
Information about doctor

Eyal Reinstein He is a well-known expert in the field of genetics and oncological genetics. Its activities include the study of the hereditary characteristics of the occurrence of cancer in families and generations. Doctor leads the Institute of Genetics, is an advanced specialist profile of the laboratory. Continuous practical experience exceeds fifteen years.

In addition to the oncogenetic direction, the doctor Reinstein professionally deals with the detection of genes responsible for the hereditary incidence of connective tissue, as well as the clinical description of these pathologies.

The doctor received a diploma with honors from the Medical Faculty of the Technion University, was an intern at major Israeli and American clinical centers, and worked as a research assistant at the biological department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. He currently holds the title of Professor at the Medical Faculty of the Technion University (Haifa).

The professor Reinstein constantly works on research on genetic syndromes of family oncopathologies, studies the female genital area, the intestines, the endocrine system, connective tissue diseases, aortic aneurysm, genetic growth retardation, etc.

Eyal Reinstein He is the author of almost fifty works written during genetic studies and published in special periodicals. The doctor has many awards, and his reports are often read at various medical world congresses and symposia.

Profile on Researchgate 

Education and work experience

  • Medical Faculty of the Technion University in Haifa, Israel
  • Specialization in Biochemistry, Israel
  • Specialization in genetics at the University of Los Angeles, USA
  • Internship at the Biology Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Genetics Association
  • European Human Genetics Association
  • American Association for Genetic Medicine
  • American Society of Human Genetics
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