How quickly to cure a cold at sea?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Quickly cure a cold can be with the use of aetiological therapy, that is, antiviral agents are used. They act directly on the cause of the disease - the virus. Destroying the virus, or suppressing its activity, leads to a rapid recovery. As a result of a decrease in viral activity, inflammation is removed, the symptoms of the disease disappear, and the person's condition improves noticeably.
But this does not mean that a person is completely cured, and there is no cause for concern. After coming from the sea, you should always consult a doctor and take a survey. The danger is that the virus can simply go into an inactive form and persist in the blood. Then, when the body weakens, or other favorable situations come, it will certainly be activated, and the disease will proceed in even more severe form.
In addition, the virus, which is in the blood even in an inactive form, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the development of immunological tension. Also, complications, hidden infections and chronic pathological processes that can develop in the body are dangerous. A fairly frequent phenomenon are complications in the tonsils, kidneys, liver. Often they make themselves felt only when the pathology is already at a serious stage. Having timely turned to a doctor, you can easily cure the disease, and prevent the development of pathologies.
Medicines for colds
For the treatment of cold, various medications are used, many of which can be unsafe for uncontrolled use, can give numerous complications. So, antiviral drugs can not only kill the virus, but also disrupt the normal balance of the immune system. In addition to viruses, the drug can also affect the bacterial flora, which forms a normal microbiocenosis. This will lead to the development of dysbacteriosis, which is dangerous because it can cause the development of pathological flora, including severe bacterial infections, fungus. This contributes to the development of a purulent-inflammatory, infectious process.
The main precaution is strict adherence to the dosage of the drug, the regimen and the duration of treatment. Ideally, they should be prescribed by a doctor with an anamnesis. If you can not consult a doctor, you should carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the recommendations mentioned in it.
It is necessary to undergo treatment completely, and do not stop treatment even after the main symptoms have disappeared. The disappearance of the symptoms does not mean curing the disease, and does not mean that the virus is completely killed. After a while it is activated again and in a more severe form, it will acquire resistance not only to this drug, but to a whole group of similar drugs.
Anaferon is taken at the appearance of the first signs of a cold. It has an antiviral effect. Quickly inactivates the virus, reduces its activity, stimulates the immune system. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity and severity of the disease. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.
Suprastin is used to eliminate allergic reaction, due to the pronounced swelling of tissues, mucous membranes. Take 1 tablet several times a day, depending on the condition of the person. May cause drowsiness, decreased concentration of attention.
With the ineffectiveness of suprastin, loratodine is prescribed. It is similar in effect to suprastin, has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. But this is a product of prolonged action, that is, it acts for a fairly long time (remains active for 24 hours). Therefore, the drug is taken once a day, preferably at the same time.
Locally with a sore throat, zalozhennosti apply sprays for the throat. For example, stop-angin, orosept, givalex, bioropox and others. All of them are used after meals. Shake the bottle before use. Pressing on a special dispenser sprays one dose of the drug. It is recommended to spray 1 dose in the throat, 3-4 times a day.
In the nose, vasoconstrictive drops are used that relieve nasal congestion, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. Well-established sanorin, naphthyzine. Drip on 1-3 drops in each nostril, depending on the severity of symptoms, 3-4 times, gradually reducing the number of drops and the frequency of application of the drug.
With a cold, the human body needs vitamins. But it is better, if these vitamins will come in natural food. Since in its pure form vitamins will promote active reproduction of bacteria and viruses, acting as their nutrient medium and growth factors. The only rule is that the dosage of vitamin C needs to be doubled, because it increases immunity, provides fight against infection, and has antioxidant properties. It is recommended to take vitamin C in the form of tablets, preferably with glucose. The required daily dosage for a cold is 1000 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapeutic procedures can be very useful in the treatment of colds. A positive effect can be achieved through inhalation. Inhalations can be performed in a physiotherapy room under the guidance of a physiotherapist. But today there is an opportunity to carry out inhalations and at home. Appropriate nebulizer, which is a special device in which the drug is placed for inhalation. It is transformed into finely divided particles, which during inspiration penetrate into the lungs and bronchi, providing therapeutic effects.
At home, you can carry out steam inhalations. To do this, you need to prepare a medicine, or a vegetable decoction, pour it into a basin, bend over the steam, cover yourself with a towel. Breathe the steam for 10-15 minutes, then it's better to go to bed and take cover. During breathing, you should try to take the deepest breath in and out.
Good effect on the body heating, electroprocedures, light procedures, which use radiation of different wavelengths. Most often use infrared, ultraviolet light.
Also used is the electrophoresis of medications. The procedure is a method of administering drugs directly to the site of inflammation. Microcurrents are used, which ensure a high degree of absorption of the preparation and the accuracy of its entry into the tropic tissues. When electrophoresis, the drug is applied to the skin or mucous membranes. Provides high accuracy and specificity of penetration, as a result of which the drug starts to act faster, its lower concentration is required.
Folk treatment
For a long time traditional means of traditional medicine are banks. They cause a subcutaneous outflow of blood of rather small sizes, which descends at regular intervals. Also, in the place where the cans are set, redness and irritation of the skin are observed, which is caused by an improvement in local circulation. As a result, metabolic processes in the body are normalized. First, the changes are only superficial, then in deeper layers. Also, the lymph flow returns to normal, tissues experience improved nutrition, normalizing the removal of harmful substances, metabolic products, toxins from them. Promotes resorption of inflammation.
Banks should be sterile. They are washed in boiled water, then treated with alcohol. In water, you can add a little manganese, this will provide her disinfecting properties. Then wipe until dry. The edges must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Separately, you need to prepare a long stick, which is wound cotton wool. The skin area, on which the can is set, should be pre-treated (disinfected, wiped with alcohol). Then the wool is ignited on the shelf, placed deep into the can. To sustain a long time is not necessary, just a few seconds. This will allow you to burn the air and create a vacuum in the jar, then quickly clean and apply the jar to the surface of the body. This will ensure that the skin is drawn into the vacuum, thanks to which the suction takes place. The total number of cans is usually from 6 to 12, while they last at least 10 minutes. When staging, you should avoid the area of the spine, and do not put on your heart. To remove the can, one end should be pulled, holding the skin fold. It is useful to carry out a light massage with rubbing movements. Then the patient should be covered with a warm blanket, lie down for 30-40 minutes.
Today there are vacuum banks that do not require firing. These are rubber or plastic jars that contain a special suction for air, through which a vacuum is created. The jar is placed on the pre-treated skin, then the air is drawn by a mini pump.
An effective folk remedy is throat lubrication. For lubrication, sea buckthorn oil, which has antiseptic properties, restores the mucous membrane, provides a protective effect, stimulates metabolic processes. To do this, take a teaspoon, gently press it on the root of the tongue. Another spoon with the cotton wool wrapped on it, or a special turunca moistened in oil, grease the oral cavity and the nasopharynx. It is necessary to try to carry out the procedure as quickly as possible, thus so accurately as not to cause a vomiting reflex. For the same reason, you can not strongly press down your throat, especially the root of the tongue. Also, care must be taken not to damage the mucous membrane mechanically.
An effective folk remedy are mustard plasters. They stimulate blood circulation by irritating the skin receptors. The procedure for setting mustard plains is quite simple.
Before use, the mustard is placed in a container of water, approximately 45-50 degrees. Surplus of water is churned out, after which the mustard is applied to the body, the surface on which the mustard layer is applied. The procedure takes 5-15 minutes. At the same time, you need to check their effect all the time, which is evaluated by the skin condition. There should be a slight tingling, a slight burning sensation that does not cause obvious discomfort to the patient. The skin should turn slightly red. Thus there should not be a strong itch, burning, pain. Also, the skin should not be excessively red, the vessels should not be visible. The appearance of such signs indicates the excessive sensitivity of the skin. Therefore, the mustard is removed and applied repeatedly through a layer of paper or light tissue. Also, in this case, it is recommended to use a special mustard plaster, which is formed from two sides with paper, and a mustard powder is placed on the center. It is recommended to put mustard plasters on the back and sternum, while avoiding areas around the heart, spine, dilated blood vessels.
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Treatment of colds at sea by herbs
To treat colds, medicinal herbs have long been used. Well-proven medicinal oil. Apply rhizomes and leaves in the form of a decoction. It is important to observe the terms and rules for the collection of medicinal raw materials. The rhizomes of the calamus are collected in late autumn, the leaves in June-July. Contains a large number of phytoncides, glycosides, alkaloids, due to which the main medicinal properties of the plant are achieved, such as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antiseptic action. Also included are essential oils and vitamin C.
Apply in the form of infusion, broth. Removes inflammation, stimulates metabolic processes, normalizes immunity. Improves overall health, increases appetite, renders restorative, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect on the body.
Devyasil high is a perennial plant that occurs in the southern part of the European part of Russia. Harvest rhizomes in July - August. The plant contains essential oils, allantoin, saponins, gums, resins. Thanks to this, the plant has a high expectorant, sweatshop effect, reduces temperature, increases immunity, improves digestion, metabolism, improves well-being.
Calendula is a known anti-inflammatory herb. It is used to treat colds. Annual herbaceous plant, widespread everywhere. Gather in August, September. Contains a large number of flavonoids, essential oils, organic acids. Due to this composition they perform their functions: they have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. A good antiseptic, used for various purposes.
Ways of application are different: for washing, compresses, washing the nose, in the form of a decoction or infusion inside
Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves for the treatment of colds. They have practically no contraindications. In case of an overdose, side effects are possible: allergy, irritation, rash, deterioration, swelling, choking. Also, there may be disorders from the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, stool.
In order to avoid side effects and complications, you must follow the precautions: strictly follow the instructions, take the medication only after a preliminary consultation with your doctor.
Vegetable collection from cold. For the preparation it is required to take plants of stevia, nettle, leaves of honeysuckle approximately in equal parts. Pour the resulting mixture with boiling water, and insist in the thermos for about an hour. Then add half of the sliced lemon, along with the juice and zest. After that, another hour is insisted. You can drink up to a liter a day, drink like tea.
Also, a vitamin remedy proved to be very good. For cooking, take 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, hazelnuts, almonds. All this is passed through a meat grinder. Separately squeeze out the juice of lemon, mix it with a pinch of ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves. Insist for half an hour. The remaining lemon squeeze together with the zest, pass through a meat grinder, the entire mixture is thoroughly mixed. After lemon juice has been infused, it is also added to the mixture, thoroughly mixed.
To heal wounds, restore mucous membranes, sea buckthorn tea is recommended. In order to prepare such a tea, take 2-3 tablespoons of sea buckthorn fruit, toss them with a spoon until a homogeneous gruel is formed. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey, a pinch of almond and cinnamon, mix thoroughly, pour boiling water. Insist for 10-15 minutes under a closed lid, drink up to three times a day.
Also effective is vitamin oil, which can be added to tea, used in slices, spread on bread. Take buckthorn and kalina (2-3 tablespoons), knead with a spoon until the formation of oil and a relatively homogeneous mass, mix. Separately, melted on low heat or steam bath butter (about 100 grams), then slowly, stirring, pour the previously prepared berry mixture. Cook 3-4 minutes, add honey to taste. Shoot into the fire, give the opportunity to freeze. From above you can sprinkle with grated lemon zest or ground cinnamon.
Can I swim in the sea for a cold?
With a cold in the sea, swimming is not advisable. Nevertheless, some doctors believe that at a water temperature of over 20 degrees, bathing does not hurt the recovery at all. The only condition is that the body temperature should be normal. At an elevated temperature from bathing will have to be abandoned.
In this case, it is important not to freeze in water. As soon as you feel discomfort, you need to go out, wipe dry and bask in the sun. Bathing is recommended no more than 3 times a day, not earlier than 11 am and no later than 16 pm.
Is it possible to sunbathe on the sea for a cold?
Sunbathing is possible, but not under direct sunlight. It is important not to overheat. The optimal time period is in the morning, up to 11 hours, and in the evening, after 16 hours. You can only sunbathe if the body temperature is normal.