisive step, and not when it is already done and you are reaping the unpleasant fruits of the first days of quitting. Diagnosis in this case will include the collection of anamnesis in oral and written form. The patient fills in a special questionnaire in which he indicates the age at which he was addicted to smoking, what reasons accompanied the beginning of the addiction, how many cigarettes a day he smokes at present, how often and under what circumstances the frequency and duration of smoking increase, etc., and t .P.
Based on the questionnaire and the patient's story, the doctor evaluates the symptoms, the psychological readiness to quit smoking and the health of the smoker. Information on the last item gives both the history and external examination of the patient, as well as urine and blood tests, weight measurements, blood pressure and pulse rate, and the study of respiratory functions by spirometry.
The diagnosis is established on the basis of differential diagnosis, based on research on the personality and the degree of tobacco dependence of the patient. Treatment is appointed according to the diagnosis, taking into account the existing diseases and health problems. If any, a treatment and prophylactic course can be designed in parallel for these diseases.
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the withdrawal from smoking cessation
If the patient has a strong will and desire to quit smoking, and the withdrawal symptoms are so pronounced that they can be tolerated, no medication is prescribed. Sometimes, however, you may need the help of a psychologist.
In the case of sufficient signs of nicotine withdrawal, with which the smoker is unable to cope on his own, prescribe drugs that can alleviate the patient's condition and help cope with the problematic dependence.
"Cytisin" is a medicine with sufficient "experience", which has proven itself in the treatment of nicotine addiction. The active substance of the drug is a vegetable alkaloid with the same name, which is similar in effect to nicotine, but is safe for the organism. Taking the drug can painlessly give up nicotine, being a prevention of the occurrence of symptoms of nicotine abstinence. In addition, cytisine significantly distorts the sensation, if a person suddenly does not hold back and again try to smoke. Now the process of smoking for him will not be as pleasant as before.
For the treatment of nicotine addiction and withdrawal symptoms of withdrawal syndrome in the refusal of smoking use a drug that is released in the form of tablets or plaster. The drug provides an opportunity to stop smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes smoked during the day.
Dosage and method of application of "Tsitizin" tablets. The drug is taken on a special schedule, starting with 6 tablets (6x1.5 mg) per day every two hours for 3 days. Treatment continues only when observing a certain effect, if it does not, the second attempt is carried out 2-3 months later.
So, in the next 8 days, the interval between tablets is increased to 2.5 hours (5 tablets). Further 3 days the patient drinks tablets in 3 hours, their quantity decreases up to 4. Then 3 days of the pill are taken every 5 hours. And, finally, from 21 to 25 a day is enough to take 1-2 tablets a day.
Reducing the frequency of smoking occurs gradually until 5 days inclusive, after which the cigarettes should be discarded altogether.
The method of using patches "Cytisin". Dosage of the drug of this form of release is set individually. The plaster is attached to the cleared inner part of the forearm for 2-3 days, then repeat the application symmetrically on the other arm. The course of treatment takes from 1 to 3 weeks.
There is a variant of a plaster that is attached to the gum or area behind the cheek. In the first 3-5 days, the patch is changed from 4 to 8 times a day. In case of a noticeable effect, the frequency of application is reduced every 3-4 days: 5-8 days - 3 times, 9-12 days - 2 times, 13-15 days - 1 time.
The course of treatment can be repeated if there is such a need.
Side effects of the drug remind themselves of pains and abnormalities in the work of the digestive tract, changes in taste, headaches and dizziness, sleep disorders, nervousness, violations of strength and rhythm of the heart, increased blood pressure. Sometimes there are shortness of breath, increased sweating, various allergic manifestations. These symptoms are extremely rare.
There are certain contraindications to the use of the drug. These are some diseases of the heart and blood vessels, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, pulmonary edema, asthma. Do not take the drug to pregnant and lactating mothers.
Precautionary measures. Although the drug is dispensed without a prescription, its use should always be consulted with a doctor. Indeed, in addition to multiple contraindications, it can have a negative impact and with some other diseases, a list of which can be found in the manual. This age range, heart disease, kidney, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc.
If you take other medications in parallel with Cytisin, then it is mandatory to read the item in the instruction on drug interaction of the drug.
The drug contains lactose, which must be taken into account in the appointment to avoid reactions of intolerance.
A more modern analogue of the previous preparation with the same active substance is Tabex, which is also prescribed for withdrawal from smoking cessation.
The drug with a somewhat funny name "Champix" and "appetizing" active substance varenicline has an effect similar to the two above, significantly reducing the craving for cigarettes.
The drug goes on sale in various packages, designed for primary, secondary and full treatment. There is also a version of the release form for maintenance therapy.
Dosage and route of administration. Optimal is the start of the drug in advance, i.e. For 1 or 2 weeks before the expected date of quitting. It is possible to use the drug during the period of nicotine withdrawal, but in this case, you need to give up cigarettes during the first month of treatment, while the full course of therapy takes just under 3 months.
Tablets can be taken before, after, or during meals on a special schedule:
- 1-3 days - 1 tablet in 500 mcg or ½ tab. In 1 mg (taken once a day)
- 4-7 day - the dosage is doubled (1 mg) and distributed equally in 2 doses (500 μg each)
From 8 days until the end of therapy (11 weeks), the patient takes 1 mg twice a day. In case of increased side effects of the drug, the dosage is reduced, and if a relapse occurs, a second course is prescribed.
This drug has significantly fewer contraindications than the previous ones. In addition to individual intolerance, they include critical stages of renal failure with tissue death, young age to 18 years, as well as the period of gestation and feeding of the child.
Side effects of the drug include the appearance of withdrawal symptoms in the first days of treatment, but they are much easier to transfer than without the use of the drug. In addition, there may be pain in the chest and back, exacerbation or the appearance of respiratory diseases, weight gain, but in this case it is difficult to differentiate the effect of the drug and the natural reaction of the body to nicotine hunger. Sometimes there are allergic reactions, rarely occurring in severe form.
Precautionary measures. The use of the drug in patients with schizophrenia requires special care and dose adjustment.
When skin rashes and unpleasant sensations occur on the skin, stop taking the medication and inform the doctor about it.
The drug can cause drowsiness and attention disturbances, so it is not necessary during the therapy to perform actions that require care and caution.
"Zyban" - a drug from nicotine addiction, which you can buy only by prescription. The drug has some advantages over the above. It is an antidepressant that helps not only to reduce the craving for nicotine, but also to normalize the mental state of the smoker, i.e. Remove irritability, depression, improve sleep. In addition, "Zyban" warns such an unpleasant symptom, like weight gain after quitting smoking.
The therapeutic course is from 7 to 12 weeks, after which almost all patients noted a lack of desire to smoke. Such results were observed even in malicious smokers, the daily rate of cigarettes in which was at least 2 packs.
You can start treatment with the drug "Zyban" as a week before the complete rejection of cigarettes, and in the process in the first days of life without cigarettes. Gradual withdrawal from cigarettes should occur within the first 10 days of therapy.
The dosage and the way of using the drug are regulated by the doctor individually. Most often, the treatment is divided into 2 stages: 6 days 1 tablet a day, then until the end of the course 2 tablets per day (for 2 divided doses with an interval of not less than 8 hours). The tablets are not intended for chewing or resorption. Do not take directly before going to bed.
Very rare side effects of the drug include breathing disorders (involuntary whistling, a feeling of pressure in the chest), swelling of different parts of the body, most often the face and mucous membranes, pain in the muscles and joints, skin rash, fainting, convulsions and convulsions. These symptoms must be notified promptly by the attending physician.
Slightly more often (1%) there is an exacerbation of symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, nausea and vomiting appear, and taste sensations are distorted.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are:
- epilepsy or manic depression in the anamnesis,
- the recent use of tranquilizers and sedatives, monoamine oxidase inhibitors for the treatment of depressive conditions, drugs in which there is buprofion, the active substance of Ziban.
- the use of alcoholic beverages, including the situation of refusal of alcohol after a drinking-bout,
- the presence of tumors in the brain or the central nervous system, even if it is already in the past,
- cirrhosis of the liver.
Contra-indications of the drug include hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, a tendency to allergic reactions, the period of pregnancy and lactation.
Precautionary measures. Incompatible with alcohol. Affects the effect of psychotropic drugs. The cases of drug interaction with other drugs are described in the instruction, which is obligatory for studying.
It can cause dizziness, which must be considered when working with mechanisms.
If, for some reason, there was a skipping of the drug, further administration is done in the usual dosage, without doubling the dose.
Help to quit smoking quickly special inhalers, chewing gums and patches containing a small dose of nicotine and imitating sensations when smoking, as well as electronic cigarettes for fans of the process of smoking.
Ancillary treatment can be carried out by sedatives and tranquilizers (Seduxen, Elenium, etc.), medications of fortifying action (ginseng root, etc.), including vitamins and vitamin complexes (for example, Undevit or Decamewith). In the composition of the complex therapy, the use of solutions for mouthwash is actual, which, without danger to the body, changes the taste and other sensations of smoking.
Physiotherapeutic treatment for withdrawal syndrome is used in the form of respiratory gymnastics, needle and reflexotherapy, the most effective of which is auricular reflexology.
Alternative treatment of nicotine withdrawal
It should be mentioned at once that no treatment will help if a person decisively does not want to quit smoking. Without a proper psychological attitude and willingness to tolerate all the hardships of withdrawal from quitting smoking, medications will not be able to move things off the ground. And what there to speak about methods and means of alternative medicine. After all, the effectiveness of many of them is based on self-suggestion. Yes, they help to cleanse the body of slags and resins, neutralize the negative effect of nicotine, have a soothing effect, but they are unable to force you to abandon a bad habit or cause an aversion to cigarettes.
Alternative treatment alone will not help a person cope with nicotine addiction, but here within the complex therapy will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the entire body weakened by the action of nicotine. That's why some recipes for alternative medicine are worth paying attention to.
- When refusing smoking, alternative healers are advised to use water as a source of life. I wanted to smoke - drink! Drink clean water and drinks based on it. It is better if it is herbal decoctions or vitamin drinks from fruit or jam, rich in vitamin C, which is considered the enemy of nicotine.
- 2. A good tonic effect is provided by green tea, which can be combined with vitamin drinks and herbal infusions.
Based on green tea, you can prepare antinicotinic infusion. To do this, tea leaves are mixed with chicory and medicinal herbs (chamomile, rue, nettle, mint, valerian).
- An excellent addition to antinicotin tea is a delicious treat made with beets, lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Unrefined oats, as the basis for infusions and broths, is a remarkable fortifying agent that reduces cravings for cigarettes. For example, 2 tablespoons of oats, infused on a glass of boiling water, or a decoction of oats, millet, rye and barley, taken in the amount of 100 grams each (to boil in a liter of water for 10 minutes) will help the body to cope with nicotine addiction and restore its strength.
- If you do not suffer from heart disease, replace conventional cigarettes with a cigarette with medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect or useful "trifles" (dried fruits, seeds, nuts, sticks, cheese, etc.).
Do not forget about the treatment with herbs, because some of them have the properties of an aversion to nicotine, especially in the composition of herbal dues:
- Mother-and-stepmother, oregano, althaea root.
- Horsetail, nettle, gill, sporish, iceland moss, common buzzard.
And, for example, the harvest from the roots of valerian, cumin seeds, chamomile flowers and hop cones will help cope with irritability, calm nerves, normalize sleep disturbed during the development of withdrawal from quitting smoking.
Infusion of herbaceous grass and strawberry leaves to clear the lungs of tar and harmful substances. The same action, in addition to the ability to cause dislike for nicotine, has an infusion of wormwood.
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Homeopathy and nicotine addiction
Many believe that homeopathic remedies for nicotine withdrawal are ineffective. And in vain. Modern homeopathy owns the means of both sedative action, which is important for the raging nerves of the former smoker, and reducing the craving for smoking.
For example, the homeopathic preparation "Nicomel" can affect the vegetative and neurotic symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, and also significantly reduce the desire to "drag on". It is used both in the therapy of nicotine addiction, and to alleviate the patient's condition during the development of withdrawal from quitting smoking.
Since this is a preparation of natural components, there are very few contraindications to its use. Do not use the drug to treat people under the age of 18, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with increased sensitivity to the components of a multicomponent drug. Side effects can be observed only if the latter condition is not observed and manifest as reactions of the immune system.
Like most homeopathic remedies, "Nicomel" tablets do not need to be chewed and washed down with water. It is enough that they are in the patient's mouth until they completely dissolve. Take the drug you need, depending on the state of no more than 6 tablets per day between the processes of eating. It is advisable to do this as necessary or when there is a strong desire to smoke.
"Tabakum plus" - a fairly young, but very effective homeopathic remedy for cigarette addiction, which has a lot of positive feedback. His action may be envied by many medications. The drug helps in the fight against smoking in its own way. It contributes to the restoration of the systems and functions of the body, their release from nicotine intoxication, and accordingly the dependence on nicotine decreases. "Tabakum plus" does not weaken the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, but prevents its onset.
The drug is available in the form of homeopathic granules. As a part of the complex therapy, its usual dosage is 8 granules in a single dose with a five-fold intake. Take pills in between meals, dissolving them in the mouth. Another 1 granule is recommended for taking during smoking.
There is another scheme of admission, which is prescribed if "Tabakum plus" is the main means of therapy of nicotine addiction and with the syndrome of smoking cessation. This scheme is similar to many medications. According to it, the number of granules per day gradually decreases:
- 1-5 day - 3 granules up to 8 times a day
- 6-12 day - 3 pellets up to 5 times a day
- 13-19 day - 1 granule between meals
- 20-26 day - 1 pellet on a thin stomach, it is better since morning.
The granules are either kept in the oral cavity (under the tongue or behind the cheek) until they dissolve, or dissolve in a spoonful of water and drink.
The drug actually has no contraindications and side effects, except for the immune system. It can be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for the treatment of adolescents and children.
"Ceres Compositum" - another effective homeopathic drug, which has no contraindications and side effects. Its action is based on the imitation of nicotine intoxication, which causes the smoker positive emotions and, accordingly, considerable traction. The smoker's body is not able to recognize the deception, so there is no symptom of withdrawal, as, indeed, harm to the human body.
Mode of application. The scheme of application is similar to the previous preparation, but it is noticeably stretched in time:
- 1-14 day - 3 granules up to 5 times a day
- 15-36 day - 3 granules up to 3 times a day
- 37- 58 day - 3 granules 1 time per day.
Treatment, as you can see, is long, but completely safe and even pleasant. Granules need to dissolve every time you want to smoke.
"Bullfish Plus" is a herbal preparation based on the roots of ayr and mint leaves, which is produced in the form of tablets, which again need to be resorbed. It has a good restorative and tonic effect, reduces intoxication of the body and causes a strong aversion to tobacco smoke, provoking a nausea from the very thought of smoking.
You can take the drug every time you crave a cigarette, but not more than 30 tablets per day (1 tablet per reception). Usually the course of therapy with the drug lasts about 5 weeks, after which there is either a significant reduction in cravings for nicotine or a complete rejection of addiction.
Contraindications to the use of the drug are limited to individual reactions of intolerance, which, if neglected, causes the development of side effects in the form of allergies.
Precautionary measures. Smoking during the reception of these tablets can lead to the appearance of unpleasant sensations, so it is better to refuse such attempts.
Speaking about the prevention of nicotine abstinence, one must understand that it is more difficult to prevent its occurrence than to prevent the development of nicotine addiction by refusing to smoke at the first stage. As for the prediction of this condition, it is not enough simply to follow the doctor's instructions for effective treatment, you must strongly want to part with a cigarette once and for all.
The withdrawal from smoking cessation syndrome is not more painful than toothache, which means that if you wish, you can endure it, then return to a normal, healthy life.